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41261 No. 41261
"Drawfaggotry" also covers painting, right? So anyway I have a problem with perspective/weight distribution.

It's swinging something from position 1 through 2 and 3 to 4, leaving trails of it's last vitim's guts and blood (gonna have to turn the forearm, so the thumb is to the viewer's side), so it's finishing a swing and leaning foreward, not yet regaining balance. Also the center of the picture will be a bit more to the right when finished.

Right now at least the left leg looks kind of out of place. Halp'?
>> No. 41271
Damn, this board sure is slow.
>> No. 41276
Yeah, it's slow. The usual drawfaggotry crew has been kind of lazy over the past.. two years.
Getting feedback from folks that know is a crapshoot.
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