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61821 No. 61821
figured it was time for a new thread

what ???
264 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 62381
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>> No. 62382
I can't fucking wait to see if he has the patience to get to the part where Andrew Hussie makes out with him
>> No. 62383
>Dante Basco
>found Homestuck

Oh boy oh boy I hope nobody tells him. I want to see that reaction pure and first hand.
>> No. 62385
I really hope there's no explanation as to why this Maplehoof is so small. It just is.
>> No. 62386
I'm feeling some preemptive second-hand embarrassment. Like when insane slash fangirls hand out porn fanfic to their favorite actors (whereas insane fanboys just give you death threats). Homestuck fandom is already nuts without THAT aspect.

In between all the um and uh-ing, this is totally my new Tavros voice.
>> No. 62387
Suddenly I want nothing more than a studio-produced Homestuck cartoon. Who can we send links to?

>> No. 62388
That's cool, but I'm more amused by the fact that he chose "rufiozuko" as his Tumblr URL.
>> No. 62389
sez u
>> No. 62390

definitely them. that would be amazing.
>> No. 62391

Studio 4°C would be better. Just sayin'
>> No. 62392
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haha hussie calm down
>> No. 62393
oh my god I'm laughing so fucking hard right now
>> No. 62394
This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship to take advantage of and go Hollywood :')
>> No. 62395
maybe if dante basco gets really into homestuck we will finally have a good homestuck voice actor

(aside from general ivan and that one roxy, they are pretty okay)
>> No. 62396
>What do you think this is, Act 6 Intermission 2??

>That'll be happening pretty soon, don't worry. Let's all try to settle down here.

That's good, we're moving at a pretty decent pace. So I guess the intermissions will just follow the kids and trolls over the course of the three year journey. John and Jade will probably explore the planets and learn more about their lands, and maybe denizens, while Rose and Dave + co. will do more dream bubble shit, and WACKY ROMANCE will ensue.

And something is coming for Roxy now. I would guess that it'd be something Crocker sent after her, like we saw with Dirk. Should be interesting with GCat there.
>> No. 62401
RE: Dante Basco reading Homestuck.

A quote from the tumblr.

>Anyhow… thanks for all the messages, I appreciate hearing from everyone, although as far as Homestuck goes, I half feel like you guys are setting me up for some big practical joke and after hours of reading this thing I’m going to click onto the next page and jack-in-the-box is going to pop out of the screen of my computer saying, “Got you!”

Yeah, there's pretty much no way this is not just leading up to that Hussie/Rufio moment. I don't know how I'd react if I were in his shoes. Any way it goes down, this can only be amazing.
>> No. 62402
>And something is coming for Roxy now
It's Sawtooth

Drunken rap-off, make it happen Huss
>> No. 62403
Yeah...uh, what?
>> No. 62404
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>> No. 62405



>> No. 62406
An army of Dersite exiles.

>> No. 62407
Isn't that the same lab found on Rose's planet? Is Roxy actually on her player planet before formally entering the game? It makes sense if so, because there's lots of evidence to suggest everything is in place with or without players actually being there or starting.
>> No. 62408
I'm guessing the Condesce is getting a head start on exiling.
>> No. 62409
>> No. 62410
Eh, Roxy knowing about trolls and troll culture is a bit more outlandish than some exiles being around her area.
>> No. 62416
some people on the forums are speculating that dirk and roxy are somehow farther along in the timeline than jane and jake

which idk kinda makes sense but kinda doesnt
>> No. 62418

We've had enough timeline shenanigans and non-linearity that it would be pretty frustrating at this point. I've liked that it's fairly straight-forward at this point, with the story just going back in time to catch up with another kid. I don't see what the point would be of having them in the future or something. The chats sync up, and the only weird thing so far is exiles for Roxy, which is entirely possible. Defense portal meteors can go anywhere at any time, like the 8 that brought all the beta babies to pre-scratch earth. Not out of the question that a meteor or battleship full of Dersites landed in the fairly wild area around Roxy/Rose's house.
>> No. 62419
Remember that the game has, in a sense, been going for two and a half years already. It's the Condesce who has been postponing the release date for the alpha just so she could set things up ahead of the Teens' entry into the Medium. Immediately exiling a whole bunch of Dersites and placing them on earth before the gates to the Medium even opened... wow

Seriously, the way she twists and turns the rules and limitations of this game is amazing and horrifying.
>> No. 62420
Yeah, it's probably this. Making things needlessly complicated is something Hussie likes to do.
>> No. 62421
Nah. Not much different from Dave and Rose having shit on lock way earlier than John and Jade knew wtf was going on.
>> No. 62423


I don't see where you're getting it from that they're from the current time in the medium. They're just from the reckoning most likely.
>> No. 62424
This Dante Basco stuff going on with MSPA and the guy himself is just cracking me up I can't
>> No. 62425
Well, it's entirely possible the Condesce sent them all back in time with the Reckoning so that they could fuck with the Teens' progress.

But since there aren't any prototypings, can there even be a Reckoning in this session? After all, the Battlefield is just a huge chessboard with two pieces eternally moving around the board without being able to attack the other. We also know that the Condesce somehow entered the Session herself without being either a player or inside the house of one when they installed Sburb. It's just as likely that she has another way of moving between the session and our universe, and with her time majjyyks she wouldn't have any trouble spreading these exiles wherever she wanted across the timeline.
>> No. 62427
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Not to press the Basco thing, but . . .
>Dave has an AKAI MPC-1000… that’s dope.
>& just got told I have to read the “pesterings”… thanks @mpanighetti
>Things are making more sense now.

Are you kidding me? He's partway into Act 2 and hasn't been reading the pesterlogs?
No wonder nothing made sense to him.
>> No. 62428
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>fandom's face when
>> No. 62429
I'll admit: I was just skimming through/completely skipping the pesterlogs my first read-through.
>> No. 62430
I really don't get why some people do this, the pesterlogs are the best part of Homestuck.
>> No. 62431
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He just had to ruin a good thing :(
>> No. 62433
I wonder if reading this guy's tumblr reactions is going to be like that time hupla basically gave us a livestream of reactional recaps.

I love watching people watch/play/read things for the first time 8)
>> No. 62435
Obvious to us now. But to any first time reader, they could appear as... a bit much. Sometimes people just don't see how important/great they are at first or they're just feeling a little impatient. Really, an understandable mistake.
>> No. 62436
>Andrew Pussie
>> No. 62437
Wow i am an idiot. Id use it being 330am as an excuse but really I should have checked.

good that he isnt spoiled though!
>> No. 62443
he sped through the entire thing

in one night
>> No. 62446

I think by "caught up" he meant he got back to the point he was in the story, with having read all the pesterlogs. If he actually got to Act 6, he'd probably bring up the sloppy maekoutz.
>> No. 62447
what if

what if these guys are the Felt pre-English mutations.

Hmm... nah.
>> No. 62451
Shenanigans are go!
>> No. 62452
looks like roxy's voidstuck
>> No. 62453
Suffling out a new thread, brb.
>> No. 62456
Shuffling* every day

Dammit, I'm almost as bad as Roxy now.
>> No. 62482
Maybe Dirk will turn it on...
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