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File 130816180581.png - (41.85KB , 314x314 , sburb.png )
43149 No. 43149
Old Thread:

Heroes of Breath get a special ability called "The Breath of Life" that revives the dead. Not a dreamself or a God Tier resurrection, but it actually brings the dead body that the living player kisses back to life. It's not a passive ability, though, so if a Hero of Breath just kisses a dead/dying teammate without turning on their magically Breath powers, it'll result in a normal dreamself resurrection.
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>> No. 43151
would it heal the resurectee's body as well?
because it would suck to get resurrected and just bleed out again.
>> No. 43153
I always liked thinking that even though all the players can do the kiss revival thing, only heroes of Life and Breath (and Blood?) actually do it successfully.

Though what you said does make sense, and it would allow Rose to have a shot at god tier.
>> No. 43155
He could always kiss her again.
>> No. 43171
I had a (nonserious) idea today that dave always wears sunglasses because he doesn't want people to know he's fucking high

probably on pot

also why his eyes are red.
>> No. 43187
Just a thought but could it be Kanaya is a rainbow drinker because she was kissed back to life by the knight of blood?
>> No. 43188
Could be. Though honestly at this point Kanaya could be a Rainbow Drinker because she stepped on foot weird one day. We don't really know a thing about Kanaya's resurrection.
>> No. 43191
>she stepped on foot weird

>> No. 43376
At some point, for whatever reason, there will be a mirror match some how. Could be a rouge time line Dave, could be an evil double of John. Could be shadows created by Lord English, but at some point there will be a mirror match.
>> No. 43381
>rouge time line Dave
Is that the AU where everyone has the same blood color as Aradia
>> No. 43552
File 130826488716.gif - (17.41KB , 650x450 , 03842.gif )
I think Rose will god tier because she needs to complete the symmetry with Kanaya because Kan just changed outfits.

I mean when you think about it. Rose's black getup is pretty much the same as Kanaya's regualr outfit.
>> No. 43584
i dont think -of light god tiering would give her the requisite blue clothing to carry on being kan's chromatic opposite, but perhaps someone will alchemize a nice new blue dress for rose
>> No. 43649
File 130828336997.png - (29.14KB , 650x450 , Magnus Opus.png )
Does becoming john's chromatic opposite count in any way?

I had way too much fun doing this picture.
>> No. 43658
Not necessarily.

Rose has been having parallels from both Vriska and Kanaya.
So potentialy just as one Hero of Light's life ends the other is born anew.
>> No. 44044
Theory: The reason why Act 5 is sooooo long is because we have offended Hussie somehow, and this is his way of punishing us because of it.
>> No. 44049

Theory: Act Five is so long because it's the only act to contain Vriska and Andrew decided to make her a very big deal. Now that Vriska is dead (and, thematically I think, it fits better for her to never appear again), we'll quickly wrap up Act Five and start Act Six.
>> No. 44054
Theory: Act 5 is so long because its length is directly proportionate to the amount of theories there are concerning Homestuck.
>> No. 44057
Theory: I should stop making theories.
>> No. 45782
>DAVESPRITE: see it turns out
>DAVESPRITE: i had no idea how the denizens worked at all

K, new theory guys.

Sure, you can kill your planet's denizen, but that's not really what they're intended for. And the clue's been there in the name all along.


>den·i·zen noun \ˈde-nə-zən\

>2: a person admitted to residence in a foreign country; especially : an alien admitted to rights of citizenship

The denizen's are NOT ON THEIR HOME PLANETS.

This explains why Hephaestus wants to get to Jade's planet. The Forge would be his home. Presumably each other denizen needs to get to another kid's planet which would be their "true home". Doing a tad bit of wiki reading, Echidna, Jade's denizen, is said to live in a cave deep underground "far removed from gods and mortals," which sounds suspiciously like the place John's denizen, Typheus (Typhon) is resting right now.

This does leave a bit of wonder about where Typheus and Cetus each need to end up, but they could each eventually be placed. Cetus, Rose's denizen, is a sea monster, and if it's tough enough, may find a home in either the oil or lava oceans of John's or Dave's planets. Typheus is the hardest to place, but I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader.
>> No. 45783
Well Typheus is said to reside underneath a volcano, so...
>> No. 45793
It was also said that oil was not a normal part of LOWAS. One of John's planets many problems is that oil clogs the pipes where the Breeze was meant to flow, presumably because of Typheus.

Oil burns and wind fans flames; maybe he belongs in LOHAC.

With LOWAS-Echidna though that means Cetus is in the correct land all along though, and that can't be right. Cetus seems to fit best with LOFAF because of all the snow/water but that means Hephaestus is out of the Forge. Maybe as the Mother of all monsters she is meant to return life to LOLAR's ocean (Cetus ate them all).

LOFAF (Hephaestus), LOHAC (Typheus), LOLAR (Echidna), LOWAS (Cetus) is the most logical answer Ithink.
>> No. 45806
File 131020702045.png - (40.12KB , 803x839 , fff.png )
Theory (p far-fetched one though): Vriska never heads into the future with all the others:
She's god tier and will stay the same for the rest of her life, so she goes into the past and somehow keeps time stable by making everything happen.

What I mean is that Past! Pre-Sgrub! Vriska was Current! Dead! (somehow)Revived! Vriska all along and always will be.

The only things that I have to justify my theory are her jacket and the fact that she has a shit-ton of die.
>> No. 46079
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>> No. 46090
oh my

And now, I have to re-read all SBaHJ comics just for the hell of it.
>> No. 46110

Went back and started re-reading some sbahj comics and this.
It reminded me of this picture I saw raising the question if the game we are watching is the kids first game or if it's the result of the scratch. What if the kids keep scratching and escaping over and over?
>> No. 46111

Went back and started re-reading some sbahj comics and this.
It reminded me of this picture I saw raising the question if the game we are watching is the kids first game or if it's the result of the scratch. What if the kids keep scratching and escaping over and over?
>> No. 46123
Well hell, if we're going to posit that the kids' Sburb session/s are looping in perpetuity...
>> No. 46621
File 131110096784.gif - (145.97KB , 650x450 , 01846_3.gif )
Speaking of SBAHJ comics, I just finished a re-read, and this one struck me as particularly topical.

It may be yet another red herring, but it certainly makes for fine prediction fuel.
>> No. 46623
old'd. could be terezi or more likely davesprite or rose at this point.
>> No. 46674
File 131116076743.jpg - (580.75KB , 3642x1205 , denizen.jpg )
Karkat's denizen, anyone?
>> No. 46773
if trolls dont have siblings...

why are terezi and vriska scourge sisters...............
>> No. 46774
Clearly we are observing a paraphrased translation of some word meaning "close female comrade." Same with Gamzee's use of the word "bro."
>> No. 46797
Do you think that the other "classes" could ever do the ____ thing? Or just John and Dave?
(Like Kanaya could never do the Spacey thing, just breed frogs.)
>> No. 46800
Well, apart from Breath (wind control), Light (luck manipulation), Time (time manipulation), Space (presumably space manipulation) and Mind understanding and manipulation of actions and timelines) we have no idea what the other classes' abilities are. It's hinted at quite strongly in several cases (Eridan, Sollux, maybe Feferi) but it's not been confirmed.

But yes, presumably they could. We have no idea whether it would still be called, for example, "the spacey thing" though. I hope not because that sounds stupid.
>> No. 46802
i tend to think of Heart as having fire abilities
'firey passion' and so forth
>> No. 46807
There was somebody on Tumblr who had this little theory about the Blood hero being a support class instead of an offensive one, with most abilities revolving around healing. Should I see if I can find it?
>> No. 46811
I had an idea a while ago, as an extension of a void player's powers.
Since we can assume that being a walking hole in Doc Scratches (and presumably other's) near-omniscience is a passive effect, could more direct shielding abilities be an active use?

So a void player would be a defense/support member of the team, and the void-y thing could be an ubercharge minus the crits or something.
>> No. 46875
I can see that. I like to think of the Knight of Blood's abilities are more about making bro's with everyone and maybe get an occasional offensive ability? I think I am focusing too much on the "Knight" part though.

I also think the that ____ of Doom is like a lesser Hero of Time. Like they have knowledge of a certain doomed time line somehow, and maybe have a really powerful ability that Sollux never used because hey, psionics.
>> No. 46879
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I think it's pretty important to remember that the titles have 2 components. The way I always saw it was that the class (heir, witch, etc) determined their role within the team in the capacity you guys are talking about (knight is offense, seer is recon/information gathering, heir has domain over something)
In the situations where we see the players using their powers, the attribute (light, mind, hope, breath) is just the medium through which their class gains its power. Vriska and Rose are both light heroes, but vriska's theif class is offensive (so she can do fortune-based attacks- like dice roles/ random ground collapses), while Rose's seer class is informative (so she can do fortune telling - seeing through the cue ball). Terezi also has the info-gathering class, but instead of fortune telling her medium is psycholo-ALL HAIL HYPNO FROG ALL HAIL HYPNO FROG
>> No. 46882
he did do the blood brother thing with jack,

and his leadership/strategy/calling_everyone_away_from_what_they_were doing_and_making_them_fight_the_king_and_queen_once_the_reckoning_began could be the Knight's offensive power through the medium of Blood's domain of fraternity
>> No. 46889
I believe that
Blood = Leadership skills
Void = Being a living "dark pocket" in omniscience
Rage = Offensive powers
Hope = Creating hopeful situations through action

Life COULD = Being the bridge between life and the afterlife
Heart COULD = Romantic duties (say no more :/)
>> No. 46890
Yeah this.

Although both are Heroes of Space, Kanaya and Jade's powers are different. As Kanaya noted, the title Sylph seems to be a bit more "magical" than the Witch. Aradia and Dave are both Time players, but while Dave has simply jumped around the alpha timeline in confusing manners, Aradia relied on doomed selves to provide for her. While not stated, this is implied to be the difference between classes - all Heroes of Time rely on time manipulation, but the first part of their title is what determines how this power manifests. A Seer of Time, for example, would probably not do time-jumping, but instead be able to see future events and what caused them, and use this to their advantage by influencing things in the present.

I can't really make this comparison with either John/Tavros, John/Equius, Jade/Feferi, Dave/Karkat and Rose/Vriska, since Tavros, Equius, Feferi, Karkat and Rose never really got to show off the more advanced skills of their classes.
>> No. 46891
leadership? more like bleedership HEH
>> No. 46894
I think that Knights have a duty to assist in frog breeding.

I mean Karkat helped Kanaya, and Dave helped Jade, at least.
>> No. 46895
So if you are the Knight of Space do you have to help yourself?
>> No. 46898
Do you think Kanaya's glowy almost-ultimate frog had something to do with her vampirism?
>> No. 46900
>> No. 47109
what if gamzee is

no guys get this

what if gamzee is


>> No. 47127
made me laugh harder than i should have
>> No. 47128
made me laugh harder than i should have
>> No. 47134
What is a Slyph? I keep thinking that it's some sort of air monster or fae creature.

I think that all classes would have some sort of offensive abilities. Just so that they aren't completely useless in combat.
>> No. 47135
>The term originates in Paracelsus, who describes sylphs as invisible beings of the air, his elementals of air. There is no known substantial mythos associated with them.
>> No. 47140
Sylph (also called sylphid) is a mythological creature in the Western tradition. The term originates in Paracelsus, who describes sylphs as invisible beings of the air, his elementals of air. There is no known substantial mythos associated with them.
>> No. 47141
Well damn, I done been ninja'd.
>> No. 47151
fedorafreak is actually the guardian of one of the kids in the new 8 kids session after the scratch.

He can talk across sessions because lol floating timelines.
>> No. 47201
You are forgetting about the Page class.

How would a theif of time work then?
>> No. 47233
their enemies would have less time
and they would have more time
how else would it work?
("*slowmotion:* h-o-l-y-s-h-i-t-w-h-y-i-s-e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g-m-o-v-i-n-g-s-o-f-a-s-t-?"
"*highspeed:* hahaha now I have all of his time and can easily run around and stab things before they have the time to notice me and/or react")
>> No. 47237
What would a Page class do? No matter how high up you go, you're still Page.
>> No. 47261
I have no clue, perhaps stuff somewhat similiar to what the knight can do but more defense based and maybe some buffing abilities, having the knights back and all that?

I think that it would look like that, kinda like a time vampire.
>> No. 47295
how would that be any different from rewinding or forwarding an enemy's state and/or your own?
>> No. 47300
I thought they meant being able to siphon speed from enemies--as they get slower you/your party/whatever gets faster. Neither of the Time characters have that, so it's possible.

Dave travels back and forward in tiny increments to make "clones" of himself. The Knight is obviously an offensive class, and so his style is not about dehabilitating the enemy at all, just hitting it as many times as possible via timeline fuckery.

Aradia managed to freeze Jack completely but I don't think that is her class' signature power. She is aware of everything that goes on in her timeline and has been tasked to set up, maintain and keep track of several important events without complaint. The Maid of Time keeps the timeline clean and stable. She is not [supposed to be] in a combat role at all, and any time-related powers she has (like the stop) are for self-defense.
>> No. 47340
Because it is more than just simply stopping or fast forwarding time, this would be stealing time from another person and adding it to your own. Like... let's say you get heavily wounded, you could heal yourself by taking the time away from an ogre or an imp or something. Living off their borowed time maybe?
>> No. 47348
My theory:

Hussie got his start on the internet reviewing terrible fetish art on the internet.

After homestuck ends, he will return to his roots and review the horrible fetish art that his own fandom has wrought.

Then the cycle will be complete.
>> No. 47755
File 131241480198.jpg - (156.26KB , 894x894 , tavrostinkerbulllll.jpg )
>commune with animal
>universe is frog?
>frog is animal???

>??????????????????????? what
>> No. 47788
So I had this idea mulling about in my head for a while now that I thought it might be a bit silly, but certain events seem to make this idea a bit more plausible. The basic jist of it is that if and when the fight Lord English the denizens either gives the kids their powers or fuses with them to give them their final forms. Kinda like their own version of Sepulchritude. I didn't think it was plausible at first, but since Jade is possibly gonna try to take almost everything from their universe to the next one it stands a marginal chance of happening.

Another silly, less likely thing to happen is that the trolls would be able to combine with their constellations to transform into some sort of giant deity mode and would be supporting the kids as they fought English. I had this idea after seeing that one Aztec picture of the trolls and another picture if a deity like Vriska.Of course this idea was before the trolls started dropping like flies, but it was a pretty neat thought.

Anyway may main theory or idea is that somehow someone is gonna reach a tier beyond god tier.
>> No. 47789
>the trolls would be able to combine with their constellations to transform into some sort of giant deity mode

>> No. 47794
But someone already did. It was Mindfang/ancestor tier.
>> No. 47819
File 131245902382.jpg - (11.41KB , 146x346 , Godemperor.jpg )
The god emperor of mankind is the sole god-tier survivor of a secession gone hideously wrong. (How else would you make such a pisshole of a universe?)

Not sure what kind of player he was, though.
>> No. 47832
Emperor of Hope clearly.
>> No. 47841
But...all trolls are siblings. Sort of. Presuming the ancestors had the same mother grub and all.
>> No. 47842
The troll characters were all created by ectobiology. There was no mother grub, only Karkat and a machine.

Also it should be obvious by now that they are all near-clones of their ancestors; they each have only one true parent.
>> No. 47849
But then what about the ancient mother grub skull by Terezi's hive? Certainly that might have belonged to Kanaya's ancestor.
>> No. 47850
It could have, but the fact still remains that Karkat made everyone in a meteor lab without a mother grub.
>> No. 47872
Okay, calling it right now. There are all sorts of things that are culminating in different ways, and I figure it's going to be another circumstantially simultaneous setup.
The Scratch, the Green Sun explosion, and Bec Noir saying "fuck it" and destroying everything.

It will be a 3xOblivion Combo and it will be totally mind blowing.
>> No. 47873
The critical moment isn't Bec Noir destroying the kids' universe, it's the Green Sun blowing up, stopping him from destroying said universe.
>> No. 47874
But then Slick will be able to shoot Scratch and mobius double reachakill Snowman. Then we get Lord English.
>> No. 47875
>> No. 47880
>47872 here
Aw shit, I almost forgot about Snowman. Would that make it a 4x combo?
>> No. 47900
Theory: Sburb is balanced kind of like a Final Fantasy game.
You know how in a Final Fantasy game there's an HP cap for characters (9999) and the damage cap is the same? But you are much more likely to reach the damage cap with your best attack than you are to reach the HP cap? And how enemies tend not to hit as hard as players do, but they have more HP?
I imagine it's the same way in Sburb, or at least something to that effect.
That would explain why in most fights between player characters they end up just 1-hitting each other. They simply don't have enough HP/defense/whatever to withstand their own attacks, so it all comes down to the rate their ATB fills up.
>> No. 47902
Or player vs. player violence is considered a cutscene so levels don't matter and phoenix downs don't work if you get stabbed through the chest (:
>> No. 47948
Preemptive Betty Crocker is Lord English post.
>> No. 48087
Well He/She seems to be very acquainted with the Kids' Hero of Time.
>> No. 48094
Jade instructed herself to save the alchemical code for the fenestrated wall, for reasons yet unknown.

In today's update, Andrew was seen constructing some thing with two windows facing each other, with a yellow yardstick (the condition of his meddling) in between them.

I can think of two possibilities here.
1) Jade will construct an enormous fenestrated wall and use it as the mechanism by which the Medium Lands are shipped over to the new session. The difference in scale between the two apertures will be such that an entire planet would only be one yard wide in Hussie's study.
2) It will involve jailbreaking Aradia; Hussie is one of the few characters that we can reasonably expect to slip under Doc Scratch's omniscient radar.
>> No. 48099
Equius can also slip under docs radar.
It would be fucking awesome if equius was the one to rescue aradia
>> No. 48100
hence "one of the few", yes.
it's funny how well that would work, really.
>> No. 48104
holy shit i suddenly want this to happen so bad
>> No. 48128
Betty Crocker has no relation to Dave. Apart from the colour red. >:/
>> No. 48130
She sent Dave the link to the Miracles video on Delirious Biznasty.
>> No. 48131
Oh damn, I missed that.
>> No. 48132
If you didn't realize it, DB was twitter ( or a twitter client)
Dave simply followed Betty crocker and then was the link was sent
>> No. 48133
so if the forces of light and darkness are headed by fedorafreak and betty crocker

i guess lord english is one of the dudes from the plushrump chatroom. probably the proboscis guy.
>> No. 48139
She specifically sent it to Dave. She even said "Please enjoy, Mr. Strider."
>> No. 48140
no i mean like Dave has no idea that betty crocker has a vested intrest in him
>> No. 48644
The Sufferer was never actually angry. Rather, his executioners forced him to act angry; this was meant to try to alienate his followers. Think how Galileo was made to say that his theories were wrong.
It backfired, though, because the betrayed anger he affected ended up being more palatable to many Trolls than his earlier message of peace.
>> No. 48660
>Equius busting Aradia out of that popsicle stand

>> No. 48755
has anyone else thought Bro's name is Cal? or something along those lines?

his puppet is Lil Cal, so I thought he named it after himself.

Bro = Cal, Calvin, Calcifer, etc.???
>> No. 48758
So if Bro is Calvin, does that make Li'l Cal Hobbes?
Hob? (Another old word for the devil?)
>> No. 48794

yes. makes perfect sense. hee hee hoo hoo.
>> No. 48797
Well Lil Cal and Hobbes are both puppets in reality, right.
>> No. 48856

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