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35593 No. 35593
There has been talk (by fans) of trying to recruit Robert Pattinson to riff one of the Twilight films, as he notoriously hates the franchise and especially Edward Cullen, comparing him to one of those "Nice Guys" who are overly helpful and nice until they get rejected, and then pull out a gun. I'd put it under "doubtful, but definitely hilarious if they could do it".
>> No. 35594
Yea, I'd say give it a bit, let the man have some breathing room from the bitterness surrounding that film series, but yet no so far away as to lose touch with that persona. So say after Stewart cheats on him again with another person higher up the film pecking order. Wonder what other actors would be game for picking apart their roles.
>> No. 35596
I heard something about how Tommy Wiseau actually goes to showings of The Room, but I don't know if he's embraced that people have a love/hate relationship with his film, or he's just happy people are seeing it period.
>> No. 35598
Officially he's not saying it was parody or farce or something. But most people think he's just rolling with the audience reaction rather than having actually intended that way.
>> No. 35607
Wiseau's a hard one to figure out. His company was pulling the riffs of The Room for awhile, but perhaps now he's embraced it, or he's come to the conclusion that money is money regardless.
>> No. 35608
I think he only stopped because they realized no sane person would watch or promote the film without Rifftrax.
>> No. 35610
I've only watched it unriffed, but we were riffing it ourselves as we streamed it, so that helped. Sometimes it's interesting to see what additional jokes people can come up with.

I find that whenever we riff something, we always come up with nicknames for the major characters (which MST3k/Rifftrax does too).

One of the first livestreams I ever attended was "Mega Pirahna". Colonel Diaz was "Colonel (Nintendo) DS" because of mishearing his thick accent, and the protagonist was "Batman" because of his deep voice. We ended up having a running gag of pointing out how the director had zero idea how hermaphroditism worked and how ridiculous literal flying fish were.
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