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File 135721629682.png - (1.11MB , 800x800 , Makifoxan.png )
42727 No. 42727
Hey so I want to make a children's book.

I wanted thoughts, suggestions, etc.

Or we could make this into a "try out a different style" thread.
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>> No. 42728
File 135721637265.png - (313.85KB , 800x800 , moremaki.png )
>> No. 42729
File 135721643878.png - (1.07MB , 800x800 , Makifox.png )
>> No. 42732
I think your style is perfect for a children's book. Your style of colouring sort of makes it hard to distinguish the background from the character, but it's still very unique and has a nice friendly feeling. Maybe if there was a way to differentiate the background with the character? Regardless, it looks wonderful.
>> No. 42733
Maybe I could try using darker or bright reds? or have a sort of white/empty-space around the characters?
>> No. 42734
File 135725089299.png - (1.17MB , 800x800 , mermerki.png )
Something like this?
>> No. 42739
Yeah! That looks pretty good. If you were to illustrate a children's book, I would definitely purchase it.
>> No. 42749
File 135731853598.png - (915.94KB , 800x800 , Makimeetscelia.png )
>> No. 42750
I don't know about this.
I really like the coloring, but I feel like the outlines might be a bit too "digital" looking. Maybe if you switched the brush you're using, or even when traditional for the outline, then the lines could be as warm as the colors.
>> No. 42754
File 135742165315.png - (276.73KB , 800x800 , merkistrut.png )

Maybe like this?
>> No. 42755
Not that the boldness from before wasn't charming in it's own way, but I'd say the new lines look a bit better.
>> No. 42756
Maybe the Boldness for covers, but the more melded lines for the actual story?
>> No. 42771
File 135817846090.png - (851.54KB , 800x800 , Makiwoods.png )
For backgrounds, should I use a smoother brush? To make the characters stick out more from the backdrop?
>> No. 42773
That's one way to go about it (or you could do the reverse,) but I would try playing with brightness levels, or experiment with the color-bleed outlines, either adding more white, or lightening some of the colored space around the elements you want to stand out. Mostly, I would just try to avoid flattening things out to much, but keep a coherent, real-media type feel, (neither of which hasn't really been a problem so far.)
Can't hurt to try a few different things, anyway. Especially if you can get a few samples of different styles together to compare.
>> No. 42787
You might want to look up the game "Okami" by Clover Studios. It has a Japanese ink brush feel that might work really well for research.
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