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File 13358296309.jpg - (97.05KB , 418x384 , dafuq.jpg )
41772 No. 41772
>>every time I draw a long-haired guy someone comments how "pretty she is"
>>draw a lady with horns and everyone thinks it's Mr. Tumnus
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>> No. 43198
Fandom-specific artist wonk, but Team Fortress 2.

Heavy, Soldier, and Engineer all have very unique faces and body types in canon. Stop samefacing them/giving them identical builds, goddamn it.
>> No. 43212
>Flip through new sketchbook
>Feel like everything I draw now is crap
>Notice sketchbooks from all the way back to grade 7
>Look through
>Feel like an art god compared to anon junior

Seriously, just look at crap you drew two or three years ago. You should feel instantly better about how far you've come from whatver the fuck it is you drew in primary/middle/ whatever americans call grade 1-7
>> No. 43213
I'm kinda jelly of some of my stuff from the mid-90s, I don't know how I forgot my style
>> No. 43215
>>browsing /d/ threads
>>stumble upon something that isn't my fetish at all
>>artist is really good though
>>artist is getting down on themselves because they don't think their art is good
>>artist is showing much improvement
>>track their artwork anyways to watch how much they've gotten better

I am proud of you, artbro. You may not know who I am, we may not be into the same kinks, but it's good to see your art grow.
>> No. 43219
Yes. While sometimes my skill stagnates and sometimes even degenerates during certain periods despite more or less daily effort, I find my mind sometimes glamorizing the works from my past. In my head I think "Wow I'm no better, even that pic I drew 3 years ago was just as good as what I'm doing now!," but the times when I actually LOOK at said pictures... I just think, wow, no, that was complete shit.
>> No. 43223
>>ask for crit
>>best friend starts writing a document, says she's gonna be harsh
>>mentally braces for crit
>>friend has panic attack and doesn't show me what she wrote

>> No. 43225
Man, I almost never see something from that long ago that I think compares to my current output. But then, I've been going through a growth spurt for the last three years, so that might not be a fair comparison. I'm almost to the point where I'm not disgusted by everything I make!
>> No. 43232
>customer pesters me daily about commission
>that they have not paid for
>even though I inform them every time that they are ON MY WAITLIST

qurl u ain't even in my queue yet, calm urself
>> No. 43233
File 136987035428.jpg - (31.77KB , 500x282 , 134095689791.jpg )
>>Siblings: "lol ur a big fat sweaty nerd with no life cause you draw fanart"
>>point out that sibling submitted a painstakingly made paper-maché Amon mask from Avatar:TLoK to an art show
>>other sibling frequently draws Daleks on friends' birthday cards
>>they claim that's inadmissable

You're both still fucking hypocrites. I don't give a shit. Being interested in fandom means jackshit about your appearance or social status.
>> No. 43234
Psh. I was a fat, sweaty nerd before I ever started drawing fanart.
>> No. 43236
Dude, you need to learn not to let your siblings troll you.
>> No. 43237
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I don't know if it's trolling or them distancing themselves from "geeky" stuff. There seem to be a lot of people like that. They're just as geeky as people who go to cons or go on fan forums and read tons of fanfic, but they pretend they don't, because of how geeks are interpreted by the media. I mean, as much as my siblings have rolled their eyes every year when I go to a convention, they still ask me to bring back presents.
>> No. 43238
I hope your siblings are still teenagers or something... Any older than that and it becomes sad that they are still that image-obsessed with their own family.
>> No. 43240
One's in middle school, and one's a freshman in college. So they kinda are. I just don't get it, though. A lot of geeky stuff is pretty mainstream now, or heading that way, and you can just enjoy a thing without being all fanboy over it. Like Star Wars. Some just enjoy the films and completely ignore the Extended Universe.
>> No. 43259
>>art doesn't get a lot of attention
>>show art to other artists, figuring your anatomy is wrong or something
>>"no, it's not bad for the most part, you're getting really good at spotting your mistakes"
>>not sure what it is then
>> No. 43262
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youre not pandering enough
>> No. 43263
I wouldn't pander. Although to be fair, I've never gotten people that asked me to, either.
>> No. 43264
...what the hell am I looking at?
>> No. 43269
>artist wants to be bffs w/ me
>follow him and talk to him sometimes
>he's always rly nice to me
>does nothing but talk shit about other artists tho

It'd be one thing if it was talking shit like "this person has been a doucheroo to their customers" or "this person's anatomy is total shit," but no.

He hates them because they're more popular and draw better than him. Some of the people he complains about are actual friends of mine.

Considering his hate-boner for good artists, that makes me feel really awk about my own skills. "Hey, you're not good, we can be friends." :/
>> No. 43271
>Sibling: Lol anon ur a big fat nerd that draws all day
>At least i can fucking draw you little shit
And that's how I won every art related argument with my sister ever.
(And i can totes get away with being a huge fat ass since i play goalie at hockey and being large helps in that respect)
>> No. 43272
>Like drawing
>Take highest level Art in highschool
>Class is pure theory with minimal practical
>Leaves no time to actually draw
>Stress about stuff required for class
>begin slow but gradual spiral into stressful depression
>Still haven't drawn in 2 weeks
>> No. 43274
Drop the class. It's not worth it, especially in high school.
>> No. 43275
I can't get away with that, unfortunately. My younger siblings are taller than me, and they all draw. My sister's actually gotten more commissions than I have, and I'm an art student. She's not.

Feels bad, man.

That happened in one of my fandoms recently, and I stayed out of it for the most part.

Apparently someone had a reputation from their old fandom (I don't know what happened, I don't care), people disliked them, they had a fight or something with someone else in the fandom, who had a fight with someone else, the first someone else left the fandom entirely, suddenly people who hated each other were best friends due to a mutual hate of one particular artist...ech. In some respects I consider myself lucky to be an unknown artist.
>> No. 43276
> and they all draw
....I'm kinda jelly.
Fucking nobody draws here, and if they do, its 12 year old deviantart anime bullshit.
>> No. 43277
I would if I could. It's too late in the year to drop it, and I'm already doing the "Five class minimum" for the year. I'm pretty much stuck with it
12 year old Deviantart anime bullshit is good, if you're 12. I know a dude who's going on 20, and does nothing but draw from shitty "Learn to draw anime" books, and copy stills from anime and adventure time.
>> No. 43278
Enh, it depends here. Some people do, some people don't.

I go more for context than art skill. If you have a lot of drawing skill, but can't design an original character, or your whole dA gallery is filled with painstakingly illustrated drawings of Hitler, I'm NOT a fan of you. I'd honestly much rather watch an artist who can't draw as well, but has a lot of great ideas, even if they can't always execute them. My brother doodles on the side (I can't tell what, if any style he has yet), but my sister likes more realistic portraits or Alphonse Mucha art nouveau stuff.

I did see one classmate that drew vaguely anime-ish cat-eared Hunter x Smoker slash from Left4Dead, and I just decided to leave her alone about it. In time she'll draw better things, look back on those drawings, and laugh.
>> No. 43280
So much this.
>> No. 43282
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>I'd honestly much rather watch an artist who can't draw as well, but has a lot of great ideas, even if they can't always execute them

that's totes me

let's be buds
>> No. 43283
never assume you have great ideas
>> No. 43284
I've heard the advice "don't use 'but it's my style' as a defense when you get critiqued," but honestly, I think at times it actually is justified.

Example. I'm inspired by comic books. Particularly, Bruce Timm's style. So I ink everything dramatically, thick lines on the outside and thinner ones for fine details. It's taken a long time to get to a point where I'm happy with it. I ruined a lot of good drawings until I had the motor control to make it look how it looked in my head. And yet some of my friends don't like that look, and I've had people tell me "Don't ink things anymore," or put emphasis on me only drawing cute, sketchy storybook things that I don't ink. I love doing that stuff too, but I want to branch out, where I can draw cute cartoon animals on one project, but sexy human women in action poses on another. Now, I can get "don't ink your drawings that way, it doesn't fit the style," or "it takes the life out of the drawing," but "I don't like it, don't draw like that" isn't really crit, per se.

I'll at least give you a shot. Everyone who posts their art here is pretty alright, imo.
>> No. 43287
>get scouted for a furry porn anthology
>all "trap" characters
>"you're perfect because your men are so girly looking"

Gotta get on that manly dude game bruh.
>> No. 43289
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no i didnt mean it like that. i actually think my ideas are pretty dumb (ie. i make a lot ideas based around supernatural mundane objects, but i think i do it to compensate for my lack of ability in drawing humans), but most of my feedback from what little art i do is that they claim that i have VERY unique and interesting ideas, and if i just practiced and bettered my art, i'd be the best of both worlds

im not big headed so i dont let them stroke my ego, but it'd be dickish and kinda self deprecating to just reject it so i just take the compliment
>> No. 43290
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>Friend asks to see drawing over IM client
>send the picture
>no response


>Hey! you available for a commission? it involves my OC
>Can I see a picture of your OC?
>OC is some retarded looking wolf with breasts the size of beanbags and 32 piercings
>also mfw

Every fucking time
>> No. 43299
I don't drawfag, but I did do some requests on DA at one stage (I made not-bad digital fan art which took ages) so some of you who draw in fan communities may relate. Warning: these stories shouldn't really be this long; I am just insanely bored.

In the show I did art for, the majority of the artists were <16 years old. This is alright, but a lot drew annoying and usually cliched 'original' characters (almost all were pure shit), and worse of all, recolours. Getting a screen-cap of the main character from the show, and then recolouring it in eye-sore colour combinations, is not art. And it is not YOUR art.

Anyway, on to my first story. I won't mention the show name but feel free to guess.
>got asked request
>guy seems alright, so I accept
>asks me to draw comic, where mother character somehow becomes young again, (with over-sized, baggy clothes) and make a visual diary of her week.
>keep it SWF (I didn't draw that kind of stuff anyway)
>get to drawing it in spare time, my art is slow
>ten days later
>see well-known artist in community posts a few pages for a comic
>seems a bit suss, look like similar plot
>keep drawing
>month after initial request, post first three pages
>get message from well-known guy (holy shit holy shit he looks at my art!?!)
>"Hey dude, did [[requester]] mention me when you were making your AWESOME "[[comic]]" comics recently cuz it looks familiar..."
>mfw this kid asked us both to do the same comic
>end up figuring out what happened, have a bit of a cool chat, compliments and shit
>says he cant finish the kids comic (irl stuff)
>keep going
>later in chat, someone (forgot who) tells me he's not surprised at the subject of the comic
>says the kid is a bit odd, tells me to look at his gallery
>I open gallery
>requests, load of requests
>all asking for the same character, except either big and fat
>or young and small
>he's obsessed
>all of my wtf
>half month later I end up having to cancel all requests, including comic

and another
>kid asks request
>'my OC' *groan* >>43290
>'i really hate this character (who is the most unhateable character, mind you. He even asked the show producer to remove the character), so draw my oc being better at some shit than character'
>'original' character is the main character wih a black, grey and green colour scheme, with a fringe
>'his' 'art' is just recolouring scene from the show or official wallpapers
>whatever, I need to draw art
>draw an pretty good job
>he comments 'You spelled my name wrong' (zach, zack, I was in a rush)
>fix it
>hours later 'Okay, Now I Just looked at the pic itself. . .'
>he didn't even look at it
>fucking prick
>find out other fans don't like him either
>he's a faggot in general
>and displays major anger issues
>mfw when he asks the show creator to include his 'OC' in the show
>mfw the producer denies his little ass
>> No. 43300
I don't see how some of this is relevant, but I fucking laughed at
>> No. 43301
2nd one, every fucking commission.
>> No. 43302
>>ask someone for feedback on a drawing
>>they say sure
>>they don't look at it and just give the same blanket advice they give to everyone, instead of feedback

Just...fuck you. I'm sick and tired of people asking me to draw things, or getting all excited, or asking to see something I did, and not actually looking at it.
>> No. 43304
First one, first part is a kinda familiar scenario... REALLY familiar, haha.

Second one, despite the rest, 'Okay, Now I Just looked at the pic itself. . .', the "Now" could be as in, "now to the point", no?
>> No. 43306
On hindsight, that does make sense. But even so, he said that he just looked at the picture itself, meaning he just saw the title and his name wrong and said 'Fuck this dumb shit' and ignored it. But he did end up seeming kinda satisfied with the picture after.
>> No. 43318
>>Friend asks to see drawing over IM client
>send the picture
>no response

Or any situation where you send somebody a picture directly and hear nothing. I'm sure they mean nothing by it, but goddamn, it is like giving somebody a gift, watching them open it, only for them to immediately put it back in the bag and continue to talk about something else.
>> No. 43329
>Spend every waking moment thinking about improving seeing past mistakes and how to correct them but having life get in the way every time you pick up a pencil to the point where you spend all your free time watching cartoons, playing video games, and admiring other artist's work while you never make any progress cause as soon as you grab your pencil more shit comes up n completely distracts you from sketching and kills your motivation.

Every fucking time.........
>> No. 43331
>> No. 43333
No matter if you ink freehand, use the path tool, or even have somebody else ink a pic you drew, it never looks as good to you as the sketch.
>> No. 43337
I enjoy watching art streams of any artist I consider myself a fan of or friends with, even if they're drawing a fandom or fetish I'm not a fan of. And they've told me they find this weird, and I don't see why. Good art is good art-- I mean, I don't know anything about Mass Effect, don't know if I'll ever play it, but damn if I don't know some amazing artists who draw it on a regular basis.

I mostly have an aesthetic interest in sex. I just like good pornographic fanart. The thought never comes to me to do anything sexual while looking at it, which I guess gave me a reputation amongst some friends as an asexual or a prude, which isn't quite correct (although I don't know what's the correct answer, it's kinda hard to explain). I dunno why that's considered weird either.
>> No. 43339
>which I guess gave me a reputation amongst some friends as an asexual or a prude,

Sounds to me like THEY are bein prudes and not you. I really wouldn't worry about it anon u like what u like and as long as u do not force that onto others or become irritating with it(by this i mean always throwin it up no matter what the discussion etc.). No harm No Foul
>> No. 43340
>even if they're drawing a fandom or fetish I'm not a fan of. And they've told me they find this weird, and I don't see why.
I'd say the most important thing about "art" is the context. If it's something fucked up, no matter how much skill or effort is put into it, it will be shit in the end.

I know some people with the same attitude as you, though, and I really don't get it. Watching something you're not really interested in sounds boring, and in other cases giving audience to something condemnable, I find pretty bad in itself. I'm not sure about the asexual reputation thing, but the whole neutral stance must make you harder for them to figure out.
>> No. 43349
Well, it's like this.

I like art I think there's a lot of time and energy put into.
If there's a fandom I'm not into, but the art's good, I'll still look at it.
My friend who only streams her porn commissions, she's a good artist and plays good music during her streams, so I watch her streams for a bit to support her.
If there's a bad thought behind an artwork, either it's racist or stupid or whatever, it's bad artwork and I won't look at it, even if it's well-drawn. I'd rather take good intentions with low skill.
>> No. 43350
>I'd rather take good intentions with low skill.
On this I can agree on 100%.
>> No. 43351
>>people who post on a site only once, just to plug their artwork
>>don't contribute to the rest of the site at all

If you wanna do that, get your own website. Even if it's just a dA or a Facebook or a Tumblr.
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