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43327 No. 43327
Where in the world should I go to get help whit porn drawings?
this board seems very safe 2 me for posting porn, but I really could use some help and criticism, it does not matter if its heavy because I need help THAT bad. (pic unrelated)
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>> No. 43328
It's actually okay to post porn here, but I don't think you'll get the critique that you want, since this board is exceptionally slow. Even so, it may be worth a try.
/ic/ on 4chan proper isn't a bad place, even if they can be a bit brutal, and so long as you don't mind being LOOMISed every other comment.
Your situation seem kind of specific though, so I'd suggest going to the forums of some related community. Hentai Foundry or Fur Affinity might be of some help, but I don't really know if they do that kind of thing over there.
>> No. 43330
Why so desperate for that help though?
>> No. 43332
Yeah, probably best to avoid going to /ic/ for critique on toon porn. You might get some, but during my time there in the past they mostly seemed to want to see direct from life (or photo) figure studies and whatnot... which is funny since I'd wager that a large portion of them draw anime and cartoon fanart when they aren't whining to /ic/ about sucking or trying to show off their hasty still lifes.
>> No. 43367
If it's for the purposes of learning the fundamentals, figure studies and from-life drawings are genuinely far better teachers than cartoon or anime or any other sort of stylized drawing. That's why they do that. Plus, drawing based on someone else's style (ANYONE else's style) is most likely to teach you bad habits that THAT person has picked up, or to take shortcuts without understanding why those shortcuts are being taken--there are very solid reasons that many cartoonists and anime artists have for drawing things in a certain way even when they're unrealistic, and when someone who understands why they're taking that shortcut does it, it only serves to increase the appeal of the finished product. But when someone who doesn't understand what they're doing apes it, it's obvious. And it's difficult to explain verbally what exactly the issue is, but it's a significant issue.

Now once you've got a solid grasp of the fundamentals, that's when fanart starts becoming useful in figuring out what your own style is. The best case scenario being to ape lots of different styles, including those that are outside your comfort zone.

Thing is, most people don't have as strong a grasp on the fundamentals as they think they do, and even those who do could often stand to go back and do some more life study as a refresher every now and then. There are a lot of professional cartoonists that audit life drawing classes from time to time just for the chance to draw from life because it's so helpful to both learn and reinforce one's understanding of the fundamentals.
>> No. 43368
Oh yes, I understand that and completely agree. I am baffled when people seem content to draw nothing but cartoon fanart and have never tried an even somewhat realistically rendered figure from life or photographs. I was more mocking their group-think style of bashing anime, fanart, etc when you know that a good portion of them draw that stuff as well. I agree that it would be wise for all artists to continually study the fundamentals, but at times I felt that /ic/ (granted it has been probably over a year since I regulared on that board) gave the impression that outside of still-lifes, studies, and painted concept art there is little else worthy of their time.
>> No. 43810

I still dont know how to draw hips, everyone seems to draw them in diferent ways, but watching photos for me is worse, seems that the body is radically diferent from person to person, also blacks is master race.
>> No. 43811

The main reason I like cartoons is because of the profound hate I have for humanity, I gave up on drawing, I cant stand the image of people.
>> No. 43823
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Watch out everyone, we got an edgy badass here.
>> No. 43825
I am not edgy or badass, you cant choose what you hate, you just hate it, If I was edgy I woukd have to actually do so ething, is like if I forced you to like big african dick.
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