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File 133876274144.gif - (179.07KB , 650x450 , seriously he has no taste.gif )
65862 No. 65862
Old thread: >>65353

That's such a horrible desktop, Jake. Also, another Gnostic denizen?
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>> No. 65863
As Abraxas is Hope's denizen, I think it's related to magic, knowledge and/or technology :U . And he looks like a basilisk, lol.
>> No. 65864
Aww, no dancing Snoop on that blingee?
>> No. 65865
File 13387675795.gif - (187.07KB , 400x277 , brobling.gif )
Seriously, Jake, who DOESN'T use at least three dancing Snoops in their blingees?
>> No. 65866
>UU: i am scared oUt of my wits to go to sleep now. i don't know what will come of me.
Okay, the fact that UU said "come of me" instead of "become of me" makes me think it wasn't a minor slip of the keyboard. I bet something is going to come out of her/them like how LE came out of Doc Scratch.

Homestuck seems to work off a collective consciousness theory, so if that mind-Dirk came from Jake's subconscious (which often has a more accurate portrayal of other people than our own conscious self does), it may be as well close enough to being the real thing. Memories also have a way of hanging around the dream bubbles, like projections.
>> No. 65867
I think Abraxas looks like Excalibur.
Idiot! My legend begins in the 15th centry!
>> No. 65868
It'd be cool if mind Dirk stayed.

I'm thinking, perhaps any copy, effigy or iteration of Dirk becomes a separate being, that would be a really interesting power/quirk of being the Prince of Heart. Just like Dave's quest was about realizing his own worth and not just moping in the shadow of Bro/Davesprite/John/his future selves, Dirk would have to find all these splinters of his personality/soul/whatever and, as the Prince, either destroying them or working out how he can use them for destruction.
>> No. 65869
well it makes me think of the giant worm that beta Jake had filling up his hallway. that one had a round head instead though.
>> No. 65870
You mean the Typheus Minion?
All the Denizens (apart from Hephaestus) look pretty much the same, Abraxas is just the first one who doesn't have a human(oid) head.
>> No. 65871
Don't most of the denizens have an animal lower half, but hephestus doesnt? He's just a giant fire titan, and the others are all mosntery.
>> No. 65872
Hemera and Nyx both seem to have humanoid bodies. They still have some colourful wavy thing in front of them, though. Cetus doesn't have a human upper half either, just a head, and I don't even know what's going on with Yaldabaoth.
>> No. 65873
I wonder how is Hussie going to reveal the denizens, it's getting kinda late in the story and there's a whole bunch of them to introduce properly.
>> No. 65874
While I'm not much of a pessimist, I'll just say:
Don't get your hopes up, pal.
>> No. 65875
There was a theory that they have something to do with ancestors/guardians, like people thinking John's denizen was some form of Grandpa Harley. If that was true, it'd make sense to not reveal them yet.
>> No. 65876
this is hussie anon

he's probably had all the names of the denizens worked out for a long ass time, probably thinking that he will never introduce them all. he inevitably will because that's what happens when he thinks up extra information.

see: god tier titles, god tier uniforms, existence of hivebent
>> No. 65877
The denizens are pretty important in the fact that they're the most powerful beings that are vaguely on the player's side, compared to the horrorterrors and Lord English. Both the denizens and players are a product of the game. The reason that we haven't really gotten around to them is the fact that everything up to the EoA5 was the kids entering and escaping their doomed session, and learning how the game works.

Only now are we going to delve into the whole Lord English vs. Horrorterrors vs. Paradox Space ordeal. All our players are going to need some guidance as the plans of the Condense and Lord English unfurl, and we learn more about his true nature and such. That won't really happen though until everyone enters the B2 session, though.
>> No. 65878
I could have sworn Hussie said something like that, that act 6 was going to introduce all the uber big players behind the game, and act 7 was to be the epilogue.
>> No. 65879
Aren't the horrorterrors on players' side as well? I mean, the kids are doing all that bullshit to save them from dying or something.
>> No. 65880
looks like LPOS is back in the story
and by extension, eridan
>> No. 65881
The Horrorterrors might stretch a tentacle a player's way if they believe it will help them in the long run, but they are ultimately opposed to Skaia and the creation of universes, for whatever reason.

Hussie has been writing them so vaguely, it's hard to tell whether they're trying to help the Kids and the Trolls, or if they are trying to stop them. I mean, sure, they sent Scratch / the Condesce / Feferi a city-sized monstrosity capable of wiping out all living trolls, but they also helped Feferi set up the whole dreambubble corpsedrama conspiracy meet-up and they are actually helping them all along by tampering with the Furthest Ring so the meteor can reach the alpha session. They corrupted Rose, but they also helped her and Davesprite reset their bad timeline, and it's arguable whether the whole grimdark phase even was that bad, since it was what allowed her and Dave to reach god tier, and Hussie still isn't telling us whether she still can use their magic or not.

I'm not sure what I wrote due to being tired and sorta rambling, but the horrorterrors' alignments are ambiguous and probably beyond human understanding or some shit.
>> No. 65882
The only concrete thing we know about the Horrorterrors is that something is killing them and they are crying for help.
>> No. 65883
I always figured that the player species being wiped out was a requirement of a successful session.
>> No. 65884
Yeah, that's obligatory. The home planet is always destroyed, but since the trolls had already spread across the galaxy Gl'bgolyb was necessary for the extermination to happen.

But since the Condesce had such might over her, she was able to wipe out large parts of the population if she felt like it. The looming threat of possible doom was the only thing keeping the lower blood castes in line, and Alternia would not have been anywhere near as shitty otherwise.
>> No. 65887
>The only concrete thing we know about the Horrorterrors is that something is killing them and they are crying for help.
Do we? We know that Rose/Feferi said so (don't remember who), we haven't actually seen evidence for it even though we assumed Jack to be said threat. What stops the horrorterrors from lying to anyone if they want something done for them?
>> No. 65888
I interpret the horrorterrors as a metaphor for the chaotic internet voices controlling the players' actions early on in the comic. They have millions of different agendas, so they are constantly infighting and contradicting each other whenever any of them are trying to get things done. If Rose needs to decide which direction to turn when navigating a maze, some will say "go left," some will say "go right," some will say "plow through the wall Kool-Aid Man style," and one of them will whisper "Dave grunted as he pushed the terrified cucumber into his ass."

It is meaningless to try and paint them collectively as good or evil or having any single motive in any way at all.
>> No. 65889
Remember the Squiddles?
They are a subconscious manifestation of the Horrorterrors in the form of disgustingly cute cartoon squids. Humanity does not know of their existence and yet we're apparently able to realize that something is wrong.

I don't think they're lying about being slaughtered by whoever this Skipper Plumbthroat is supposed to represent coughenglishcough. If they really wanted to wreck the Kids' shit, there is no way they would be as helpful as they've been thus far.
>> No. 65893
get a load of this

>> No. 65894
>> No. 65895
he made a computer program 10000 years ago with his brother (i think), it's old news actually

the only new thing i have learned is that his middle name starts with f. what is it? f names are lame. frederick? frank? ferdinand? i think he looks like a ferdinand.
>> No. 65897
If someone makes a Liv memorial thread I will put it in the box

Just don't do it okay just don't
>> No. 65898
ive made a huge mistake choosing now of all times to get caught up on homestuck
>> No. 65899
>> No. 65900

because that was uniquely bad
>> No. 65901
I think this is pretty much the saddest update in Homestuck. The untimely death of a truly loved, completely innocent character who did so much for everyone and didn't ask for anything in return, except to occasionally be put back in its box.

>> No. 65902
Raagh, seeing the incredibly bone-chilling part of Flare/Cascade being overridden with this makes me MAD and ANGRY!

So I just turned my volume off and had it play in my head. nbd
>> No. 65903
There is definitely no way he's not Andrew Ferdinand Hussie, except for the part where it's so unlikely.

It is the most fitting F name though.
>> No. 65904
well guess we know for sure now that lil' sebastian isn't an even more upgraded liv tyler.

that was odd to type out.
>> No. 65905
I though Lil' Seb had already been confirmed to be the B2 Con Air bunny encased in a robotic exoskeleton?
>> No. 65906
Welp. Photo of Hussie and Radiation did it for me. Homestuck's culled the shark.
>> No. 65907
That was a pointless update.
>> No. 65908
It's gotten worse? Glad I got out earlier.
Now I only end up on mspa when I accidently click it instead of a or op
>> No. 65909
Yeah man. Putting a silly photo into a silly blink-and-you'll-miss-it flash that has nothing whatsoever to do with the story? Fuck this webcomic. Seriously. Fuck it.
>> No. 65910
I always thought How Do I Live was, like, the nadir of Homestuck. I hated every second of it, and it left a really bad taste in mouth.

Just imagine how I feel about this. Especially when paired with some of the most awesomely epic moments in the whole damn comic.
>> No. 65911
You're just now thinking this? No offense, but really?
>> No. 65913
I chuckled at one part, but overall that was a bad flash. What are you thinking, Hussie?
>> No. 65914
People have been going "Hussie jumped the shark, time to storm off in a huff" at about every tenth update since like two years ago, and they'll continue to do so up until the very last one.
And hey, I'm okay with that.
But if you're gonna do that, don't fucking come back all the time. Nobody wants to hear you whining about how you don't even read the comic this board is about any more. Just go and find something else to do.
>> No. 65915

Now kiss
>> No. 65916
That flash just seems unnecessary to me. It's not that funny and doesn't it provide up with any new information.

I guess Hussie really wanted to use that song somewhere.
>> No. 65918
It is totally unreadable ever since the ectobiology update![i]

I only come here to complain about how I can't complain to enough people about how bad it is[i]!

>> No. 65919
Well, that, and it's another one of those mini-recaps. Like the other "fast forward" flash in Act 6, or the Scratch exposition by Rose. I think he started using those because the large ones would be really impractical at this point.

Also, it confirmed that Liv did not in fact survive by any miraculous circumstances. Like Rose stuffing her into her indestructible God Tier robe really quickly or her getting stuck in LE's Cairo Overcoat or something.
>> No. 65920
Seriously, I can just ignore it. I have no idea why people bitch at an optional recap. All he did was a fucking recap.
>> No. 65921

song was really bad
>> No. 65925
Aerosmith - I Don't Wanna Miss a Thingyoutube thumb
>> No. 65926

the song used in the flash was objectively bad
>> No. 65927
Aerosmith - I Don't Wanna Miss a Thingyoutube thumb
>> No. 65928
are you deaf and blind
>> No. 65929
I'm not deaf. I'm blind though. I can hear your words.
>> No. 65930

TH3Y T4ST3 L1K3 F34R
>> No. 65934
how would you know, bro? We're all anonymous here
>> No. 65936
Hey Terezi, where's your comeuppance already, bitch? Seriously, the other trolls are leaving you way behind.
>> No. 65937
Well she did feel kinda bummed.
>> No. 65939
Not everyone. And this isn't exactly the only place to discuss this comic.
>> No. 65940
>> No. 65941
Though I no longer stop in just to complain anymore, and when I was complaining, it was simply part of the weaning process. Like when your body throws fits while kicking an addictive substance.
Now I just enjoy the artwork the fandom continues to churn out, and the happy memories I have of my favorite characters.

Everyone's entitled to their opinions, though, whether positive or negative. This is an open forum after all.
>> No. 65943
you're only supposed to appear after someone says your name three times
>> No. 65960
and THIS is why I love this fandom.
>> No. 65961
samefagging turns me off personally
>> No. 65962
>>65943 is me but i'm not >>65960, i don't even know why they bothered to respond to me because it wasn't that funny

i just think chainerman is a whiner and my face squishes all tiny-like whenever i see him post
>> No. 65963
OK OK enough.
Who actually sang the terrible song? I never got round to figuring it out from his last contribution.
And they're bitching because, I think, Andrew intends it and everything else in Homestuck to be wildly funny. And maybe he thought it was; but the joke sort of fell flat. And got dragged along the ground for a little while. Myself, I'm having trouble seeing how this joke is at all different from "How Do I Live", other than the obvious change of the song.
>> No. 65964
radiation did
>> No. 65965
Well that was pretty darn neat, at least to someone who sucks at chess. Seems it took the Huss quite some time to set it up the way he wanted.

Probably contains all kinds of foreshadowing, too.
>> No. 65966
UU and uu have to sign on/off each time they want to chat to the other. More fuel to the "UU+uu share the same body" theory?
>> No. 65967
I don't see how they could share the same body, considering it's been confirmed that they have different blood colors. Unless there's some REALLY weird stuff going on here. Which I guess is always a possibility.
>> No. 65968
I like how uu is straight up unpleasant. Vriska might be a bitch but at least she can talk normally once in a while, and Eridan might have been clingy and/or annoying but he has his moments. With uu you have none of this shit, he's grating from start to finish.
>> No. 65969
Different blood colors doesn't mean a thing. Squids and the like change colors all the time, no?

uu said the disguised piece caps were well crafted, weightless and such. But they're "his" pieces. Why would their weightlessness be an issue to fooling UU if "she" wasn't also moving them around? They're both in the same body.
>> No. 65970
uu "eating" the dead pieces and hiding them, messing with them. Sounds like metaphor for horrorterrors manipulating dead players in the dream bubbles.

UU naming her pieces and giving them bloodcastes, etc. could link her as the LE-equivalent in this exchange. These two seem like the progenitors of S___ game and the shebang.
>> No. 65971
Might just be their dreamselves.

Another thing is that UU could apparently not see what uu did to the chess pieces he took. Also makes more sense if they alternate control over the same body.
>> No. 65972
Or they're just the same person with two personalities.
>> No. 65973
I'd say that those personalities are different enough to be called, well, people. Two of which seem to be in the same body.
Also dreamselves.
>> No. 65974
If they're just two dream selves then how can uu kill her twice?
>> No. 65975
Well he already killed her dreamself. He just needs to kill their 'normal' body. His dreamself would have a little while after that to get to a questbed before dying, so he would be able to survive even after taking out their main body.
>> No. 65976
So what are the chances that Dave is going to die, leaving Davesprite the last Dave standing?
>> No. 65977
Why would God!Dave die before the possibly still doomed Davesprite?
>> No. 65978
It was a theory over at HSG about the whole "The Knight is Dead" thing. Surplus Daves and so on, one of them has to go. Although the knight could also mean Karkat.

Also, when do you think the chess game is set, before contacting the alpha kids or during? Pre UU getting stabbed at least.
>> No. 65979
This was actually a really interesting update.
>> No. 65980
Not to get off topic but what are those blue alien things that Jake likes? I Know one is the Deva from The 5th Element, the others are from Avatar, but what's the one with the bigg tentacles on her head?
>> No. 65981
Are you thinking of the Twi'lek from Star Wars?
>> No. 65983
It's a Twi'lek bro
>> No. 65984
Out of all of the three knights in this story:

--One of them already died in the alpha time line and was resurrected
--One of them is still stated to be "doomed"
--And one of them might be still doomed or has an unknown future of his fate after the game ends

Out of the three, God-Dave seems the least likely to perma-die during this story.
>> No. 65986
It'll be Karkat. He's going to reach godtier somehow, I just have a feeling about this one. This whole time, allusions to him have been subtly made through things like conversation regarding the ancestors, UU/uu's type color, and just the over fact that Karkat has yet to make his big character developing stand on the pedestal.
>> No. 65987
But going god tier doesn't really go along with character development.
>> No. 65988
Going god tier is all about character development. It is literally the reward the characters get for finding their proper role in the story and playing it.
>> No. 65989
two things, here.

first, attaining god tier seems to be correlated with the resolution of a character's issues, but it's not a strict correlation. vriska... didn't undergo any significant change of character as part of becoming the luck fairy.

second, I daresay there's quite a bit of character development you can do without going god tier. karkat's chance to shine, if/when he receives it, might not be anything so blunt.
>> No. 65990
10 bucks he dies unceremoniously and is quickly forgotten about within the story.
>> No. 65991
That's the theory, but really like half of the characters ends up falling ass backwards into it.
>> No. 65992
That's the ideal, but it's really hard to play the game correctly when every session in this comic is off the railz.

For all six characters that we have seen go god-tier, they all just kind of happened, with the exception of John, maybe Aradia, none lend to any new character development.
>> No. 65994
>For all six characters that we have seen go god-tier, they all just kind of happened, with the exception of John, maybe Aradia, none lend to any new character development.

Dave and Jade are easily the clearest cases

Dave came to grips with his own mortality (something Aradia said was of crucial importance for Time players) and went on a suicide mission to protect Rose. It was really obvious to everybody that he was having a Character Development Moment and next thing you know he gets tiger

Jade brought Jack under control (for a while) and talked to her denizen in order to finish making the frog. And Jadesprite finally stopped whining and used her Bec powers to help her friends. There are different theories about which of these was more important but I think both count.
>> No. 65995

no it was bowman
>> No. 65996
While Rose's whole quest revolved around her NOT becoming the Seer of Light to ensure that she wouldn't be able to put the pieces together on her own, she ascended just seconds after she understood her mistakes and how badly she'd been fooled. Considering she went through the game completely convinced of her own autonomy, that was character development.
>> No. 65997
Why is red miles after Roxy too?
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