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File 128613831794.jpg - (145.23KB , 500x665 , 128477715948.jpg )
58739 No. 58739
Let's go /coq/!
Expand all images
>> No. 58775
File 128616353218.jpg - (282.22KB , 725x1100 , tumblr_l99ikexDuP1qbfw6o.jpg )
>> No. 58777
File 128616384472.jpg - (120.24KB , 1280x830 , Everyday_Authority__Cooking_by_ReaperRain.jpg )
>> No. 58778
File 128616388123.jpg - (120.95KB , 1280x830 , Everyday_Authority___Ironing_by_ReaperRain.jpg )
>> No. 58779
File 128616390914.png - (419.12KB , 648x864 , The_Authority___A_Normal_Day_by_newspaper_taxis.png )
>> No. 58780
File 12861639704.jpg - (230.07KB , 570x696 , Rose_for_the_man_wearing_black_by_juustozzi.jpg )
>> No. 63255
I can't believe this is on the LAST PAGE. Bumpan.
>> No. 63256
File 129091809052.jpg - (550.86KB , 1000x1300 , 1290648520770.jpg )
>> No. 63259
File 129092213429.jpg - (98.88KB , 500x602 , 123819698878.jpg )
>> No. 63325
Does anyone know if there's a DC kink meme floating around? If not, I'd like to request a possessive fic, with consensual creepiness by all parties involved.
Because come on, guys. One side of our OTP rips people's heads off for exercise, and the other thinks disembodied heads are HILARIOUS.
>> No. 63326
>> No. 63378
File 129107453899.jpg - (55.19KB , 500x601 , 1290142928814.jpg )
Is it okay that these guys are the OTP of my OTP?
>> No. 63457
I don't know what this means, but I'm intrigued.
>> No. 64699
What happened to that meet-up pic with Supes and Bats?
>> No. 64729
Say, is there a good place to start reading these dudes? I see their pictures and love their outfit designs, but have no idea what their story is.
>> No. 64737

Like, comics? They're from the Authority, which is published by Wildstorm. Midnighter's also got a solo series. :)
>> No. 64759

Cool, I'll have to start picking that up.

Is there a particular arc or something that's easy for a newcomer to come in on?
>> No. 64769

Try The Authority volume 1 as a whole.
>> No. 64771

Seconding the first volume. Also try Human on the Inside (2004 special), if only for the extraordinary art. The coloring, oh god, the coloring. Best looking the Authority has ever looked, hands down.
>> No. 69838
File 129943589372.jpg - (527.94KB , 640x984 , the-authority-the-lost-year-10-of-12-preview-4_lar.jpg )
Just recently picked up Authority again and was really amazed at what's been happening lately. Was it just me, or was this issue just amazingly drawn? I loved that AU Middy, though bordering on the edge of Nazi...But I guess that's why I loved it.
Also, just in case, it's a page from The Lost Year arc issue 10. Would totally fap and jizz love if a draw/writefag did something about this au middy and apollo
>> No. 69853
I'm glad that Midnighter keeps his hair-dying habit even when he's busy being a tyrannical dictator. Is Apollo his trapped-at-home trophy husband who drinks too much and throws temper tantrums whenever Midnighter is around?
>> No. 69860
He was killed in that universe.
>> No. 69874
>> No. 69896
But Superman died, too.
>> No. 69999
Any good fics?
>> No. 74037
>> No. 74532
File 130769343038.png - (9.52KB , 339x393 , 1296362155601.png )
I also have many issues with this. As soon as Ellis left Apollo was raped. Superman was raped. Really fucking stupid shit.
>> No. 74847
File 130812999350.jpg - (221.43KB , 466x720 , storm_cv11n98day23.jpg )
>> No. 74848
File 130813012183.jpg - (151.20KB , 767x1024 , apollo_sktch_lorez-767x1024.jpg )
>> No. 74851
Maybe want?
But Midnighter is u-u-ugh what, why the 80s-90s?
>> No. 77779
Last straw for me with regards for not giving the DC reboot a chance was finding out these two aren't together in it.

>> No. 77781
Apparently they did that so they can develop their relationship to where they were in the new canon.

I dunno if I'm for it or not. This might give a chance for Apollo to be his own character rather than Apollo-who-exists-only-as-an-accessory-to-Midnighter that he's become pretty much ever since Ellis left. So that would be good.
>> No. 77794
waitwaitwait! Where did you hear they're not together in DCnU??
>> No. 77796

They are rebooting the entire Stormwatch team, so I am assuming Midnighter and Apollo are not together. If anyone knows any different, I'd be glad to find out.

(Never mind the Liefeild part of the article)
>> No. 77797
Guys, calm the fuck down. They're just starting the story from BEFORE they became a couple. They're going to get together as the series progresses.
>> No. 77849
I've heard NOTHING about them not being together but I HAVE heard from the mouth of the writer that yes they are both still gay. So if they're not together (which I doubt) I'm sure they will get together at some point.
>> No. 77854
File 131412787022.png - (138.09KB , 600x450 , 1267404155222.png )

Awesome, thanks for clearing that up. In celebration, more content!
>> No. 77927
File 131445787467.jpg - (325.99KB , 741x800 , apollo_and_midnighter_by_alshshaen-d35ts2u.jpg )
>> No. 77928
File 131445792014.jpg - (1.94MB , 1200x1600 , honey_moon_on_the_moon_by_ksheeire-d4188vo.jpg )
>> No. 77929
File 131445794531.png - (138.49KB , 500x332 , tumblr_l6vh6xvWYf1qcu5qro1_500.png )
>> No. 77930
File 131445799869.jpg - (311.88KB , 1280x960 , tumblr_lou3qdiiIO1ql1roso1_1280.jpg )
>> No. 77931
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>> No. 77932
File 131445809436.png - (90.42KB , 350x500 , tumblr_lmw2648e3s1qbxdt7o1_400.png )
>> No. 77933
Question: So, what color is Midnighter's hair? I've seen it drawn black, brown, red, and blond. WTF...
>> No. 77935
File 131446111299.png - (168.23KB , 480x480 , wait wat.png )
>> No. 77936
It's quite an inside joke that he has "magical, color changing hair"
The truth is he is a ginger , but dies his hair , most of the time blond.
>> No. 77941
File 131446332262.jpg - (124.64KB , 595x800 , 127620167780.jpg )
>> No. 77947
File 131447399497.gif - (288.59KB , 380x298 , 1313860971125.gif )
>> No. 77955
aaaaa this will never not make me smile
>> No. 77971
File 131458014712.jpg - (110.02KB , 700x700 , 21-i-feel-better.jpg )
>> No. 77972
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>> No. 77973
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>> No. 77974
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>> No. 77975
File 131458063960.jpg - (75.95KB , 800x546 , 26-not-funny.jpg )
>> No. 77976
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>> No. 77993
File 131462719518.jpg - (534.37KB , 700x1407 , how_it_works_by_whatistigerbalm-d38es05.jpg )
>> No. 78136
File 131513633860.png - (259.00KB , 881x816 , we have so much in common.png )
Not on page 0 a few days before Stormwatch comes out?
I won't stand for this.
>> No. 78137
Ahaha, why do I get the feeling it will go something like this? God, this pic is amazing.
Did Midnighter just chinstabbed the Moon?
>> No. 78140
File 131514385853.png - (239.85KB , 699x668 , at least they didnt steal the cookies.png )
Of course he did.

I think his new costume is starting to grow on me.
>> No. 78147
File 131517644988.jpg - (369.92KB , 998x1280 , whrrrrr.jpg )
>> No. 78150
I'm going to miss you two.
So. Much.
>> No. 78163
What I want to know is why they saw the need to change the costumes in the first place. I mean, imo they were really good costumes, both thematically and aesthetically. They fit the characters and looked damn cool.

And now we have... chinspike. Oh, chinspike.
>> No. 78171
Chinspike better not kill Cornell, I have great hopes for him.

Also I wish there was more fanart of the new costumes, they are hilarious.
>> No. 78173
File 131522634580.png - (207.34KB , 599x617 , ooh mister chinspike.png )
Y'all knew this was going to happen.
>> No. 78186
File 131526755759.jpg - (79.35KB , 800x538 , tumblr_lo7is5ahHj1qcosluo1_1280.jpg )
>> No. 78189
I've officially lost it in my laughter. I bow to you, good anon.
>> No. 78265
Ok. I guess.
Stormwatch #1 is such a disappointment. Just. WHY? DC WHY?! Why everything about it? Why so dull? And mainstream. And 80es. And etc etc etc. Ugh.
I hope for a better second instalment.
>> No. 78287
File 131537151485.png - (449.89KB , 464x493 , 1314079205188.png )
How can you be judging the comic already? All we have are some sample pages until tomorrow and you can't really judge on those alone. Yes, I will admit that the art is a bit stiff (ok, its a little bad), but I still have much hope for it to grow into its own.

Also, mfw they mention slash fiction in a non-satirical manner.
>> No. 78306
I've read it. It's boring. Still, I'll give them a chance.
>> No. 78318

I didn't think it was boring at all, the character art was mediocre but the background work was well done. It's just setting up the plot and I'm really excited to see where they are going with this.

On the Apollo Midnighter side of this: I'm excited to see another gay paring start to establish canon, other then guess work from the original Authority when they were already together.
>> No. 78360
File 131553548051.jpg - (423.00KB , 1024x768 , 5924308948_cb87fa6d5c_b.jpg )
>> No. 78361
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>> No. 78362
File 13155356417.jpg - (343.22KB , 768x1024 , 5923745895_c5cfca3619_b.jpg )
>> No. 78363
File 131553578594.jpg - (40.55KB , 573x168 , 1262827432973.jpg )
>> No. 78379

Where is this page from?
>> No. 78393
File 131566072184.png - (664.50KB , 489x522 , apollo x midn.png )
Aw man. My faves.
>> No. 78422
World's End, I think?
>> No. 78423
File 131575784542.jpg - (79.88KB , 720x492 , tumblr_lh38rx8Sgc1qdf0tho1_1280.jpg )
>> No. 78424
File 131575802428.jpg - (360.38KB , 700x1029 , civilian_by_whatistigerbalm-d38ett7.jpg )
>> No. 78494
File 13159671053.png - (219.29KB , 881x816 , stormwatch the 1st.png )
My predictions were a bit off.
>> No. 78500
This is so accurate it almost hurts. Can we expect a month-to-month commentary series? Pleeease?
>> No. 78509
File 131604671820.png - (417.30KB , 1431x581 , meanwhileatstormwatchhq.png )
It could happen...
>> No. 78613
File 13165522409.jpg - (1.07MB , 900x950 , neev - Apollo New & Improved.jpg )
Well, I like the way the new costume looks in fanart. Dunno about the comics yet.
>> No. 78691
File 131678574681.jpg - (73.36KB , 750x737 , A_cute_couple__by_AmericanNinjaX.jpg )
>> No. 78703
>> No. 78705
He's gonna grow his hair out so that he can catch Midnighter's eye.

I wish.
>> No. 78721
No fics about the inevitable awkward courting in the reboot?
>> No. 78725

Was their original courting ever really explored before? I've only really read The Authority, where they were already an established couple, so I guess I don't know.
>> No. 78728
The origin of how they got together was never stated. In the beginning, they only showed hints that Midnighter and Apollo were together until it was confirmed with their marriage. So the reboot is finally a chance to see how it all came to be.
>> No. 78729
File 131690716097.jpg - (215.43KB , 425x1417 , A VILLAIN IS BORN.jpg )
They didn't get together on panel but it was implied it happened somewhere in the period of the five years they were on the run from Bendix.
Apollo used to date this Martian Manhunter inspired alien thing before.

I love this panel because it takes you a while to notice Midnighter, but when you do, it's hilarious.
>> No. 78755
File 131698810927.jpg - (21.18KB , 232x220 , just_calm_down____by_victorreno.jpg )
<<Hee, I can't get over how adorable and accurate this pic is :D
Also, having Apollo grow his hair out for Middy...Sounds really cute.
>> No. 78982
File 131785763596.png - (280.14KB , 551x398 , Midnighter.png )
Well, #2 has finally come upon us, and has revealed that Midnighter is a stalker.

Isn't that just so romantic?
>> No. 78983

I thought the panel with Midnighter saying he liked seeing Apollo slaughter pedo's hilarious. I'm super excited to see how warped/oddly adorable the relationship can get.
>> No. 79044
File 131796921855.jpg - (436.23KB , 968x1516 , stormwatchcambiaromorir__072.jpg )
actually there are two pages in stromwach than states that those two just had sex... sorry I only got the spanish version
>> No. 79047
File 131796931077.jpg - (432.91KB , 961x1510 , stormwatchcambiaromorir__073.jpg )
I love the scars in Midnighter back
>> No. 79068
They're naked because they don't have clothes besides costumes and there is nothing in the English version that strongly implies they had sex.
Keep in mind not even the artist knew they were gay back then, because Ellis wanted to keep it free of stereotypes.
>> No. 79093
File 131801594685.jpg - (122.26KB , 932x222 , 142109438223.jpg )
Midnighter is off to a great start, I don't see any way this sentence might be interpreted as incredibly creepy, obsessive or like you regularly jerk off to a guy you're stalking slaughtering people.
Godspeed you master of seduction.
>> No. 79134
File 131805294565.jpg - (429.52KB , 995x1550 , The Authority vs LoBo - 03.jpg )
Holy shit! you are right now that I read the scene again apart of them both being naked there is nothing that implies that they have sex
Sorry in my defense I read the whole "We haven´t eat" as a double entendre I really need to spend less time with the guys at work
>> No. 79156

This was always a favorite page of mine. It's funny because it's almost like they're normal people, but it's still so messed up.
>> No. 79297
Short midnighter is fucking adorable.
>> No. 79328

Is he normally drawn THAT much shorter than Apollo? I thought they were about the same height.
>> No. 79330
Nope, that issue was just kind of a parody/wacky fun book.
Both their appearances and personalities weren't normal canon.
Still helluva entertaining though.
>> No. 79449
bump with content

>> No. 79478

>Midnighter and Apollo fanfiction

This exists? I mean, I know it's the internet, but for some reason thi is still difficult for me to comprehend
>> No. 79545
check this out
>> No. 79575

Rec list
>> No. 79624
sweet, thanks.
>> No. 79840
File 131993095085.jpg - (37.84KB , 500x500 , apollo___midnighter_by_criz-d3b11gk.jpg )
>> No. 79841
File 131993097542.png - (238.65KB , 756x481 , tumblr_lk2tsnAoms1qimpcgo1_1280.png )
>> No. 79842
File 131993099257.jpg - (217.54KB , 412x507 , tumblr_lltn8enVUl1qda7ieo1_500.jpg )
>> No. 79861
>This picture

I love this sort of picture. Are there any more by this artist?
>> No. 79943
Well, the new issue of Stormwatch is out.

Apollo apparently has a name this time around. And that name is Andrew.
>> No. 79945
Andrew the sun God doesn't have quite the same ring to it.
Better than Herbert or Doug I guess.
>> No. 79950
Oh for fuck's sake.
DC, hire me. You are clearly out of ideas.
>> No. 80658
File 132120113120.jpg - (17.01KB , 305x322 , 171950-12707-apollo_super.jpg )
Just started reading the Authority vol 1 (just started reading comics in general). Midnigther x Apollo are the best. I love how subtle they are written. Like it's no big deal.

Do you guys know when the next issue of Stormwatch comes out? I'm a total noob and I don't know where to look.

Seconding this.

Also, I just read the issue where Apollo gets raped. Why does everybody get raped in comics? Are there any fanfiction dealing with that?
>> No. 80978
File 132167565126.jpg - (77.58KB , 600x552 , midnighter.jpg )
I drew this for you, thread.
>> No. 81002
Yay, thanks!

I also made some doodles, but they suck. What is worse: Bad art or no art?
>> No. 81022
Wonderful, I love how structured Midnighter's costume is.
Any chance of doing more?
>> No. 81023
Hey, as long as we're contributing I think its all good, just throw a shy little penis in there just soo people dont bitch how its not /coq/. Thanks, its my first time trying to draw these two thats why the poses are soo rigid, but hey I'll give it another try- WITH PENIS.
>> No. 81627
File 132321651494.jpg - (96.43KB , 747x324 , 1323112766426.jpg )
New issue tomorrow. Midnighter is still creepy.
>> No. 81635
File 132323189244.jpg - (296.91KB , 579x800 , hurttmidnighter.jpg )
ugh I still can stand the art but is getting better... I hope
>> No. 81661
File 132328613926.jpg - (193.01KB , 926x530 , sw-07.jpg )

That scene is a lot less creepy and more daaaaw in context. Mighnighters gentle smile.

This issue had a lot of touching. megusta.jpg
>> No. 81664
File 132330510088.jpg - (204.61KB , 1397x543 , slapwhy.jpg )
I dunno this pannel even in context is kinda OOC for Midnighter
>> No. 81666
File 132330737688.jpg - (612.01KB , 1366x1373 , sw-08-small#.jpg )

Apollo seemed to understand that the Midnighter only tried to wake him up.
>> No. 81675
File 132332585486.jpg - (450.84KB , 821x1250 , _DSC7740.jpg )
but Apollo wasn´t fully unconscious to deserve that slap
dunno maybe I´m idealizing Midnighter to much =/
>> No. 82428
File 132517392446.png - (286.02KB , 500x552 , tumblr_lwhpk1Y5jT1qdk0s9o1_500.png )
>> No. 82429
File 132517395877.png - (193.46KB , 600x575 , tumblr_lwhgqhRbJv1qdk0s9o1_1280.png )
>> No. 82435
File 132517729470.png - (556.97KB , 781x498 , kisses.png )
Somebody other than me posted. It must be christmas. Here are some more canon goodies.
>> No. 82439
File 132517808428.png - (391.24KB , 653x268 , midnighter creepin.png )
From the same story. Midnighter has always been a creep.
>> No. 82440
File 132517822650.jpg - (406.92KB , 962x1477 , 1322603660025.jpg )
>> No. 82441
File 132517852022.png - (240.11KB , 1024x768 , 1322482342230.png )
>> No. 82458

Jesus Christ this artist draws everyone ridiculously ugly
>> No. 82474
File 132523823327.jpg - (217.28KB , 1205x958 , bridalstyle.jpg )
That's what I thought, but when I read the complete story I easily got used to that art style. At least the proportions are okay. I've seen worse.

I only found a Spanish scan of these pages and I'm too lazy to scan my own.
First panel Midnighter asks for a Jetpack.
Third panel Apollo says: "Just like our wedding night, when I carried you over the threshold" and Midnighter answers "We never made it as far"
>> No. 82480
File 132526224545.jpg - (450.63KB , 963x1484 , authority_v2_005_07_rougher.jpg )
>> No. 82482
File 132526333624.jpg - (374.67KB , 972x1529 , Married with kids.jpg )
>> No. 82484
File 132526590930.jpg - (362.67KB , 960x1488 , authority_v2_004_22_rougher.jpg )
I thought it was really cute when Jenny was allowed to sleep in their bed after she had nightmares. Men who are good with children are sexy.
>> No. 82726
File 132571281721.jpg - (1.26MB , 1440x2212 , 1325701164816.jpg )
New issue time! Its finally getting better. All the characters are properly introduced. Adam One dies and Harry is beaten up by the Midnighter. Apollo and the Midnighter are doing stuff together.

"I also feel that we're going to be... working together."
That pause :D.

The only downside... Lucas...
>> No. 82727
File 132571289434.jpg - (55.09KB , 240x477 , 1325695881474.jpg )
Midnighter is back. I think I can get used to Lucas for this.
>> No. 87074
File 133905622987.jpg - (819.97KB , 1280x1968 , 21.jpg )
And then this happened. Gay angst everywhere.
>> No. 87076
...god, do I even want to click on that?
DC has hurt me too much too recently.
>> No. 87190
no, the reboot sucks.
they all but have apollo and midnighter turn to the camera and explain their entire backstory, instead of showing it.
Oh sorry, i mean andrew and lucas
>> No. 87223
someone on /co/ was story timing the ones with Kev in them, and suddenly I want to Midnighter/Kev
>> No. 87467
File 134054633778.jpg - (89.75KB , 713x567 , 128095991643.jpg )
Homewrecker. This is the closest I have.
>> No. 87512
File 134065142941.jpg - (48.01KB , 504x648 , Midnighterkickingdakenintheballs.jpg )
Midnighter is a one man...man
>> No. 87738
File 134165166946.png - (123.46KB , 554x724 , god why.png )
There's not serious porn, only horrible, horrible jokes.
>> No. 87740
I wish there was more Midnighter/Apollo love both in fandom and the official comics. They are so badass. The new 52 Stormwatch isn't doing the couple any justice.
>> No. 87955
File 134228815173.jpg - (372.50KB , 1500x1024 , Midnighter and punisher on a picnic.jpg )
I don't know. I can think of someone else to ship him with
>> No. 87957
File 134230486084.png - (126.49KB , 500x388 , 1341792414046.png )
I imagine they'd make best buddies
/co/ why have you been weird with these two lately?
>> No. 87977
I like 52 Apollo's new look.

But 52 Midnighter looks totally fucking awful.
>> No. 87979
I don't think anyone likes the chinspike

Except I guess deathstroke. It's his only clue to who killed his son
>> No. 87981
Hahaha, that's beautiful, I can totally see them together in an AU sort of way. In a Midnighter/Apollo world, I can also see Punisher being Midnighter's close homicidal buddy.
>> No. 87988
Is Midnighter a top or bottom? or Versatile?
>> No. 87989
I am a total sucker for bottom Midnighter. Probably because it seems taken for granted that long-haired, 'nicer guy' Apollo would bottom.
>> No. 87990
I am a total sucker for bottom Midnighter. Probably because it seems taken for granted that long-haired, 'nicer guy' Apollo would bottom.
>> No. 87991
File 134245233422.png - (349.34KB , 938x600 , only 13 in space years.png )
They get together to beat on pedophiles every monday
>> No. 87992
Haha, whoever drew that was no fan of Green Lantern. :P
>> No. 87993
He did date that underage alien, and I don't think punisher or midnighter are taking that excuse
>> No. 87999
Midnighter is kinda like the Punisher, but with a family that's alive.
They share hobbies.
>> No. 88041
File 134276236573.jpg - (257.70KB , 900x646 , Jenny and the Chinspiker.jpg )
So have the chinspiker and whiner done it yet? I'm just curious, they seem to be implying they're together without ever showing any physical..togetherness. Like even a smooch would imply something
>> No. 88042
As of issue 11, not even an actual hug, much less a kiss or sex. I feel like posting all the slashy bits from the issues so far so you guys can judge how things are getting on romantically for Midnighter and Apollo in the New 52 universe. You guys interested in that?
>> No. 88043
File 134277071373.jpg - (135.83KB , 814x348 , teuton.jpg )
The gratuitous flirting and and Midnighter constantly calling Apollo MAH BOI for some inexplicable reason point towards them fucking like rabbits, but I think that's just bad writing/fanservice and they're supposed to not be together in any way yet.

I wonder what would happen to the A-whine-o if he went through half the shit old Apollo went through, he's basically just Teuton now, but without the casual molesting.
As far as we know.
>> No. 88044
File 134277113081.jpg - (132.72KB , 1024x316 , 133905622987.jpg )
I mean, look at this.
>> No. 88045
File 134277154898.jpg - (596.92KB , 1600x2496 , sw-is001-01.jpg )
Incoming, 43 select pages from the first 11 issues of New 52 Stormwatch! I'll do my best to not spoil too much within my comments so they might be vague on details about various storylines.

First up, from issue #1, Midnighter and Apollo meet for the first time.
>> No. 88046
File 134277181969.jpg - (568.39KB , 1074x1650 , sw-is002-01.jpg )
Issue #2, Midnighter flaunts his leery stalker side of his personality ... and Apollo doesn't seem to mind.
>> No. 88047
File 134277214417.jpg - (674.51KB , 1440x2219 , sw-is004-01.jpg )
Oops, make that 42 pages instead. Issue #3 had no Midnighter/Apollo goodness whatsoever.

In issue #4, Stormwatch has to fight some gigantic, tentacly space monster. It kicks Stormwatch's collective asses except Midnighter's (naturally). Apollo, who was up in space dealing with his side of the problem, gets his ass handed to him too.
>> No. 88048
File 134277234633.jpg - (823.13KB , 1440x2219 , sw-is004-02.jpg )
Luckily Midnighter is there to save disoriented Apollo from the gigantic, tentacly space monster still rampaging ...
>> No. 88049
File 134277248615.jpg - (585.62KB , 1440x2219 , sw-is004-03.jpg )
By, uh, giving Apollo a hand.
>> No. 88050
File 134277282470.jpg - (669.92KB , 1440x2219 , sw-is004-04.jpg )
Here's the very first instance of physical affection between Midnighter and Apollo. D'aww.

(If you look closely at Midnighter's thumb on Apollo's cheek, you'll see Midnighter isn't just cupping his cheek but stroking it too.)
>> No. 88051
File 134277310496.jpg - (725.91KB , 1440x2219 , sw-is004-05.jpg )
This and the next 2 pages show the result of Apollo's trust in Midnighter.
>> No. 88052
File 134277315769.jpg - (566.87KB , 1440x2219 , sw-is004-06.jpg )
>> No. 88053
File 13427732128.jpg - (734.28KB , 1440x2219 , sw-is004-07.jpg )
>> No. 88054
File 134277339379.jpg - (663.55KB , 1440x2212 , sw-is005-01.jpg )
Issue #5, Midnighter and Apollo are running around in Stormwatch HQ ...
>> No. 88055
File 134277351933.jpg - (688.77KB , 1440x2212 , sw-is005-02.jpg )
And Midnighter reveals not just his face but an aspect of himself that makes Apollo undoubtedly happy.
>> No. 88057
File 134277390279.jpg - (715.00KB , 1440x2212 , sw-is005-03.jpg )
D'aww, they flirt and act coy around each other.

Take note of Midnighter saying 'sorry' here. It's a pretty significant detail for an incident in a later issue (at least to me Midnighter/Apollo-wise).
>> No. 88058
File 134277445116.jpg - (708.39KB , 1440x2212 , sw-is005-04.jpg )
Something happens and HQ alarms go off. Apollo volunteers to check it out.

I love this page for the second last panel alone.
>> No. 88059
File 13427746749.jpg - (814.86KB , 1440x2206 , sw-is006-01.jpg )
Issue #6, lots of crazy crap has happened and Midnighter is in deep trouble ...
>> No. 88060
File 134277476020.jpg - (787.44KB , 1440x2206 , sw-is006-02.jpg )
But not for long!
>> No. 88061
File 134277488843.jpg - (671.90KB , 1440x2206 , sw-is006-03.jpg )
"I'm the damn Midnighter."

Yes. Yes, you are.
>> No. 88062
File 134277508790.jpg - (777.51KB , 1440x2206 , sw-is006-04.jpg )
It's rather obvious by now where Midnighter is on Apollo's list of priorities.
>> No. 88063
Later, after some issues are resolved, Midnighter shows that he isn't the 100% heartless bastard he'd like people to think he is ...
>> No. 88064
File 134277533410.jpg - (673.51KB , 1440x2206 , sw-is006-05.jpg )
Later, after some issues are resolved, Midnighter shows that he isn't the 100% heartless bastard he'd like people to think he is ...
>> No. 88065
File 134277548899.jpg - (570.41KB , 1440x2206 , sw-is006-06.jpg )
And gives us a clue as to how tight he and Apollo have become.
>> No. 88066
File 134277570065.jpg - (1.03MB , 1278x1966 , sw-is007-01.jpg )
Issue #7, more badness has cropped up for Stormwatch. This time it's Apollo who gets in big trouble, and Midnighter can only watch as his teammate/crush/boyfriend/other half is taken away from him.
>> No. 88067
File 134277589840.jpg - (0.99MB , 1280x1972 , sw-is008-01.jpg )
In issue #8, Midnighter is determined to find his man, and Jenny reveals to him that she's aware of his feelings for Apollo ...
>> No. 88068
File 134277830758.jpg - (0.99MB , 1280x1972 , sw-is008-02.jpg )
And they end up talking about boys. *lol*
>> No. 88069
File 134277846724.jpg - (0.99MB , 1280x1972 , sw-is008-03.jpg )
Eventually Midnighter and Jenny find Apollo ...
>> No. 88070
File 134277862423.jpg - (955.59KB , 1280x1972 , sw-is008-04.jpg )
But then Midnighter makes a nasty decision ...
>> No. 88071
File 134277872913.jpg - (855.47KB , 1280x1972 , sw-is008-05.jpg )
That will have repercussions for Midnighter in the future.
>> No. 88072
File 134277900531.jpg - (850.42KB , 1280x1972 , sw-is008-06.jpg )
>> No. 88073
File 134277921861.jpg - (731.40KB , 1280x1970 , sw-is009-01.jpg )
Issue #9, Apollo and Midnighter gets a showdown with a hulking Red Corps demon dude who's seriously pissed off ...
>> No. 88074
File 134277931684.jpg - (808.94KB , 1280x1970 , sw-is009-02.jpg )
Apollo confronts the enemy first ...
>> No. 88075
File 134277946390.jpg - (866.42KB , 1280x1970 , sw-is009-03.jpg )
Then Midnighter takes his turn ...
>> No. 88076
File 134277965141.jpg - (731.69KB , 1280x1970 , sw-is009-04.jpg )
>> No. 88077
File 134277972116.jpg - (835.49KB , 1280x1970 , sw-is009-05.jpg )
>> No. 88078
File 134277983093.jpg - (870.82KB , 1280x1970 , sw-is009-06.jpg )
And we get Midnighter being badass *and* a hint about their relationship's current status.
>> No. 88079
File 134277998054.jpg - (842.31KB , 1280x1970 , sw-is009-07.jpg )
Jeez, Lucas, go get a room with Andrew already!
>> No. 88080
File 134278016265.jpg - (716.21KB , 1280x1968 , sw-is010-01.jpg )
In issue #10, Apollo amps up the angst in their relationship to Midnighter's bafflement.
>> No. 88081
File 134278031523.jpg - (784.49KB , 1280x1968 , sw-is010-02.jpg )
Discoveries are made, a monster is loosed and a still angsty Apollo rushes into battle with it ...
>> No. 88082
File 134278041283.jpg - (0.99MB , 1280x1968 , sw-is010-03.jpg )
>> No. 88083
File 134278060130.jpg - (759.71KB , 1280x1968 , sw-is010-04.jpg )
Later on, more revelations, mostly about the history of Stormwatch through the ages. Take a look at Apollo's body language when Angie talks about it being 'imperative that they hide their true selves from the public'.
>> No. 88084
File 134278076261.jpg - (732.91KB , 1280x1969 , sw-is010-05.jpg )
Finally Midnighter and Apollo are alone and free to talk in private ...
>> No. 88085
File 134278103416.jpg - (703.82KB , 1280x1968 , sw-is010-06.jpg )
And poor Midnighter isn't sure how to deal with Apollo's frustrations.
>> No. 88086
File 134278129155.jpg - (639.03KB , 1073x1650 , sw-is011-01.jpg )
In issue #11, Apollo's angst strangely seems to have vanished. The whole team's back to their battle-happy selves.
>> No. 88087
File 134278150868.jpg - (606.89KB , 1073x1650 , sw-is011-02.jpg )
Apollo and Midnighter seem their flirty selves again ...
>> No. 88088
File 134278174878.jpg - (557.71KB , 1073x1650 , sw-is011-03.jpg )
And that's all the slashy goodness so far in the series. What do you all think about the relationship? Is it heading anywhere good, or do you think it's going downhill?
>> No. 88089
>her first, I want her to be in great condition when I try to kill her later
>> No. 88091
File 134279097259.jpg - (933.68KB , 1280x1972 , SW-08-22.jpg )
Anyone notice chinspiker has a fucking three pronged electrical socket on the back of his head?

I guess in case he really needs to plug in his phone to charge or something

but anyway I will admit some grudging like of the costume if they have apollo plug something into it and turn it into a dirty joke
>> No. 88092
lol, damn it, now I can't unsee the electrical socket in the back of his head! maybe it's a plug for his vibrating dildo when Apollo's away? :P
>> No. 88093
He needs to re-charge his spike every 24 hours.
>> No. 88096
ok so Jenny said she's not killing midnighter for apollos sake...

so uh...are they together already? Because it seems to flip-flop. Like are they together and the denial to Jenny that they were was kinda weird...or are they two adults who clearly want to fuck but for some reason aren't?
>> No. 88097

Probably has something to do with the constant change of writers. From these pages, it seems they're together but hiding it from the rest of the team. Hence Midnighter's denial to Jenny at first. It also looks like Apollo wants to be open about it but Midnighter doesn't.
>> No. 88098
Ever wonder if Midnighter's neural enhancements enable him to see a million variations of sex scenarios with Apollo through his head before the sex's even started?
>> No. 88102
File 134284063795.jpg - (371.01KB , 943x800 , Midnighter gets something shoved in his socket.jpg )

Socket jokes
>> No. 88106
He can do that.

But it ain't fun not experiencing it.
>> No. 88107
after seeing those pages, i still can't tell if they're together or not. they flirt a lot but flirting doesn't necessarily mean they're already a couple. blah. if there isn't a kiss in the next four issues, i say the relationship is going nowhere.
>> No. 88113
File 134290837498.jpg - (185.78KB , 903x618 , Midnighter and his holes.jpg )
More socket jokes
>> No. 88119
I miss the original Apollo and Midnighter. They didn't need any reboot whatsoever. Call me shallow but they look so.. unattractive in the reboot. Or is it the artist's art sucks?
>> No. 88124
File 13429586408.jpg - (849.26KB , 1280x1986 , Midnighter 06 01.jpg )
When Midnighter and Apollo are written well, it doesn't matter what world or universe they're in. They're wonderful to read and see. Example, Midnighter #6, featuring ronin!Midnighter and ronin!Apollo.
>> No. 88125
File 134295869730.jpg - (673.97KB , 1280x1979 , Midnighter 06 02.jpg )
>> No. 88126
File 134295877830.jpg - (0.96MB , 1280x1982 , Midnighter 06 03.jpg )
>> No. 88127
File 134295888468.jpg - (741.21KB , 1280x1997 , Midnighter 06 04.jpg )
>> No. 88128
File 134295894012.jpg - (975.25KB , 1280x1988 , Midnighter 06 05.jpg )
>> No. 88129
File 134295900040.jpg - (707.56KB , 1280x1987 , Midnighter 06 06.jpg )
>> No. 88130
File 134295905042.jpg - (701.09KB , 1280x2028 , Midnighter 06 07.jpg )
>> No. 88131
File 134295912485.jpg - (705.28KB , 1280x2010 , Midnighter 06 08.jpg )
>> No. 88132
File 134295917738.jpg - (645.75KB , 1280x1978 , Midnighter 06 09.jpg )
>> No. 88133
File 134295925224.jpg - (559.54KB , 1280x1987 , Midnighter 06 10.jpg )
>> No. 88134
File 134295933311.jpg - (747.71KB , 1280x1988 , Midnighter 06 11.jpg )
>> No. 88135
File 134295938868.jpg - (640.48KB , 1280x2003 , Midnighter 06 12.jpg )
>> No. 88136
File 13429594747.jpg - (516.29KB , 1280x2004 , Midnighter 06 13.jpg )
>> No. 88137
File 134295974588.jpg - (519.48KB , 1280x2005 , Midnighter 06 14.jpg )
>> No. 88138
File 134295985369.jpg - (381.20KB , 1280x2024 , Midnighter 06 15.jpg )
>> No. 88139
File 134295995370.jpg - (661.01KB , 1280x1999 , Midnighter 06 16.jpg )
>> No. 88140
File 134296003942.jpg - (579.90KB , 1280x2006 , Midnighter 06 17.jpg )
>> No. 88141
File 134296015042.jpg - (686.46KB , 1280x2015 , Midnighter 06 18.jpg )
>> No. 88142
File 134296020233.jpg - (609.38KB , 1280x1973 , Midnighter 06 19.jpg )
>> No. 88143
File 134296025627.jpg - (681.87KB , 1280x1981 , Midnighter 06 20.jpg )
>> No. 88144
File 134296032634.jpg - (580.01KB , 1280x1988 , Midnighter 06 21.jpg )
>> No. 88145
File 134296039158.jpg - (746.33KB , 1280x1993 , Midnighter 06 22.jpg )
Now that's love, folks. ;_;
>> No. 88147
That was amazing.
I mean...wow. Props to the writer
>> No. 88150

-reads AU Midnighter/Apollo comic, not expecting to like it since they're not their superhero selves-
-is schooled by excellent love story, sheds manly tears-
>> No. 88151

-reads AU Midnighter/Apollo comic, not expecting to like it since they're not their superhero selves-
-is schooled by excellent love story, sheds manly tears-
>> No. 88153
Manly tears are Ennis' specialty.
>> No. 88154
When I read Midnighter 7 for the first time and saw Garth Ennis' name, I thought he was going to make a big joke of Midnighter and Apollo being lovers. Boy did I eat humble pie after reading to the end. Well done, Mr. Ennis.
>> No. 88155
When I saw Garth Ennis' name, I was sure he was gonna make a big joke of Midnighter and Apollo being lovers. Boy did I eat humble pie after reading to the end. Well done, Mr. Ennis.
>> No. 88230
love the samurai version of apollo's costume.
but why did apollo have to die? :(
>> No. 88235
"we were happy in these woods. we walked together, and the shining sun seemed not one tenth as bright as he."
goddamnit. *tears*
>> No. 88237
>obviously didn't read Kev
>underestimating Ennis is general
bad anon, go fix that
>> No. 88238
You're right, me bad. I haven't read Kev yet. Is it anything like the comic posted above?
>> No. 88241
Nah, it's much more silly. Much much more silly
>> No. 88242
File 134300179781.jpg - (252.27KB , 818x528 , 1281239798239.jpg )
More humorous, the first part is Kev failing against the whole Authority, the next ones are Midnighter and Kev buddy odd couple comedy and tigers.
Well worth a read.
It's fun, but at the same time it has much more substance to it than a "what if everybody was Japanese?" story, especially the latter issues.
But yes, it is extremely silly.
>> No. 88245
I still can recover about the orange...
>> No. 88247
>> No. 88250
File 134302733835.jpg - (195.32KB , 750x1216 , The Authority - KEV - 41.jpg )
Hahahaha, the glares from Apollo and Midnighter kill me every time.
Kev is definitely worth a read and a laugh.
>> No. 88251
File 134303097222.jpg - (37.44KB , 378x210 , hermaphrodite rape.jpg )
Better than a dry plasmoid fourdong.

I realized I have a dl link for Kev lying around
>> No. 88254
Thank you very much for sharing those. Haven't had such a good laugh in ages. I'm gonna buy hard copies for the first three Kev series.
>> No. 88261
File 134305466367.jpg - (353.60KB , 969x1497 , SW_TPB_04-p004.jpg )
It was brought up earlier in the thread that Apollo and Midnighter might have been lovers already in Stormwatch: A Finer World. I'll post the first three pages of the tpb.

For me, my gaydar pinged liked crazy when I saw that both Apollo and Midnighter were naked and had absolutely no reason to take their clothes off...apart from sex, that is. :p
>> No. 88263
File 134305493528.jpg - (401.87KB , 987x1503 , SW_TPB_04-p005.jpg )
They don't eat, don't use the toilet, don't sleep ...
>> No. 88265
File 134305512568.jpg - (418.59KB , 981x1506 , SW_TPB_04-p006.jpg )
And definitely didn't take a bath. Hmmm.
>> No. 88268
I think Ellis said he was surprised people didn't get they were a couple from the first page they appeared in, since they were naked together for no reason and he thought that was a big enough hint.

So they probably got together sometime after they almost got captured by Bendix again in Secret History.
>> No. 88269
Seriously. Either fanboys get naked together for no reason whatsoever more than people realize, or they were in deep denial that two badass guys like Midnighter and Apollo could be gay in any way. :p
>> No. 88271
File 134306968092.jpg - (531.95KB , 1024x1614 , LoboAuth-40.jpg )
A page from The Authority VS Lobo 2.

Yes. That is indeed Midnighter in his cowl, whitey tighties, boots and nothing else.
>> No. 88310
File 134311586835.jpg - (331.67KB , 716x1102 , middy-nipring.jpg )
lemme up that with midnighter and a nipple ring
>> No. 88313
File 134312843696.jpg - (112.29KB , 425x700 , auth_unusedcover.jpg )
Nipple ring?
Get on my level, here's a whip.
>> No. 88314
My god. Tell me that's official art and not fan art.
>> No. 88315
It's a cover they didn't use.
>> No. 88318
What a waste. If I'd seen a comic with a cover like that, I would have snapped it up in an instant. Although uh..I would prefer no Jenny on said cover. And more upclose detail of Midnighter's..legs. Yes.
>> No. 88319
For a series filled with so much violence and sex, I'm surprised how little NC17 fanart there is.
Like where is art of Midnighter getting powerdrilled by Apollo? XD
>> No. 88360
lol Good point. I'd like also to see some hawt nc-17 art of Midnighter and Apollo doing the horizontal mambo. Ya just know Midnighter tops from the bottom.
>> No. 88390
File 134353433099.jpg - (89.05KB , 550x677 , Midnighter and apollo and the doctor.jpg )
only porn I have of them is threesome
>> No. 88395
Who's that supposed to be, Grifte-
Midnighter and apollo and the doctor.jpg

I can look past the animu faces, but that looks absolutely nothing like Doc, I can't even figure out if it's supposed to be Jeroen or Habib.
>> No. 88396
I'm assuming it's Habib. Jeroen had really short hair and those red glasses.
>> No. 88397
Went on Paheal to see if there's more and that pic is tagged with Jeroen.

There's also one of a badly drawn Apollo fucking Jenny Sparks.
I'm confused.
>> No. 88399
That's Jeroen?? Has the artist ever read the comic??

>There's also one of a badly drawn Apollo fucking Jenny Sparks.

Just...no. No no no. :|
>> No. 88400
He's also accompanied by a badly drawn Midnighter fucking Angie.
Paheal, you disappoint me.
>> No. 88401
>He's also accompanied by a badly drawn Midnighter fucking Angie.

Holy shit, that made me laugh out loud. I'm feeling almost masochistic enough to go look for the pic just to see it.
>> No. 88402

Oh it's a beauty, Jenny and Angie seem to be screaming into Jack's dick but he looks like he's much more interested in checking out Apollo and there's no way his other hand isn't groping Midnighter's ass.

And then you have Swift in front of it all, just chillin'.
>> No. 88405
Never have I wished more that brain bleach be real, graaaaaaahh
>> No. 88413

Ok, I will retain my sanity and assume Jack is being a more perverted bastard than usual, controlling Apollo and Midnighter into fucking women for his..pleasure. Otherwise KILL IT WITH FIRE.
>> No. 88424
File 134371712968.jpg - (42.43KB , 636x566 , Midnighter is a creepy obsessive.jpg )
this is the only way this plot can go that I will actually like Midnighters new creepy stalker tendencies
>> No. 88426
I would be ok with it if anybody acknowledged he's a creepy guy in a spiky gimp suit that just appeared out of nowhere and said he has been stalking the guy they've been trying to recruit for the last year, so hands off, he's mine.
It doesn't even have to be Apollo, I can buy he's a mental case as well.

Though the worst thing is that the "we're two of a kind, that's why we stay in the shadows, we should work together" actually turned out to mean they're both gay. Fucking hell, I thought it would be explained they're both bio-engineered or in the worst case scenario that they don't follow the no-kill rule or something, the idea that he was referring to their orientation seemed so contrived and illogical I didn't even consider it.
I have no clue what the writers think they're doing.
>> No. 88430
Frankly I'd like it better if they just had midnighter say instead of that "two of a kind" thing

"Hey, do YOU know about any gay super singles bars?"

Since the existence of one of those would kill their entire reason for hooking up
>> No. 88433
File 13437724269.jpg - (142.32KB , 857x756 , Dex-star gets revenge.jpg )
Alternative lantern related plot

Apollo gets a cat, Dex-star gets revenge for the punch in the face by being the fuzziest cockblock ever
>> No. 88434
File 134377266399.jpg - (138.74KB , 500x585 , Dex-starepilogue.jpg )
and backstory for those not familiar with why dex-star would want to cockblock midnighter
>> No. 88435
So much of stormwatch could be done better. Stormwatch could have been so cool if they'd given them a better reason to be undercover and a more specific type of thing to fight.

Like say they specifically take care of extra-dimensional enemies that come calling, and they have to keep it a secret not because they think earth will care that they have superpowered protectors, but because their interactions with other dimensions have been basically "we roflestomp them and we don't have mercy when they're pulling this shit" which would cause a bit of an uproar, with people saying "wait no we should try peaceful relations" or "what if we go to those dimensions after you roflestomp them and take over?"

Then you have open tons of kinds of enemies but still plenty of reason to keep things secret.

And Midnighter tailing Apollo because he found out someone got powers the same way as him would have been much better.
>> No. 88440
> And Midnighter tailing Apollo because he found out someone got powers the same way as him would have been much better.

Seriously. Far less creepy, still makes sense.
>> No. 88442
And it'd give them a reason to hang out together and do things and make their romance less instant (what was the point of not just starting with them dating if they're going to literally start dating the second they meet?)

it could have gone

"I've been watching you, you're like me"

"I uh..I didn't think anyone could tell..I haven't been trying to hide it exactly but-"

"I meant you got your powers form a Bendix experiment"

"Oh-oh I didn't mean to-"

"But good to know. If you wanna ask me to dinner after we discuss getting revenge on that bastard, I like seafood" with a wink maybe

There. Introductions done, reason for stalking explained, reason to continue hanging around each other explained, gayness and interest still established, dating can be shown after that
>> No. 88444
I'm not even bothered by creepiness that much, it's more that Midnighter wants to team up with Apollo so desperately because he's hot and gay and there's really no reason for Apollo to suddenly be in love with him, aside from some sort of a Stockholm's syndrome from all the mental dryhumping Chinspike has been doing.
And that makes their GLORIOUS NEW BEGINNING OF A RELATIONSHIP kinda shallow and meaningless.
And how being gay is made into such a big deal, you don't have to keep to the shadows and stay away from the public that will surely hate you (baring the fact that many beloved public figures are gay, how would they even know?), you're gay not a fucking Frankenstein monster.
>> No. 88445
Good points. I do hope the relationship can still be salvaged though. It's the only title featuring Midnighter and Apollo right now. :(
>> No. 88446
The comic is making only a bit over 20 000 sales right now and Milligan seems to be taking retard pills so I wouldn't hold my breath.

Time to forget this ever happened and hope someday Wildstorm rises again.
>> No. 88461
Well, latest issue was ok, they seemed to have slowed down midnighter and apollo's relationship (although now midnighter is a closet case apparently?) and they explained the god awful chinspike and made fun of it
>> No. 88462
File 134387176464.jpg - (138.29KB , 1133x494 , Theseboys.jpg )
>> No. 88463
File 134387342727.jpg - (154.49KB , 1366x768 , Apollo you are in for a surprise.jpg )
After this page, Midnighter went to his room to cry a bit about how Apollo doesn't like his fashion sense
>> No. 88464
File 134387401536.jpg - (240.03KB , 819x631 , welp.jpg )
I sure do love how their personalities are consistent and don't 100% revolve around their sexuality.
>> No. 88465
Please don't tell me that I'm going to have to be the one to make a "Apollo rubbing Midnighter's spike" joke.
>> No. 88466
File 134387542688.jpg - (708.24KB , 1280x1968 , 09.jpg )
Apparently rubbing it makes it shrink significantly.
A curious reaction.
>> No. 88467
It's actually part of his face, filled with blood.

When apollo touches him the blood just rushes..southward.
>> No. 88468
File 134387635545.jpg - (24.10KB , 258x436 , my chin is moving on its own.jpg )
Stand back I got this.

He has two hearts, a second, cleverly masqueraded dick is a definite possibility.
That explanation was nothing but lies.
>> No. 88471
Yes. This is the explanation I'll go with. Yes.
>> No. 88478
They get written better in freaking other titles where midnighter punches cats or kills villains
>> No. 88479
To be fair, there was a writer change between those two events. And maybe the second is hoping that it's early enough to ignore the first few issues
>> No. 88480
WTF. So first Midnighter's got the hots for Apollo and doesn't give a shit who knows it, but now he won't even acknowledge there's an "us" between them? Don't tell me it's just because Apollo freaked out about secrets in the previous issues?
>> No. 88483
Well then he must be completely ignoring the inane relationship drama from the first 9 issues and substituting it with his own, even inaner one.
Because it's quite a step from "I have followed you around for a year so we can be together" to "eww, we're not a couple yet you perv".

I don't get either way they've been written, the constant shoehorned fretting about OMG WHAT IF PEOPLE FOUND OUT WE'RE GAY makes it read like bad fanfiction and it amounted to jackshit so far, only eaten up most their panel time and confused the hell out of readers when their opinions about it suddenly reversed.
It's like everybody's using them to try to show how hard it is to be in a gay relationship, plot and personalities be dammed.
>> No. 88484
>It's like everybody's using them to try to show how hard it is to be in a gay relationship, plot and personalities be dammed.

Interesting point. Warren Ellis wrote them to be in an understated but obviously stable, loving relationship. I wonder now if the 52 series is going the other way because the writers simply have no effing clue how to make Midnighter and Apollo interesting unless they inject soap opera drama.
>> No. 88486
God forbid they used all those pages with them flirting, complaining and making fashion remarks to show them doing more interesting superhero stuff instead.
How would we know they're gay and interested in each other if they did?

Soap Opera is the best way to describe it, even their names sound like something from it.
>> No. 88500
File 134404414447.jpg - (291.66KB , 1280x1150 , tumblr_m87d36saku1qlvsdto1_r1_1280.jpg )
>> No. 88520
Now this is lovely to a point it makes even the Chinspike's costume look good.
A play on

Also it seems we're past the bump limit.
New thread?
>> No. 88559
Yes please.
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