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File 135003405943.jpg - (255.43KB , 820x820 , cover.jpg )
35506 No. 35506
Hello, fellow plusers.

We are a stoner/hard rock band from Brazil and we have just recorded our first album, all by ourselves. It is available for free download/streaming at http://sednamusic.bandcamp.com .

Many thanks in advance and sorry for the inconvenience (since we aren't supported by any label, this is our only way of getting our work to be seen).

Greetings from BR!
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>> No. 36839
File 13661769795.jpg - (294.54KB , 1024x768 , Macerot City.jpg )

New single, 2013.
>> No. 36840
It was excellent until the singing started. Sort of like Explosions in the Sky.

Best to get other opinions on that though, I tend to hate anything with singing.
>> No. 36864
Thank you very much for the feedback, Ninja!
>> No. 36865
Thank you very much for the feedback, Ninja!
>> No. 36873
If I get proper internet I will listen to this, probably do to my BR fetish. If >>36840 is anything to go by, it should be pretty cool, even if I tired of post-rock sound a few years back.

Where in glorious BRland are you guys?
>> No. 36874
Hey, Pablo, thanks for the interest.
Well, in my opinion, we are really far from sounding post-rockish... anyways, that was an interesting comparison. Hope you like it!
>> No. 36875
Oh, and we're from MaceiĆ³/AL... a very hot, violent (yet beautiful) place in the northeast part of the country.
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