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File 134967451427.png - (23.12KB , 649x450 , psyche.png )
69044 No. 69044
It wasn't supposed to have sound. Stop asking.
254 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 69477
File 135198259589.png - (2.17KB , 64x147 , tumblr_mcxmruc5jl1qmvsj7o1_100.png )
Think we can all agree the Rogue god duds are the sweetest.
>> No. 69478
the mask makes the rogue look kind of dumb i think
>> No. 69479
Oh shit you guys, wasn't this clusterfuck Vriska's plan all along? Everybody gonna ghost-die.
>> No. 69480
>one of the more popular Rogue god tier designs

I've never seen it, but this looks like it could actually be a pretty sweet design. The problem is that it's just so pixelated! Anyone know where I could find this design rendered in a slightly less small manner?
>> No. 69481
File 135198868536.png - (2.41KB , 74x117 , tumblr_mcxn3q5tTE1qbhdto.png )
Oh wait I also just found this.
Does this mean we now have...
ALL the God Tier outfit designs?
>> No. 69482
I liked all the alt designs more for the theif.
They looked better.
>> No. 69484
Thief looks boring compared to Rogue. Masks are beast. Why no high collar for Mage tho
>> No. 69489
>The Seer and Mage god tier outfits both have those squiggly line thingies from the dreamself pyjamas
I guess that's one step closer to confirmation that the two are a pair.

Seriously though, as horribly ridiculous as it sounds, it makes me a little frustrated to compare the god tier outfits. Why didn't you make them up all at the same time Hussie, now we've got incredibly bland stuff like the Thief and Heir outfits next to awesome designs like Knights and Rogues... why doesn't the Thief outfit have a vest whyyy
>> No. 69490
Well, here's one that's pretty similar. It's got the mask and the boots, at least:
>> No. 69492
So I'm guessing that the super weapon Vriska is looking for is gonna end up being the ring John got from Tavros.
>> No. 69493
Nice to see Caliborn's as charming as always...
>> No. 69494
I think Vriska just went Bankai...
>> No. 69499
I was honestly surprised the Flash didn't end with LE just blowing everyone in the bubble up.
>> No. 69500
Didn't Meenah find that ring with some regular treasure in a chest though? Why would a prototyping ring be in a dream bubble chest?
>> No. 69501
So now that we've gotten to meet all the ancestor trolls, how do they measure up?

Top tier: Meenah, Porim, Latula
High tier: Mituna, Kurloz, Rufioh
Mid tier: Kankri, Meulin, Aranea
Low tier: Cronus, Damara
Crap tier: Horuss
>> No. 69502
Good: Meenah, Aranea, Porrim
Meh: Rufioh
Horrible: Latula, Mituna, Meulin, Kurloz
EVEN WORSE: Cronus, Horuss, Damara, Kankri
>> No. 69503
Boss tier: Meenah
Pretty coolkid tier: Latula, Porrim, Aranea, Mituna
Alrightier: Horuss, Rufioh, Damara, Kurloz, Meulin
Meh: Kankri, Cronus
>> No. 69506
Condesce Tier: Meenah (she's the best yo)
Awesome Tier: Aranea, Meulin, Damara, Kurloz (Aranea is an adorable nerd, Meulin is the cutest in the god damn universes, and the latter two are rad fucking villains--the evil juggalo high priest and the slutty wicked witch. What's not to love?!?)
Good Tier: Porrim, Latula, Mituna (Cool dudesr all, but didn't draw . jume in as much I guess?)
Bluh Tier: Horuss, Rufioh (These two were kind of a letdown. Rufioh especially, for some reason)
Oh God No Tier: Kankri
>> No. 69508
I can honestly say I hate most of them. Meenah, Aranea and Porrim are the only likeable ones and the rest are just... horrible. Which sort of was the point, I guess. But let's break it down:

AWESOME TIER: Meenah, Aranea, Porrim (all three of them are interesting, unique and strong without being cliches or jokes)
MEH TIER: Rufioh (kinda lame), Latula (horribly fake and annoying. would probably be cool if she'd just lower her defences like the other knights have), Meulin (Nepeta with .gifs? plz no), Damara (if you haven't read her translated dialogue, do it. still, not interesting), Mituna (I feel sorry for him)
FUCK THESE PEOPLE: Kankri, Cronus, Kurloz, Horuss (obvious reasons are obvious)
>> No. 69509
2cool4skool: Meenah, Porrim
Would brofist: Mituna, Rufioh, Damara
...Hrm: Aranea, Latula
Terrible: Kurloz, Horuss, Meulin
Would probably be satisfied if they double-died on-screen, bottom of the barrel, pig disgusting: Kankri, Cronus
>> No. 69512
You're ok tier: Aranea, Horuss, Mituna
You were ok until Hussie said you were a replacement goldfish for Feferi because he doesn't like her (even if that was a joke) tier: Meenah
I would have liked you maybe if you weren't a pre-scratch troll and didn't have a stupid name tier: Porrim
Get the fuck out of this comic tier: everybody else

I don't think any of them needed to exist though, everything they will do could have been accomplished by established troll characters. Meenah and Aranea would be acceptable if they were the only ones. More cast bloating and 3 flashes for these guys was exactly what Homestuck didn't need.
>> No. 69513
Yeah, it's my hope that the only Pre-Scratch trolls that get any character focus from here on in are Meenah and Aranea. I don't hate the other pre-scratchers, but they don't seem to serve much purpose outside of giving us an idea what the pre-scratch characters were like (and annoying Karkat, which is always funny, and giving us that adorable moment between Karkat and Terezi when she was stressing over how much more "rad" her obnoxious predecessor was), which they've done now.
>> No. 69514
To be honest, the only pre-scratch trolls I have any sort of feelings for are:

Meenah, Aranea, Porrim = awesome
Mituna, Cronus = jesus fuck I either hate you because you're a) incomprehensible or b) disgusting
>> No. 69517
Looks like everyone's excited for the adult Beforus trolls to get expounded upon.
>> No. 69523
Top tier: Meenah, Aranea
High tier: Mituna, Porrim, Cronus
Mid tier: Damara, Meulin,
Low tier: Kurloz, Rufioh, Horuss, Latula
No: Kankri

I like Meenah and Aranea the best as they're the only ones that really matter. Porrim is cool but she doesn't stand out other than her stance on feminism, and we already have Kanaya so...

Mituna gets props as he's cool and he's Sollux with a more enjoyable personality/quirk and actually did something. That's it.

And I don't know what it is with you people but i like Cronus. He's entertaining. Sure, he's a looser, but scum? Have you seen Gamzee or Kurloz? Plus, I'm sure he never did anything as bad like kill his love in front of Karkat right after he knocked out his rival or destroy the only hope left of repopulating trolls and then kill Kanaya right afterwards. Remember how bad that shit was? Oh right, he hits on people. How disgusting

But, like >>69512 >>69513 said, I don't care for any of these trolls except Meenah and Aranea. None of these trolls really seem to matter to the plot at large except for Kurloz I guess. And they don't serve a purpose like B2 kids do except to bloat up the cast.
>> No. 69524
Hey yo so what are Aranea or I guess Latula even doing, they're not doing their damn jobs. It's pretty obvious what's going to happen at this point. You'd think the Beforan Light player or Seer would know what's up instead of getting swept up in the clusterfuck, or is Rose the only one really equipped for that?
>> No. 69528
>not horrible
Did you miss that part where he actually molested Mituna while telling him what a disgusting retard he was? Or how he claims to be ~human greaser~ for attention? Or when he hooked up with that unpleasant guy who killed his love and destroyed the only hope of the their race, who also happens to be his dancestor?
>> No. 69530
I'm guessing you mean Terezi. Her Seer power is to know the outcome of an individual's decisions, but from what we've seen so far it seems more focused on preventing doomed timelines, so its use in this situation is unclear. Aranea, while a Light player, isn't good for this sort of thing either. While Rose's power is to see connections and what needs to happen to achieve the most fortuitous outcome and would likely be able to figure out what's going on, Aranea's role is to help others heal and develop through illuminating underlying facts and helping them see things for what they really are, which is why she's so obsessed with exposition. She could probably explain in detail the many small events that led up to this point, but she can't know what will happen next. And then there's Kankri, but foresight or a deeper understanding of events and outcomes likely wouldn't be his area of expertise even if he wasn't worthless.

If anyone should know better, it's Vriska. While she isn't the most cautious person around, you could say that everything's going according to her plan... except she seems to completely have forgotten that there currently is a huge gathering which is incredibly likely to have gotten English's attention by now.
>> No. 69535
>except she seems to completely have forgotten that there currently is a huge gathering which is incredibly likely to have gotten English's attention by now.
I think that actually is her plan. Everyone there will be obliterated except for her, Tavros, Aradia, Sollux, and hopefully Meenah and Aranea.
>> No. 69537
but then who is going to be a distaction next time she needs english to shatter something

and also meenah would probably be pissed, she just had like 16 god tiers all gathered in one place
>> No. 69554
Am I the only one who is confused by this unprompted pun term?

Just wondering if there is an actual reason the characters began to use this term in the last flash (html5? I don't know what to call them anymore. I guess just "animation".)
>> No. 69555
>> No. 69556
Porrim was the first to use it. It's not a very good portmanteau, but it does the job.
>> No. 69558
okay, does nobody see the significance of John being able to remove an object from a dream bubble? I mean seriously, what are the implications of this? could other things be brought back and forth? is this something only god tiers can do? and what about that whole thing where Vriska invaded WV's dream? could this be related? what's is this guy's even his PROBLEM?
>> No. 69559
I figured it was actually a non-dream-bubble ring that was brought to the outer ring somehow.
>> No. 69560
This is not the first case we've seen of an item being brought out of the bubbles. Gamzee did the same thing with that cod piece, and apparently also the rest of the outfit.
>> No. 69566
Heck, Meenah managed to leave the bubble temporarily to visit the meteor, right?

...that raises the question of what the real limits of being a bubble-ghost are, actually. Bubble-ghosts can be killed, they can hold physical objects, interact with the living, and they're not tied to their dream bubbles apparently. So are they essentially the same as dreamselves or something?
>> No. 69585

Well in the case of Meenah going on the meteor it was physically passing through the bubble, so she never really left the bubble.
>> No. 69589
File 135229667933.gif - (100.98KB , 650x450 , 05225[1].gif )
Yeah, that. Plus, we've seen Dirk's dream projection try to leave a bubble here: ?s=6&p=007127. Didn't work. It seems reasonable to assume that dead people work the same way, since they're also not bound to a "physical" body. That is, one that originated in a place that's not the bubbles.
>> No. 69591
oh. right. totally forgot about that. guess it's not a god tier thing, then. but why can objects leave the bubbles but not people? maybe people can leave the bubbles after all? just have to have some alive guy yank them out. I dunno.
Homestuck is freakin' weird.
>> No. 69593
Yeah there's a lot of unanswered questions regarding all those dream bubble items. We also don't know where they come from, if they're just memory projections or something else. Or Vriska's maps. Why do those exist?
>> No. 69594
Dave made those maps.
>> No. 69608
next update someone makes a new thread ok
>> No. 69613
This thread lasted a while, yikes.
>> No. 69616
well today's the day maybe
>> No. 69617
just caught up on the story and i have a quick question
what's with daves socially awkward distance with dirk? is there some subtle underlying detail i've skipped over or what?
>> No. 69618
By "Dirk" do you mean the scratched version of his brother, or the original?
>> No. 69673
I mean post scratch Dirk.
>> No. 69682
Well, they had a pretty complex relationship. Dave idolized Bro, but he was also a bit afraid of him, I guess, due to his freaky hobbies and general weirdness. During their session Dave went through this whole character arc of self-loathing and stepping out of Bro's shadow and establishing himself as his own person, and grieved for a bit after finding his body... but while Rose accepted most of her Mom's faults and came to see their relationship in a new light, Dave never got to properly sort out his issues with Bro. And then, out of literally nowhere, a younger version of his Bro appears in a dream bubble, takes his sleeping kid Mom and disappears.

I actually thought he'd take it a bit worse than he did.
>> No. 69697
Ok I see what you mean.
Now I'm curious as to how he'll react when they meet.
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