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80990 No. 80990

Seems like the new Bleach thread is overdue

Have fun Bleachers
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>> No. 83502
The issue with the plot is that Ichigo's motivation has never really been made clear. There's no "I want to be Hokage/ be Pirate King/Win the big game/Complete my menu" goal for him to work towards. As a result things just kind of happen (most frequently one of the girls gets kidnapped)

Even if you ditch the goal after a while it's important to have it somewhere in the backburner, like how in Fairy Tail Natsu's team originally had the goal of "work our way up to the top floor and get the right to do S rank missions" or how Medaka Box had "Fill the entire school with flowers representative of having helped the students".

If Rukia, and the Orihime had never gotten kidnapped and given him something to work for (for one arc only really) what would Ichigo have done? Just gone on to fight a bunch of random filler hollows?

New characters can be great and all but just flooding the cast isn't enough and it means that no one gets the development they need (given the main character doesn't even get that development beyond "here's another new power" this shouldn't be a surprise).

Hell, remember how Tatsuki was starting to get powers?
>> No. 83503
Yeah, that too.

The first bit of the series feels like a completely different story. I would have been happy if it had remained kind of a slice-of-life thing where Ichigo and his friends fought Hollows to protect Karakura, tbh. The part after Rukia's arrest totally changes its tone and it could be neat in its own right, but would have been better with a different main character.

If only he'd ended Bleach when he got bored of Karakura Town adventures and started up a different (but connected) Soul Society series...

>> No. 83505
>nuh opinion my mom says I'm right so it's true.

You can roll on the floor all you want, as long as you just fling insults as subtle as "I think he's shit" you are not gonna impress anyone.
>> No. 83506
Wow, why are you being so random and using greentext insults? Thats even worse.

And it is the same guy who always defends every facet of bleach and noticeably doesn't type properly, I'm just stepping in and stating the fact.
>> No. 83584
A Bleach chapter where nothing happens?! This is very odd!
>> No. 83591
God fucking dammit Kubo, you are the Lego maniac of character design. YOU HAVE LIKE FOUR STANDARD BODY TYPES WITH DIFFERENT HAIR!
>> No. 83594
Thats why its so easy for him to keep chucking in more when he's got nothing better to do.
>> No. 83596
another case of tell don't show. he's bored. bored bored bored.

bored of his own story.

i miss zombie powder.
>> No. 83600
Kubo introducing a wacky set of secondary characters?

Must be Wednesday.
>> No. 83601
Observation the first: Kubo likes making up characters.
Observation the second: Many of these characters are way more interesting/likable than the main characters in his stories (c.f. Urahara, Shinji, Hanataro, etc.)
Observation the third: Kubo has real problems keeping momentum going for a long time and forgets his own plot points from years ago.

Only sane conclusion: Kubo should be working on short series about interesting characters that entertain him until he starts getting bored about them, then conclude their series and work on something new that interests him, instead of epic shounen megaworks.
>> No. 83637
Kubo seems to have the same problems as Kishi: Great world building, secondary characters, and scenario, but cliche writing and main characters with mad hax. Also, women are always the weakest.

For me, though, Kubo's steam petered out a lot sooner than Kishi's did. I'm still interested in how Naruto Shippuden ends, if only for closure, but I completely stopped caring about Bleach.
>> No. 83647
>Naruto and Bleach
>Great worldbuilding
>> No. 83697
File 137270389632.gif - (1.52MB , 200x150 , 1365498582385.gif )
>Possibly pronounced Yehawach
>Yhwach is named after the true name of God
>> No. 83720
I'd say that there was some unsettling social commentary in the latest chapter, but I might be reading too much into it.
>> No. 83721
Well soul society has always been a terrible place and a regime filled with bastards. And they are the 'heroes'.

But what is happening in the latest chapter?
>> No. 83722

Again I'm probably reading too much into it but yeah.

In this chapter after Barbieta or what ever her name is finished killing a dude, some more female Quincys are introduced. Some one mentioned that they look a lot like a K-Pop group who's picture I can't find. The girls are generally slutty and murderous, which is par for the course but I wonder if making them look like K-pop stars has an underlying meaning. I know Japan and Korea haven't really been getting a long, so maybe I picked up on something that may or may not be there to begin with.
>> No. 83730
Kubo really likes fashion, so it could be as simple as him enjoying current K- and J-Pop clothing designs.
>> No. 83731
if he ever owns up to it, i'd love to watch him make a series just about competing fashionistas or designers... or pop stars for that matter.

they could even have special powers so long as they stay the fuck out of huexico.
>> No. 83732
If you're going to read into anything, read into the murdersluts' obviously western names.
>> No. 83733
>stay the fuck out of huexico.

Mmmm fuck you too.
>> No. 83735
Eh, a lot of the Quincey have western-sounding names. Actually, looking at a list of them, Quincey naming doesn't seem to follow any real pastern. Some of them sound western (Meninas McAllon, Royd & Loyd Lloyd), some sound eastern (Cang Du), and some are just weird (BG9, Äs Nödt, Äs Nödt).
>> No. 83736
Or you know, maybe that band just had the same idea of putting white military clothes?
>> No. 83852
Look! It's some of the established characters that we actually still like! They're still in the story! Hooray!
>> No. 83874
Shinsui just told them to say goodbye to Ichigo.
Even in story he knows Kubo has nothing for them and jusst told them to go home forever.
>> No. 83928
>>Bleach has some of the best fight choreography in current manga, the writing reliably provides and effectively balances weekly "holy shit" moments and long-term continuity, and the art is professional if overly polished. If you don't like the genre it so whole-heartedly embodies then you'll obviously not be a fan, but the vast majority of criticisms of the series are baseless bandwagoning bullshit.

...do people honestly feel this way about Bleach?
>> No. 83930
We've got one fanboy who pops up in this thread sporadically, so it does happen.

But really, best fight choreography? Have they not read like, any other fighting series?
>> No. 83969
>people who like things I dislike are the same guy I swear and he's totally a FANBOY and other buzzword so I can feel superior with MY taste instead.
>> No. 83970
Oh, hey, there you are.
>> No. 83978
You do happen to be posting just like the 'fanboy' in question.

Why do you hate capital letters at the start of your sentences anyway? Your SHIFT key obviously WORKS.
>> No. 83996
Five week break to prepare for the final chapters. Maybe there will be some background artwork in them.
>> No. 83998
The last chapters of the last arc, so to speak?
>> No. 84004
I don't even read it anymore but just like with Naruto I'll be glad to see it END
>> No. 84007
Kubo just promised the final battle, wich could be a ruse since we know there's more to this than jsut Juha, so it's highly possibe his defeat just trigger another part of the arc without ending anything.
>> No. 84102
I forgot the Vizards were characters, it was nice to see them briefly.

This is a bad comic about nothing.
>> No. 84133
I miss when it was a quirky comic about nothing. The soul society arc killed the manga.
>> No. 84134
Bleach was on the verge of cancellation before SS arc. Nobody enjooyed or bought the early volumes.
>> No. 84137
So I should blame people for having shitty tastes?
>> No. 84183
Out of curiosity, were you paying to read the manga back then, or were you just reading it online?
>> No. 84186

Pre-Soul Society Bleach is the only Bleach I've ever paid money for.
>> No. 84421
I'm starting to suffer from severe withdrawal now. How many weeks left before next chapter?
>> No. 84422
How are you suffering withdrawal? Nothing really happens anymore in Bleach anyway to the point that not getting a new chapter is almost the same exact thing as if you did.
>> No. 84578
where have you been for the past year
>> No. 84718
>latest chapter

Wait what?
>> No. 84721
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>> No. 84722
>> No. 84724
I actually kinda liked the latest chapter.
Mayuri's such a fucking nutter, it's great.
>> No. 84779
>Secondary characters in fights with minor villains
Enjoy, guys, because this is the only time these characters will get to shine in this arc.
>> No. 84844
watching the show and am wondering once Aizen gets beat does it just go off on its own arc or does it ever sync back up with the comic? and if not is it worth watching?
>> No. 84969
And so once again, we're forced to sit through more screentime of Hitsugaya getting his ass beaten like a punk and contributing almost nothing to the series.
Thanks Kubo.
>> No. 85417
Ichigo's running back down Snake Way and all of the Quinces are going Super Saiyan.
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