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File 139900264639.png - (382.02KB , 929x543 , Mario RPG.png )
187087 No. 187087
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>> No. 187088
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>> No. 187094
I want more stuff written like Thousand Year Door.

I liked some of the ideas of Super Paper Mario but the level design just wasn't there for what they were going for.

I also wish the RPG characters appeared in other games, no more generic boos, shy guys, and Koopas. Come on, Ms. Mowz is perfect for Mario Party.

HD remake of Superstar Saga would be kickass... But then I haven't seen how it looks on virtual console yet. It'd also be neat if they remade SMRPG in the M&L style.

>> No. 187095

Legend of the Seven Stars was my personal favorite RPG, it's disappointing to me that they never did another Mario RPG like that. Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door was a decent runner up. Those are the two I'd characterize as "great" Mario RPGs, everything else would fall under "good." Fun, but not earth-shaking.
>> No. 187097
And we'll never get those because the japanese fans don't care about the writing, so we'll get sticker star and spm until the end of days
>> No. 187099
>And we'll never get those because Miyamoto doesn't care about the writing
FTFY. Too lazy to find the link now, but it's confirmed that Miyamoto went to the team doing Sticker Star and said "This is too much like TTYD, make it simpler", and perhaps denied any original characters or even inclusion of past PM characters.

Which is a real fucking shame, because TTYD had a great cast. I still have to play the original...

Supposedly he was mad about the inclusion of Rosalina's storybook in the first Super Mario Galaxy, too, despite it being an extremely nice side thing. While he used to be our Lord and Master, it seems that his time as an industry leader is running out.
>> No. 187100
I actually don't like Legend of the Seven Stars that much. I mean, it's a good game, much better than Super Paper Mario and especially Sticker Star but... as a Mario RPG, it's way more loaded on the RPG side than the Mario. It's not a bad thing, but Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi both seemed to strike a better balance in terms of RPG story and Mario fluff. I suppose I just liked the way Nintendo presented their games over Squaresoft's.
>> No. 187101
Miyamoto just shouldn't be let anywhere near RPGs. He has no understanding of them at all, an oddly huge blind spot for a man so enamored by games.
>> No. 187114
I don't know; Nintendo FINALLY seems to be realizing that there are countries that aren't Japan and that those countries make up the bulk of the market.
>> No. 187123
>> No. 187144
Thousand Year Door might be my favorite RPG of all time.

>I also wish the RPG characters appeared in other games, no more generic boos, shy guys, and Koopas. Come on, Ms. Mowz is perfect for Mario Party.

This. Honestly I wish there was a bit more continuity in Mario period. It feels like a waste to have such a huge backlog of characters and settings and never use any of them. Obviously I want them to keep introducing new stuff too, but turning some area from Paper Mario into a board in Mario Party, or taking some character like Fawful and having them be playable in Mario Kart, would be really cool and it's a shame they don't do it.

>the japanese fans don't care about the writing

Do you have something to back this up or are you basing this on Miyamoto? With how big turn based RPGs are over there I have a hard time believing Japanese gamers don't care about a game's story at all.

I know you're joking but I did actually think it was cool how she was revealed to actually be Joline. I didn't find out about that until after my first play through.
>> No. 187150
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>> No. 187154
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door was Nintendo's top Mario game. They haven't topped it 10 years.
>> No. 187155
>With how big turn based RPGs are over there

This isn't true anymore, actually. In fact Japanese RPGs have been dead for years.
>> No. 187157
Huh, shows what I know.

What kinds of games are they playing nowadays? Is there any dominant genre or is it about a varied as it is here?
>> No. 187158
These were the most popular games in Japan last year, according to some websites.

Monster Hunter 4 (2.5 million)
Tomodachi Collection (1.45 million)
Luigi Mansion 2 ( 500,000)
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (440,000)
JOJO Bizarre Adventures (420,000)
Ace Attorney 5 (340,000)
Mario & Luigi RPG 4: Dream Adventure (320,000)
Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life (280,000)
Donkey Kong Returns (270,000)
Shin Megami Tensei IV (260,000)

So, Nintendo still obviously controls the Japanese market, but we see a LOT more variation than when it used to be nothing but shitty JRPGs and Nintendo Mario games.

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