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184857 No. 184857
Backer codes are loose people, I'm DLing right now. TIME FOR TIME SCHAFER PEOPLE
>> No. 185237
>That ending
>> No. 185241
Anyone else disappointed by how short and ridiculously easy the game was? The writing is great and the graphics are gorgeous but I don't think it's really worth the $25 they're charging for it. Maybe if it was $10-15 I could justify the price better.
>> No. 185242

You've only got half the game. The second half - which is included in the $25 price tag - is going to be longer and more difficult, according to Mr. Schafer. Which makes sense, you always start with relative simple puzzles and then move on to more complex ones. They just broke the game off where they did because it's a natural breaking point in the story - and boy howdy is it ever.

In any case, I think judging a game's dollar worth by its length is a silly way to go about things, so no. I don't agree.
>> No. 185243
>I think judging a game's dollar worth by its length is a silly way to go about things
A lot of people don't have all the money in the world, so paying, say, 20 dollars to walk around a house for 2 hours is a bad investment.

Broken Age however seems like it'll come out at a decent length, and most of us got it for a 10 buck backer purchase so whatever. Vella's route was kind of unfocused and crummier than Shay's, though it still had some pretty funny jokes. Ending was great although kind of obvious.
>> No. 185247
Peronsally, I liked Vella's route better. It was less focused, yeah, but that unfocusedness made it feel a bit more like an old-school adventure game - where you'd wind up doing a bunch of seemingly disjointed things that serendipitously gave to the way forward. It was also longer than Shay's and had the Dead-Eye Druids, who were my favorites.

The ending was obvious in hindsight, but it caught me by surprise anyway, which in my opinion is the best kind of twist. The line Shay's mom says in the 'cockpit' after you have the run of the ship about SACRIFICE AND REALIZING THAT SACRIFICE IS GREAT SACRIFICE ETC ETC threw me off. The parallels to the Maiden Feast made me think that Mom was somehow related to Vella, which made me think Shay was in the future relative to Vella. In retrospect the truth makes much more sense.
>> No. 185248
>A lot of people don't have all the money in the world, so paying, say, 20 dollars to walk around a house for 2 hours is a bad investment.
And yet paying $20 for a 90 minute long movie on Blu-Ray is fine?
>> No. 185249
Agreed, I also liked the setting of Vella's quest better. I found most of the cast of Shay's quest really irritating and wanted to get through that part of it as fast as possible. Though maybe that's precisely the point.
>> No. 185252
>> No. 185254
I think I would've liked Shay's route better if it was harder and gave me larger opportunities to explore but then at the end he gets spat out into Vella's world so...uh...problem solved I guess.

The twist really sold the rest of the game to me (although it's included in the price tag, so it's already kinda sold sorta), and I agree that it's the most satisfying sort of twist, it both blindsides you and leaves you smacking your face wondering why you didn't see it coming. I love how both stories throw red herrings about it, with the computer's tale about sacrifice and the shipwrecked Lorusan in Vella's story throwing hints that he's Shay after 300 years in cryosleep. I swapped between both stories twice during playthrough, so I really should have noticed how the number of rescued critters correlated with the number of sacrificed maidens, but I didn't, and it was glorious.

The wait for the next part is going to be agonising. Has there been any indication as to how long it will take? I'll have to keep an eye out for how well it's doing, saleswise. I can't be unique in not being a backer and buying the game full-price.
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