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File 133236205666.jpg - (274.44KB , 950x1432 , 251631-jenna-louise-coleman.jpg )
32344 No. 32344
Well, here's the new companion, folks.

Expand all images
>> No. 32345
... Cute. But that's only half the job.
>> No. 32346
I've heard people mentioning the new companion isn't human, but do we have any proper source for that?
I for one'd love an alien. Been too long since Turlough, or C'rizz.
>> No. 32347
>But that's only half the job.
>> No. 32349
The other half is screaming.

I think he's referencing some pre-internet meme.
>> No. 32357
Also running.

So, 50% cute, 25% running, 25% screaming.

But yes what's she been in, anywhere I can see what kind of actress she is?
>> No. 32358
Buncha British things no one really cared about, namely a Soap Opera called Emmerdale, she sorta reminds me of a mousier, British Jessica Alba.

New Doctor Who Companion Jenna…youtube thumb

She's awkward cute, which is impossible to fake.
>> No. 32376
So the Daleks and the Weeping Angels seem to be confirmed, but I've also heard rumors that the Ice Warriors and the Zygons may appear this season as well. I hope that there is some credence to those rumors. I'm also curious about what they'll do for the 50th anniversary.
>> No. 32410
I can watch this.
>> No. 32433
Okay, I'm trying to narrow down a list of new series episodes that you absolutely SHOULD watch. Mostly because the trailer for Series 7 has me super pumped and wanting to rewatch Doctor Who but not all of it because I honestly don't have TIME for all of it. So the question is: in your personal opinion, should I add or remove anything from the current watch list?

Series 1:
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Bad Wolf
The Parting of the Ways

Series 2:
The Christmas Invasion
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
The Girl in the Fireplace
Rise of the Cybermen
Age of Steel
The Impossible Planet
The Satan Pit

Series 3
The Runaway Bride
The Shakespeare Code
Human Nature
Family of Blood

(NOTE: I didn't add the finale 3-parter but I'm super on the fence about it. On the one hand FUCK YEAH MARTHA JONES and I really and truly love John Simms' Master. On the other hand fffffuuuuck it has the most overblown and ridiculous ending of all the endings.)

Series 4
Partners in Crime
The Fires of Pompeii
Planet of the Ood
The Doctor's Daughter
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Silence in the Library
Forest of the Dead

Planet of the Dead
Waters of Mars
MAYBE End of Time

Series 5
The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
The Time of Angels
Flesh and Stone
Vampires of Venice
Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang

Series 6
The Impossible Astronaut
Day of the Moon
The Doctor's Wife
A Good Man Goes to War
MAYBE Let's Kill Hitler
The Girl who Waited
The God Complex
Closing Time
>> No. 32435

Is it just me, or do the episode titles seem to get shittier after series 4?

Don't get me wrong, I liked series 5 and 6, but the titles just seem lazy and not very mystical or interesting like the others.
>> No. 32447
I've been filling up this between-season time with audio plays, and man, there's some good stuff in there. Shitty stuff too, but all in all the hit-miss ratio is as good as if not better than the TV show. I especially love the diversity of the companions, older folks and aliens and non-contemporary England people.

Funny tho, since I haven't seen much Classic Who I often haven't a clue what the monsters are supposed to look like but find them menacing through sound alone. Until I look 'm up online and see they're styrofoam. Ah, the magic of radio.
>> No. 32448
I'd take Waters of Mars off, because it bored me to tears until the last 10 minutes. And add the Series 4 finale. It may be cheesy, but, dammit I loved every minute, and the shit with Donna had me crying.
>> No. 32456

Season 6 has some great titles. The Impossible Astronaut, Lets Kill Hitler and I dunno about you but i love Closing Time, both the title and the episode itself.

Though I guess some of these titles could use an exclamation mark after them.

The Impossible Astronaut!
>> No. 32504

>> No. 32505
if only it weren't fake ;n;
>> No. 32506
I wish this and the other posters like it weren't fake. Still, you never know what we'll get with the 50th anniversary special until more details are revealed and it airs. We may get a multi-Doctor story (I hope so), but it's also possible that we won't. I would love in the 9th Doctor would return but we'll see. I know that Tennant, Mce\Elroy, and McGann have all expressed interest in reprising their roles, but have not gotten the call yet.
>> No. 33110
This thread is rather dead, despite some of the news on series 7, including the return of UNIT. Apparently, a main player in the episode may or may not be the brigadier's daughter.
>> No. 33301
File 133855205564.jpg - (106.09KB , 500x750 , tumblr_m4xqg1sg8V1qdtc6lo1_500.jpg )
She's adorkable.
>> No. 33303
Appearance-wise, yes. However, we'll have to see what her personality and story ar. I like her name though. Clara's a really good name for a companion and I can hear 11 saying it in my head.
>> No. 33304
SAME, I hear him saying it as Claara
>> No. 33315
So can I. I also imagine him saying "CLAARA! GET YOUR COAT!"
>> No. 33316
you guys you guys it comes back in august oh my gosh that's so close. sometimes i lie awake at night and stare at the ceiling and think "august yes" all night.

soon so sooooooon
>> No. 33317
Really august?
>> No. 33348
File 133892127691.jpg - (95.24KB , 422x960 , fuckupdog.jpg )
having just got to the Melia bits from Xenoblade (I know I know, take it to /cog/) I shat a house when I found out Melia's dub VA was her
then I found out the guy who plays Robb Stark NTR'd her from the guy who played Alton Lannister in GoT, which must've been hella awkward for him when he died
>> No. 33399
File 133916261893.jpg - (34.77KB , 570x334 , matt-smith-jenna-first-official-pic.jpg )
The first official image of the Doctor and his new companion, Clara (though we have no official confirmation on that name just yet).
It looks like the Doctor is getting a bit of a wardrobe change.
>> No. 33403
holy cow she looks young..is she old enough to be a companion?
>> No. 33418
Rose was only 19 and she looks about that old, give or take two years. I like the idea of a younger companion too! And AUGGHHH she's so fucking cute i'm gonna die
>> No. 33422
It doesn't seem too likely, but what if this next companion is also a timelord, or some young girl who the Doctor adopts as a sort of foster grandchild. We could see something similar to the first Doctor and Susan.
>> No. 33423
>some young girl who the Doctor adopts as a sort of foster grandchild



(Except 10 was the kind of grandfather not averse to fucking his granddaughter...)
>> No. 33424
Sorry. I should have elaborated. Perhaps this next companion will have a more familial relationship to the doctor, closer to what he had with Susan.
>> No. 33427
File 133930757637.gif - (432.87KB , 500x275 , forever creis.gif )
>talking to Doc Professor
>"The sad thing is, Donna probably saw that funny man on the telly carry the torch and didn't think much of it."
>> No. 33430

Hmm. You know, it'd be the greatest cross-mediaish kind of stunt ever if they did make it Tennant who takes the torch for the last part and just recreated that entire bit of the episode.
>> No. 33431
or its equally likely she thought he was a dick for grabbing it and running off.

"That man could have been seriously hurt and that berk in a jacket just ran by and took the torch."
>> No. 33433
So when the 50th anniversary special comes around, I'm thinking that the only returning Doctors we'll see will be 10 and 8, possibly 7. Sylvester McCoy said he would rather play a different character, preferably a villain, rather than return as the Doctor, but that he is up for being part of the 50th anniversary. Colin Baker and Chris Eccleston have no plans to return and if offered by the BBC to be part of the special, Tom Baker would like to know what they'd have him do. I'm curious and excited about what they'll do for the special, but I won't get too hyped until w know what's going on. Nothing is confirmed yet in regards to returning monsters, companions, or Doctors. We shall see how things pan out in due time.
>> No. 33437
My god I'd give anything for 8 to come back. McGann didn't get the chance he deserved, the guy is awesome.

And having McCoy back would make me happier than hell. He's my favorite classic doctor.
>> No. 33438
McCoy is the only classic Doctor I could see returning because he still looks like he can pull it off. If he did return as 7, then that would be brilliant. Seven, Eight, Ten, and Eleven working together would be amazing. Hell, even just Eight, Ten and Eleven would rock. I'd like to see more of McGann as the Doctor. Seven could use more love as well.
>> No. 33440
Seriously. If 7 comes back. I demand more ACE. Best companion, by far.
>> No. 33453
File 133942672262.jpg - (127.96KB , 398x849 , eight f.jpg )
8 and 11 would bounce off eachother like mad.
>> No. 33459
8/11 would rock

"kinda small room isn't it?"

"its not small..its cozy and I've got two floors in here"

"still not as big as mine"

"well we all don't have a feel for chapel high ceilings now do we?"

"you did at one time."

"...that isn't the point, its that "mine" isn't small"

Course not knowing the personality of the new companion I don't know how she'd respond, got a good idea who 8's radio one would though.
>> No. 33903
File 134098765778.png - (522.60KB , 500x589 , tumblr_m6d003aTWL1r1uh2qo1_500.png )
I'd love to see 8 again too, I loved McGann in the radio dramas. Too bad those scripts were never televised since he wasn't popular enough in America.
>> No. 33915
They're basically REQUIRED to do a "because seven ate nine" joke.
>> No. 33916
>Seven, Eight, Ten, and Eleven working together would be amazing.

And here I am wanting Six to meet Nine.

Think about it, the Doctor at his most dour and beaten down by the universe meeting the doctor at his most outrageously eccentric and garish. The clash would be a thing of beauty.
>> No. 33922
That would be great but sadly, it will never come to pass. I wish all the Doctors could beet each other, but outside of comics or novels, it won't happen.
I would love if Ace came back. Sophie Aldred would like to reprise the role apparently and it would be lovely to see her all grown up and still kicking ass.
>> No. 33978
So we have a possible date for when it might air on BBC1 and BBC America. All in all, this season looks light it will be big. The departure of the Ponds, the return of UNIT (and possibly the debut of the brig's daughter), every single Dalek ever, possible returns by the sea devils, ice warriors, and yeti robots if rumors are to be believed, and possible episode titles ("Asylum of the Daleks", "Cubed", "Phantoms of the Hex", "The Gunslinger", "the Crimson Horror").
>> No. 34038
File 134173246533.jpg - (574.83KB , 707x1464 , ice warrior.jpg )
As usual people are interpreting everything they can find as proof the Ice Warriors will show up. "Someone said ice? THAT'S PROOF!"

I'm cautiously optimistic, but hope they get a good redesign if they do show up, and don't get turned into jokes with a bad one like the Sontarans were.

It CAN be done...
>> No. 34063
File 134182025791.jpg - (128.36KB , 404x404 , 1.jpg )
I just hope these two fare better this season. I mean honestly, the Daleks have turned into soft plastic Power Rangers and the Cybermen have been downgraded to being defeated with the power of love in joke episodes. Yeesh.
>> No. 34064
File 134182200553.jpg - (102.90KB , 374x410 , I FORGOT WHAT YOU DID THERE.jpg )
>> No. 34071
I liked Victory of the Daleks and Closing Time, but I hope that the Daleks and the Cybermen both get a return to glory. Asylum of the Daleks might do that for the former, but we'll just have to see. I kind of hope we get more classic baddies that haven't been seen in Nu Who yet, but a Cybermen episode in which they are a big threat again would be ballin.
>> No. 34091
>I liked Victory of the Daleks

You, sir, are worse than Hitler. Who according to Winston Churchill is worse than the Daleks!
>> No. 34098
It wasn't my favorite Dalek episode, but I enjoyed it. I acknowledge its flaws but still found it to be a solid episode. I hope Asylum of the Daleks does a better job of setting them up as a huge threat again though.
>> No. 34099
As flaws go, turning the Daleks into a bunch of plastic playground equipment is a pretty huge flaw.
>> No. 34107
C'mon man, it was better than Daleks in Manhattan.
>> No. 34109
can't wait for Hagen to rip into that one
>> No. 34110
Yes and no.

Big problem with Victory of the Daleks, like Anon said, is the redesign. I really can't praise the 2005 redesign enough, they managed to take the pepperpots of old and create a hulking ugly metal war machine out of it. Victory of the Daleks gave us a bold new vision of the future! Awkward looking plastic toys! Erm.

The other big problem is It's Fucking Daleks In World War II and THAT'S the best you could do?!?. Greater potential means we should judge it harsher. And man, there was a lot of squandered potential in that. And in "Let's Kill Hitler" for that matter...
>> No. 34112
>Awkward looking plastic toys!

With fat arses.
>> No. 34127
So yeah, having pooped the stick out I just enjoy all of Who.
>> No. 34132
...daleks in Manhattan wasn't that bad...

>> No. 34134
Dalek Sek's final form looked so ridiculous it halved the overall quality.
>> No. 34135
Regarding the Daleks, the best modern Who story with one, in MY opinion, was the story with Eccelston. But, that's just my opinion.
>> No. 34136

>> No. 34140
File 134198203663.jpg - (23.37KB , 365x274 , Scaroth.jpg )
Very true. I normally don't knock Dr. Who special effects, but how the hell did we go BACKWARDS from Scaroth?
>> No. 34144
File 134201802393.jpg - (194.49KB , 377x500 , doctor-who-scaroth.jpg )

>> No. 34146
File 134202569631.jpg - (25.65KB , 383x600 , kamen rider amazon 1.jpg )
where the heck is a Rider when you need them...now there is a Dr.Who crossover for ya. Course there won't be much left of any villain at the end. They try to surrender and then their body parts end up strewn about the room.
>> No. 34149
>Kill Scaroth too early
>Prevent the dawn of life on Earth, and thus never exist and thus can't kill Scaroth too early...
>Pime Taradox

See, this is why the Doctor never has Japanese companions.
>> No. 34152
File 134203585214.jpg - (117.13KB , 500x375 , kandy_man.jpg )
I normally don't knock the effects either, but it was a step down from Kandyman.
>> No. 34156
File 134204588248.jpg - (78.09KB , 340x276 , sec.jpg )
It just wasn't a good visual. Maybe if they'd kept him in the shadows more or something...

I mean it's Doctor Who, we've used aluminum foil hanging from string as aliens, I'm used to special effects being dodgy, but he was meant to be kinda scary, and he wasn't, and you were meant to take him seriously, but he looked ridiculous, and other special effects/makeup jobs in the episode were working much better...

Oh well.
>> No. 34165
File 134209576210.jpg - (50.37KB , 730x400 , 17.jpg )
They should have gone more Dalek, the Batman mouth and nub tentacles are what killed it.

If it had basic human body shape with a Dalek just at the neck line, a sweet ass suit designed to look like a Dalek's armor aesthetic with extendible tentacle hands Sec would have been a fucking boss.

Hell give him take Dalek gunstick tommygun and drop the "I'm good cuz human" angle.

There, you can have the other Dalek's still turn on him for being too human because of their racial purity and forcing him to strike out on his own, he's picked up a New York Accents from the transfer as well.

Yes, we could have had a Cthulhu mobster in Doctor Who.
>> No. 34173
>he was meant to be kinda scary, and he wasn't, and you were meant to take him seriously, but he looked ridiculous, and other special effects/makeup jobs in the episode were working much better...

>> No. 34174

That was just a really shitty episode (two-parter? I can't remember) in general. Basically no redeeming features.
>> No. 34181
File 134219348633.png - (1.22MB , 887x864 , Astrid.png )
It is a fucking Travesty that Astrid never got to be a companion.
>> No. 34182
>Basically no redeeming features.


The Dalek aspect may have been dildos but the setting and human part of the cast was fucking MAGICAL!
>> No. 34184
This! I would have loved her traveling with the Doctor. I know that the creative team of the show prefers having companions from contemporary Earth, but she would have been fantastic. I also hope we get more stories set in space or on alien planets. There is a whole universe to explore with Doctor Who and I feel like they take it for granted sometimes.
THIS TOO! The Dalek aspects could have been done better, but it had some good characters. Solomon was a real bro and i liked the Hooverville setting.
>> No. 34186
Honestly I liked the core idea of a Dalek super-duper-ubergenius saying "you know what? My GIANT BRAIN has concluded that if we're really a bajillion times more awesome than humans we shouldn't get our asses kicked every time," and I liked the idea that his attempt to incorporate some non-Dalekness blew up in his face.

There were solid ideas there, it just didn't come together in the end. Oh well.
>> No. 34188
File 134220803317.jpg - (63.60KB , 640x352 , Wilf.jpg )
Now I certainly want to see cute girls from the UK continue to accompany the Doctor, but I'd like to see a little more diversity in the companions.

It's a damn shame Wilf wasn't able to go on a trip or two. Honestly I preferred him to Donna, he was more fundamentally different from the usual companions.

And why haven't we had a single nonhuman companion in the new series? I know the makeup would be a PITA to do, say, a Silurian on a regular basis, but how about just for a few trips? Or give her a holograph disguise or something. Keep the "Jane Everybody" companion, but also drag along someone not from Earth.
>> No. 34191
This. I get why they feel the need for a female from contemporary Earth, but the Doctor travels through time AND space in the Tardis. Why can't we have at least one or two trips with an alien, even a humanoid one. Actually, where are all the non-humanoid aliens? Bring back Alpha Centauri.
>> No. 34192
Or if it MUST be a human, why the hell not a human from a different time period? Everyone's from present day 2005-12 England. Why can't we get a cute girl from the past or future??
>> No. 34193

Didn't he have a companion from the past AND a companion from the future before?

And a quick look at wikipedia confirms he did!

But not from the current series, so I suppose that doesn't count.
>> No. 34194
Because the Doctor genuinely does work best when there's a companion there from our time period able to say things like "Oh so you mean it's like a giant wikipedia?" "So... sort of like those people that don't believe in global warming?" etc.

Someone that speaks with contemporary accents/slang/references, to translate the Doc for us.

But while I totally understand why it's a good idea to have an Everyman tagging along, and why it's a good idea if that Everyman is and Everywoman... it's a big box (well, the inside at least). He can have more than one companion, and one can be an attractive Everywoman, and another can be something a little more alien, something that would put a different spin on things. It's been too long since we had a Kamelion, K-9, Nyssa, Vislor, or Romana.
>> No. 34195
>Kamelion, K-9, Nyssa, Vislor, or Romana.

GODDAMN I MISS 4 AND 5, their adventures were so fucking Alien and unique.
>> No. 34197
File 134223051267.jpg - (23.71KB , 340x255 , DorothyAce.jpg )
Ace. Best companion ever. Just sayin.
>> No. 34198
I know it'll never happen, but I'd love a story set in the future with Cats, Silurians, and Humans defending Earth.

It's pretty cool that eventually Whoverse Earth will have three highly intelligent humanoid species.

But I'd settle for having a Silurian or cat accompany the Doctor for a while, so he'd have an "Earthling" companion that's not human.
>> No. 34200
Donna and Ace are my favorite companions, followed by Jo and Rory. I wish Romana was still alive or around. The Time War was an interesting idea, but almost EVERY SINGLE TIME LORD BEING CORRUPT AND EVIL was a stupid idea and it destroyed a lot of story potential. There are other ways to stick with the "The Doctor did what he had to" theme without making them HURRR BAD GAIZ!
>> No. 34201
Also, I really would love for Ace to come back. The back and forth between her and 11 and Clara would be interesting.
>> No. 34203
This would be pretty rad. I like this idea.
>> No. 34204
in response to this >>34198
>> No. 34209
File 134224167542.jpg - (68.51KB , 360x242 , crazy cat lady and her husband.jpg )
Does anyone else think it's really weird that cats and apes evolve to look sort of like Silurians?

Also that cats and humans can apparently procreate?

I'm probably forgetting other humanoids that evolved on Earth.
>> No. 34211
"Why is a soap bubble round? Because it is the most energy efficient configuration. Similarly, on your planet I look like you; on K-PAX I look like a K-Paxian."
>> No. 34212
File 134228194715.jpg - (78.61KB , 1053x1541 , cat-red-dwarf-danny-john-jules.jpg )
i thought they were an alien species, not hyper-evolved cats
>> No. 34261
So this season has an entire empire's worth of Daleks (several empires even), Dinosaurs on a spaceship, Jenny and Madame Vastra, the Weeping Angels in New York, and the Wild West, not to mention other details that have been confirmed. I am really stoked.
>> No. 34263
File 134239038474.jpg - (105.60KB , 524x537 , Ax39wSbCAAEoG8t_jpg large.jpg )
11 is BEST Doctor. 11 is CREDIT TO TEAM.
>> No. 34271
Protect your modest hat sir, evil women like to shoot at modest hats.
>> No. 34279
File 134241096611.jpg - (113.17KB , 732x606 , Check For Red Lights.jpg )
Weeping Angels are pretty scary, but the guys that REALLY fucked with my head are

...What was I saying?
>> No. 34280
ummm..where did this Sharpie come from?
>> No. 34283
>Jenny and Madame Vastra
>> No. 34290
Cybermen - DELETE
Master - I am the Master and you will obey me!
Weeping Angels - Don't blink, don't even blink
Silence - Silence will fall
Vashta Nerada - Hey, who turned out the lights?
Ice Warriors - This season, for sure!
Silurians - New Mexican whiptail lizards are AWESOME.
>> No. 34295
>11 is BEST Doctor.
I've never stopped saying this. 11's my doctor. Doctor of all Doctors. When I think of The Doctor, I think of 11. So quirky and alien but with the biggest heart.
>> No. 34304
and if someone messes with his friends he'll bring down all nine levels of the hells on top of them.
>> No. 34305
File 134248715336.jpg - (92.11KB , 404x349 , 130428995135.jpg )
He's on the list of "Guys who won't kill you, but don't fuck with them because you'll end up worse than death" right between Superman and Monkey .D Luffy.
>> No. 34307
File 134250271791.gif - (497.60KB , 500x263 , everybody lives.gif )
>biggest heart.

Oh yeah? Well... Nine has two.
And they're both FANTASTIC!
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