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File 134451410462.png - (14.17KB , 300x181 , 300px-Star_Wars_Logo_svg.png )
34777 No. 34777
Guys, I have a question that erodes my mind and haunts my dreams.

Star Wars. The wars that happen in a star.

After so much retardation, after several attempts by it's creator to whore out his creation, after so many cheap stuff being made in its once hallowed name... is Star Wars still cool? Does the good still outweight the bad?
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>> No. 34778
Star Wars is still the coolest thing ever. The three originals, KOTOR, Jedi Academy, and a handful of novels and comics are enough to keep Star Wars really really cool. And if you're like me and just pretend that Belated Media's "What if Episode 1 Was Good" video is just canon then oh hey even the prequels are pretty cool. Imagine that.

sometimes i lie on the floor at night and i cry over the corpse of my lost love and i whisper how everything will be all right i wont let the bad man hurt her ever again and then he shows up and keeps beating her anyways and theres nothing i can do oh god its so awful star wars iiiiiii-eeeee-iiiiii will always loooove yooooouuuuuu

WHAT IF "STAR WARS: EPISODE I"…youtube thumb
>> No. 34779
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Star Wars is definitely still cool. The quality of those original movies outweighs anything else and the brand is nowhere near dead. The games, books, toys and the cartoon are keeping brand awareness high.

Also dude! Lightsabers! Blasters! Rad aliens! Space wizards! Bounty hunters! It's awesome.
>> No. 34780
File 134452162382.jpg - (619.93KB , 1168x1200 , Chewbacca_SWGTCG.jpg )
Star Wars is still fucking way cool.

But I'm in it for the Aliens.

Cuz' Goddamn it's got cool aliens.
>> No. 34782
The good thing about the prequels is that they spun off into cool Extended Universe stuff, at the very least.

And I did always get the feeling that Lucasarts, at the very least, listens to their fans. Fans like Boba Fett? They get more Boba Fett. Fans like Admiral Ackbar? Ackbar gets his own Clone Wars episode. Fans want more female characters? Of course.
>> No. 34784
I never had a problem with the prequels.

 Let the ad hominem flow. 
>> No. 34806
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Nothing will ever extinguish the coolness that is Han Solo.

"I know."
>> No. 34807
You never had a problem with them, but did you ever have any particular affection for them, either?

My feeling on the prequels was always that it was less that they were bad, and more that they were disappointing. Like if they had just been their own thing, separate from Star Wars, they would've probably been something like the Fifth Element--technically flawed and campy, with questionable writing from time to time but still fun to watch and you wouldn't be at all embarrassed for someone to see them in your DVD collection. But because they were trying to be follow-ups to one of the most beloved franchises of all time, it was hard not to hold them to a higher standard than you do to regular movies, meaning those of us who were perhaps more attached to the original trilogy than we should've been were unable to see past the flaws. So for example, I personally disliked them and wouldn't want to watch them again. But I do get why other people might not be as insulted by them as I was because I recognize that a lot of the flaws are no worse than the flaws everything else has.

In other words: I don't necessarily hold your opinion against you, but I'm interested to hear if you actually have much good to say about the prequels, rather than just not having much as much bad to say about them as most people do.
>> No. 34808
One of my favorite things about that line is that it was an ad-lib. Apparently Lucas had written it where Han said "I love you too," and Harrison Ford just ignored it because it didn't feel like something that Han should say.
>> No. 34809
To me, Star Wars is just the original movies, the EU stuff that came out BEFORE the prequels, and that's it. The prequels were fun to look at, but, definitely didn't hold to whatever story I had conjured in my head as a child.
>> No. 34810
According to the Empire of Dreams documentary, they tried take after take with that line, and it didn't sit well with anyone, so Kershner just threw his arms up and told Ford to say whatever came naturally.
>> No. 34811
I thought he got bored of repeating the takes.

I really like Episode 3. Despite the Order 66 scene looking too easy.
>> No. 34812
Different person, but for me what I liked was having stuff explained, having more Obi-Wan, and seeing Qui-Gon Jinn/Darth Maul/Mace Windu. And Yoda fighting.

Does that make up for the rest of it? No, but those were nice.
>> No. 34815
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Star Wars was and still is pretty cool. C'mon they got light-sabers and the force!
>> No. 34816
What I really liked about the prequels is that they elevated Palpatine from a generic evil wizard (who happened to be in a sci-fi setting) to a supreme manipulator with prep-time powers that rival Batman's.
>> No. 34817
The whole sci-fi thing was just supposed to be more of an addition for a something akin to fantasy movies, though, I heard. I mean, everything about the Force, from the Jedi to the cave where Luke fights the Vader illusion, feels like that.
>> No. 34818
The original trilogy is also very much a Western set in space.

But that's why I like Star Wars, it fits into so many genres.
>> No. 34820
what is jarring for me is the mental image that the original three setup and was supported by EU up until the Prequels for Anakin in that he was already an adult when Obi-wan decided to train him which was reenforced by the image of him in RoTJ with Yoda and Obi-wan. Had they not done the kid bit I'd probably be a bit more positive about the films. I mean the idea of a guy that couldn't cut it in the academy getting a second chance but the darkness and danger of attempting to train someone of that age makes a bit more sense then the argument with the kid being only about five years over the limit with the Prequels. And the "great pilot" stuff is just painful in Episode 1 when trying to make it work with a child. Also that bit where in episode 3 he just marches into a room and...yea that shit needs to be cut right out.
>> No. 34844
Okay. What I always thought was this...

Obi-Wan and Anakin, two orphans from different planets, grew up together, possibly within the Jedi Academy. Being a brash asshole, Anakin left to become hot shot pilot...only to become a captain of a spice frigate (like Owen said). However, The Clone Wars break out (not clones of Jango Fett god dammit) and the Republic enlists the Jedi to fight for them, Obi-Wan becoming General Kenobi. Obi-Wan is assigned to smuggle the Queen of Alderaan off planet for her protection as assassins are taking out key members of congress (Palpatine, of course). They leave Alderaan on...a Spice Frigate, captained by Anakin Skywalker and his mottley crew of Owen Lars and others (possibly a child Han Solo). Anakin falls for the beautiful queen but she has eyes for the more noble Obi-Wan. Adventures ensue, Anakin resumes using the force, fighting in the wars (like a Han Solo analogue) and being sent on missions by Palpatine, using him as a father figure. He reveals he has been using darkside powers to Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan implores him to turn back before he falls to temptation and does something he'll regret. The two begin butting heads. Eventually the Queen reveals she is pregnant with the child of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Anakin, betrayed, goes after Obi-Wan and the Queen. Shortly after giving birth (to TWINS), he kills her in a fit of blind rage. Obi-Wan goes to engage him in the Imperial shipyard on non-descript volcanic planet. Obi-Wan, emotionally wrought, asks why his 'brother' would do this? He replies that Anakin Skywalker is dead, the man he faces is Darth Vader, apprentice to Lord Palpatine, the man who created the 'Clone Wars'. After a fierce battle, Anakin is defeated and falls to his 'death'. Obi-Wan goes to Alderaan to collect his children. He chooses for Leia to stay with her grandparents on Alderaan, and he takes Luke to Owen Lars on Tatooine, keeping him away from him knowing that he is on Palpatines shit list, along with any other Jedi.

Making Obi-Wan Luke's father gives a whole new level of emotion to scenes in the original trilogy, especially Vader's speech about being Luke's 'father', giving him a much more sinister agenda in turning Obi-Wan's son to the dark side. Again, this is all personal cannon, so, take it or leave it.
>> No. 34881
I don't know. I think it'd be good if Star Wars went sort of dormant for a few years until George gets frozen in carbonite.
>> No. 34898
Obi-Wan being Luke and Leia's dad is dumber then anything in the prequels. Robs Vader of his tragic villainy. Would he even give a shit about saving Luke from the Emperor if he was the son of Obi Wan and that cheating bitch?
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