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34703 No. 34703
Chillwave has become something of a joke within the indie music community, but as a child of the 80s and a fan of all the music that inspired the movement, I've never found it a laughing matter. There were the early stars like Washed Out and Neon Indian and there were the surprising finds hiding in the basements, bedrooms, and bandcamps that I knew the world needed to know about.

So I put together this compilation of my favorite songs and artists from the scene. Some of this you've definitely heard, but some of this has had very little recognition, such as the groups Soft Lightning and Casa Del Mirto.

I also am self-indulgent, pretentious, love concept albums and alternate histories, so I've taken the compilation and come up with this fun little story to go with it
>> No. 34704


1. A Gap Between - Orange Horizon
2. Toro Y Moi - Blessa
3. Ice Choir - Teletrips
4. Neon Indian - Should Have Taken Acid With You
5. Small Black - Camoflage
6. John Maus - Head For The Country
7. Brothertiger - You're Afraid
8. Ray & The Prisms - Astrograph
9. Twin Sister - All Around And Away We Go
10. Com Truise - Sundriped
11. Casa del Mirto - Weak
12. Active Child - Call Me Tonight
13. Soft Lightning - Press Rewind
14. Neon Indian - Deadbeat Summer
15. Washed Out - Feel It All Around
16. Blouse - Videotapes
17. M83 - Skin of the Night
18. Ford & Lopatin - Everything Is Working
19. Emeralds - Genetic
>> No. 34878
I completely forgot to thank you for making this. I already had about half of the songs on this compilation, but it was interesting to listen to them this way.

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