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43220 No. 43220
Hey /draw/,

I'd be grateful if somebody could attempt to draw my D&D character for me, if anybody has time to burn.

He's a gnome (4ft tallish)
Short black hair, blue eyes, cheeky grin.
Dark leather armour, black cloak (hood down).
Stood up, in one hand juggling a pair of poison vials (glass bottles with skulls or something) and in the other hand balancing a throwing knife on the edge of his finger.
On his belt he has a rapier and a dagger sheathed. Then he has a bandolier of throwing knives across his chest.

If anybody has the time to put his onto paper for me you'd make my day.
>> No. 43222
There is a request thread, you know.
I mean, theoretically, someone could fill your request, someday, maybe, but if they do it here, it'll set a bad precedent.
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