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61932 No. 61932
Can it be done?

I know there's a Gamma World mod out there but I'd love to see something more devoted to the initial core idea of the comic: a bunch of friends dicking around in paradox space.

Unfortunately the only tabletop games I can think of that would support Homestuck's bizarre shenanigans would be either Gamma World or Mage: the Awakening.
>> No. 61934
It can't be done. Most of the time the players on on their own little world doing quests and what not. To me that sounds boring.
>> No. 61938
Not while the comic is still ongoing.

We still don't really know anything about the game itself. We don't know why there is a building aspect to it. We don't know why you must prototype your kernelsprite at least once to stand a chance. We don't really know how the gates work or why you must travel to other lands. We don't know why the horrorterrors exist and if they are present in games unlinked to Homestuck's ring of sessions. We don't know much about how Derse and Prospit and sleeping work. We are only starting to learn what classes and aspects are, but only in terms of what they do and not how they may relate to one another nor to denizen quests. We have NO examples in story of how a session is normally played and won.

If you have any complete answers to any of those things, those answers consist of a few scattered pieces found in the story and a large dose of speculation to glue them all together.

I think it is possible Andrew may provide concrete explanations of these things eventually. At least, some of them. I personally think it was a very bad storytelling decision to wait until now to start exposing game mechanics when it is such basal information, but what can you do.

At its core Homestuck isn't about the characters at all, it's a creation myth--the players are literally chosen to become gods of the new world they will make if they prove themselves worthy. That was actually the initial idea behind Homestuck and Sburb, the first part of that sentence is almost word for word of something Andrew had said.
>> No. 61939
nobilis 3e actually does a really good job of modeling class, aspect, and the running gags and themes that follow a character around.

but there's still the problem of most of the action we've seen being about one or two people at a time. that's a pretty big obstacle to any sort of group tabletop RPGing.
>> No. 61944
that can be solved easily enough by good entry timing, convenient transportaliser locations, and the ability to revisit an old area after you have cleared its gate. multiple starting nodes would lessen the time you would have to wait for other players to enter the medium before you can start adventuring with them.

the thing that bothers me most is derse/prospit and the exiles. it is easy enough to coordinate sleeping so that you will have your whole prospitan group to explore the city but what do you... do in the city... and how would skaian clouds work? roll a d20 to determine how useless a prophecy (made up by the dm) is on your quest/how well you can understand the prophecies given to you? what perks does a derse dreamer even have? and what sort of purpose would exiles serve in this tabletop game and how would they be played? how would you determine when the exiles are to bother the players? are they the dm's npcs? i think it would be neat if each player, in addition to their character, also played someone else's exile, but i'm not sure how practical that would be.
>> No. 61953
I remember wishing someone made a Sburb fan game, as in just the actual sburb game itself. Building shit, Alchemizing shit, fighting shit. Seemed like it would be fun.
>> No. 61959
cloud mirages actually work pretty well in nobilis - you can run them as imperial miracles, which gives the GM leeway in defining what was seen but gives the players leeway in figuring out what it means. as far as the other stuff... exiles can be secondary characters that the group switches to every now and then when they want a breather from plot stuff. and prospit/derse are a great way to get in social/intrigue type quests (as opposed to the more "slay imps" stuff in the Lands).

Even if you don't use "proper" 60-BIT sylladex codes, approximating alchemy in real software is really, really tough.
>> No. 62044
I tired to read nobilis once. It was a headache. I couldn't understand anything that was written, and the pictures were no help either. I couldn't understand anything at all; I just remember flowers and something about a tree, a city of nothing and everything, and some stupid guy who wasn't but was evil and held it back behind a smile. Oh, and that an angel killed the dinosaurs because it pooped to close to him.
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