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File 134741728785.jpg?spoiler - (130.85KB , 800x1147 , tumblr_ma7nxkr8UJ1qbaj5no1_1280.jpg?spoiler )
78011 No. 78011
What the grim fuck?
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>> No. 78013

Well I for one am glad I stopped readingafter the future arc.
>> No. 78014
Hahaha oh my god.

If you want to depress yourself, consider this: THIS is the artist who is doing the character designs for Urobochi's new anime series.
>> No. 78015
Hahaha oh my god.

If you want to depress yourself, consider this: THIS is the artist who is doing the character designs for Urobochi's new anime series.
>> No. 78020
Actually it's a pretty nice creepy-cute design, imo. Just not one for the "last, most powerful enemy".
>> No. 78022
File 134745056655.jpg - (162.78KB , 640x438 , 72202e162afd9417017cf74ee10d94f71347312974_full[1].jpg )
Well that's not exactly bleak.
>> No. 78023

Those certainly are Amano designs. Soulless figures in suits.

It'll still be good, of course, it's Urobochi for fuck's sake, but there are so many better artists for him to collaborate with. What a fucking waste.
>> No. 78082
Fuck this shit, Psycho-pass thread.

「PSYCHO‐PASS サイコパ…youtube thumb

New trailer looks neat. Also apparently the guns are some crazy Minority Reportesque shit that fires automatically by detecting people's "crime scores."
>> No. 78083
File 13475725173.png - (2.88KB , 207x160 , 1313699768734.png )
never liked her designs nor found them attractive, just don't see the appeal of her style
>> No. 78091
I still hold that Reborn would have been the greatest manga in all of creation if it were about the Varia. Fucking fight me, you know I'm right. That said, I actually do still like Amano's art, but everyone in >>78022 looks like a character from Reborn. Sigh.

(the Varia arc and some of the future arc is pretty damn good tho and it's totally acceptable to stop reading after the Future Arc ends. They beat white haired internet jesus everyone lived happily ever after except for Uni the end.)
>> No. 78092
I still hold that Reborn would have been the greatest manga in all of creation if it were about the Varia. Fucking fight me, you know I'm right. That said, I actually do still like Amano's art, but everyone in >>78022 looks like a character from Reborn. Sigh.

(the Varia arc and some of the future arc is pretty damn good tho and it's totally acceptable to stop reading after the Future Arc ends. They beat white haired internet jesus everyone lived happily ever after except for Uni the end.)
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