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89467 No. 89467
Starting a thread since this totally a thing now. Also so I don't clog up the request thread with my dabbles.


“You look nervous Drac.” Frank casually stated his opinion out load while all the monsters waddled, slithered, and floated about the spotless and shining hotel lobby. The Count’s crew of undead bellhops were taking their sweet time hanging out the “Welcome Back” banners perfectly.

The sleek black form of Dracula straightened up more (if that was even possible) when he heard his close friend’s observation. It was true that the Count had been on pins and needles for the last month since he started counting down the days when his perfectly precocious daughter Mavis and her newly found…”friend”, Johnny, were due back to Transylvania. The couple had been gone for almost a year now. Traveling the world, seeing the sights, and from what Dracula could have only guessed from the photos he received by ravens , they were getting to know each other better. They did zing after all, it was only natural that they would get closer through their adventures.

“Nervous? ME? Bah! I never get nervous. What’s to be nervous about? I’m not nervous.” The vampire King trailed off, his eyes never moving from the candle lit ceiling. The moon was high in the pitch black sky, his only kin was bound to come flying threw one of those window at any given moment.

“Cause you look like if I were to give you a piece of coal, you’d turn it into a diamond.”
Dracula raised an elegant eyebrow at the strange saying. All meaning to what it meant flew over his head. Frank sighed when he didn’t get a quick comeback from his fellow monster brother. Frank’s large and stitched hand rubbed his eyes in defeat. “Drac, you have got to get out more buddy.”

Dracula ignored him and looked over his shoulder quickly. Everything seemed to be in place. The banners hung down gently, perfectly centered, colorful streamers wrapped around all the stair cases with care, and the blood stained and puss filled cupcakes were laid out in neat order around the tables. Though it looked like Murray had already helped himself to a few. The Count could see the crumbles that the undead Egyptian missed when he must have tried to brush off the evidence off his bandaged chest with his keen vampire vision. The Count turned back to the dark stones of the top of the hotel.

Mavis may have been tired of getting these kinds of little parties for dozens of decades now, but that didn’t mean The Count got tired of doing it for her. He was certain he would still give that girl colorful streamers for the rest of forever.

“Any minute now…” The Count said to himself in a hushed tone, a small smirk spreading on his thin lips. His inhuman hearing picked up the specific pattern of flapping bat wings that belonged to his daughter. The flapping was getting closer and more frantic. She must have been carrying Johnny by the back of the boy’s shirt, trying to keep both of them up as they neared the hotel.

True enough, as The Count broke out into a smile he couldn’t hold back anymore, in came in Johnny and Mavis in the middle of the night like, well, a bat out of hell. All the friends, family and guests cheered as they did. Johnny, with his oversized backpack strapped on him, as well as Mavis’ pink set strapped to one of his legs, waved back at everyone a little too enthusiastically and called out all too cheerfully.

“Hey everyone! Hi guys! We’re back!! Zomibes, what’s shacking guys? Witches, what’s up? This place looks awesome! Yeah I see ya buddy. Looking good there Invis-O!”

The rims of the pair of floating glasses in the middle of the crowd perked up.

“He noticed my new hair cut! He noticed!!”

The Invisible Man leaned into Frank’s wife, who was clapping dullfully at the arriving couple. The charmingly loud and annoying wife of Frankenstein looked as if she couldn’t muster up the strength to clap properly. She didn’t care too much for the human, but was glad that Mavis had returned safely.

“Thaaaaat’s nice Griffin.” Her voice cracked as she spoke to him.

“Hey guys!” Mavis called out herself as he placed Johnny gingerly on his feet before the crowd of creatures closed in on them. Suddenly a fury of questions hit the two all at once. Johnny just smiled dumbly, not really able to make one question from another and kept on with his greetings.

“M to the U to doubly M to the Y! Yo Mummy!!” The Mummy bounced over and high fived the human, grinning a rotting and decaying smile to him. Johnny still couldn’t get over some of the monster’s habits (or rather their non-excitant habits, like not brushing their teeth.) and he tried not to cringe.

“Fraaaaaaanky! Love the new suit. Looking sicker then ever Cousin.” Frank and Johnny kept calling each other cousins at first as an inside joke. Now it turned into an endearing title for one another. It was great that Mavis’ new mate was someone everyone liked so much.

“Count!! WHOO! My main monster man! Whaaat up bro!” He yelled out when he saw the tall monster making his way through the crowd. Dracula couldn’t help by roll his eyes at the stupid young man. He may grown to like the boy over the year he was gone, but that didn’t change the fact that the human was still taking his daughter from him. But to be pleasant and not upset Mavis, he waved back and then dashed to scoop up his pride and joy.

“MAVIS!!” He called out while twirling his daughter in his arms. He didn’t care that she wasn’t 5, 20 or even 60 anymore. He would still hold her tight like this. And to his much delighted surprise, she hugged him back with just as much force calling out for him as well.

“DAD! Omigosh, I have so much to tell you I don’t even know where to start!!” Dracula laughed with his daughter and all was well in the hotel.

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>> No. 89468
The night carried on with a wonderful mood of joy and amazing stories. Everyone drank maggot filled drinks and oozing baked goods that must have had piece of rat entrails, crushed cockroaches and sludge in them. Or at least that’s what it smelled like to Johnny. Luckily for the boy, he and Mavis still had some chips left over in their sacks. The red head happily munched on a bag of BBQ Ruffles while he was retelling some epic story that happened when he and Mavis were in France.

“And then what happened?” Wayne pressed on, his scruffy tail wagging happily back and forth. Luckily his lovely little wife took the children all out to the pool. They all seemed incredible board with Johnny’s tales. The Wolfman, however, couldn’t get enough. As he said before, he mostly stayed in the shadows, even now. So hearing about the outside world that didn’t include screaming crying children, or bickering siblings, or his wife’s book club meetings, he was all ears for. “Did you two get away from the cops?”

Johnny smugly grinned, “Chha, of course. Mavis was all Mother Teresa on them. “Oh we’re sorry Misuser Officer.” Johnny tired his best at a female voice impression as he recalled the memory. He placed a hand on his chest to look my dainty. “And that’s when I grabbed her, and we ducked under the table and ran for the hills! There is no way I was going to pay 50 bucks for a couple of uncooked snails.”

Everyone laughed and asked more about the city and it’s people. Johnny was more than happy to explain every single little detail he could remember. Mavis and her father sat a bit away from Johnny and his adoring crowd. The two vampires sat on top of a white clothed dinner table, taking sips out of their gold rimmed glasses filled with rich blood substitute.

“Well it sure does sound like you two had a fun time, yes?” Dracula drawled out, getting rather tired after what seemed like 5 hours (it was actually more) of Johnny rambling on and on. Mavis promised Dracula that he would get a private audience with her and she would tell him more of her side of all the adventures they had. Listening to Johnny was all fine and dandy, but he wanted some alone time with Mavis anyway. A year may have been a blink of an eye to the two creatures of the night, but that didn’t mean Dracula didn’t miss Mavis any less.

Dracula loving gazed over at his daughter who was looking over at Johnny who was standing on the edge of a chair now, waving his arms around like a mad man. Not a thing changed about her. Not a single beautiful black hair had grown longer on her perfect head. She didn’t grow 1 /10th of a centimeter taller and with his amazing observation skills, not even a finger nail on her lovely hands had grown out. She returned home to him just as she had left him. He wasn’t sure why, but that was a very comforting thing to the head vampire overlord. And then he followed his daughter’s sleepy gaze to her new mate.

A years worth of hitchhiking surprisingly didn’t change Johnny as much as Dracula had feared it would. He smelled worse, but that seemed to be it. The human didn’t come back with a freakishly large tattoo on his face. He didn’t dye his hair some insanely odd color like hot pink that a free and rebellious spirit like himself was likely to do. If anything, Dracula could see a tiny bit of red stubble on his face. A sorry excuse of a beard, but as soon as the two travelers were settled in, Johnny was bound to shave it off.

“Well good. The less he changes the better it will be in the long run for both of them.” Dracula thought to himself. Dracula lifted his glass again to take a final sip of his drink before he literally froze in place.
Suddenly a thought hit him so furiously, he forgot to exhale for a minute or two and almost fell off the table. Luckily Mavis was so tired from her journey she didn’t notice her dad’s sudden flash of panic. Dracula’s brow scrunched up and he looked back at Mavis and back to Johnny a few times before he kicked started himself again. He took a fast swing of his blood, placed the empty glass down and floated off the table. Mavis looked up at him and decided she would follow in suite. She stretched out her long limbs and smiled when she heard a satisfying crack in her spine. She yawned, her fangs picking up the light on the candles around her, making them almost sparkle like jewels.

“I’m exhausted dad.” She rubbed one of her eyes. Dracula couldn’t help but melt inside. She looked so precious and adorable right then and there. Her father offered her his arm and she took it, her small hands hugging her dad sweetly.

“Of course you are my bloody lamb chop.” He draped his other cloaked arm around her shoulders and pulled her in closer, turning as they both headed for the stairs. She craned her neck a bit and called out to Johnny.
>> No. 89469
“Yo, Mr. Rogers, I’m calling it a morning. Come to my room-“ Dracula cleared his throat angrily and quickly at that train of thought. His daughter may have found her soulmate (which Dracula always thought that was ironic since she did not have a soul) but he wasn’t about to let the two love birds in the same bed, or the same room, under his roof.

“Er…” Mavis corrected herself. “Come find a guest room” (Dracula nodded in a agreement) and I’ll meetcha up for breakfast, k?”

“OK!!!” Johnny yelled back as father and daughter glided to the top of the stairs. “Love ya babe! Night!” Mavis blushed under her pale skin and blew him a kiss. Dracula almost threw up in his mouth when Johnny pretended to catch it, hold it, and put the kiss in his pocket. The crowd groaned or giggled around him.

Wayne looked at Griffin’s glasses.

“Who’s Mr. Rogers?”

“I dunno. Someone they met in France?”


Down the dark and cold hall and in front of Mavis’ room, the shrunken cursed head greeted the youngest vampire back home.

“It’s great to see you Mavis! Well…sorta. “ Mavis laughed at the joke. “Glad you’re back! Don’t worry, I kept an eye on your room and made sure your ol’ man here didn’t go snooping around.”

Dracula frowned at the accusation. “I only tried to do that once!”


“Mmmmm hmmm, more like 10. I know when you’re at the window Mister Batty. And another thin-“

Dracula had a very low tolerance for the mouthy Do-Not-Disturb-Sign that was his daughter’s personal watch guard. He magical sealed it’s mouth shut and opened the door to his daughter’s room. It was all prepared and re-freashed for her return.

Mavis stepped into the freezing room. It felt perfect. Oh how she missed it. Hostels were…fun, for the most part, but none of them could compare to her actual room at home. She missed the privacy and that feeling of clean. She turned to her father who stood back at the door.

“Good night dad. Let’s talk tomorrow ok? Oh, I got a great idea!” She perked up a bit before sitting down on her soft and plush bed. “Let’s go for a long flight around the mountains tomorrow night and I’ll tell you all about Wi-fi.” She winked at him and plopped down and was out like a candle in the wind.

Dracula smiled at her, and softly closed her door. “Good night my dearest daughter.” He turned to head to his own chambers, his long flowing cape the only sound in the empty hallways. The laughing of the party downstairs faded away into nothing and he was left with his own thoughts again. He greeted a few monsters that he passed that were all headed to their rooms, but he couldn’t bring himself to smile and be overly pleasant.

He almost walked into a poltergeist as he thought back to Mavis and Johnny. Mavis was home and he couldn’t have been more pleased. She saw the world that her heart so desperately wanted to venture out into and best of all she went out into the world that accepted her. She even traveled with a trusted human for the love of all things unholy to keep an eye out for her. She came home with a new glow even! Everything was right with the world and yet the most worrisome and troubling thought wouldn’t leave his mind. And the source of that trouble and worry come front and center of his thoughts as clear as the awful day. Johnny. A year older Johnny. The young man that was 21 when he met the King of the Vampires. Who was now 22…and who would be 23 next year and so and so on. But unlike Mavis, Johnny would start aging into the correct age he was supposed to be.

Dracula entered his grand bed chambers and glided over to his glass balcony doors. He opened them without even touching them and stood out in the cold air. The moon showered him in her light as well as the whole country side. He gazed out into the perfectly still nature, the almost haunting stillness of the sleeping forest.

Mavis hadn’t bitten Johnny yet.


More tomorrow if anyone gives a flying fuck. Dun duuu duuuuun.
>> No. 89475
I am interested to see where this is going. You have my support anon dude.
>> No. 89476
Interesting start, Anon.
please tell me there's going to be a "Vlad the Impaler" joke somewhere; it is both far too obvious and far too perfect to pass up, especially with some of the art that showed up in the request thread.
>> No. 89477
OP, I am intrigued; please keep going!

>spoiler text
*gigglesnort* You are now my friend, TLSF.
>> No. 89479
You just got one picture, not enough for a thread.
>> No. 89481
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>> No. 89485

I don't even like his design but this is just HNGGG
>> No. 89498
Stupid, sexy, animated Dracula
I demand more!
>> No. 89520
Polite sage is polite.
Saw the movie, thought it was fun (and holy shit that animation was a superlative form of gorgeousness, very smooth).
And yeah, now I truly get how people can ship Dracula/Johnny; if Mavis wasn't available romantically for Johnny, I would have thought that Dracula/Johnny was the point of the film (Dracula falling for a human after hating them for so long, that sort of thing).

Always happy to make somebody smile. And even though I know that they went a totally different way in the movie with the portrayal of Dracula, I still want a "Vlad the Impaler" joke.

Dracula, stop playing with your blood substitute; it's wasteful!
>> No. 89521
you have my full attention anon, please do continue!
>> No. 89522
gotta agree with the others
please do continue
>> No. 89535
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Oh god...
>> No. 89536
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>> No. 89537
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>> No. 89539
god bless vest
>> No. 89568

I hope writer anon comes back.
>> No. 89571
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>> No. 89577
(For real, though, you need to keep posting)
>> No. 89579
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>> No. 89580
Oh man, I wish the upper left draft made it.
>> No. 89582
Oooh, the one in the lower left, with the red sash around his waist? Yeah, that's too close to Dr. Orpheus from The Venture Bros...but think of all the crossover that could've happened. Mmmm, crossover.

I think I like that outfit the best (dramatic but not over the top), but I can't figure out which head I like most. I'm digging the lower right set of expressions, but I'm also like the ones in the upper left. Not completely enjoying the hair on either of them; too much white/silver for a vampire that's only about 250 years old (give or take 50 years; they never say how old Dracula was when he met Martha in the movie, even though they made a point to say she met him when she was 118).
>> No. 89590
As cool as the one on the upper left is I think he looks too old, like he might break a hip or something type old.
>> No. 89631
Fuck everything because I said I wasn't gonna do it but I did anyways.

It was bad. It was so bad. Guilt was heavy in his stomach, his mind telling him that he should just stop this now. Yet his long fingers firmly gripped the human hips. Heat flowed through out his body where once only ice had been, teeth aching to pierce the flesh of the exposed neck calling to him.

Guilt washed away, drowning in the overwhelming river of desire. He couldn't stop. Didn't want to stop. Needed to continue. Panting filled the room, pointless from him as he needed no air. The body below him gripped the sheets, small droplets of blood staining the satin sheets from the oozing bite he didn't even know he was creating. He bit harder.

The body shivered and moaned out a cut of his name. It did things to him. Was it the fact that it was so wrong or the fact that it just felt so right? It didn't matter right now. Guilt would crush him later.

Heat, blood and so much sweat. It covered them, filled them and devoured them whole. Pleasure building up until their bodies could only move against each other in a desperate attempt to fall over the edge.

Thrust. Stroke. Bite. Moan. Arch.

It was too much and yet not enough. His body hadn't felt such a surge of energy and pleasure in over a hundred years, yet the body below him filled him with feelings he'd thought were long forgotten and dead. His non beating heart clenched at the way his name sounded on those lips. So he bit those too, trying to take the pleasure of his name and return it in kind.

Blinding light flashed through them and they were finally falling. Their bodies spasmed in their wave of pleasure, their bodies releasing the pent up pleasure. He collapsed onto the body, ignoring the need to wash over the urge to hold and possess. He'd betrayed his daughter but gained something he thought he'd lost. It was a selfish move but for the moment he could only hold Johnny and drink from the still oozing bite, content to feel guilty in the coming nightfall.
>> No. 89636
bless you anon
im glad you did it
>> No. 89637

And then they just went with Adam Sandler in a cape :(
>> No. 89643
Consider the following: Griffin (The Invisible Man) is naked the entire time except when he's wearing a bathing suit/towel. Also, Griffin seems to be able to see himself (combing his hair in the mirror), and forgets sometimes that nobody can see him.

Can we get some Griffin shenanigans up in here? It's movie canon that Frankenstein, Murray, Dracula, Griffin & Wayne hung out in their wild youth; let's see some of that!
>> No. 89644
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I like my vampires on the apex predator side, with a generous helping of only looking human due to prey mimicry.

Also, this sketch will never see the light of day again.
>> No. 89647

> that tongue
> that blood
> that filename

marry me.
>> No. 89685
A/N: In movie-canon, all the big names of horror hung out as young guys, to the point they were in a band. In my head-canon, I believe whatever experiment made Griffin into The Invisible Man also caused him to either age super-slowly, or to stop aging altogether, so he can be around 140 years old (HG Wells published the stories in 1897). Griffin/Dracula, BJ. Not as graphic as I want it to be, but I'm tired.

Dracula woke up because somebody was sucking his cock. This was bizarre enough, but whoever was doing it also had a hand under his chin to keep him from looking down to see exactly who it was that decided to wake him up this way.

Not that he was complaining in the first place, mind you; after over 100 years of self-enforced celibacy, Dracula's brain decided the best thing to do was to "roll with it". If somebody was so determined to pleasure him as to sneak into his room and wake him up in this fashion, well, why not enjoy it while it lasted?

Warm, wet suction made him make something that sounded suspiciously like a whimper. How had he lasted this long without some sort of release? Taking care of it himself had always been distasteful; he preferred to have fun with another. A gasp left him as the mystery mouth descended and Dracula's cock hit the back of a throat.

"So good," Dracula murmured, trying to reach down and touch the head of whomever was attached to that glorious mouth. It took him two tries, but he found himself carding through thick, slightly curly hair.

The mystery person hummed appreciatively around Dracula's cock, and Dracula moaned at the new, beautiful vibrations. The mystery person's other arm was occupied with holding Dracula's hips down, or else the vampire would have happily thrust up into that now bobbing mouth.

The vampire lord was embarrassed by how quickly he came, groaning as he felt the mystery person swallowing, then licking Dracula's cock clean before releasing it. Dracula had thrown one arm over his face to cover his eyes; everything seemed too bright.

"Thank you," Dracula said softly as the mystery person disengaged from him. "I cannot even tell you how long it has been since anybody made me feel this good."

The mystery person gave a familiar chuckle; a chuckle familiar enough that Dracula sat straight up and looked around for a familiar pair of glasses floating about.


"Who else do you know brave enough to suck off a vampire?" The slightly nasal voice snarked a few feet away from the bed. "You've been so good about Mavis going out to see the world; she's been gone six months as of today! And you've only freaked out a couple times, but never bad enough to actually go look for her to bring her back. I figured you should get a reward."

"You...you just...as a reward?" Dracula considered this, then looked over at his friend. "Okay, I can roll with that."

"Hoping you would," Griffin's glasses bobbed as he turned to walk out the door. "Whenever you get pent up, come find me."

"Wait, Griffin; how long have you wanted to do this with me?"

"Off and on since the last time I did it with you," The Invisible Man replied cheekily, opening the door and seeming to glide into the hall as the door shut behind him.

Dracula stared at the door for a minute, trying to get his brain to process everything and failing. He dressed himself with a snap of magic, and opened the door...only to have his personal shrunken head door hanger chuckle.

"Enjoy your special wake up call, honey?" The head bobbed, smiling gruesomely. "I sure enjoyed hearing it!"
>> No. 89707
please! write more!
>> No. 89728
Part two, I guess. Today is dreary as hell outside; so I might as well write a bit. In this part, plot (and a hint of porn).

It was another two months before Dracula found himself catching Griffin off by himself and asking the doctor for a "private consult".

"Sure; before you go to sleep, or as a wake up call?" Griffin's glasses bobbed as he nodded, then cocked to the side as he asked the question. Dracula found it oddly endearing.

"I...I was hoping you'd have time for both, unless you have plans," Dracula was carefully looking at the ground, suddenly not able to look at his friend's glasses anymore.

"You want me to stay over-day? What could you be wanting for this 'consult'?" Griffin's voice notched lower, suggestive.

"I...I want...what we did the last time Martha wanted to watch."

"..." Griffin said nothing, but Dracula could hear him swallow.

"Is that too much to ask?"

"NO!" Griffin was suddenly in Dracula's personal space, his hands on the vampire lord's shoulders. "No, not too much to ask, but when you said that, I had a full-body flashback to that night, and I was suddenly very scared of ejaculating in public if I so much as breathed wrong. Shit, Drac, it's taking everything I've got not to drag you to your bedroom to get started now, and it's only midnight!"

"Oh good," Dracula smiled, "I was worried you wouldn't remember."

"...How in the world do you think I'd forget the night I topped you while your then-pregnant wife watched, and in some places, directed?!" Griffin whispered fiercely as he saw Murray approach. "Mummy closing in; I'll meet you at your bedroom door at daybreak."

"Perfect," Dracula turned his head as Murray walked up. "Ah, Murray, how do you like the buffet? I got the scarabs imported just for you."

"Cooked to perfection, Drac; hey, do you and Griff want to join our jam session? Franky and Wayne want to make a new song, and we could use you both."

"You mean you need my awesome guitar, and Drac's improv lyrics," Griffin snarked.

"Well, yeah," Murray smiled. "Interested?"

"Sure, why not?" Dracula smiled back. It would be a welcome distraction between now and sunup.

Yes, I'm leaving it there, just to let your imaginations go wild about Martha directing Dracula and Griffin as they fuck. Deal with it.
>> No. 89729
omg my brain is just please write more this is perfect
>> No. 89737
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aw, thank you c:

There are some perspective and proportion issues here, but let's just ignore them for now or i'll never get any sketches done. Also, I can't draw hands. :I
>> No. 89739
thats absolutely wonderful

i didnt see griffin at first, oh lord
>> No. 89740
>didn't see Griffin at first
To be fair, he's hard to see at the best of times
>> No. 89752
File 135029066887.jpg - (1.79MB , 2693x2159 , pbjtime.jpg )
fresh from open canvas from my hart to yours
>> No. 89753
youve got a wonderful style
>> No. 89765
You draw a cute looking Johnny.
>> No. 89790

Kink meme
>> No. 89791

Whoa, sorry, work got crazy busy for some reason. Glad someone out there is enjoying this!


The morning came and went peacefully outside the hotel walls. The brilliant shining star in the sky finally retreated over the horizon and merciful and pale moon took its place. The sweet and somber darkness bled into the forest and swallowed up the mountains quickly. A sight Dracula never got tired of seeing, even after all these hundreds of years. The Count hadn’t budged much from his spot on the edge of his lush and grand bed. He stared out into the day’s clear blue sky, a million thoughts racing through his head.
Dracula, so scatter brained, turned to this about the sun. How he hated the sun, as any true vampire would, and he bitterly remember how long it took him to heal is burnt flesh after his “lovely” little romp in the afternoon day when he was forced to chase after Johnny. Had it been any other vampire, someone of lesser stature and weaker strength, they would have burst into flames within minutes. Dracula flew above the clouds and he almost felt like Icarus as he was actually flying INTO the sun. And for what? Only for the one true love of his daughters life. That day felt almost like yesterday, it was the christening of the day both the human boy and his daughter set their way out and into the world.

Dracula’s elegantly long fingers brushed his cape softly while recalling that day. His cape always felt comforting to him. The royal violet satin fabric hung down his broad shoulders in a gently embrace like his bat wings did and because of Johnny, his wings were almost burnt off. That stupid human…

“Hmm…human. That seems to be the problem doesn’t it.” The King of Vampires thought to himself. His shimmering blue colored eyes looked out at nothing, his vision becoming nothing more than a hazy landscape of darkness. Mavis would be up soon. The girl had started falling into the bad habit of sleeping in over the past few decades. As her father would always tell her that a proper vampire always rose at the dead of dawn. The early bat catches the bird after all. As happy Dracula was to have his daughter finally back, this little issue of Johnny and his pesky mortality was an incredible serious issue that he couldn’t let linger too long.

“Morning Count Man!” Dracula snapped not only his thoughts back to reality, but also his head as he turned to see Johnny expecting the walls of his own chamber nonchalantly. Dracula was starting to think just MAYBE Johnny really wasn’t human with his uncanny ability to just appear out of nowhere. And of all places HIS personal room. No human could sneak up on Dracula. Not in the past 800 years, and yet there he was, cargo shorts (that he didn’t seem to have changed since last year) and all.

“You!” Dracula shouted, already gliding gracefully to the red headed mop top. Johnny seemed unfazed by the towering figure who didn’t seem to pleased by the fact that he was invading his personal statuary. Perhaps hanging around Mavis for such a long time he had lost his fear in monsters.
“As well as it should have. If he’s to become one of us...” Dracula shook his head and told his inner thoughts to shut up for a moment.

“Or really I guess I should start saying “good eeeeevening”.” Johnny went on, while getting a closer look at the grand dressers that held ancient and priceless artifacts that displayed some of Dracula’s personal belonging. Johnny tired to throw in some sort of accent to his “good evening” that just made him look like an ignorant idiot, and get Dracula annoyed. That was a terrible impression of a Transylvanian accent.
“Mavis and I started saying “good night” to each other in the mornings”, Johnny picked up a crystalized pen and examined it briefly before moving onto the next item, a leather bound book with hundreds of pages filled out in Dracula’s perfect hand writing. He flipped through the old pages carelessly, the delicate pages’ edges crumbling a bit. “And good morning at nights! Its kinda a…thing we got. It’s cute. Townspeople around us thought we were weird though.”

“I can’t imagine why…” Dracula expressed his dull interest to what the boy was telling him. Jonny seemed keen on touching everything. His hand flew to a polished black box and almost opened it before Dracula shot out an arm and grabbed his wrist in his powerful grasp. Johnny yelped out and winced at the hold.
“Enough!” The inhuman monster yelled out, grapping Johnny by the scruff of his collar. “Out!” He didn’t even need to drag Johnny that far before the boy laughed in good nature and turned himself around to leave the room.

“Ok Ok! I’m out! I’m out!! Man, I’m starving. You don’t think I could ask the kitchen to make something that’s…you know…not dead?”

“Yes, good, whatever. Go!” And with a final shove out the door, Johnny bounced down the hall waving to the witches who had their hands and brooms full of clean sheets. Dracula slammed the heavy wooden door causing the torches in his room to flicker from the sudden gust of wind. He lingered there, with his back to the door and the welcome silence around him.
It was amazing how quickly Johnny got on his nerves after bring gone for so long. It may have been true that humans, to some degree, liked monsters in today’s time, but that didn’t mean that the undead heart of Dracula suddenly opened up to them. Not after what they did to him and his family. He ran a hand over his face, and glanced over at his dresser at the other side of the room. He looked at the black marble box Johnny almost touched and turned to leave himself. He had been in his room far too long as it was. Mavis was bound to be up now. Dracula heard Johnny calling for her down as he made his way down the hall. Dracula would make his fatherly presence to her known and take her away for their morning flight that she had mentioned last morning.

Yes, the fresh air of the night would help him think things through and allow him and his daughter some much needed privacy.


To anyone who was out and about at this time of night would have never thought twice if they saw two bats flying high above the tree line. Two little insignificant specks of fuzzy, fluttering around each other in the cold night and blissfully dancing around. Though if anyone would have bothered to listen, they would have heard the cheerful giggles of a girl and the deep chuckle of a man as the two bats did so.

“I’ve missed this dad!” Mavis shouted out as she dipped at an angle away from him. This was their little game of tag. Looked like some things Mavis might never get old for. This made the larger bat smile, his pointy little fangs showing brightly in the dark. Dracula also pulled up and shot straight down and followed after Mavis.

The two must have flapped around until they were at least ten or so miles away from the hotel. When they landed at a tiny cliff face on a mountain, Mavis looked back at where the hotel was. Her father landed next to her and draped a leathery wing over his daughter, bringing her in close. The two saw the tiny lighting from the windows in the distance and both sighed at the same time.

“I’m glad you’re back my little open sore.”

Mavis dropped her tiny bat head onto her dad’s fuzzy little shoulder. “It’s good to be home dad.” The two jumped down into the dark underbrush of some pine trees and hung upside down on its long branch. And thus Mavis started retelling some of her favorite memories of her travels.

She spoke very fondly of Russia (Drac was confused as to what Russia was for a second before Mavis told him that it hadn’t been the Soviet Union in “like forever”). She said he loved the snow there, that it was much richer and snowed way more there than when it snowed in Transylvania. She had grown very fond of a soup that resembled blood but it was hot and made of beets. Dracula stuck out his bat tounge in disgust.
“You ate beets? Blagh! Please tell me they were maggot infested.”
“Have you ever had one dad?” Mavis asked accusingly. Dracula puffed out his chest very as-a-matter-of-factly.
“Remember that I was out in the world for hundreds of tears before you child. I’ve had my share of the disgusting bile that humans call “food.””

Mavis laughed and went on. True that she missed a good old rotting puss sandwich from time to time, but Johnny had opened her up to a whole new world of food. Food that was fresh and if it was supposed to dead, stayed dead, like all the fish she tired in St. Petersburg. Dracula figured it was alright for Mavis to have a healthy balance d diet of both human and monster food at her age. Dracula was too into his habits to switch over now. Even more so right now as he snapped out his bat fangs and caught a mouth. He bit off the head, swallowed it hole and offered the squirming body to his daughter. She shook her head and went back to her tales.

She spoke of England and Egypt to America and Brazil and each story she told with joy in her voice and an occasional happy flap of her wings. Dracula was proud to hear that at a few occasions she used her vampire powers, like telepathically controlling someone to turn around before the walked in on her and Johnny being somewhere they weren’t supposed to be. Every other story had some mention of Johnny doing something either really stupid or charming sweet.

“He’s great you know.” Mavis said not looking at her dad, but at the ground below them. Her duclaws interlinked either each other around her neck.

“…So you say.” Dracula huffed out.

SHIT gotta run, like right now. More soon!
>> No. 89805
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>> No. 89824
well hello again, Writernon; good to have you back!
I am very interested to see where this story goes...write more, please?

Yeah, see, here's the thing...I'm going to need to see more art like this.
I may need it in order to keep existing. No pressure.
>> No. 89837
Oh lord, my ovaries
>> No. 89907
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>> No. 89965
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/d/ for incestual Dracula threesome.
>> No. 89966
File 13519924705.jpg - (341.87KB , 600x607 , draculathan by karnessah.jpg )
>> No. 91089
since the dvd came out, I hope this pics up again
>> No. 91090
since the dvd came out, I hope this pics up again
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