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File 133457165933.png - (35.15KB , 650x450 , gamzee.png )
64226 No. 64226
Previously on HSG: >>63478

Nice to hear some Ruins (with Strings!) make it into a flash. And then there's this douchebag, who stole Aradia's timeboxes. That bastard!
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>> No. 64227
Gamzee, what are you even doing here in that silly outfit? Don't you have a dream bubble to inhabit?
>> No. 64228
And then, suddenly, God-tier Gamzee.


Wait, what?
>> No. 64229
Suddenly I understand jack shit.
>> No. 64230
File 133457532034.jpg - (126.58KB , 800x1200 , 1334575145587.jpg )
That's wierd the latest updates weren't showing up for me at first
>> No. 64231
Will you let him be your guide?

>> No. 64232
Theory: Gamzee is not actually god tier, he doesn't have wings.

Not that this makes any goddamn sense anyway
>> No. 64233
My hate for Gamzee is growing more and more intense.
>> No. 64235
File 133457732934.jpg - (277.07KB , 1024x768 , images-games-myst-3.jpg )
>> No. 64236
This x1000
>> No. 64237
don't let him let you destroy yourself with rage

no yeah that sentence made sense
>> No. 64238
Gamzee being there kind of makes sense. Presumably the three years of travel to the new session has to end at some point, and maybe ended before this. Or he just hopped off the meteor early and with the timey wimey bullshit of the Furthest Ring he landed before everyone else. Basically, his arrival has numerous plausible explanations. But what's with the suit?
>> No. 64239
he has the music boxes = they don't need to be here already
my guess is that the meteor shows up later and then he goes back in time to say hi

no idea how he got tiger though, since there's no rage player in the new session
>> No. 64240
What the hell.
As others have reported, my hatred towards Gamzee won't stop growing.
>> No. 64241
File 133459082475.jpg - (21.69KB , 404x304 , whatidont.jpg )
Eeeeeewwwww, the codpiece really is part of the Bard's God Tier design? Whyyyyyyyyyyy.
>> No. 64242
File 133459212536.gif - (9.37KB , 650x450 , bq015.gif )
Bard Quest reference. Also, it's funny.
>> No. 64243
Might have had the tiger all along. We never saw his dreamself die and it would explain why he's so powerful.
>> No. 64244
File 133459419997.gif - (281.55KB , 101x86 , rctgokarts.gif )

I'm now just waiting for the kiddies to go "ewww gamzee has a boner"
>> No. 64245
That, or it's just a bard outfit with a bitchin' codpiece that Kanaya made for reasons unknown.
>> No. 64249
>[Gamzee] Might have had the tiger all along.
Can't claim any credit for this theory, since I've seen it on many forums and tumblrs, but lots of people are saying that Gamzee may well have done a dreamself/crypt-bed ascension during the game with Tavros's help.

Tavros spent most of the game asleep after the whole Vriska thing. And let's face it, Gamzee's real self could have easily been eaten by something big while he was on LOTAM (and high on sopor slime). Tavros notices his bEsT mOtHeRfUcKiN bRo starts bleeding out, and thanks to Vriska he at least knows one way besides standard kiss revival to save someone who's dying.

What with everyone not paying attention to Gamzee much in the first place, and all the God Tier fireworks hidden inside Prospit's moon, it's very believable that no one noticed his ascension. The only reason Aradia's, Dave's, and Rose's ascensions were "noticeable" was because they happened to also involve the complete destruction of their moon. Otherwise the (presumably) hundreds of meters of building and stone and whatever else Prospit/Derse are made of would have blocked most of the light show.

Couple things that point to this:
- Gamzee's absurd levels of mangrit and gel viscosity, as seen during Horrorstuck.
- Gamzee's sudden, shocking attack on the Black King that may have even surpassed Vriska's in sheer damage.
- The fact that before either of the above, Gamzee seemed to be the chillest bro. Chronologically from Gamzee's personal timeline, starting with the battle with BK, we begin to see signs of Gamzee being capable of extreme RAGE (e.g. This... Is... Motherfuckin... BlAsPhEmY). Rage befitting a God Tier Hero of Rage, even.

Perhaps most compelling of all:
- God Tier Ascension gives you a shiny new, undamaged, UNSCARRED body, e.g. Vriska. Gamzee still has face scars from Nepeta's claws.
>implying he ALREADY GOT TIGER before Horrorstuck
>implying he got tiger before the battle with the Black King, since there was never a chance after that.

This is all assuming the Bard of Rage costume isn't some kind of bluff/false thing.
Remember, Gamzee is the most important character in Homestuck.
>> No. 64251
They did say that a Bard could make or break a session.
>> No. 64252
Man, fuck Gamzee.
>> No. 64253
Let him be your guide?
>Fuck No

Good judge of character there Jane. You're gonna go far.
>> No. 64255
Gamzee is the new Vriska.

>> No. 64256
guys remember how gamzee was playing with corpses.

he was just storing them, so he can prototype them in this session

Vriskasprite time!
>> No. 64257
jake gets vriskasprite roxy gets nepetasprite dirk gets equisesprite and jane gets whoever is left who cares
>> No. 64258
Jane gets the Fish trolls

As one sprite.
>> No. 64259
Not really. Vriska had (and still has) fans.
Let's face it, no one likes Gamzee apart from the insane pbj shippers.
>> No. 64260
No, Vriska was at least interesting and a more of an anti-hero.

Gamzee is boring, typical "murder erreyday" villain.

This is more of Hussie's clown fetishism.
>> No. 64261
> This is more of Hussie's clown fetishism.

this phrase made me laugh really hard i dont know why
>> No. 64262
> This is more of Hussie's clown fetishism.

What if Dirk/Gamzee end up being an endgame ship?
>> No. 64263
>Gamzee is boring, typical "murder erreyday" villain.
Nah. Just look at the guy. He's something different now.
I have no idea what the fuck it is, but he's not horrorstuck Gamzee any more.
Also, say what you want about Horrorstuck, but I know that I was hugely entertained by it. Although I admit that the hilarious reactions to it were part of the entertainment.
>> No. 64264
Interesting that time travel devices can be used by non Time heroes.

I wonder if anyone can make time travel devices regardless of their hero class?
>> No. 64266
Doubt it. The Rose in the timeline with Calsprite would have gone back if she could have.
>> No. 64271
Whatever happened to that Rose anyway? She went to sleep and became Alpha Rose's dreamself?
>> No. 64272
What if he came from a doomed timeline?
>> No. 64273
What if he came from a doomed timeline?
>> No. 64274
This is like that dream I had where once they arrive they set in motion a grand scheme to god tier everyone.
>> No. 64275
he doesn't have wings

are we totally sure this is legit god tier gamzee and not just gamzee in a costume
>> No. 64277
I think the better question is how did he get into the Alpha session? Assuming this isn't some bullshit like "lol, Jane was asleep the whole time !!!" and suddenly dream bubbles.
>> No. 64278
m a g i c
>> No. 64279
The wings are unequipable(Vriska). Also, you can see Gamzee's activated quest bed on his world waaaaaay back when Slick and Karkat were rolling through
>> No. 64280
He has a time machine.
The meteor we last saw him on is supposed to arrive in that session at a later point in time.
>> No. 64281
Yeah, it seems that the dreamselves' minds, thoughts, memories or whatever are, to some extent, "shared" between timelines. There's a log with Kanaya where she mentions something like that.
>> No. 64282
you mean, like, in [S] Make Her Pay?
>> No. 64284
From: http://teh-english-speepstakes.tumblr.com/post/21215501297/so-we-have-a-god-tier-gamzee-with-aradias-music

>>so we have a God Tier Gamzee with Aradia’s Music Boxes.

>A God Tier Gamzee who has most likely been God Tier for a while, from the scars on his face.

>He had to have God Tiered before the Claw Scratch, because they would’ve healed (like Vriska’s arm and eye) if he God Tiered after this.

>He most likely got the Time Boxes after AradiaBot Exploded on the meteor.

>After Cascade, he’s been collecting bodies.

>Why is he collecting bodies?


I feel that this theory has too many holes to be plausible for so many people to agree with it. I mean we saw the dreamselves Tavros, Feferi, Kanaya, Nepeta, and Karkat offed by Jack so they couldn't ascend the normal way like John did. In fact the dead trolls were possibly dead for awhile and Hussie mentioned that there was a very small window of opportunity of resurrection through godtiering while dying/death (Jade's ascension was possibly cutting it close). Destroyed dreamselves mean that the dead trolls wouldn't be able to resurrect through crypt cocoons.

I don't know what exactly is Gamzee's deal is though. If he was already god-tier after the trolls' game ended then his scars would have been completely healed. And I'm not sure how he would get godtier AFTER/during the new session due to the lack of a Rage element there. I guess this could be a doomed!Gamzee that we don't know about, but shouldn't he be dead.

Ugh, this character annoys me because it feels like he's purposely comprised of asspulls.
>> No. 64286
I mean, like, how she God-tiered during the game. Doesn't have them in Meteorstuck(or whatever it's called) but has them again when she kills Tavros. Did I fuck up somewhere? Because this is what I got from all the troll shenanigans
>> No. 64287
Glad to see everybody still agrees that Gamzee is an uninteresting, shitty character.
>> No. 64288
I was talking about the activated quest bed
>> No. 64289
Oh. yeah, no clue. i'll have to watch that one again.
>> No. 64291
I... actually don't mind Gamzee.

I mean, I don't love him, but sometimes he's funny.
>> No. 64294
I love Gamzee. I'm not a HORROR FREAK (I thought Horrorstuck was a lot of fun and prefer the new Gamzee to his stoned self though), I'm not a juggalo and I don't ship PBJ.

I genuinely just think he's a very entertaining/enjoyable character.

So this update was really neat!
>> No. 64296
explain. I can't comprehend your statement
>> No. 64297
>Ugh, this character annoys me because it feels like he's purposely comprised of asspulls.
You do realize Gamzee is like the Joker card in this entire game?
>> No. 64298
Yes and depending on the game he's either extremely helpful or harmful to the one playing him. We don't exactly know where his allegiance truly lies--except for being a half-assed Moirail to Karkat, and he was last seen before this update carrying Lil' Cal so...
>> No. 64299
I liked him better when he was all high and mIrAcLeS and silly things.

But that's just me...
>> No. 64300

I literally forgot he existed when he was that.
>> No. 64301
I forgot that Vriska had a missing eye and robotic arm.
>> No. 64304
I forget about Feferi sometimes. She never seemed relevant
>> No. 64305
I still want to see pre-scratch Gamzee troll and find out how completely different he is. Or better yet, what a similar character looks like minus the makeup.
>> No. 64306
I like Gamzee.

He was really funny back when he was stoned. Now he isn't funny, but he does make a very chaotic factor in the story. Having him around adds suspense and really makes me wonder what is going to happen next. Unpredictability is a big part of why I like Homestuck, so having Gamzee around just makes the story more fun for me.

I think shipping is fucking stupid.
>> No. 64307
so i got halfway through buying up his stock before realizing what i was doing
>> No. 64308
Oh jesus christ what the hell Gamzee, you bottled their blood?!
>> No. 64309
This is beginning to get REALLY UNNERVING
>> No. 64310
what are you guys talking about? is there an update? why is there no update arrow when i visit the site? what??????
>> No. 64311

Yes. It didn't show up for me at first either, try refreshing the page.
>> No. 64312
I've had to Ctrl+F5 to get this and the previous update to show up.
>> No. 64313
thank you

jesus he looks like purple tingle, i can't deal
>> No. 64314
don't forget clicking the codpiece
>> No. 64315
File 133464570773.gif - (18.22KB , 583x403 , bestupdateevar.gif )
>> No. 64316
You can click other things?
>> No. 64317
This kind of reminds me of the shop segment in Prequel.

Also, is this act going to be nothing but [S] pages? Because it's starting to seem that way. Not that I'm complaining, of course.
>> No. 64318
>Also, is this act going to be nothing but [S] pages? Because it's starting to seem that way. Not that I'm complaining, of course.
Remember when that was the original plan for all of Homestuck?

Yeah me neither.

Also, god I hope so
>> No. 64319
I love how you can't avoid getting any of the potions once you click on them. And for the only one you can avoid having, you do that by buying it (and then throwing it away when he's not looking).

Some of the effect are funny, and so are the ways he forces Jane to take each and every potions.

Also, I don't think it is simply troll blood. I mean, that must be part of the things, but he has too many of these things for them to be nothing but blood.
>> No. 64320
Could be alchemized troll blood.
>> No. 64321
I dunno man, trolls have a lot of blood.
>> No. 64322
He could have gotten a few vials of blood and then just alchemized more. Or maybe putting the bodies in those labpods allowed them to keep making blood somehow.

I wonder what Hussie is going to do for an update on April 20th. Have Gamzee pie Jane in the face with sopor slime?
>> No. 64323
Well troll blood is used in many DnD style games...
>> No. 64324
File 133464769696.png - (1.04MB , 1600x1200 , Capture-3.png )
You mean this?
>> No. 64325
File 13346477851.png - (1.11MB , 1600x1200 , Capture-4.png )
and that?

(I had to watch the flash 5 times to make those captures since it goes by so quickly, but I can't get enough of Aradia beating up Vriska, so that's OK)
>> No. 64326
So thing do look like the poles of an activated quest bed (or cocoon or whatever), but it's hard to tell.
>> No. 64327
Those things do look like the poles of an activated quest bed (or cocoon or whatever) but it's hard to tell anything for sure.
>> No. 64328
File 133464804033.gif - (71.71KB , 650x450 , 03108[1].gif )
Yo trolls don't get quest beds.
>> No. 64329
File 133464836628.gif - (53.49KB , 650x450 , 03357.gif )
Upper right corner.
>> No. 64330
man what the fuck is even happening...
>> No. 64331
holy shit quick update

Also, its funny to see how everyone is hating gamzee. When he was first introduced everyone LOVED him. Especially when he was declasred as the most important character.

This thread really proves that things in homestuck are just trenda that the mass majority of fans just follow, like movies and fashion
>> No. 64332

Yes, it has nothing to do with how when he was introduced he was an amusing stoner and now he's a murderous psychopath, it's all just ~trends~
>> No. 64333
Are you an idiot? Don't spout such baseless nonsense.
>> No. 64334
I still like Gamzee. He gives us hilarious updates.
>> No. 64335
File 133465348684.png - (30.74KB , 707x487 , lolwutguy.png )
Wtf he sells? I have bad feeling.
%% is it drugs?%
>> No. 64336
HOLY SHIT! YOU ARE A GENIUS! I didn't think of that. No really!
>> No. 64337
File 133465679112.png - (239.66KB , 700x580 , tumblr_m2m5exo0LZ1qetxs7o1_1280.png )
>>You refuse. But the clown spots the look of longing in your eye, and knows a lovestruck lady when he sees one. The kind fellow gives you 1 OLIVE POTION on the house. You blush a little and say thank you.
>> No. 64339
File 133465728167.gif - (503.81KB , 616x611 , tumblr_m2ldz9B2d31qhncn1o1_1280.gif )
It is okay to want to touch it, ladies. That is the natural response to a codpiece so sexy.
>> No. 64341
She made a wise choice by chucking the brown potion off the cliff.
>> No. 64342
That's not how troll quest beds look like, it's just some tent with some glowing poles.
>> No. 64343
Holy shit Gamzee. Ok, this update is hilarious in both context, and the fact that he makes the perfect sleazy RPG merchant.
>> No. 64344
What, the FUU___________________________________________________!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!___________!!!!!!!!!____________!!!!!!!!!_________!!!!!!!!!!!!w,ksyohw,ksoghip,


>> No. 64345
Except he isn't now. That was just a thing that happened and it's over. I kinda want a bigger retribution for that, though.

He's been great lately, even with the sloppy corpse makeout parties.
>> No. 64346
Gamzee owns and you suckas need to stop hating
>> No. 64347
>brown potion
>chucked off a cliff
Holy shit, I just got that

Hussie you sick fuck
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