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43695 No. 43695
How do most hentai artists make money these days aside from commissions? it'd be cool to make money off this weird habit.
>> No. 43699
Do some comics and sell them?
>> No. 43700
Do some comics and sell them?
>> No. 43702
Comics do them and sell some?

Seriously though.
Maybe do a paysite. Either as a contributor or a creator.
Or have a website and sell ad space, too! Thaaaats a good one.
Just, either use a good service (google pays WAAAY less than the norm) or sell the space yourself and/or with a marketing manager.
>> No. 43707
Comics, art packs, books. Paysites cost a lot to start up, and getting into one can be a little hard. Yeah adspace too. Just network a ton I guess.

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