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File 133801608742.png - (631.52KB , 576x887 , Sketch2339133-1.png )
42030 No. 42030
Sup guys, I'm starting a new series, sure I suck at drawing, but I'm telling a story.

Anyways, does it seem interesting to you? Just wondering.
>> No. 42033
First of all, I found the reading order confusing.

You've divided each 'chapter' into 8 frames, okay, nothing wrong with that. However, I started reading the top 4 horizontal panels first and wondered why it felt disjointed. It wasn't until I saw there was a thicker line in the middle of each chapter that I realised that I was supposed to read the square of 4 panels on the left before the square of 4 panels on the right.

EITHER: Have each 4 panel strip read horizontally instead of a square
OR: seperate each 4 panel square with a wider vertical gutter, about as wide as the one that seperates each chapter.
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