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69050 No. 69050
Okay our last thread is autosaging, imme a moment and I'll link it.

In the mean time, Mage of Mind has basically pointed out that our system, being put together by 3 people, has 3 sets of game mechanics that work on their own, but the core game is a complete clusterfuck.

To that end he's redesigning the core of the game system to work better, part of what he's added is "Spin Points"

Spin points are gained by succeeding your rolls by a certain amount and can be used to get phatter lewt, easier successes or other stuff.

Thoughts on the matter my fellow RPG Builders?

I like it personally.

Also I think adding in a 5th stat, Title, and tying it into your Mythos abilities sounds like an excellent idea, we could just totally dispense with echeladder rank stuff and tie abilities into that stat and fluff it as a ratio of a person's attunment with their mythological game role.
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>> No. 69609
>no npcs
>prospit/derse citizens
>> No. 69614
Are you joking, Sburb has a SHIT load of NPC's.
>> No. 69659
but they ultimatly mean nothing
>> No. 69664
They mean nothing in the sessions we see due to chronic abuse of the system and the fact that we're more told than shown. Most of our answers about NPCs came from exposition fairies.

The denizens are supposed to be major advisers and build major weapons for the game. Consorts are simultaneously worker bees and holders of tips, being commandable old RPG NPCs. We're told Jack is key to victory in a lot sessions, disabling the Black Royalty.
>> No. 69688
Which is a better obscure city, Atlantis or Lemuria?
>> No. 69699
Atlantis isn't obscure and Lemuria is Atlantis with the numbers filed off. But Lemuria is named after lemurs, so it's like 10 times better.
>> No. 69764
For another villain idea, maybe a space player that somehow ends up eating planets as if they were candy, with player planets being lollipops. Probably dressed up as a trickster mode character, and employing someone skilled at food preparation to make a planet fit for being eaten.
>> No. 70294
There's pretty much endless galactus-esque things like that you could do. That specific example just seems pretty... random. I dunno.

What are we even doing at this point, chaps? I've kinda been waiting for activity since mage was gonna do that thing with the stuff.
>> No. 70309
Activity on what front?
>> No. 70342
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This is how I Lady of Pain
>> No. 70407
Like thread activity. He never did finish, did he? And there's been a severe shortage of posts. Looking like yet another random ass project from 4chan that nobody had the attention span for.
>> No. 70413
Then post what you have on /tg/ and see what they say.
If they say anything at all.
>> No. 70444
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Oh goodness, this is still here. Well, I might as well get those new rules I promised going. More on those later tonight.
>> No. 70464

What's this? A core system consisting of detailed stuff involving this weird spin system thing?
>> No. 70467
Holy cow you are back, with gift!
This is amazing <3
>> No. 70475
I would suggest renaming the Aspects mechanic mentioned in this doc. Since "Aspect" has another meaning as a mechanic in SBURB, it might cause confusion for players. Maybe Traits or Affinities or Talents or something?
>> No. 70478
Good suggestion. I feel Traits would do well, since the word itself is pretty neutral and doesn't imply good or bad, one way or the other.

Now, Mythos Skills. Those are going to be weird since most of them are likely going to be just saying "As the X of Y, I can do Z" and buying up the skill with experience points. Pretty much roll a TN of 1/2 Title + Skill ranks. I think we narrowed down durations to something like Spin gained + 1.
>> No. 70536
A nugget of idea before bed:
Beyond filling in tidbits of character information, the game is all about telling the tale of the hero's journey. And I believe most of us have an idea on how that story goes. However, I believe we should make those tidbits matter a little more, mechanically. Here's the idea:

Prospit/Derse Dreamer Dynamic - Player's choose a moon, and when acting in alignment with that moon's ideals (Derse is covertly solving problems and thinking before acting while Prospit is all about facing things head on and action before thought), you gain a +1 to the TN of the roll.

Favored Strife Specibus: Choose one of the many types of Strife Specibi out there. This is your favored one. You gain a +1 to combat related TNs involving that specific Strife Specibus.

Alchemization Rebuild: Tags are out, but tiers are still in. Less math intensive, this involves determining the tier of an item (0 + how many total alchimzations have gone into it) and making a grist check. Your Grist reserves go up from defeating enemies and increasing your title stat, and go down based on how much crap you make, almost always going down by at least one point.

The Grist Check involves rolling under a TN of 11 - (1/2 Tiers of item, rounding up) with an additional + 1 to the TN per grist point you wish spend on the item. The final grist cost of the item is equal to the item's total tiers plus however much you spent on bumping the grist check TN. If you succeed, you've got the build grist to make the item! Go you! Failure means that the item is out of reach for the time being.

Items themselves add half their tiers as a bonus to relevant skill and attribute rolls, and sometimes unique capabilities all their own. Iron Lass Armor? Not only adds flight and lasers, but increases your Body Attribute rolls as well. Still, just some 3 AM ideas.
>> No. 70546
how easy would this be to play with just some friends for fun?
>> No. 70549
Should be pretty easy. Every thing is point buy and the lore most of us already know, so it's up to you guys to make it work. The character sheet, ideally, would have a copy of the Spin gains chart on there for reference. Rules are more guidelines than anything else, so play with it and have fun.

I would suggest doing a pregame session first, work out characters, relationships, all the delicious little things that make them work and give the GM all the plot they could ever want. This includes working out your quest and world. There's some fun charts for rolling way back when in the first thread if you dare to brave the old design.
>> No. 70550
So it's rules light it what you are saying?
That's good, some of my favorite parts of homestuck was the start with all the mini quests of getting past dad, familial strifes and so on.
>> No. 70551
Yeah, it's rules light. Not story game light, but enough to support itself. If anything, the most daunting part of character creation is getting together the three traits the kid has, since they can be just about anything you can imagine that can describe a person.

Do me a solid and let me know how this works out, okay? Feedback would be wonderful.
>> No. 70637
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Oh I will, though it may take some time to hear back from me. It is the holidays and some of the people I play with have plans.

But I'm really excited about this! I'm looking forward to sprites, I wonder what sort of things they will put into them, and if they'll be creative?
>> No. 70645
Are you pulling the players from here or from an outside source? If you're getting them from around here, then I wouldn't be able to ask just what you have in store for those poor kids.
>> No. 70714
Oh man, what's this? More 2 AM design, that's what.

Each character possesses a Sylladex, a useful item for holding your inventory in space that doesn't take up so much space. Each one has a Fetch Modus, that works to release held items, most of the time in a fun and quirky way. Your Sylladex has three stats unique to it. Fetch Modi, Ease of Use, and Space. The Capture Modi stat reflects how many variant Fetch Modi you possess and can switch to. Ease of Use is how easy it is to use without error. Space is how many objects that the Sylladex can hold initially. You have 10 points to distribute between each of the three stats, with a requirement that you have at least one point in each. You have a number of Mastery Boxes for marking off equal to 10 - Ease of Use, with any spare ones are shaded out.

Each time you wish to get something out of your Sylladex, you make a Roll against a TN of 10 + Ease of Use. Success means you can get the item with no hassle. Failure often results in the item being released from storage, often in a hilariously inconveniencing way, whether it's being flung out the window or breaking something important nearby.

Each time you make a successful Ease of Use Roll, you may mark off a box. Once you mark off all of your boxes, you are considered to have mastered the often unruly Sylladex and can use it freely without having to make an Ease of Use check.

Sometimes, you struggle for space, having to appraise what's useful and what isn't. Your Sylladex's Space stat can be upgraded by finding (Or eventually making) more Captchalogue cards. These cards expand you inventory space by one per card you find. Once you captchalogue an item (which is as easy as saying, "I captchalogue this."), you can find a Captcha code on the back, which can be shared with friends to hand out and copy items.
>> No. 70718
Just some people I usually play with, and some chicks from Anime Club. I'd perfer not to say anything though because I know that one chick used to come here a lot.
>> No. 70728
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Impressed homebrewer is impressed with your work, gentlemen.

Still, I politely disagree with several of your mechanics, most of all the Sylladex. Here's why: The Sylladex is a gag, just a joke mechanic used to poke fun at the characters and programming language in general. Turning it into a game mechanic needlessly complicated an already impressive scape of fresh game rules; I'd have it as a fluff effect if anything. Besides, can you really see new players WANTING to have to struggle to get anything out of your inventory?

I've compiled a full mod for Savage Worlds that I think will do Homestuck quite nicely, though, if you guys are willing to give it a listen. What do you say? Can this be a thread for general SBURB RPG attempts?
>> No. 70730
>Besides, can you really see new players WANTING to have to struggle to get anything out of your inventory?

...possibly. Depending on the group, that could be part of the fun of SBURB. But yeah, I'd leave it as an Optional Rule rather than a built-in thing.
>> No. 70751
Technically, all rules are optional. I just want to give mechanics to things that should matter to the homebrew game.
>> No. 70761
I'm willing to listen, and you only have to stop when people start bitching. And then you can start a new thread.
>> No. 70762
Yeah man, let's roll out some killer ideas.
>> No. 70763
Eventually, someone needs to run a PbP game on /mspa/ so we can see how these things work in action.
>> No. 70781
I don't think of anyone willing to do such a thing, or keep it interesting
>> No. 70782
Well the board would need a dice function to do that. Best I can do is maybe stir up something quick and cute on an IRC and we can go either, "Oh hey, this works pretty okay." or "Wow, this is a steaming turd right here. GTFO and never return." Only with less harsh words.
>> No. 70786
If I have a troll who can talk to the dead, conjure up ghosts, and create green flames is that too over powered?
Oh and they're alive with needlekind.
>> No. 70787
Well, the game isn't really made with trolls in mind, but you could easily do those abilities as skills.

Speak With The Dead (Intelligence) - Spend Spin one-for-one on questions asked.
Summon Specter (Willpower) - Summons a ghostly troll phantom. No real way to spend Spin on this. It works or it doesn't.
Witchfire (Willpower) - HELLFIRE, DARK FIRE, THIS FIRE IN MY SKIN. THIS BURNING DESIRE IS TURNING ME TO SIN! Spend Spin on size (1 for a little fire, 2 for a camp fire, 3 for a sudden column of flames) and intensity (Damages).

And needlekind, depending on how you use it, could either be a melee or ranged specialization.
>> No. 70798
Why no trolls? They're the most interesting part of Homestuck! :D
>> No. 70800
There's hardly anything preventing trolls from being played, it's just that I designed the system with mainly SBURB shenanigans in mind, since the game was stated to be a beta released across the world. SGURB was pirated by Sollux from a mysterious satellite and only the 12 trolls we're familiar with had access to it. Not sure about the Beforeus trolls, though.
>> No. 70801
are you KIDDING
>> No. 70802
Trolls have an interesting culture that has been influenced by Scratch and the far reaching machinations of Lord English.

Humans don't have that.
>> No. 70804
>Humans don't have that.
What? Yes they do. Have you not read Homestuck in the last year or so?
>> No. 70807
So, getting back on track, we've got combat, or STRIFE.

Hitting someone is as simple as the attacker making an attack roll with their relevant skill, and the defender attempting to move out of the way with a Finesse Attribute Roll as part of a Contested Rolls, making Spin and trying to outspend each other.

If someone gets hit, they're going to get hurt. A character has 15 x Body in hit points. A successful attacker rolls the damage rating of their weapon (usually from 1 to 5, where 1 is a knife or small pistol, 3 is large swords and rifles, and 5 is a legendary weapon, such as the Warhammer of Zillyhoo or the Fluorite Octet.) in six sided dice plus either Finesse or Body plus the amount of Spin generated on the attack roll. So 1-to-5d6 + Finesse for ranged attacks and Body for Melee + Spin in damage is subtracted from your character's hit points.

Armor reduces the amount of d6 rolled by an attacker by an amount equal to it's rating. You swing with a 2d6 weapon against rating 1 armor, you're only going to roll 1d6 for damage.

You run out of hit points, you simply crash and go unconscious. Good news is, you may yet live, as sometimes SBURB is a forgiving game. Other times, an ogre is going to shank you while you're face down in the dirt. When someone makes a coups de gras attack, roll your Body in an Attribute Roll. You succeed, you live, thought it seems like you're dead to most around you. You fail, you die for reals. At least death in SBURB has a habit of being something that only keeps you down for a little while.
>> No. 70816
All humans have is Lil Cal, a juju.
>> No. 70819
Humans have the batterwitch instead of Scratch, but who also works for Lord English, a double Juggalo presidency, and a series of movies based on Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.
>> No. 70840
The Batter Witch isn't all that potent in the A1 universe, neither is Lord English's presence, and those last two happen in the A2 universe.
>> No. 70845
How does it matter whether it's A1 or A2? People tend to focus on post-scratch Trolls rather than pre-scratch, too.
>> No. 70847
Because SBurb was only mass-released in the A1 Universe.
>> No. 70849
That's a poor argument. SBURB wasn't released at all in Alternia. Sollux engineered it himself from junk he found in a ruin or whatever and only the twelve of them had access to it.
>> No. 70851
Also, the genesis frog apparently holds more universes than the "main ones", instead holding all potential iterations of it. So there could be other alternate earths with other people who get into the game. MAYBE EVEN THE ONE YOU'RE IN NOW.
>> No. 73572
Well, as long as this thread's already necro'ed...

...personally, I think Fate Core can effectively recreate SBURB with fairly minimal hacking. Give players an extra, free aspect in the form of their Mythological Role or you can just let it replace their High Concept (which they may or may not know from the start, depending whether you're assigning them yourself or they get to choose them). I prefer making it an extra, free aspect. Give them a unique Aspect and maybe a Class skill that they can use to perform things related to their Class or their Aspect (you could possibly combine these two into just a Role skill, if you like). No strict lists of things that classes or aspects can do--let the player make the case for why what they're doing is related to their class or their aspect, and then the GM can agree or disagree as a judgement call. This fits the nature of Homestuck better anyway--Classes and Aspects are as much about the narrative role as they are about the video game-style abilities, if not MORE about the narrative role, so even if they want to say something like "Since I'm defending a friend, I can use my Class skill in place of my Strife for defense!"

Fetch Modii would just be aspects that can be compelled when it would be funny or dramatic to do so, and ignored when they wouldn't be either, that way they don't slow down playtime with unnecessary skill checks or bookkeeping. They could even self-compel if they like and the GM agrees that it's sufficiently problematic to justify the Fate Point.

You could probably pretty safely just combine "Shoot" and "Fight" into a single "Strife" skill since the kind abstratus system would mean that most players would only have access to one, or at least a limited number of weapons anyway. You could even let players attempt to use weapons they don't have allocated, and just say they can't add their Strife skill to unallocated weapons, nor store the weapons in their Strife Decks or something.

With Alchemy there are several options for how to do it, but the easiest way would probably just be to give items Aspects when you pick them up (maybe they're even listed ON the Captchacards), and when you do alchemy the new items can inherit aspects from the parent items. With new aspects being added as needed. And maybe for especially powerful items, you could essentially build them as stunts.

Grist could be handled as a stress track rather than keeping exact numbers.

...other than that, it would all just be setting stuff, like advice for coming up with Worlds and World Quests, or building impressive Fraymotifs.
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