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67766 No. 67766
I'll just leave this here. http://tinyurl.com/99fsvsy

Also, the link to my tumblr post for those that want to reblog it.
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>> No. 67769
Okay, I'll admit. Some of those names are kind of clever.
>> No. 67770
these run the gamut from bad to really good

i laughed out loud at double blind study
>> No. 67825
OP here. Updated for Ancestor Trolls. Will need help to fill in shipnames... Especially the canon ones.
>> No. 67835
Kankri x Jake = Trigger Happy
>> No. 67836
Making these things up is way more entertaining than it has any right to be.

Kankri x Tavros = Abullist
Porrim x Gamzee = Losing It (or, Body Art)
Porrim x Kanaya = Tandem Bikes
Latula x Terezi = Smellovision
>> No. 67837
I lost it at Smellovision. Gonna add those as soon as I get home.
>> No. 68138
Bumping this. Still need help filling in the blanks, and I've also slotted in Wayward Vagabond.
>> No. 68159

trigger warning
>> No. 68163
Kankri/Terezi - Social Justice
(Tentative) Mituna/Davesprite - Pilotwings
Aradia/Aradia - Ghostriding the Whip
Autoresponder/Dave - Sunglasses at Knight
Meenah/Roxy - Two in the Pink
Vriska/Nepeta - Octopussy

...I was never here.
>> No. 68165

Ok, apparently Social Justice was assigned to Kankri/Latula, which makes no sense at all. I propose they're renamed to "Teal Deer".
>> No. 68174
Yeah, that was actually a mistake. Thanks for catching that.
>> No. 68189
grim armageddon is real bad, couldn't you have at least made it honey badger or something

also all the -cests especially the ones that aren't actually incestuous at all, EriSol (unless it's an aerosol pun? but there's got to be a more fitting one), daverezi, janaya and portalshipping are really lame. we can do better than this.
>> No. 68190
> EriSol (unless it's an aerosol pun

Okay they now need to be Spraycan
>> No. 68191
I never said they'd all be good. But a lot of the ones you pointed out are actually the accepted convention for the pairings by the fandom in general. "Grim Armageddons" was one of mine though and I did have trouble with that too... As was Janaya. Everything else isn't up for changes.
>> No. 68212
why is this so funny
>> No. 68219
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to agree with the previous Anon. There's a lot of good pun potential (puntential?) wasted, and things like "Piecescest" are allowed instead.

Anyway have some more. This is a guilty pleasure.

Autoresponder/Mituna - Aviators
Jack Noir/Sollux - Cardcaptor
Doc Scratch/Karkat - White Van Man
Tavros/Jane - Nervous Bakedown
Jack Noir/Meenah - Knife and Fork
Eridan/Eridan’s ancestor - Forever A Clone
Dad/Eridan - One and a Half Men
Dave/Kankri - Red Letter Day
Terezi/Autoresponder - CSI: Miami
Jane/John - Jane Heir
Jack Noir/Jade - Savage Garden (alt: Ace of Bass)
Jack Noir/Kanaya - Ace in the Hole
Dave/Dolorosa - Audioslave

Also I propose if Vriska/Aradia is “Heavy Metal” then Vriska/Kanaya should be renamed “Heavy Meddle”.
>> No. 68227
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>> No. 68237
I still say John/Roxy should be called Ecto Wine Cooler.
>> No. 68238
Slotted in a few of those. :)
I already did Jane Heir though with Jane/Equius
and I don't get the pun with White Van Man
lastly, I think Aviators works better for Mituna/Dave. Tentatively, considering we haven't met Mituna yet...
>> No. 68251
Would "Clambake" be better for Feferi/Meenah or Meenah selfcest?
>> No. 68257


More of a British thing than anything else, but I'll try and shy away from a deluge of Brit slang.

I'm trying to specifically stick with sunglasses puns for Autoresponder pairings, as Dave has other things to work with (time, knight, decks, etc). I'd even be tempted to not put in Mituna pairings until we know something about the character. A lot of my pilot puns lean more towards the Psiionic at this point.

But anyway have some others:

Meenah/Autoresponder - Autotuna
Porrim/Doc Scratch - Invisible Ink
Sollux/Autoresponder - 3D Glasses
Tavros/Autoresponder - Horn-rimmed Glasses
>> No. 68279
Thank you urbandictionary...

But in light of that, let's go with Clam Sandwich. Which finally renames Piscescest. Because that actually was horrible.
>> No. 68280
Kanaya/Doc Scratch - Sylph Diagnosis
Dirk/Hearts Boxcars - Headmates
>> No. 68284
"bake" gives a shout out to Meenah's baking and Batterwitch alt persona, a side I wish was played up
more because it's funny.
>> No. 68285
So Clambake should be for Meenah/Meenah
>> No. 68288
Ah, I get it. Perfect!
>> No. 68294
We're gonna need a more sophisticated way of listing auspitices. Conciliatory three-ways are important, healthy relationships too!
>> No. 68295
Here's a few more:

Kanaya/AR = Lampshades
Kanaya/Meenah = Virgin Sacrifice
Equius/Meenah = Muscle Beach
Equius/Jack = Strongbad
Roxy/Latula = Gamer GRLs (what else?)
>> No. 68311
All of these are rather inspired! I hope to see fanart of some of these crackships soon. :)
>> No. 68345
Porrim x Latula = Radfem

excellent for spamming tumblr with to flood out the actual #radfem tag
>> No. 68407
OP again.
Feeling rather sheepish... Jade/Davesprite is declared canon but I don't have a specific name for their relationship. "Couchfeathers" perhaps?
>> No. 68430
>KarkatxRose = Knightlight
I thought that was an accepted name for Dersecest

This is just awful

Daily dose

>Parent trap
Should be mom trap, dave himself says it

>Harley Davidson

May I suggest Auto-Harley for AR/Jade

Also Double Ghost Buttler Island for DS/DS

Also it would really help if the mostly commonly used ones were highlights and the rows/columned alternated in colour and tone so it's easier to read.
>> No. 68437
>Harley Davidson
That one doesn't count because Hussie said Harley Davidson was an early thing he realized about their names and may have influenced any romantic leanings between them.
>> No. 68464
OP here, addressing your concerns. :)

>KarkatxRose = Knightlight
>I thought that was an accepted name for Dersecest
My reference source had it listed for both. And seeing as Dersecest already occupies the other slot, I felt it needed to go somewhere. My bad.

>This is just awful
Yes it is. But that is what skaianet has chosen for the tag.

>Parent trap
>Should be mom trap, dave himself says it
The only reason to say that is if you don't get the bad movie reference.
>> No. 68466
Pardon the double post. Changed color layout as requested, color coded locked in names and swapped out Knightlight. I think the new one is more fitting... though I had a hard time not using "Fictional Romance"
>> No. 68467
>> No. 68486
Kanaya/Gamzee = La Chupacabra
Kanaya/Karkat = El Diablo

I'm not really sure why the second is named El Diablo, but I hear it often enough and it's strangely snappy.
>> No. 68489
John/Hussie - Cage Writer
>> No. 68490
Cat and the Hat for Roxy/Dirk

I think it's because of the incest undertones what with their ancestors being a virgin mary and jesus analogies.
>> No. 68575
Any Vriska/fish troll pairing = fish88

(think about it for a second)
>> No. 68632
I thought about it for a second, and it makes the most sense if it's Meenah in particular. Because fish Hitler.
>> No. 68899
Daverezi is fucking awful.

How about following the pun(ish) theme that most of them have.
Like... Time Trial? or something.
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