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File 138940326659.png - (98.12KB , 456x400 , rushed.png )
43696 No. 43696
Use this thread to ask for art critique, or anything similar, like decision making or suggestions. Basically, post stuff you haven't finished and want to make better. GO GO GO!
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>> No. 43698
File 138940570659.png - (43.71KB , 879x1655 , designsside1.png )
I'll start.

I am going to create a comic based on TAWoG, and it will have to include side-shots of Nicole. I have quickly made up the proposed designs (pic related). As you can see, they differ a lot from the S1 in-show model. I want to know which one you think is the best and why, and how I can make them better. (feel free to mix and match)

(Note: these are very basic: I haven't added ears, eyebrows, nose-detail, etc. and the eyes are rushed hard; I am mainly focusing on head shape and whisker placement)

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