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81810 No. 81810
Strap on those hipster goggles /jam/, and talk about your favorite unappreciated little gem. Anime, manga, even VNs or LNs, it's all good, though I think manga's probably the best since LNs/VNs have translation problems and anime tends to be less obscure by default.

That said, I'm going to be a total hypocrite and suggest Hyouge Mono, an anime with a series case of sub problems. Some of it IS subbed though, and what's subbed is glorious. It's about the Warring states period (because what Japanese period story fucking isn't about that or the bakamatsu) but mostly ignores the sweeping politics in favor of following around a curio obsessed vassal with more reaction faces than Aiki. It's really fucking funny and has a great OP/Ed set.
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>> No. 81817
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Is anybody else reading Billy Bat at all? It's absolutely crazy, a conspiracy thriller manga set during several eras. The art's so good and the story, even though it's weird, has such suspense and intrigue. It's amazing how much detail and research is shown for American history as well as Japanese, even if there's that slight Japanese-American bias. I don't know why I've never heard of it before yesterday.
>> No. 81818
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Ran and the Grey World is fantastic. It's basically Yotsuba as a little witch girl with AMAZING art, and there's also crazy bug monsters.

>> No. 81820
This is FANTASTIC except for Ootarou chapters which are just super disturbing tell me he goes away at some point
>> No. 81823
He doesn't "go away" but uh, well you'll see.

Until then, just enjoy the pretty pictures.
>> No. 81832
Well, that's a troubling situation. And I still can't get a reading on this guy.
Very good though, excellent even.
>> No. 81834
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It's one of the prettiest manga I've ever read.
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