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File 135562770752.png - (115.70KB , 800x800 , never save.png )
42677 No. 42677
Quick question here.
Why does SAI never save my brushes. I create a new brush (Right click>Pencil>ect) but when I boot up SAI again its gone, and so are the setting for all the existing ones.
Google shows nothing. DA was unhelpful. All my friends use PS.

Gettin' real tired of your shit, SAI.
>> No. 42768
I think you need to write it up in some file in some way...
Save your brushes in the blotmap/elemap folder, and edit brushform.conf in the root folder. The codes are:
1,blotmap\texturename.bmp for brush textures in blotmap folder
2,elemap\shapename.bmp for brush shapes in elemap folder
When restarting SAI, they should load properly. I think.
>> No. 42769
I think you need to write it up in some file in some way...
Save your brushes in the blotmap/elemap folder, and edit brushform.conf in the root folder. The codes are:
1,blotmap\texturename.bmp for brush textures in blotmap folder
2,elemap\shapename.bmp for brush shapes in elemap folder
When restarting SAI, they should load properly. I think.
>> No. 42770
I think you need to write it up in some file in some way...
Save your brushes in the blotmap/elemap folder, and edit brushform.conf in the root folder. The codes are:
1,blotmap\texturename.bmp for brush textures in blotmap folder
2,elemap\shapename.bmp for brush shapes in elemap folder
When restarting SAI, they should load properly. I think.
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