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File 136627539974.jpg - (213.78KB , 520x639 , url.jpg )
82195 No. 82195
3.33 out NEXT WEEK

EVANGELION3.33 YOU CAN (NOT) R…youtube thumb
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>> No. 82507
I feel like an Eva movie isn't something that should immediately be judged. It takes some time to attempt piecing everything together before you can say it makes sense or not. The first time you saw EoE, I have kind of a hard time believing you thought to yourself "yes, I understand exactly what just happened".

I've seen 3.0 twice now and I've looked at some online speculation. I don't understand everything but I understand a lot more than I did before. Eva has always had a big confusing mess of a plot that needs to be pieced together to be understood, to me that's part of the fun.

Plus there's one more movie to go, so yeah.
>> No. 82509
I'm not familiar enough with animu to even begin looking into this on my own, but is there some kind of trope where only eye is ever visible on a character, even if they have both still?

Talking about you, Misato.

>> No. 82512
Not one specific to anime that I'm aware of. But there's this:


In Misato's case, I'd say it's a double case--part concealment/deception and part vulnerability. Her wild, devil-may-care party girl attitude is a front(deception) for her deep insecurities and self-loathing and fears of abandonment (vulnerabilities). So the "only seeing one eye" thing is a visual manifestation of the shields she's put up around her psyche, and how we only ever really get a good look at one side of her, not the whole picture.

But then again, Evangelion has a thing about eyes in general. Gendo's glasses, Rei's bandages, Asuka getting her eye injured, etc. When something shows up that often, it starts becoming a motif that could be indicative of the story as a whole rather than specific to a character.

...but then again, remember that we're talking about Eva here. Anno is on record as explicitly saying that he would sometimes throw in symbolism just because it seemed cool and not because it was making a point. The remakes might be refining on the stuff that came out via "emergent symbolism" (to coin a phrase, assuming someone else hasn't already), but it could also just be a happy accident to fuel speculation.
>> No. 82514
>Asuka getting her eye injured

Audience: Hey, how did Asuka hurt her eye?
Shinji: Asuka, how'd you hurt your eye?
Audience: Yes, how did you hurt your eye?
Audience: nyoro~n
>> No. 82515
She didn't hurt her eye, she keeps an angel in there instead.
>> No. 82517
>The first time you saw EoE, I have kind of a hard time believing you thought to yourself "yes, I understand exactly what just happened".

Yes, but the first time I saw End it was beautiful and epic and spectacular and revolutionary and mind-blowing and stirring and so much more. It was like a Picasso work, in a way. Maybe it wasn't quite realistic, and probably you can't even guess what it is supposed to BE... but all the same you can feel the artistic triumph and talent and effort that went into it.

3.0 was just a mess. I can't describe it much more succinctly than that. Pretty just for the sake of being pretty, weird just for the sake of being weird, confusing just for the sake of being confusing.

And after coming out and saying that Rebuild was supposed to be "more accessible" to people who were not hardcore fans of the original series, making 3.0 LIKE THAT and pulling shit like having the trailer be some kind of okay-this-happened-in-between-the-movies and not have anything from the actual movie... I get the impression Anno is just being a massive troll. Like he's seriously FUCKING with us just to deconstruct the fandom in a meta way. Kind of how some theorize all of Eva was a big "screw you" to the otaku phenomenon in general.

Because, seriously, absolutely EVERYTHING ends up opposite of whatever the audience wants. You want Shinji to get with Asuka? We'll have him get closest to another boy. You ended up LIKING that other boy? Okay, we'll bring him back just to brutally murder him again. You thought Shinji standing up for himself was nice? Okay, we'll make him a wuss again in the next movie. You like it when Asuka kicks ass? How about she'll always get her ass kicked from now on. You like Touji? I'll cripple Touji. You like Rei's character development? I'll kill Rei, multiple times. You like the cute penguin? I'll send him away. You like awesome versions of the TV series' angels? Time to go completely original. You thought Third Impact was about to happen? I'll stop it in the middle, then start Fourth Impact, and then STOP THAT ONE TOO BECAUSE WE CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH IMPACTS!!! So many, in fact, that instead of calling the impending one Fifth Impact, we're just naming it Final Impact. There have been so many Impacts that we stopped numbering them, just like the direct-to-video Land Before Time sequels. Ffffffffuck.

I think what I am trying to get at is that I just DID NOT LIKE 3.0. And considering that I've enjoyed everything Eva before now, even episodes 25 and 26, that's gotta mean something.
>> No. 82518

I can totally agree that there's a sincere lack of "man, that was something" at the end of watching 3.33 for me.

It was more of a "man, that was...things? There were things. Some of them."
>> No. 82519
>And after coming out and saying that Rebuild was supposed to be "more accessible" to people who were not hardcore fans of the original series

Yeah there's no way newcomers will have any idea what the hell is going on. Hell, most longtime fans have no idea what the hell is going on. I get the impression they started out with that in mind and then just ditched the "accessible" thing completely.

>You want Shinji to get with Asuka? We'll have him get closest to another boy. You ended up LIKING that other boy? Okay, we'll bring him back just to brutally murder him again. You thought Shinji standing up for himself was nice? Okay, we'll make him a wuss again in the next movie. You like it when Asuka kicks ass? How about she'll always get her ass kicked from now on. You like Touji? I'll cripple Touji. You like Rei's character development? I'll kill Rei, multiple times. You like the cute penguin? I'll send him away. You like awesome versions of the TV series' angels? Time to go completely original.

Keep in mind the moment we're approaching in Rebuild's overarching story at the end of 3.0 is about where the narrative would be expected to be at its darkest and most bleak. I mean, pretty much everything you just listed as a complaint, sans the lack of angels, happened in the tv show between the battle with the one angel (the last one who returned in 2.22, I forget his name) and the end of episode 24. These are all being done in different ways here but the pacing is quite similar to the show.

I agree completely about Impacts being cheapened though. I feel like Evas going berserk have also lost their magnitude for pretty much the same reason.

>> No. 82529
File 136736859810.jpg?spoiler - (2.86MB , 1920x5000 , 1367356949381.jpg?spoiler )
oh god
>> No. 82530
So, there are things that were shown in the last movie that make sense now?

How is that anything new?
>> No. 82531
... so Asuka really does have an angel in there.

That's... that's so stupid.
>> No. 82533
Just watched the first movie with a friend. I. . .have SO MANY questions about the damn logistics of all this.

-The retractable city
-Shinji's school
-Misato's apartment
-The apocalyptic ruined city
Where are all of the above located relative to one another? Like, are they really having all of the Eva pilots go to a single school building that is NOT able to retract into the ground on short notice? The president has the secret service watching over him at all times, and that guy has 10 qualified replacements in different locations throughout the country.

What kind of technology are they using to MAKE all these superstructures? Even setting aside the Geofront (how do those trees get sufficient light), how do you excavate a pit deep enough to fit the tallest skyscrapers in the world? Hand an EVA unit a shovel? How many full-time therapists' salaries does that COST?

I mean, any answers that are spoilers, don't actually tell me. But aaaaagh.
>> No. 82534
Dagda have you never seen NGE.

Are you real?
>> No. 82536

Tokyo-3 is a futuristic megacity designed specifically for mobility against Angels. That's about as detailed as you need to get about those logistics.
>> No. 82537
You are talking about a series in which people have the technology to genetically engineer customized angel clones to make what appear to be giant robots. Also, religious mythology is literally true, even the weird parts. In fact, especially the weird parts. Eva's depiction of angels is more like the angels actually described in actual abrahammic mythology than pretty much anything Western artists have ever done--seriously, the descriptions in the torah, bible, and the apocrypha could seamlessly be slipped into a Lovecraft story.

What I'm saying is: the laws of physics should seriously be the last of your worries. You really want to goggle at the science of it all, try to figure out a canonical size for an Eva.
>> No. 82540
It's one of those things where I never WATCHED it firsthand, but I've seen 75% of the series through amv footage and a thousand other things. I gave up on avoiding spoilers back in high school. Hell, I read re-take and understood it with very little difficulty.

The biggest surprises have been how LITTLE context I was missing on a lot of moments- thus far, there's much less exposition than I was expecting.

Then why is half the city utterly mundane year-2000-era stuff
>> No. 82541
>Then why is half the city utterly mundane year-2000-era stuff
Because pretty much the entire gross national product of Japan has been spent on the Eva program (and a little bit on Jet Jaguar) and anti-angel defense since Second Impact.
>> No. 82544
Okay, that works.
>> No. 82548
Dagda the only answers I can know would be from the original series and to be frank with the way so many things have changed in the movies there's no guarantee it would even be close to accurate here.

For the excavation thing, in the original show the whole cavern is part of Lilith, the Second Angel's original vessel, named the Black Moon, which landed on earth 4 billion years ago during First Impact. Japan literally grew over it. You can see it rise up into space during End of Eva. The other one was called the White Moon under the antartic which held Adam, the First Angel.

But like I said, things are probably different in the movies.
>> No. 82550
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Well, this explains that.

In episode 7 of the tv series Nerv actually gets a lot of flack from outside agencies for being such a colossal money drain. One guy is complaining that they still need to rebuild the world after second impact, that there are still loads of countries filled with starvation and resource wars, but somehow Nerv is being given priority.

Of course the real reason is that the show's version of the illuminati have very specific plans, and they need Nerv to be funded and working in order to execute those plans. They don't care what happens to the rest of the world, they just pool their resources to where they need to be. As the show progresses the Nerv personnel can be heard complaining about budget cuts and running out of money, which actually (sort of) becomes important later on.

You should really watch the original show before the other Rebuilds, or you'll really have no idea what the fuck is happening. Most stuff explained in the show is stuff the movies just kind of assume you know. And besides that, the show is very good.
>> No. 82602
>> No. 82607
>You Can (Not) Rebound
I have no clue what I just watched, but I can (not) stop laughing.
>> No. 82638
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Well, if someone wanted us to relate to Shinji in some way, they succeeded.

I suddenly understand jack shit.
>> No. 82640
>1.11 - Shinji does what he's told and everyone hates him for it.
>2.22 - Shinji does what he wants and everyone hates him for it.
>3.33 - Shinji doesn't do anything and everyone hates him for it.

>4.44 - Everyone hates Shinji.
>> No. 82641
Uh, my VLC is throwing up an error when I try to play that .ass. Any quick fixes?
>> No. 82642

I see a pattern! It's the same behavior as each of the Children's numbers.

1.11 - Shinji acts like First Children, Rei (is compliant).
2.22 - Shinji acts like Second Children, Asuka (is selfish).
3.33 - Shinji acts like Third Children, himself (is helpless).

4.44 - Shinji acts like Fourth Children, Touji (is horribly crippled.)

Or else: Shinji acts like Fifth Children, Kaworu. (sacrifices himself to save everyone else.)

And wouldn't that last one just be just totally out of left field? Wouldn't it pretty much completely redeem Shinji as a character in a way that would cause even the most hardcore hater think better of him? Wouldn't that make even Asuka stand up, one tear rolling down her cheek, and give a sincere "thank you, Shinji"? Oh God, I want this to happen... I'm a sucker for heroic sacrifice. I'd cry for an hour, no joke.
>> No. 82643
First, stop that.

Secondly, that post is pointless since proper subs have already been put out.
>> No. 82644
Here let me fix that for you
Wouldn't that make even Asuka stand up, one tear rolling down her cheek, and give a sincere [spoiler]"Anta Baka? Why couldn't you save the world without dying, you idiot?"[/spoiler]

Anyway, Mari is fourth child in Rebuild.

4.44 - Shinji acts like Mari, and all the build up we were given making us think he would matter to the plot turns out to be a red herring. He becomes a mostly pointless side character who makes cat faces. His relationships with other characters are barely explored.

Yeah I know Mari might actually become relevant in 4.0 but so far I don't like her.
>> No. 82656
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>Day is saved but his hands are mangled beyond repair
>can't play musical instruments anymore
>last scene is of him futilely trying to play a piano
>after a few moments Rei steps in and sits next to him and the two play Chopsticks together
>Shinji stops playing and Rei plays a simple piano piece as he rests his head on her shoulder

I'd be down with that.
>> No. 82822
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>> No. 82840
This expresses exactly how I feel about Shinji. Wow.
>> No. 82841
Having sex wouldn't have made all his problems go away, or make everyone in the series less fucked up
>> No. 82844
I kind of sympathize with both Stout and Shinji there, but yeah, sex with any of the available women in Shinji's life would probably just make everything more fucked up. Shit, he already jacked off to a girl in a coma.
>> No. 82847
And thats why he NEED to get laid.
>> No. 82854
No, what he needs is psychological counselling, everyone else around him not also being fucked in the head and/or trying to manipulate him and maybe not having to pilot a giant humanoid abomination he shares the sensation of pain with into battle against alien monstrosities while old men in mysterious councils plan to use him to bring about the end of the world on their own terms.

Really no one seems to get the point of that scene, all the loss he's experienced through the 'war' against the angels is the reason why he's there talking to the comatose Asuka, when he inadvertently causes her to roll over exposing her breasts and he reacts to it by masturbating the first thing he says after finishing is to despair at how fucked up he is, its to show how broken he's become at the consent attrition and why he's so listless for EoE.
>> No. 82877
God damn that's a sweet image.
>> No. 83044
Here is a pretty good summary of the events of 3.33
some spoilers for obvious reasons.
>> No. 83224
Just saw 3.33!

This thread probably helped alot by lowering my expectations, but I actually enjoyed it. Honestly, I'm thinking the main reason is just that. . .Eva has conceptually-really-interesting stuff onscreen in just about every other shot, and the other two movies were 80% reheated concepts that had already been leaking into my awareness bit by bit for the last decade (through amvs/parodies/what have you). This is the first time I've been exposed in a "fire hose" way instead of a "drip feed".
>> No. 83225
A haiku:

Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay
Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay
Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay

>> No. 83260

>> No. 83266
File 137058630862.png - (126.52KB , 847x405 , Picture 4.png )
...Are we... banning people for making light-hearted and unmalicious jokes about gay subtext, now?

Shinji and Kaworu's relationship in the movie was heavy in the homosexual, as it has always been in pretty much every incarnation of the series. Completely intentionally.
>> No. 83267
I think it might be that one anon with the super-thin skin reporting everything under the sun that even slightly upsets her. But let's not turn it into a shitty meta-discussion. Take it to the /baw/ plus4 thread.
>> No. 83274
>Is there a good explanation for this (that doesn't involve Shinji being gay)?

At this point, Shinji is aware that Rei is not only a clone, but a clone from a giant fishtank of mindless bodies that might be related to his own mother. She horrifies him by merely existing, much less as a gigantic naked demigod trying to get him.

On the other hand, Shinji's last breaking point was being forced to murder Kaworu, when he didn't even feel Kaworu had done anything wrong. Seeing him suddenly appear like that gave Shinji an emotional escape by allowing him to plausibly deny that he had killed Kaworu at all. His reaction was less, "Oh God, I love you!" and more, "You're alive? Thank God; everything is okay, then."

Also, the fact was that GNR appeared to everyone in the guise of the person they most trusted in order to lower their AT-Field and make them into Tang. The fact that this person was also a person they loved is just reasonable coincidence. At that point in the series (or, even, at the very beginning of the series) Shinji is utterly incapable of feeling love. Lust, yes. Trust, probably only up until Kaworu. But not love.

(As for that ban, it was probably just because it was a really lousy haiku, and contributed nothing to the thread.

"We play a duet
This piano metaphor
Now my hand is wet"

Is that better?)
>> No. 83282
Is it possible he's too traumatized to have sex with anyone? Depression and anxiety can be a boner killer.
>> No. 83291

Shinji's issues don't seem to be about physical intimacy so much as more fundamental basic human interaction and coexistence.
>> No. 83294
>GNR appeared to everyone in the guise of the person they most trusted in order to lower their AT-Field and make them into Tang

This was true for some people, but not everyone. Like whatshis face and the million naked Reis laughing at him as he was forcibly exploded into Tang, scared out of his mind. Unless they decided it was best to just scare his AT field away.
>> No. 83352
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He was too cool a dude, he was satisfied with his personal life so they had no angle to goad him into conforming with the Tang clan, thus they had to forcefully induct him.
>> No. 84112
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>> No. 84115
Huh, that's a more positive interpretation than I've seen most people make.

The way I thought it worked for him was that he was a loner and just didn't have anyone he really cared about, I thought of him as the kinda person too bitter to let himself care about others. I mean, the Reis took the form of whoever the to-be-tanged wanted to be with most, if he had anyone at all he really cared about then the Reis should have looked like them. Everyone else actually looked pretty happy when they got tanged, but he was terrified of the Reis touching him, and I took this to mean (symbolically) that he's the kind of person too afraid to let anyone into his heart. I believe this more depressing interpretation of things because it seems to tie in better with Eva's main themes, and because happy, content people are just something that I can't really imagine being a character in the original show and EoE.

Not trying to say your interpretation is wrong or anything, just sharing my own take on things.

Also this series really has the best minor characters ever.
>> No. 84192
Much fun as it is, buggering your issues away does not solve your issues
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