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File 137988223043.jpg - (81.98KB , 620x350 , 28341-aniplex_gets_valvarave_header[1].jpg )
84886 No. 84886
Valvrave is a mech series by Sunrise whose first season aired during the spring, and is brought to you by writer Ichiro Okouchi, who most relevantly is the pen behind Code Geass.

Valvrave is a strong contender for the dumbest show I have ever seen. It's actually pretty spectacular in a way, it's like watching the fusion of Code Geass R2 and Gundam Seed. In fact the first episode is pretty much a point by point replay of Gundam SEED's opening but with R2's style... at least until vampires occur. The experience is rather like what R2 probably would feel like if you skipped season 1 and so had no reason to like any of the characters and just got twist after stupid twist.

I MUST KNOW HOW IT ENDS, and season 2 starts pretty soon, hence the thread. If you want to experience the closest thing to /a/'s R2 glory days or just watch Sunrise make pretty mech fights happen, grab this S1 batch: http://bakabt.me/details.php?id=172332&page=0
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