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File 132131246473.png - (94.17KB , 350x394 , True media.png )
40840 No. 40840
Drawing is SATANIC and must be avoided at all costs, its SIN

You shall only do it if you edify Christianity, yet is still a bad medium
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>> No. 40841
File 132131663859.png - (918.52KB , 802x929 , 1231.png )
I don't liiiiiiike cheezits.
>> No. 40844
sure is islam in this thread
>> No. 40853
File 132138571849.jpg - (92.49KB , 400x398 , sdaj.jpg )
OP spelt it wrong. It should say "Stop drawing, except Jesus."

Everybody put down your pens and pencils, let's give Jesus a chance to show us his art skills.
>> No. 40858
All Hail Satan
>> No. 40859
Hmm, What Would Jesus Draw?
Probably fiiiine-ass bitches. He created fine-ass bitches, after all, he must appreciate their fine asses.
>> No. 40862
File 132149804842.jpg - (93.65KB , 479x700 , hips26.jpg )
/draw/ go forth and render curves unto others
>> No. 40863
Sweet JESUS dat BOOTY.
>> No. 40865
dat shoop
>> No. 40869
Yeah it looks unnatural, or unhealthy, or both.
>> No. 40889

what if we DRAW Jesus?
>> No. 40894
Not as bad as drawing Muhammed, but much worse than drawing, say, Buddha.
>> No. 40904
It's only a problem if you worship it.
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