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File 129060442435.jpg - (202.86KB , 500x700 , iwanrobert.jpg )
62990 No. 62990
You know what? I'm just gonna start a board. Misfits slash, get in here!
30 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 63249
File 129090629532.jpg - (91.61KB , 900x806 , Misfits___Nathan_and_Simon_by_blackbirdrose.jpg )
>> No. 63252
File 129091119732.gif - (2.46MB , 300x158 , simon-shower-SEX.gif )
Jesus, Simon. Just... damn...
>> No. 63276
There is now a general kink meme. Have at it.

>> No. 63305
File 129098924591.gif - (391.99KB , 450x250 , 140jcep.gif )
Some motivational gifs?
>> No. 63663

I haven't read it yet, but hot off the porn press. Simon/Nathan/Future!Simon
>> No. 63735
File 12913864149.gif - (485.41KB , 343x193 , tumblr_lcukfi0vyh1qd6qbo.gif )
Jesus, this last episode was upsetting.

...fucking time travel...
>> No. 63757
Thank you, coq, for introducing me to this wonderful show.
>> No. 63775
File 129142024124.gif - (422.38KB , 300x169 , sexual tension.gif )
I sadly can't bring myself to care about their supposed tragic love. I try but it bores me and they knew each other maybe a week at most. Instead, i enjoyed the little awkward moment with the paint can. (And Nathan in a wedding dress via surveillance cam)
>> No. 63778
File 129142481720.gif - (491.71KB , 500x274 , carelesswhisper.gif )

I'm afraid I've been enjoying the het far more than I should. I can't wait for next week's episode what with Nathan and Alisha spying on Simon. They've suddenly become my OT3.
>> No. 63787
Everyone loves the het in this show but me. Or maybe that's wrong. Everyone loves Alisha but me. She's pretty, actress is great, but i cannot stand her character anymore.
>> No. 63793
File 129144410759.gif - (489.99KB , 500x269 , circlejerk.gif )
I don't know what I ship anymore. If the entire cast could go ahead and have one big orgy, I think I might be happy then.

The new probation officer should be involved. Nathan should probably be wearing the wedding dress. More than one Simon would be preferable.

But back on topic...
>> No. 63794
Hi, you are not alone. Alisha seemed like a total slag to me. She didn't bring anything to the table before- in fact, I mostly ignored her. While I would have been happy with some further development to her... this was not it.

If there was any het to be had, I would have seen Simon/Kelly FAR before this current pairing. At least Kelly stood up for Simon. Alisha wouldn't have given him the time of day. Then she sees him all fit and suddenly she's in love with him? I call bullshit. /2cents

Sage for no content.
>> No. 63795
From the kink meme

Nathan is watching Simon, doing his best to be nonchalant, unnoticeable. He sees the way Simon licks his lips, eyes flickering around the room. The way his hand shakes, just barely, on the bottle of beer. Nathan finds these attributes both amusing and intriguing.

He’s used to the club – he’s used to the smell of puke and drugs and smoke, he’s used to the heat and the dancing and the yelling over pounding music. He’s used to the fact that it’s hardly fun, that it’s mostly headaches and frustration and the occasional drug bust. But it’s okay because right now, Simon’s about a foot away from him and he’s got a plan. Not a very good plan, but. It’s a plan. And he thinks it’ll work.

“Where are Alisha and Kelly? Curtis? I thought they were going to meet us here.”

Simon isn’t very good at projecting his voice – which is actually fucking adorable – so Nathan just shrugs. “Dunno. Maybe they got caught up in something. Heh, who knows, maybe they’re all just…busy together?” Nathan waggles his eyebrows and Simon blinks at him, not seeming to understand. “Christ, you really are…”

“Really are what?” Simon asks, staring up at Nathan with wide eyes. He takes a slug of his beer and swallows, not moving his eyes from Nathan.

“I dunno, you just are! Shut up and drink, freak.”

Simon frowns, biting his lip, but does as he’s told, turning back and keeping his eyes on the dance floor. “Well, are you going to dance or keep waiting for the girls and Curtis?”

Nathan tilts his head back and makes a face. “No one to dance with.”

“But…I’m sure you could…” Simon looks flabbergasted as he stares into the crowd of teenagers, boys and girls, throbbing together in a pack. “I’ve seen you, you could pick one of them up easily, one of the g-girls, I mean.”

Something swells in Nathan, an odd feeling – he doesn’t think it’s pride, but he can’t place his tongue on the word. It’s odd to get what seems like a compliment from Simon, and it also makes him kind of sad. Again -- odd.

“Dance with me.”

Simon twists to stare. “Excuse me?” he shouts, cupping a hand behind his ear.

“Dance. With. Me,” Nathan shouts back, louder and clearer than before.


Nathan rolls his eyes and grabs Simon by the wrist, dragging him towards the crowd of boys and girls. The beer slops down Simon’s chest and he cries out, but Nathan doesn’t give him a second glance. Crowded by all of the other people, Simon finds himself pressed tightly against Nathan, still in shock.

Nathan leans down, yelling into his ear. “Move.”

Simon stays still for a moment but then begins to do as he’s told, slowly rocking back and forth. Nathan smiles, easily able to catch up to Simon’s rhythm, despite the slight awkwardness. As Simon grows more comfortable, smiling at Nathan, he begins to use his arm, the beer flying over them on occasion.

Nathan begins to laugh, pushing himself closer to Simon so that their hips are together. Even in the gray, pounding light, Nathan can see Simon blush and start to move slower, as if the alcohol and heat is weighing him down. Nathan can feel Simon’s legs shaking, even as they sway back and forth, and he leans down, pushing his face into Simon’s short hair.

“I fuckin’ love seeing you like this. You’re out of your comfort zone…it’s nice.”

Simon doesn’t response, though his desperate swallow his audible. Nathan’s not one hundred percent certain of what he’s doing, but he lets his hand slide down Simon’s chest and to the crotch of his trousers. Simon gasps, though Nathan feels it more than hears it, as Nathan presses his hand against Simon’s apparent hard-on.

“Wh-what’re you doing…” Simon’s voice is faint, and Nathan only hears him because he’s so close. He pushes again and Simon’s hips stutter, the rest of his body twitching. He doesn’t say anything else, lifting a hand to shakily cling at Nathan’s sleeve. Nathan takes that as a good thing.


Nathan lets go of Simon’s dick and instead grabs his wrist, dragging him across the dance floor. No one notices them, but Nathan notices a pair of girls snorting coke in a corner and two boys making out across from them. Nathan figures they can probably get away with this.

“Nathan, hold on a minute…” Simon’s voice trails off as Nathan presses him against a wall – he’s not sure where they are, exactly, except that there’s a dirty bathroom to their right and further down the hall is a doorway leading God knows where. “Nathan…”

Nathan’s grip loosens, though he rocks his hips against Simon slowly, feeling his own arousal rising up through his stomach into his chest. Simon makes a small noise, sort of like a whimper, and presses his forehead against the hard wall in front of him. As Simon’s muscles grow less tense, Nathan finds it in himself to slip an arm past his hips and to the button of his trousers, working it undone and then undoing the zipper as well. He pulls out Simon’s cock, heavy and hot in his hand, and begins to jerk him off, pushed against the wall.

Simon whines again and reaches up, tangling his fingers through Nathan’s hair. Nathan moves his hand faster, and then Simon’s hips begin to buck, he stops.

“Fuck,” Simon breathes, nudging his head against the wall. They’re both breathing heavily, and the sound of the other two boys (possibly still just making out) surrounds them.

“Never heard you curse like that before. It’s hot.”

Simon hisses and Nathan chuckles, leaving one hand on Simon’s hip and using the other to pull a condom from his pocket. He rips it open with his teeth and then swears before letting go of Simon to unbutton his pants and push them and his briefs down his hips. He rolls the condom on his dick and then, frowning, spits into his hand. He strokes himself for a couple of seconds and then returns his attention to Simon.

“Hey, I’ll fuck you, alright? Against the wall. There might be people watching in disgust, but. You know. All works out in the end.”

Simon doesn’t answer, but even in the dim light Nathan can make out the heat in his face.


Nathan doesn’t really give Simon any time to respond, gripping his hips and pushing into him. Simon adjusts himself, clinging to Nathan’s hair tighter than before as the side of his face is pressed against the wall. Rolling his hips, Nathan leans forward, kissing Simon sloppily. Simon kisses back, body twisted, and Nathan tastes blood in his mouth – he realizes it’s from Simon biting his lip so hard that it bled.

Nathan manages to keep an arm around Simon’s stomach, fucking him with tiny jerks of his hips and long pulls on his dick.

Nathan comes with suddenness, burying his face into Simon’s neck and groaning against his skin as he pushes him further into the wall. As his hips slow down, Simon comes, his body going quivery and weak, mouth opening with a completely silent moan.

They collapse onto each other and Nathan starts laughing.
>> No. 63799
File 129144838130.png - (295.28KB , 358x406 , hey_there_by_quesodip-d33nx7p.png )
>> No. 63804
>Alisha seemed like a total slag to me.

Well aren't you a wonderful person.
>> No. 63810
not the person you are talking to.

But isn't she a complete slut?
She uses people for sex against their will.
That not only makes her a slut, but a creepy rapist.
I know she learned from her "mistakes" and is now no longer screwing everyone because she can, but that bad aftertaste still is in my mouth and I know I don't like her. Kelly is awesome though, she stands up for her friends and just seems like a good person.

sage for friendly discussion
>> No. 63816
She doesn't use people for sex against their will, her power does that for her. Previously she was just like every other 'slutty' girl & there'd have to be some give & take in her encounters - you can't deny that she's attractive, so it's not like she was spiking drinks or blackmailing anyone into it. Her power's actually horrifying if you think about it - she can't touch anyone. Curtis legitimately wanted to have sex with her all through the first series, but couldn't because the second he touched her he got turned into a mindless zombie. She was nearly raped a number of times. To be honest she probably fell in love with Simon not because she 'saw him all fit' in the weird clock-room (although that probably had something to do with it - she'd never seen him in that light before, standing half-naked and not looking utterly embarrassed about it, as well as being the identity of the Man In The Mask), but because he was the first person who'd actually been able to /touch/ her in a long time. I see a lot of people freaking out about this & what it implies OL, but c'mon, think about it. She can't even accidentally brush against someone in the supermarket, hold someone's hand, hug her family, then along comes someone who can actually hold her.

... I dunno, man. You're entitled to think whatever you want, but what I love most about this series so far is that it's really managed to flesh out both Alisha and Curtis, who were previously just the 'popular kids' of the gang - the athlete, the pretty one... yawn. Now they both have screentime that isn't to do with them wanking in the stock room.

Polite sage for you shouldn't call go round people slags anyway it's rude. I'll tell Kelly of you.
>> No. 63817
Wow, apparently my grammar exploded at the end there. That is what you get for Arguing On The Internet I guess.
>> No. 63822
>>She doesn't use people for sex against their will, her power does that for her.

Uhhh. She definitely utilized this power to make people have sex with her without her will. She totally had an episode dedicated to her using this power knowing fully well what she was doing. She even /threatens/ Curtis, telling him she could /make him/. And then she DOES. She starts to feel guilty about it later, but there is absolutely no denying that she abused her power knowing full well the consequences.

I understand the touch allure of Simon. I got that. And guess what? That STILL makes her shallow! Like, wow, you're suddenly in LOVE with the first person you can touch? I could see sex, but love? Please. And then she tells him, TELLS him that she is in love with HIM, not his younger counterpart. I ask you: what is the difference between he and the younger? It's not his bravery. It's not his wit. It's not his devotion. Those are all still in tact and noticeable as he is. What has changed? He is confident and now has abs. Also, he can touch her. Whoop.

You are also entitled to your opinion. Her justifications for liking the new Simon do not satisfy me, personally. I still think she has been a proper slag and I dislike her. In b4 "she is trying to be nice to present Simon". Yes. Because he grows up to be hot and she's taking advantage of that shit because she's selfish and manipulative. It's not fair that it takes a spoiler for her to even notice Simon. I'm sorry, I just think that's fucked up.

Also, you are lurking in a board full of dicks and you are going to whine about the word 'slag'? Rofl forever.
>> No. 63824
>>Also, you are lurking in a board full of dicks and you are going to whine about the word 'slag'? Rofl forever.

Yeah, who doesn't like their slash spiced with a little misogyny, amirite?
>> No. 63826

Wait this isn't porn.
What in the world is it doing in this thread.
>> No. 63827
u mad, bro?
>> No. 63828
Completely different person and I mad, too.
>> No. 63832
You guys I'm all for calling out sexism but let's at least properly sage ok?
>> No. 63834
Hey, anybody know where'd I d be able to watch this?
>> No. 63836
The term 'slag' is androgynous. At least, that was my belief. If Alisha was a dude, I still wouldn't like them. So I don't know where you're getting misogyny from? My statement was more toward you being squicked by a curse word when you're in a porn board.

Try tvduck
>> No. 63847
to be fair if she was a MALE using his power to force women to have sex with him everyone would really hate him, even if he does learn his lesson.

But I think in our society we take women forcing men to have sex as a lesser offense, because all men want to have sex right?
So yeah, I don't like her because she is shallow and though she is learning to care about other people and how they feel she has a lot of room to go.

But also shame on furture!simon I know she is your bad romance and all. But try not to fuck your younger and naive version of your future girlfriend. Can't you stare at her from afar and longly dream of touching her before dieing for her? I like my angst old school thanks. haha
>> No. 63870
File 129155839436.png - (261.23KB , 500x510 , weddingdress.png )
What's all this arguing nonsense? Here, have some wedding dress porn:

>> No. 63876



They pulled pretty much just did a Time Traveller's Wife. I am okay with this because I am a sucker for that kind of mobius strip BS.

Probably because it indicates that this series has an endgame in mind, and won't drag on too long and die a Heroes death.
>> No. 63968
File 129164745859.gif - (490.52KB , 500x265 , Simon-Nathan-2x01-gif-simon-and-nathan-17149563-50.gif )
Some rather nice Simon/Nathan 2x03 AU:

>> No. 64296
File 12919511082.gif - (476.97KB , 500x270 , daww.gif )
Monkeysluts aside, the bromance in tonight's episode was adorable.
>> No. 64402
could someone post a download for 2x03 that's not fucked up? no torrents, please.

>> No. 64417
File 129213930499.gif - (479.54KB , 500x220 , grab my hair like this and fuck my face.gif )
I'm confused how calling a character, who started out as the slut, a slut is misogyny. Yeah, she obviously has some issues where she only feels good about herself when guys want her. I actually really loved her character development after she started with Curtis. She learned she can be cared for and keep a guy around without fucking. Their relationship was sweet.

Then something seemed to go weird and rushed with Superhoodie. He actually seemed to be a dick for the whole "You fall in love with me" line. Really? You're going to be selfish and manipulate someone's mind like that? It's not so bad she went wow over him and jumped for sex, it's how she immediately treated Curtis after. Like she felt nothing but annoyed he was still around. Her odd declaration of who she doesn't love (again, it was like a week, dude), then waiting around for Simon to be That Person is off-putting. I wish--i SO wish i could get into it and embrace it like everyone else so i could enjoy the show 100% again, but i can't. I'm hoping some things get explained.

polite sage, but have a misleading gif
>> No. 64858
File 129274447641.gif - (2.51MB , 400x226 , 2s6afk6.gif )
Well i didn't want the thread to fucking die over wank
>> No. 64889
File 129281243670.gif - (487.65KB , 500x228 , 19bdkm_jpg.gif )

Agreed. Let's celebrate dat fine Simon ass from tonight.
>> No. 65003
This just has been bothering me since I saw the Big Reveal of Superhoodie last night:

I really thought it'd be their new probation worker. I would have welcomed that. Instead we get this - in my opinion - annoying, bullshit, future story arch that honestly disinterests me so much that I keep skipping past those scenes and just assuming "oh yes, big tragedy, love you, can't have you, bleh bleh bleh"

So yes. Probation worker should have been Superhoodie.
>> No. 65124
File 129314561046.jpg - (180.15KB , 500x562 , Nathan.jpg )
Forgive me for my little slash, but it's fucking Nathan
>> No. 65344

god i love nathan.
>> No. 65405
File 129348868428.png - (385.17KB , 500x564 , misfits___simon_and_nathan_by_txgirl0302-d33vpxz.png )
>> No. 65407
File 129348892381.jpg - (73.43KB , 900x600 , nathan_by_dumbfishie-d35fpfs.jpg )
I wish there was more fanart and fiction to go around, especially the dirty kind.
>> No. 65460
I agree i was disappointed with the reveal and bs story arc it added. While i never expected or rooted for the probation worker to be it, i did want something MORE than "Oh I'm Simon who got super cool and agile. Don't mind me, just bulking up. I came back for ~LOVE~" It's like mehhhhh.
>> No. 65469
I really thought the probation worker was it, or Curtis. Because, you know, if anyone's gonna trip time it would be Curtis, right? Because that actually makes SENSE. But then, with the finale, the new probation officer shows that he's a real dick (he sold them out, whaat) so I guess it makes sense that he's not Superhoodie.

So much of this show is going off the rails. The Christmas bonus was something of a blow to the head; does anyone know if that's going to be the cannon? Seriously, though, it feels like someone has made a round robin of this show. They've gone with what they think is interesting and said to hell with consistency in some respects.

On the upside: I love it when Nathan shows that he is secretly gooey @ Christmas special
>> No. 65741
what episode is that from?
>> No. 65742
what episode is that from?
>> No. 65743
what episode is that from?
>> No. 65767
It's the fourth episode for the second season.

The bit where Nathan's in the dress actually isn't in the episode. It's from their little online clips of other crap that happens afterward/during/before.
>> No. 68055
File 129667174131.gif - (492.87KB , 500x422 , tumblr_lfh56qgmLG1qcbv2lo1_500.gif )
Animooted. I lol'd.
>> No. 77221
File 131251406627.jpg - (84.74KB , 570x854 , misfits-simon1.jpg )
this is on hulu, so i finally got to watch it.

>> No. 88027
Speaking of Simon does anyone have a dl link to that short film Iwan was in, 'I don't care'.
>> No. 88389
I love nathan, also shipped him with the Mysterious hoodie guy when he was still..Mysterious
Now i'm like meh
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