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File 132020934466.jpg - (1.79MB , 1950x1000 , KAOScvr.jpg )
30197 No. 30197
So, there is this man, named Roger Waters, and he did this album, "Radio K.A.O.S.", in the 80's. He supported the album with a tour, and that tour ended up being more impressive than the album, with songs added and whatnot. There are multiple fan recordings of the concerts, and, among the most impressive (audio-wise) was the Illinois one, named Kaos Creek.

The concert recording is perfect. But there is one problem: of the 10 Rar parts posted, #7 was posted twice. If, by some chance, you have the album (I know SOME people do), could you please share the 4 tracks missing? They are "Nobody Home", "Home", "Four Minutes" and "The Tide Is Turning".
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>> No. 30204
I found someone who might share his copy in a week or two.

When/if that happens, I will share with you as well.
>> No. 30206
Oh wow, it's been quite awhile since I even thought about this album. Yeah, I'd be interested in this version you speak of. I'm honestly surprised I don't already have it haha
>> No. 30208
Roger Waters? The one from Pink Floyd?
>> No. 30226
No, the one from Uranus.
>> No. 30249

Nobody ever talks about him. A Pioneer of Space rock, that guy was.
>> No. 30266
>A Pioneer of Space rock
Nope. Look up Hawkwind. THEY were pioneers of space rock. Roger Waters just happened to be great at writing about personal problems and turning it into gold. Though, I prefer David Gilmour, myself.
>> No. 30268
I think the point just flew so far over your head that it hit the Roger Waters of Uranus in the face.
>> No. 30346
It seems that the person responsible is a bit too busy posting other artists.

But he DID post the Quebec concert:
>> No. 30409
Well, it finally happened!
>> No. 34302
Okay, who saved that one?
>> No. 39756
File 139192038877.jpg - (790.81KB , 1851x1450 , 027-KAOScreek_tray.jpg )
After several agonizing months of waiting, I got my hands on the original recording. If anyone wants it, feel free to say it.
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