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File 139635264141.jpg - (11.39KB , 276x183 , Roulette.jpg )
186454 No. 186454
So capcom is posting a loss of 5 billion yen in mobile gaming, slashing their expected profits from 6.8 billion yen for the year to 3.3 billion.



"Due to rapid changes taking place in the market for games, Capcom is building a sound base for earnings by reorganizing the product development framework and improving development processes. These are two core elements of the company's operations. The objective of these activities is to earn consistent earnings in each fiscal year. However, these initiatives have not yet started to produce benefits mainly in the Mobile Contents."

In short what capcom thought the mobile market was:

What it is:
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>> No. 187116
So what are the odds this is going to be a prequel and chronicles what led to Wesker becoming the captain of STARS? Or did we already see that happen before, I don't know, I can't remember what happens in all these games.
>> No. 187117
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I figure he's just caccooned himself in his tentacles, someone investigates a lava flow after a few years and a monstrous tentacle hand just comes out and eats them to reconstitute his body.

Essentially I figure Wesker is basically gonna be Alex Mercer now, which is kinda full circle since Mercer was Wesker.
>> No. 187118
Since it's a numbered sequel I'd say zero.
>> No. 187119
File 139906739235.jpg - (452.11KB , 1000x1000 , pretorius_by_jenl-d4b2143.jpg )
Yeah maybe, but I am a sucker for the neckless villain.
See also The Thing spider-head.
>> No. 187120
They gotta go the opposite way actually, his body the only thing intact, his head was blown up via dual rockets.
>> No. 187122
Resident Evil is shit now... I'd really prefer to see it just shot in the head and put out of its undead misery.
>> No. 187124
I dunno man, I think they still got a chance, 6 and DMC were a much needed slap in Capcom's face, I'm at least interested to see where they go with 7.

I find it funny that DMC might be the first series to be debooted if it's not just dead.
>> No. 187125
Hey, sometimes numbered sequels are prequels (Assassin's Creed IV). Video game numbering is crazy, basically.
>> No. 187126
Metal Gear Solid 3 would have been a better pick, but you are correct regardless.

Mercenaries Mode is stellar. It's practically the only thing I play on my 3Ds these days and it was outstandingly fun in 5.
6 had potential to be great, but I loathed the controls. If they released another Mercenaries 3DS game I'd be all over that shit.
>> No. 187127
Good news for you, that's some of the only other news, 7 apparently has a Mercenary mode with EVERYONE in it, they are apparently even including Alice from the movies.
>> No. 187128
>>Alice from the movies.
Urgh, dude, thats the very OPPOSITE of hype.
>> No. 187129
I am aware, but if she's just in Mercenaries I don't see a problem with it.

If she's in the game proper is when you quit the whole thing.
>> No. 187130
I don't know psychic unkillable mary sue is a pretty terrible thing no matter what.
>> No. 187131
I really doubt that's she'll have any of that, they'll probably just use her design from the first one.

it's just something for the people who actually like her, who oddly enough exist.
>> No. 187132
>Friday night
>Time to chillax
>Steam is unavailable
Dammit who let Gabe eat Arby's around the servers again
>> No. 187133
It's back now.
>> No. 187135
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So Miyazaki's new game leaked, Victorian Dark Souls from the looks of things.
>> No. 187136
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It's called Project Beast.
>> No. 187137
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Working title.
>> No. 187138
>Victorian Dark Souls
You have all of my attention.
>> No. 187139
But people in this thread are CHEERING the return of Wesker. Who is psychic. And has died at least three times. And who renders the plot vastly more complicated than it needs to be. And who is responsible for the blonde, mindcontrolled Super-Jill from 5.
>> No. 187140
>Traverse White Light?
>> No. 187141
>Wesker is psychic
Looks like someone doesn't know what he's talking about.

As for complicating things; no. He gives them direction.
>> No. 187142
One of the biggets faults of that game.
Should have been someone else or new behind that cool plagedoctor mask and save Jills return for a later game.

Also at this point I dont think a RE game needs a human villain.
Having Bio Organic Weapon "find a way, JP style" would be story enough.(hi evolve)
Wasn't that a sub-plot in the 3ds game by the way?
>> No. 187143
No one is cheering that.

And he doesn't have psychic powers.

>> No. 187146
Wesker isn't even my favorite RE villain. Alexia Ashford is.

Yes, Alexia from Code Veronica, the one villain in the series that spends 2/3 of the game inside a freezer, and you don't really interact with her in any way until the end. Perhaps it's hte "less is more" factor and the lack of silly dialogues (as I don't recall her saying anything), but I always found her a powerful and ominous prescene in the game, even moreso than the Nemesis. The plot regarding her family was creepy and twisted, and the whole "ant and firefly" theme was pretty cool, and added to her choose of final form. Plus, she is the one RE villain who got her shit right, she succeeded in becoming a sentient, sapient, functional BOW.
>> No. 187148

If you can get past the fact that "entitlement" has become a bit of a buzzword thanks to Bioware this video is actually kinda informative and not half bad!
>> No. 187160
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I played the demo then checked out the quick look and couldn't see what the big horrible thing was and then it hit me. Verse. Heh. I was thinking of a different 'verse.

So it's like, I definitely want to get the game and see more like it but not ALL of it if that makes any sense. Like the battle system? Sick concept, like an interactive ATB system, but as yet shallow in practice. Rhyming? Leave that off, too many people piss themselves.

Guess I'll wait for a sale.
>> No. 187175

>> No. 187179
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Don't play with my heart.

>> No. 187185
>Thank you for playing
Fuck, i really liked Dragon Crown. Started playing with elf, maybe wizard next?
>> No. 187189
>> No. 187195
Ooh my favorit bad point and click is getting a remake.
All you need to know is that the grimreaper can be called its mascot for all the you see him.
Classic "what do I do" bullshit gameplay with kickass music.
>> No. 187220
I'm not sure why but knowing that some EGM personalities like Dan Hsu are still doing their thing and out in the world was enough to calm me down during a minor anxiety attack. That magazine was clearly too important to me during my formative years.
>> No. 187221

I miss GameFan, myself. Nick Rox's fighting game coverage in that magazine made me more of a fighting game fan than any arcade game ever did.
>> No. 187222
I wonder whatever happened with that wacky old man Bill Donahue, of all the UGP gang he is the one I've notr heard about ever since the mag closhed shop.
>> No. 187223
Saw a drunk guy make $500 while streaming Diablo because some loser had upset a girl in the stream and was donating to somehow make it all better. He spent about $250 and then people got in a bidding war to give donations in the girl's name.
What the hell, Internet?
>> No. 187227
Just letting you know that Submachine 9 is out. General summary of this installment: [HINDUISM INTENSIFIES]
>> No. 187241
Lord of The Rings Shadows of M…youtube thumb

Essentially, it's Assassin's Creed: Middle Earth edition.
>> No. 187242
Donohue doesn't seem to have any web presence. Which is weird. A lot of people in his trade, if they didn't manage to climb up towards positions in the industry itself (like how two of his fellow UGP members went on to work for Microsoft, or how Shane Bettenhausen of EGM is currently with SCEA) fell back on freelancing to find positions. That requires maintaining pages on LinkedIn, Twitter, etc and it seems quite a few mingle with everyday gamers on forums. But I don't see anything for him. Not even on the sites that absorbed Playstation Magazine's content, which should at least have archived articles under his name or something.
>> No. 187243
It somehow makes Middle Earth look even more of a generic fantasy.
How do you even do that? It's the root cause.

Might be fun though.
>> No. 187247
The last I heard of Bill was an article he wrote for Jaded Gamer 10 years ago, and I can't even find that piece anymore. Real odd he disappeared like that after being such a loud voice in the gaming community.
>> No. 187248
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Middle Earth being the root cause of generic fantasy

It may be what in the end caused Generic fantasy, but it was never generic in itself.
>> No. 187256
This is so non-canon it hurts.
Looks pretty cool, though.
>> No. 187257
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>but it was never generic in itself.
That's a fair point, but when looking through a glass tinted by decades of mimicry, the originality fades.
Still, I'd love to see an interpretation that more matches Tolken's own art instead of continually trying to make it grittier and more grandiose.
>> No. 187258
Or maybe Cor Blok's strangely dark style somewhat reminiscent of dark age tapestry.
>> No. 187259
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>> No. 187263
>pick one specific orc
>make his life a living hell
>stalk him everywhere, giving him scars all over his body and killing every member of his encampments except him before disappearing
>turn him into a paranoid wreck, unable to function day to day because he's constantly looking over his shoulder and checking under the bed for Tallion every night

I know the nemesis system probably won't actually be that sophisticated, but I love the sound of it. It's like the next level of terrorizing your Sims
>> No. 187303
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>trying to find all the mask pieces
>fucking Tree Tops
I'm too old for this shit. I don't have the lighting-quick reflexes and skill-juggling that I used to. Hell, I don't think I was ever coordinated enough for this. And I made the potential mistake of looking up a video of what I have ahead of me. Holy fuck. I don't want this to be yet another case where I left off on a game when I reached a brutal point, telling myself I'd pick it up again and finish it off later, but I can't imagine myself beating this bit.
>> No. 187308
I just did that part. The first few bits aren't too bad once you literally know what's up. The part with the saws is intimidating but remember you can cling to a wall for as long as you need to in order to plan your moves -- and that you don't have to use the rocket jump through all of it.
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