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File 132324678529.jpg - (193.73KB , 600x1483 , karkat_ fondly regard fan creation.jpg )
57165 No. 57165
Because I simply can't let one of my all-time favorite threads die. The good, the bad, it all goes here.

Dave: Imbibe apple drinkyoutube thumb
PonPonPon Equius and Nepeta.youtube thumb
Please Don't Taste The Artyoutube thumb
[Homestuck] Karkat: Lamentyoutube thumb
109 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 64896
[s] Seer: Avengeyoutube thumb
>> No. 64897
It's part of a really terrible meme on HSG which involves making fun of people for their insecurities. Business as usual for 4chan.
>> No. 64914
But insecurities are inherently unreasonable and silly.
>> No. 64929
that doesn't make them easy to get rid of.
>> No. 64976
And yet millions of people require medication and intense psychological therapy for things so unfounded and silly.
>> No. 64999
Most of all, why does Rose still have PTSD after 3 years and why is a happy reunion with John triggering it?
this is just... ugh.
>> No. 65007
People are taking this shit way too seriously, its quite clearly not a serious comic.
>> No. 65027
>why does Rose still have PTSD after 3 years

>> No. 65087
File 133603616082.png - (5.57KB , 249x345 , hello i am a seer and what is this.png )
That's not true. The original request was for Dave to be bragging to John about how his lover interests are all sane while John's are all emotional wrecks (how valid that is could be debated). I exaggerated Rose's emotional state to the point of constantly so>>64897
bbing to contrast with everyone else around them being happy and also because it's funny.
Eridan's PTSD comment was meant to be more of "Eridan doesn't understand what PTSD is and is just dropping the term because he's an ass" rather than "Rose has PTSD".

Y'all over think things. It's just a comic.
>> No. 65088
Ok I typoed that post to hell but the point is still there.
>> No. 65279
FULL L1F3 CONS3QU3NC3Syoutube thumb
>> No. 65298

Why does Octopimp have to ruin every joke and make it unfunny.

Oh well, share time: Rude Derse Dreamersyoutube thumb
>> No. 65299
God damn my ears!
>> No. 65324
The Condescension Song - Homestuck Animationyoutube thumb
Has anyone posted this? I couldnt find it!!!
>> No. 65450
wow, even for fananimations that's pretty bad.
>> No. 65616
First, the fanbase do a terrible job on the last two music albums, and now this? Is there no other person in that homstuk community that can offer redeemable qualities?
>> No. 65617
Hey fuck you too buddy. There was a shitload of music better than 90% of what wound up on the albums, but it got rejected for "mysterious" reasons.
>> No. 65619
Your use of scare quotes is seductive, and prompts me to (sincerely) ask further. What reasons were that? Didn't really hear anything about the background of the album contest.
>> No. 65620
Curiosity about fandom drama bullshit piqued.
>> No. 65622
Well it's not really a secret or anything. Basically the rules of the contest implied (but did not state outright) that anyone falling all over themselves to write the soundtrack to the next big flash would be ignored in favor of entries that could be remixed as leitmotifs.

And guess what happened.
>> No. 65626
oh fuuuuck
OK I see. But, hold on. Wasn't the theme of the double release decided beforehand? The whole concept is leitmotifs. You could argue that it was a poor theme to base a contest on - too restrictive, you don't really get an accurate picture of the creativity that's out there - but I'm not sure that it's unreasonable to reject music (even music that's honestly good) because it just doesn't fit the agreed-upon thrust of the project.

Thanks, though. I didn't look up shit about this while it was going on.
>> No. 65634
During the contest, it wasn't clear at all which characters needed themes. In fact most people assumed it would be everyone except the beta kids and alpha trolls, who had at least one theme apiece in established canon. So people submitted a bunch of music for the carapaces and toy bunnies and Lil' Cal and the genesis frog and stuff like that. For example, one of the trolls' tracks (Cobalt Thief? I forgot) was written for Serenity.

The bifurcated album thing was not announced at all until the day the first one actually came out.
>> No. 66201
It was recently pointed out to me that Janet's voice from the Magic School Bus would be a great voice for Vriska.

The Magic School Bus Works Out (1/3)youtube thumb
Skip to 2:00 exactly.

Thoughts? Disagree? Throw up your own recommendation. Do other characters too.
>> No. 66389
Nepetastuckyoutube thumb
>> No. 66397
Ask the drunk Midnight Crew
>> No. 66606

>> No. 66738
jake vs dirkbotyoutube thumb
>> No. 66769
☆☆XXxXX-KU$HBR4WN13S-XXxXX…youtube thumb
>> No. 66797
Epilepsy warning

Kyon-kun, your friend's already hereyoutube thumb
>> No. 67140
Homestuck - Anime Style?youtube thumb
>> No. 67601
HUSSIEQUESTyoutube thumb
>> No. 67608
I'm now waiting for the "I'M SO FRESH YOU CAN SUCK MY NUTS!" version. It's inevitable.
>> No. 67609
uu Wants to Play a Gameyoutube thumb

This shit it beautiful. There's also a part 2
>> No. 67613
karkat is stupid dumbyoutube thumb
>> No. 67637
that'll get in the way of the Hussie rap and background chorus, so don't hold your breath.
>> No. 67687
[youtube]Nepeta is a stupid catyoutube thumb
>> No. 68798
i just

PAPERJAM MITUNAyoutube thumb
>> No. 68809
Mitunas Gallopyoutube thumb

I've completely forgotten how to embed Youtube videos so let's just hope this works.
>> No. 69649
♓♓♓C0RAL.L4T3R4L-D4M4Gâˆâ€¦youtube thumb
Figured I'd throw my video up here.
>> No. 69693
that was beautiful
>> No. 69803

Too perfect for words, so I'll just Keep Quiet
>> No. 69965
>> No. 70115
you look nice todayyoutube thumb
>> No. 70632

Seariously Fishy - Homestuck Animationyoutube thumb
>> No. 70764
This- this is the best contribution to the fandom since John and Dave Play Sburb. Stellar.
>> No. 71006
>> No. 71583
[S] Alpha Kids: Ascendyoutube thumb
Mituna guitar solo
>> No. 71893
Homestuck Animation WIP: Extended Versionyoutube thumb
>> No. 71894
And while we're at it, let's bring this up.
Mambostuck (Homestuck Animation)youtube thumb
>> No. 72335
pro as heck guide to homestuckyoutube thumb
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