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File 132736773289.jpg - (420.36KB , 1599x1200 , 129334460762.jpg )
31508 No. 31508


Speculation? Anticipation? Concerns about disappointment/false hype? Bring 'em in, fellas.

>Also inbefore Xenomorph, get out Xenomorph, you are drunk.
Expand all images
>> No. 31512
Is this seriously an Alien prequel with Space Jockeys?
>> No. 31586
It's not exactly a prequel. It's kind of it's own thing that takes place in the same continuity.
I think the basic plot is about the Space Jockeys actually being like, the Progenitors of life in the universe, and the shit that ensues from these astronauts finding them.
>> No. 31588
It will either be one of the most incredible films since the 2000s began, or one of the biggest disappointments since the 2000s began.
>> No. 31596
>watch trailer
Gee, that's the first time a trailer actually lowered my excitement
>> No. 31614
Oh, and so much about using as little CGI as possible.
>> No. 31634
File 132795034947.jpg - (386.02KB , 1200x825 , hr_giger_3d_lilith.jpg )

I dunno, most of the sets seem legit. Only the extremely actiony/deliberately "panoramic" shots had an excess of CGI.

Still, I really hope Scott stuck to his guns and we get an animatronic Jockey fighting miserable puny humans.
>> No. 31637
You mean everything that takes place "outside".
Gee, I just noticed Charlize Theron stars in this.
>> No. 31662
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>> No. 32041
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>> No. 32046
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>> No. 32189
That speech was over-wrought, egotistical, and empty of any actual content.

The movie better intend for me to be irritated by this character, because I am.
>> No. 32191

You mean the poised, stuffy, birtish guy claiming we're GODS in what is obviously a horror movie isn't obviously some kind of antagonist and possibly going to wind up working with whatever monstrous horrors that lurk in space?

Nah. I think the film's gonna play him as a pretty chill bro.
>> No. 32195
It's obvious he's a villain. What I meant was he seems like a pompous, empty, crappy villain. That's what I was irritated by.

I wouldn't normally care, because the monstrous space horrors are the real villains, but this is the first look at extended footage we've gotten. It just didn't get me pumped up to see the movie.
>> No. 32202
File 133157916250.jpg - (24.76KB , 440x301 , planets2.jpg )

If anything he's fodder for being transformed into a horrific entity of some kind. Keep your panties on, gents.
>> No. 32203

Honestly? I've seen TED talks that were much more egotistical and scientifically empty than that one. And they cost a shit ton of money to produce. At least this one is fictional. Besides, what better platform for human arrogance to be knocked off of in the film? I doubt Weyland himself will be involved in the expedition to find the jockeys anyhow. He's probably too important.

No, it's the scientists that will suffer, like Curie suffered, and Einstein with what was done to his discovery. And I like that, in a way that's fitting.

The speech is a bit lofty, I guess. But modest compared to current CEOs.
>> No. 32271

Prometheus - Official Full HD …youtube thumb
>> No. 32273
>Trailer does that BWAAAAAAAaaa....BWAAAAAAAAaaa...BWAAAAAaaa... thing.
Will I be glad when they stop doing that.
>> No. 32274
The trailer for the original Alien used that exact same sound effect, and it was awesome.

Alien Trailer (1979)youtube thumb
>> No. 32275
The trailer for the original Alien used that exact same sound effect, and it was awesome.

Alien Trailer (1979)youtube thumb
>> No. 32285
So... who's betting on the monsters being alien parasites?
>> No. 32286
File 133212394134.jpg - (155.46KB , 1024x768 , 12865673496.jpg )

Probably more like really invasive, vicious "conversion" entities. A little like the Flood, but more rape-ey and mechanical, perhaps?
>> No. 32289
Not the sound effect I'm talking about.
That's more of a Breeeewrew.

I'm talking about the blaring trumpets they put at the intro of every fantasy/sci-fi action film sense the Dark Knight.
>> No. 32290
*intro of every fantasy/sci-fi action trailer
>> No. 32293
OHH! You mean the Inception Blare.

Yeah, I think everyone hates that now. But studios will keep using it for like 5 more years, because Hollywood.
>> No. 32301

Between this and everyone seeing the trailer whining that it's ripping off Dead Space, a significant buzz is getting killed for Prometheus.

I wouldn't be surprised if the turnout drops just because a bunch of idiots started bitching that a sci-fi epic is ripping off their favorite video game.
>> No. 32368
Someone should tell those idiots by that logic Dead Space is a ripoff of Alien.
>> No. 32384
File 133252522953.jpg - (283.10KB , 2476x2000 , giger-illo.jpg )

"What's Alien lol" or "Was that by the guy who made Avatar" would be your most likely responses.
>> No. 32385

>police sirens outside my house
>suddenly they alternate just right, producing this exact sound
>nearly jump out of my chair

Jesus fucking Christ, so that's how they did it
>> No. 32549
File 133418206362.jpg - (137.72KB , 1200x800 , prometheus_newhd_4.jpg )
those are some swanky space exploration outfits

i hope space viking kicks some ass or does a really cool techno dance at least in the film
>> No. 32553
File 133421009772.jpg - (39.19KB , 453x600 , 27882424-27882427-large.jpg )
I bet this was just an exuse to put Charlize Theron into a tight outfit. Doesn't fit at all with the other Alien movies, especially since this takes place before them.
>> No. 32554
I wouldn't be surprised if they used a theramin, but I can see a police siren making the same sorts of sounds.
>> No. 32562
File 133424863059.jpg - (73.65KB , 1248x702 , prometheus-movie-2012-goo-alien.jpg )
so, look like Prometheus will answer the age old question of what came first: the egg or the queen?

turns out it's snot
>> No. 32564
I shall never blow my nose the same way again.
>> No. 32574
File 133435856298.jpg - (33.76KB , 524x371 , Weyland.jpg )

It's implied that the Prometheus has funding out the ass from Weyland on this mission, whereas the Nostromo was provided with shitty mining and maintenance gear.


That's not snot, it's semen. What, you thought Giger was just going to drop his rape obsession suddenly after all these years?
>> No. 32575
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I still prefer the old-school suits from Alien, they have a retro-future feel to them, like Blade Runner.

Giger made damn sure Alien was one of the most sexually suggestive movies of all time.
-The eggs = opening vagina
-Face huggers = autoerotica asphyxiation, blowjob rape, involuntary insemenation
-Aliens = Phallic head, double mouth, created through involuntary incest, want to capture you for facehugger rape
-Etc, etc.
>> No. 32587
nostromo was just a tug, wasn't it? this is a fully funded research vessel
>> No. 32588
>The commercial towing spaceship Nostromo is on a return trip from Thedus to Earth, hauling a refinery and twenty million tons of mineral ore, and carrying its seven-member crew in stasis.
>> No. 32591
Wasn't it later revealed that the android onboard knew of the true purpose of the mission? Been a while, can't really remember.
>> No. 32593
> "What's Alien lol"

Shocking as it may appear at first, one has to remember that Alien is a 33 year old movie. There are people who have not watched it, or even barely heard of it.

Shit, I know a couple of kids who have no watched any of the Star Wars films.
>> No. 32594
>33 years

I feel old :(
>> No. 32598
File 133460545312.jpg - (73.33KB , 720x660 , tumblr_lrx07y6CGD1qzegvzo1_1280.jpg )
>People fall for it hook line and sinker

Really /tv/, Really?
>> No. 32599
File 133461439359.jpg - (70.32KB , 388x700 , original.jpg )
Also the original costume did not hold up well.
>> No. 32600
well to be fair jar jar binks' mocap guy was black, too

still fuck /tv/
>> No. 32603
That's because "Aliens" are about illegal immigrants.
>> No. 32610
Still looks scary as fuck to me.
>> No. 32611
Still looks scary as fuck to me.
>> No. 32615

>human eye sockets in the Alien head-tube

How did I never notice this?


That's District 9 you're thinking of, buddy.
>> No. 32618
File 133468567012.jpg - (93.21KB , 800x600 , AlienRevoltech1.jpg )
Every Alien is a hybrid of the Species it "Mates" with I think. I just noticed it when the Revoltech toy came out.
>> No. 32620
File 133468627587.jpg - (60.50KB , 389x360 , Rhino_Alien_Kenner.jpg )
Thats why the toyline and videogame have thing like the Rhino-Alien.
Space zoo for the win.
>> No. 32622
Happy Birthday David (NEW Prometheus Viral!)youtube thumb
>> No. 32623
dont forget predealiens and the fucking crocidalien
>> No. 32629
CGR Toys - Killer Crab Alien, …youtube thumb
>> No. 32634
File 133478015229.jpg - (72.10KB , 665x611 , 1294259065085.jpg )
>> No. 32639
I has
-Gorilla Alien, with squirting head!
-Scorpion Alien, with exploding chest!
-Flying Queen Alien, with awesome flapping wing action!
-Bishop, who does nothings...

Yay for me! I bought them when I was 8 or so...
>> No. 32640
>Toys for children from an R rated Scifi Horror film.
>> No. 32641

MY GOD, it's so fucking sad when Kids have to try so much harder to have a FUCKING LIFE NOW because of this kinda shit.

Kids don't want garbage boring Star Wars prequels with Jar jar binks.

THEY WANT TO SEE ALIENS AND MONSTERS AND SPACE SHIPS, they want fascinating stories in space or the future.

It used to be that it was perfectly acceptable to take your children to R rated movies and buy toys from those movies.

Fucking cultural backsliding.
>> No. 32642

I thought the rating hasn't been finalized yet?
>> No. 32643
>perfectly acceptable to take your children to R rated movies

>Watched Aliens at 6-7ish
>Ripley's chestburster dream sequence
>Slept under my blanket for days
Maybe it's not such a good idea to traumatize kids.
>> No. 32644
I don't see why they bother rating stuff. Nowadays kids know how to download x-rated porn, while their parents go "what is a pirated torrent?".
>> No. 32645
HA HA! Don't try that shit on me.

I watched it at 5.

Thank God for that.
>> No. 32646
MPAA ratings are really just demographic guidelines these days, since studios won't hesitate to cut/rewrite stuff to avoid certain ratings
>> No. 32647
Meanwhile, I couldn't watch The Iron Giant all the way to the end. Your personal experiences aren't some kind of universal standard that everyone else should be held to. Especially because you're... you know... The Sneaky Tiki.
>> No. 32648
Yeah I know, t'was fucking around at that point.
>> No. 32652
Access to porn/violence has never been this easy for kids since the days of Ancient Rome. I wonder if this very early exposure has any psychological/social effects?

-The internet took full swing around the mid 1990's.
-Roneryfags, NEETs, and school shootings arose around the 2000's.
-By 2010, kids who grew up with the internet had an unemployment rate of over 10%, one of the highest rates in recent history.
-Despite the economy recovering, the number of NEETs continues to rise.
-The average male middle-class white guy spends 10 hours a week playin vidyas, and the amount is increasing.
-They additionally spend an extra +10 hours on the internets, also increasing.
-The overall birthrate in industrialized countries is dangerously low.
>> No. 32655
And the number of patients admitted to hospitals gets higher when there is a full moon.

Wait, what were we talking about 'cuz it's sure as hell not the same thing.
>> No. 32658
>The overall birthrate in industrialized countries is dangerously low.
Good. Overpopulation problem solved without some horrible genocide or disaster.
>> No. 32659
To ignore that kind of question completely is a disservice, Tiki.

It's an interesting speculation. The demographic information supports it, as do certain aspects of culture overall. Scientific studies are still being conducted as to the effects of the internet on the human mind and brain. And indeed, I feel like a lot of public culture is just now coming into contact with the undercurrent that is the career netizens. It is no longer the sole realm of the lone and wealthy, it is nearly ubiquitous to everyday life, even if that's only in a passive sense like asking your phone for directions.

It's offtopic, of course, but it is a curious wonderment.
>> No. 32661
Except that overpopulation isn't about raw numbers, it's about resource usage. Developed countries are better able to make resources stretch than less developed ones, so overpopulation is actually less of a big deal in developed countries than underdeveloped or developing ones ones.

Also, low birth rates are bad because they lead to aging populations, and could cause a country to collapse if too large a fraction of its population is unable to work--i.e. if the number of retirees gets so large the working population can't support them. Which is getting to be a very real possibility in Japan, and what with the Baby Boomers getting to retirement age, even the United States is going to suffer a pretty big hit.
>> No. 33340
>> No. 33342
Already showing in Britain, by the way. Saw it in the IMAX, it looked fucking gorgeous.

The film itself? Eh, it's all right I guess. Very good script but the plot's portentous and silly.
>> No. 33393
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Just saw the premier. My gawd, it was quite literally full of stars. Creatures were delightful, SFX were used wisely, and we got some legitimately disturbing scenes in there as well. Very difficult considering today's audience. I think the film as a whole will age well.

Literally the only part of the movie that bombed was the scene where the biologist touches the vagina snake. Why, why, why? Those 30 seconds were the worst part of the entire film.

Also, did the ending scene in the lifeboat remind anyone else of pic related? Like, a lot? Dem vibes, man. Dat chandelier.
>> No. 33396
Really good movie. David broke new grounds in the realm of cinematic A-holes.
>> No. 33397
moar like Noomi Tentacle-Rape-Face
>> No. 33400
File 133919537655.jpg - (29.96KB , 250x408 , Space_Jockey.jpg )
So... Where... Um...
>> No. 33402
And yet he still gonna tap that ass.
>> No. 33404
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Shut up 80's, we don't want you here.
>> No. 33408
... Not sure what you're implying there. But I don't like it.
>> No. 33412

>> No. 33416
Saw Prometheus last night. It was pretty bad.

Shaw is a fucking trooper walking around with just staples keeping her stomach closed. Also, Fassbender is REALLY great at playing a creepy, sinister, yet charming, android.
>> No. 33419


Sorry bro. I'd take 50 Ke$has over a single Chicago any day of the week.
>> No. 33425
Space travel can get awful long and lonely. I'm sure pearl polishing is among David's skillset. And if not, well it's not like he's got any competition left.
>> No. 33426
Reading spoiler-filled Prometheus threads is like wading through an SCP article.
>> No. 33429
> It was pretty bad.

I meant rad. Prometheus was pretty rad.

Also, Shaw was pretty hardcore. She was running around with surgical staples, gets smacked in her staples buy a gun, and then jumps onto the moving platform, and slams her staples AGAIN, but she keeps on going.
>> No. 33434
Call me a retard, but the movie completely lost me towards the end, and not in a good way (like in 2001). I think I will give Ridley the benefit of doubt and rewatch it so parhaps it will make more sense.
>> No. 33435
File 133937234590.jpg - (244.43KB , 1200x877 , 1339298086704.jpg )

It won't. About 30 minutes had to be cut to fit it into theaters (citation needed, I keep hearing this but can't find the source.)

That said, the current shitstorms on the crapchan are hilarious. Literally no one seems to know what to think, so they've devolved into capslock fights in an attempt to convince one another of various things.

So, preemptively, let's have calm and reasonable discussion about how space drugs are bad, mmmkay?
>> No. 33436
You're listening to the wrong Chicago. Chicago 25 Or 6 To 4youtube thumb

Anyways, PROMETHEUS was great. A few too many plot holes and dangling threads, but, quite an experience. Also, my god that cinematography was amazing.
>> No. 33439
So I just got back from seeing this.

Visually, this film is phenomenal. I don't think there's going to be a better looking movie for the rest of the year. And there's a few neat scenes like the would-be chestbursting. I also quite liked Elba and Fassbender in this, and didn't find anyone else putting on a show.

That said, I think it's a movie that will get worse every time you see it, because it has so, SO many problems in the script. Most of them stemming from the fact that these are the WORST fucking scientists ever and literally everything that happens hinges on them being total fucking morons.
>> No. 33441
Oh hey, for those that stayed until the end of the credits: What do you think is going to happen on 10/11/12?
>> No. 33442

Oh hey, look what I found!

>> No. 33462
File 133945536264.jpg - (34.64KB , 700x401 , 4g_3.jpg )
for this movie all i really heard about it, as far as casting goes, was that Charlize Theron was in it and she is only like a supporting actress lol. so, i was presently surprised when Noomi Rapace and Idris Elba's name came up on the big screen. more so for the former since she's mai waifu


seriously, worst fucking scientist ever. although they were pretty spot on with geologists being assholes. fucking rock doctors
>> No. 33464
File 133945631827.jpg - (67.56KB , 227x227 , 1335306726105.jpg )
What's up with all the people I am seeing on the interabutt saying that Jesus Christ clearly was an Engineer? Perhaps I blinked at the wrong moment durimg the movie, but I seriously have no idea where does that come from.

Also, wouldn't people from that era notice that there was something funny about an impossibly tall, muscular, hairless albino guy?
>> No. 33465
People are saying it because it was Ridley Scott's original plan, he cut it from the script for being "too on the nose."
>> No. 33474
i think nearly all scientists from the alien-verse classify as worst scientists ever
>> No. 33481
File 133950689674.png - (406.25KB , 990x1556 , 1339505893099.png )
>> No. 33482
Oh man, saw this yesterday, so much better than what I'd been hearing.
The entire medi-pod scene was the tensest film moment I've seen in years.
>> No. 33484
This movie goes BEYOND any of the idiocy seen before though. ...Except maybe that one kissy face scene in Resurrection.

For me this movie was something where I walked out of the theater having enjoyed it, but the longer I let it sink in the worse I think of it, and even while I was in there I was questioning a lot of the nonsense things like Charlize's pod being programmed for men or Dipshits 1 and 2 getting lost despite being the ones with the map and being watched by another guy with the map.

Damn if it didn't look cool though.
>> No. 33485
I'm pretty sure the medical pod being programmed for men was meant to be blatant foreshadowing for Weyland being alive and on board. He is on the verge of death, after all.
>> No. 33486
> Weyland Corporation
> in AVP, the founder of the company is Charles Weyland
> in Prometheus, the founder is Peter Weyland

Does that mean Prometheus casts AvP off the canon?
>> No. 33494
File 133953679031.jpg - (189.77KB , 591x884 , charlie.jpg )
not only were the scientists retarded, but so was the Captain. first, having sex with Vickers doesn't mean shes not an android. she's not, but it's not like they aren't anatomically correct. they're androids after all. then before the film's climax he's all like, "i'll do whatever it takes to keep any biohazard from reaching Earth!" not 15 minutes later "okay, that alien ship full of biohazard is taking off. we might as well too and head back home." shaw,"no captain, you have to stop it from getting to earth! because it's full of biohazard!" captain,"well, i'll do whatever it takes to stop that from happening". was that redundancy really necessary? no

the first thought i had was SHE'S A MAN BABY!
>> No. 33496
I considered that briefly, but we later see his own quarters and he's GOT ONE from the looks of it. He's not stored on her module either as far as I could tell, so yeah, it's just one of countless problems with this script.
>> No. 33497
DEM VISUALS. DAT DESIGN AESTHETIC. DAT MAP SCENE WITH FASSBENDER. hold me back, i may spend the next few weeks licking the screenshots. That said, acting was eh but Fassbender predictably stole the show, guy who played Holloway was pretty hot, Noomi Rapace is so fucking cool god damn. Someone in this thread called the story portentous and I think that's a pretty fair way to describe it. pregnancy/med-pod scene and any time someone smacked her in her staples gave me sympathy pains in my ladybits. Ow ow ow ow WHY
>> No. 33501
>> No. 33503

Moreover: Red Letter Media talks about P…youtube thumb
>> No. 33504
"Why would the Prometheus crew agree to go on a four year mission when they're not even briefed about what the mission is until right before the mission starts. What if the mission involved a gangbang?"

All good questions!
>> No. 33513
>medical pod
since Shaw got it to do it eventually by programming it in, i just assumed whatserface bought the pod knowing she'd only ever need it for general injuries. just the kind of stuff that fixing on a woman would be no different to on a man. she probably didn't see the point of getting it reprogrammed or upgraded to femal because she never intended it to be used for a c-section or any other-lady buisness
>> No. 33533

It was implied that there was a big pay-off for doing so.

Also, what do you guys know about the supposed sequel that is either getting announced on 10/11/12 or premiers on 10/11/12? I hear that they actually shot a whole bunch of shit that didn't get into Prometheus proper, and that they shot a sequel at the same time.


Yes, since Prometheus is apparently a reboot of the franchise, or so I have heard.


Really? Prometheus ruined these guys' childhood? Whatta bunch of babyback bitches.
>> No. 33541
I enjoyed the film but there was something that kind of bugged me

Why did David put those eggs in Charlie's drink? I couldn't come up with a good reason as to why he would do that. I mean when he found the egg pods he seemed unaware of what they were. He seemed surprised when he realized they were organic. I just don't understand what the point of doing it at all was. And the fact that he seemed to know that him fucking her would lead to that fucking thing being born. It seemed like he wanted to freeze her to bring it back with them but considering the old man was on the ship anyways that would seem kind of pointless.


Jesus fucking christ that was the dumbest biologist ever. First off they don't refer to evolution and evolutionary theory as "Darwinism" and second you guys are in a fucking facility full of fucking dead bodies and you find a fucking penis snake crawling around in black goop and it puffs out it's chest and hisses at you like a pissed off snake. SNAKES ACT LIKE THAT WHEN THEY FEEL THREATENED YOU ARE A BIOLOGIST YOU SHOULD KNOW THESE THINGS
>> No. 33543
I assumed that David did that's under you-know-who's commands, and he simply wanted to see the effects of the Engineer's stuff on the human body.
>> No. 33544
If they do a sequel, and it goes where the ending suggests it will, I really, really hope they don't go with the "all Engineers are uncaring, evil fucks" because that would be incredibly boring and predictable.
>> No. 33546
Regarding the first point: I think it had something to do with Weylund's order to "try harder." He wanted an opportunity to see one of these things in person so maybe David thought oh I'll do this to a guy I don't like and see what happens, maybe something fortuitous will come of it. Sort of a half-assed guess. Maybe David's just a dick. It's a totally viable answer.
>> No. 33547

I am pretty sure his plan was to kill the old man by any means necessary and leave no survivors. So he was testing the waters, so to speak.

PS, I loved this movie.
>> No. 33550
File 133973295191.jpg - (262.69KB , 600x878 , 1339548304608.jpg )

I actually discussed this scene with an actual biologist, and he said that many biologists are very guilty of getting too close to unfamiliar specimens. This doesn't really explain the dodgy writing for that scene (that dialogue was the worst I've ever been forced to listen to, and turning Fiefeld into a space stoner was a poor choice) but truth to tell the character seemed like an armchair Steve Irwin anyway, and his lack of field experience seemed to define him prior to that point.

More worth lamenting, I think, is Fiefeld's lack of coordination despite mapping the structure. All it would have taken was one line about him being out of touch with the ship's map database due to the storm, and bang, subplot works fine.
>> No. 33552

A noble endeavor on David's part and he nearly succeeded. If only that engineer didn't pull his head off under the guise of giving him a loving pat.
>> No. 33564
well, some one in a Prometheus thread speculated that the Engineer started ripping and tearing because he sensed David was a machine from touching him. all of the Engineers use bio-tech, so an artificial person and it's creators might been seen as heretics
>> No. 33565
File 13398149419.jpg - (64.67KB , 650x473 , 1339346101151.jpg )
Heretics. . . or competitors?
>> No. 33567
Jesus Christ I am so squeamish when it comes to body horror, I was like curled up in my seat when it came to the whole SPACE SNAKES scene and also the C-section.

David was the best character though.
>> No. 33574
File 133994184029.gif - (710.16KB , 400x349 , 133991537859.gif )
>> No. 33575
Non-spoiler review:

Prometheus is one of those movies that impresses you as you watch it, but the more you think on it the more you realise that none of it made any sense whatsoever.

The visuals were amazing, but the script/plot/everything else was.... lacklustre. Such a shame. Was really looking forward to it
>> No. 33576
Oh, one other thing. I may be an idiot, but what the hell was that opening scene?
Did they ever explain why exactly one Creator voluntarily killed himself? Especially since it was later shown that the Creators were running for their lives from those babby aliens? Or that there were pods on the ship they could stay in to stay alive?
>> No. 33577
sometimes you got to destroy in order to create. that opening scene is Engineers starting "life" on Earth
>> No. 33581
He was seeding ancient earth with his DNA to make people.
>> No. 33582
Ahhhh, makes sense. Thanks
>> No. 33606
File 13400733017.jpg - (1.08MB , 2338x1700 , P030.jpg )
Speaking of the opening scene, is it true that the part with the Elder Engineer was filmed? If so, I guess it's going to the director's cut.

Heh, I wonder if the inevitable director's cut will make more sense than the movie. It worked with Kingdom of Heaven.
>> No. 33625
I don't know why everyone thinks the movie is poorly written. This is the best bit of science fiction since Moon. I guess it makes more sense if you're aware of some of the theories surrounding the original Alien movies; namely that the aliens were such a hostile force that it was speculated that the entire purpose of their existence was as a terraforming weapon. The only truly answered question, I felt, was the why for of creating mankind in the first place.

It starts with an old man. An old man who has amassed a massive fortune, built an incredible empire, and constructed androids in such a likeness to himself that outwardly, you can barely tell they're synthetic. And as his life dwindles, he fears death. He fears it so much that he is willing to build and fund and expedition unlike any other, to the outer rim of known existence, to ask God if he knows the cure to Death.

What he finds is that his God is a cruel and terrible God. His God, with the power to create life, creates monstrosities designed to eradicate all life on a planet, plagues to dissolve flesh into component elements, and probably builds entire species then rips them apart, just because he can. These things are so horrible that they kill the Gods, leaving only one behind. Weylend awakens his God, and the first thing his God sees is an escaped specimen from a petri-dish, standing next to a gleaming synthetic, in a child-like imitation of its' parent, and a bunch of dudes with guns. He becomes enraged; whatever the original plan was, it has clearly failed at this point. He murders them, and attempts to bring about the plan to fruition.

It's got that great ambiguity in it that leaves so much up to debate. The life pod being programmed for a male speaks to the kind of conceit Weylend himself must feel for all of humanity. The only one he really trusted was David, and that was only because he could program the son of a bitch. David is really the keystone of the tale. The imitation being who wants to kill his father, brought along on the quest to meet his fathers' father. Makes one wonder how the engineers really felt about the whole thing.

A lot of the other problems I feel you could mark up to a kind of "genre-blindness" on the part of the characters. People who know zombie movies will act accordingly when they recognize the signs. Maybe these guys just never watched Alien.
>> No. 33634
I can't be the only person who has thought about the size of an Engineer's junk.
>> No. 33636
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Did anyone else find it frustrating that the Jockey from the opening scene and the Jockey near the end appeared identical? You'd think they'd look a bit different after (ostensibly) billions of years, is all.

I kind of wish they'd pulled more of Giger's designs in for the "later" Engineers, although I see why they chose not to, it makes them more relatable.
>> No. 33639

I pretty much agree with everything they had to say.
>> No. 33644
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so thats waht was happening to crabman
>> No. 33649
they're twins
>> No. 33661
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No shit. The artbook explicitly states he's going full Xeno.
>> No. 33662
Those questions marks make it appear as it was just an idea.
>> No. 33663
theres an art book?
>> No. 33669
Jeez, what a little bitch. It wasn't near that bad, at all.
>> No. 33671
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Humans }}} Xenomorphs

Ridley's confirmed it.
>> No. 33676

Yeah, I'd honestly say Prometheus as its own entity, and as an entry in the Alien series is better than Resurrection or any of the AvP movies.
>> No. 33836
But seriously... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?
>> No. 33896

It was a movie.
>> No. 33911
QUESTION: The opening scene with the Elder Engineer, if it is put on the film whenever an extended edition becomes avalable (thus making it canon), wouldn't that make Weyland's dreams of eternal youth a foolish errand? I mean, if the Engineers become old, then even they ultimately don't have the means to fully stop aging, much less to revert being old.
>> No. 33913

Perhaps. There's always the possibility that that Engineer was one who chose to experience his mortality or maybe they came up with some solution later to combat the whole aging process. I mean, we're pretty close even now, so I'd imagine they'd be even closer.
>> No. 33917
>It was a movie.

I'm not sure I can concur.
>> No. 33925

Do you not know what a movie is, son?

Here, this link will help you:


You're welcome!
>> No. 33929
It wasn't as good as I was hoping because of a couple of plot holes, but I still enjoyed it.

I was thinking more of clones.
>> No. 33930
Yes, but... are you absolutely sure you went and saw a film? And that's all?

How sure?

10 ⌥
>> No. 34009
I wonder how it would go on the sequel since like, 2 characters left.

Agh, I think I prefer the first AvP probably more. "Space Gods" just doesn't cut it for me.

I know, right? Of all the things... big blue bald guys?! I know it would have to do with how humans look and Easter Island and stuff, but did they really have to use the Space Jockey image for this? I mean, so much potential... as a matter of fact, if they didn't even clarify what it was would be better
>> No. 34015
> I think I prefer the first AvP probably more

You have to be kidding. And this is from a person who hated Prometheus.

Prometheus was a polished turd. AvP simply is a turd, and a particulary smelly one at that.
>> No. 34016
I haven't watched in a while, but I thought it was ok-ish (Mind you, I am NOT talking about AvP 2, NOT EVER. That one ranks for me way lower than The Mist). And this from a guy who went to the theater expecting a lot better from the Predators.
>> No. 34018
> That one ranks for me way lower than The Mist

I really hope you are not implying The Mist was bad.

And AvP was just plain out terrible.
>> No. 34021
>I really hope you are not implying The Mist was bad.
I'm not implying, I'm saying. Buthey, it's my opinion. I haven't watched in a while, but the poor CGI and the Rickroll ending were some of my main problems with it, it looked so promising. If it stuck to the original story a bit more it wouldn't be so bad, I suppose.
>> No. 34027
Not the same anon, but Stephen King has praised the fuck out of The Mist, saying that all the changes were good and that he wishes he had thought of ending the story like that.
>> No. 34033
I know man, but he always says that. Just like Stan Lee about the movies or current Marvel comics.
>> No. 34078
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>just my opinion.

Thank goodness. For a minute I was terrified the board was descending into "my opinion is fact" territory.

Personally I liked the short story more than the film, because it implies a larger world of disaster rather than a "gift-wrapped" ending. Although we did get to see this awesome fucker in the movie, so it has that going for it.
>> No. 34080
>For a minute I was terrified the board was descending into "my opinion is fact" territory.
Heck no dude, I know a guy who apparently loved AvP 2 of all movies, so I guess I gotta take perspective/taste in consideration.
>> No. 34147
Wait, there are pople who liked either AvP flicks? Why?

Can't be because they are fans, since those POS movies are a disgrace.
>> No. 34150

The Mist WAS bad; really ham-fisted in getting its 'message' across and the characters were all god-damn retarded. The ending was the only thing good about it.
>> No. 34153
> and the characters were all god-damn retarded

So, just like pretty much every horror movie ever made? It's an unfortunate problem with the genere, if the characters acted smart in most horror movies then there would be no movie at all.
>> No. 34157
But... but the ending WAS characters being retarded
It was retarded
>> No. 34317
I don't know why I was so disappointed. I already knew Lindelof was on board.
>> No. 34323

>guy who played Holloway was pretty hot

yes omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
>> No. 34397
the guy from Dark Blue lulz
>> No. 34510
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The sad part is, the writing is the only area Prometheus falls short in.

The cinematics were mind-boggling. The actors gave it their best shot. Hell, the loose cosmic plot eve works fine, until Lindelhoff dialogue comes pouring out of the speakers and you want to punch yourself in the ear to make it stop.

Really, if they'd just changed the dialogue Prometheus could have been 10/10.
>> No. 34904
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When Biology meets math.
>> No. 34924
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Looks like this thread needs a purging from the best Predator.
>> No. 34944
Yeah you got to give it too the spices that when they find all this tom-fuckery goes "This will make a great rite of passage!"

Also Super best friends watches are right, the black goo is totally Phazon!
>> No. 34953
Yeah, like all this complicated shit about Aliens and Predators are just like "OOOOOH BOOOOOOOOOY!! THIS IS GONNA BE FUN TO KILL!!"
>> No. 35004
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I never liked the AvP "franchise" official explanation that the Predators made the Xenos. Really, can ANYone picture a Predator sitting around on his ass with test tubes, trying to splice DNA and make cell cultures? Really?

Shame they used the "Mountains of Madness" plot arc in both AvP and Prometheus, though. Now Guillermo's movie will never, ever get finished. . .
>> No. 35024
>I never liked the AvP "franchise" official explanation that the Predators made the Xenos. Really, can ANYone picture a Predator sitting around on his ass with test tubes, trying to splice DNA and make cell cultures? Really?

Well not one of the MALES, no. They're dumbasses.

FemPreds are a different matter entirely.
>> No. 35039
I finally got around to watching the first Alien movie. Maybe it was a great movie at the time it was made, but I was kind of disappointed.
>> No. 35040
I feel that way about the original Predator. At the time, it was groundbreaking, but seeing it now when so many other movies have done the exact same thing? Sadly a bit meh.
>> No. 35042
> but seeing it now when so many other movies have done the exact same thing? Sadly a bit meh.

I am sorry, but that's an incredibly stupid way of thinking.
>> No. 35049
Lemme rephrase that. It's inventive for it's time, but nothing is shocking or unpredictable now about it that other movies since then have ripped it off to death.
>> No. 35221
So, did nobody really get why David 8 was traitorous and spiteful?

It was because Weyland programmed him to be traitorous and spiteful, to fuck with Vickers for the entire voyage.
>> No. 35235
I think the spiteful part was natural and had nothing with the programming, but being traitorous was at least part Weyland's fault. He probably removed the three laws from David's programming in order to get shit done.
>> No. 35247
>Downloaded directors cut Blu-Ray.
>Watched it.
>Didn't like it.
Good thing I didn't pay to watch this.

Question: How does the movie explain dinosaur fossils?
>> No. 35248
>Planet revolves around star
>Closest star system is Alpha Centauri
>Takes 4 years to get there at the speed of light
They get there in 2.
>> No. 35249
Not a big connoisseur of the series, but I thought they had FTL travel in the Alien franchise.
>> No. 35253
it's kind of implicit in any Sci Fi where there's space travel. We couldn't get anywhere in any reasonable time without it.
>> No. 35258
Hence science fiction, not SCIENCE! fiction. The only SCIENCE! fiction movie I recall to be considered SCIENCE! is Contact.
>> No. 35274
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I heard Moon was pretty scientifically accurate, but I can't really say if the degenerative cloning mechanic has any scientific grounding whatsoever.
>> No. 35318
There is FTL travel in the Alien universe. The travel back to earth from LV-426 is stated in the first movie to be 10 months, and in Aliens it is 17 days. LV-426 is in Zeta Reticuli, 37 light years from our sun.
>> No. 36357
Just finished the movie. Thought it was pretty good outside of a few plot holes, though they could just as easily be called unresolved plot threads if there is a Prometheus 2. Any one else struck by how many biblical references and allusions are in the movie?
>Engineers are self-sacrificing in order to give life AKA JEBBUS
>Shaw mirrors the Virgin Mary in that she is currently incapable of childbirth but through the miraculous gifts of a greater power conceives.
>Upon being awoken, Weyland immediately has his feet washed like that one rich ho who washed Jesus's feet with perfume
>All those undertones of original sin and the motif of sacrifice
All in all, while it has a lot of suggestiveness to it I don't really know if it has substance. Take Shaw's own 'virgin birth'; Mary gives birth to the savior while Shaw gives birth to... a monstrosity. Did this direct mirroring go haywire or what? Furthermore why make the allusion with Weyland being Christlike when there's nothing really Christlike or self-sacrificing about Weyland? At times the film feels like its referencing just to reference, kinda like a high schooler who wants to look deep so he can get an easy A. I'll watch it again to catch some more allusions, because I'm certain I missed a lot, but they're all over the place.
>> No. 36365
I think part of what makes it compelling is that there are two ways it can really be read. It's funny, because Prometheus basically ended up how the Aliens comics predicted it would. The Engineers are weapons developers. But because they're bio-engineers, you do get a lot of this weird symbolism stuff.
>> No. 36396
> though they could just as easily be called unresolved plot threads if there is a Prometheus 2
In a movie that has finding answers as its main theme? Kinda lame to leave all the answers as a sequel hook, if you ask me.

>Engineers are self-sacrificing in order to give life AKA JEBBUS
Remember, the original idea (which is still sorta in the movie) was that Jesus WAS a Engineer.

Also, Weyland isn't Christ-like per se, but he does see himself as such, as a technological messiah for humankind, so the imagery does work for his megalomania.

And about the movie, at first I actually enjoyed it quite a bit, but the more I ponder about it, the less I like how it fits with the rest of the franchise. I simply can't watch the first Alien, and upon getting to the big Space Jockey reveal, not think "nope, there is no Handsome Squidward inside that thing"
>> No. 39614
Will you get mad at me if I post this?
Prometheus Actually Explained …youtube thumb
>> No. 39616
A lot of those alleged complains I have never heard before. Not sure where they got those, but just becuase somebody asks a dumb question over the internet, it doesn't mean it is a generalized problem.

I do agree that a lot of the plotholes people complain about are non-existant and could be resolved by actually paying attention and connecting dots.

BTW, I think they are wrong about the eggs on the Derelict ship in LV 426, it's strongly implied those were put on some sort of cargo hold designed to store the eggs. Plus, the fact that the Space Jo... I mean, the Engineer piloting the shit was fossilized implies the damn thing crashed on the planet quite a bit prior whatever happened in the Engineer base 2000 years earlier.
>> No. 39762
That was a fairly interesting video. I saw the movie in theaters, but never watched the DVD deleted scenes/director's cut. Can anyone say whether or not their assumptions in this video were proven true?
>> No. 39767
All good movies can be interpreted in different ways. For example, I could debate the merits of what >>39616 said, but ultimately those points don't really matter, as there is no evidence correlating them anywhere, and it would just be dudes arguing on the internet.

Even with DVD commentaries, Directors rarely talk about what they ultimately meant with the movie. A truly good movie leaves a certain ambiguity, because what a good movie does in addition to entertain is that it also makes you think, on some level. While I have my own idea about what the movie is about, generally there's a few highly valid interpretations for any movie that has that ambiguity. You can write that it's about this that or the other, but ultimately you're presenting a thesis and then supporting it with scenes from the movie, and discussing how those scenes support your thesis.

That said, all of the questions "answered" in that video are really things I'd consider to be kind of trivial to any comprehensive thesis about the film. They're little things that don't necessarily matter to the overall thematic and narrative arc, and while some of them are ambiguous, the mere fact of their ambiguity does not really change the thematic structure, or metaphor, whatever it is. For example: The question of whether Vickers is a robot is largely irrelevant to the theme, mostly because we never have any real hint one way or the other, and even if she was, what does that really change about the movie? And if she really was, wouldn't Weyland be more proud of her? She'd be a better facsimile than David. Ultimately though, the scene in which Janick asks her if she is a robot, and she responds by inviting him to her quarters, suggests that she is a red-blooded woman, and has no problem proving it to anyone who might dare challenge that notion.

Most of what they're saying is probably correct, although some of their answers do provide slightly more insight into the engineers than I feel the film gave us, and could change perception a little. In particular, imho the suggestion that the black goo is not, in fact, merely a destructive force but a catalyst for change, good or bad, that actually changes how I initially interpreted the movie a little bit
>> No. 39770
That part is simply those guys fan-guessing, as much as you and me could. The black goo being a weapon is the theory presented in the movie, and while it is not set in stone (the captain was extrapolating from his experience, and we are talking about a total alien society), is the one we have unti a sequel is made, if ever. The Engineers in that base were not exactly good guys or even neutral, so I am partial to the idea.

As for why the goo was used to create life if it is a weapon, well consider how we can use rockets to put a man on the moon or to nuke a city. Technology having both civil and military uses is pretty normal, but once again, this is just fanguessing.

And about the matter of ambiguety and not giving all the answers, well the movie's theme is "finding answers", so there is a reason why some people were annoyed. Perhaps Scott's intention was to reply those philosophical questions with "sometimes there are no answers" or even "sometimes it's better not to know" (which would be very Lovecraftian!), but since the movie ends once again with a search for answers, that kinda dilutes the point. Myself, I see Shaw at the end as a reflection of the audience, angry at the creators and claiming for more answers!
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