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183019 No. 183019
ITT we ask questions about games we're playing and someone else answers. Questions that, you know, you don't feel safe starting a new thread for.

For me, I just got started with Krater and I discovered you can enlist mutants. Is having a mutant bruiser better than a human bruiser? Or should I go for a mutant slayer?

In Age of Empires II: the Forgotten, what advantage do the Incas have precisely? I know they start with a llama for meat and gain slingers, but what other passive bonuses do they get?
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>> No. 183020
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As a gift, have more Annie.
>> No. 183021
Nice idea.

What's considered the General Opinion of Final Fantasy X? I don't mean what you consider right, but what people believe everyone else thinks. I have pop-culture knowledge of what's considered great/bad/"controversial" for the rest of Final Fantasy, but it's surprisingly hard to find a straight retrospective on X. It's always about how it affected later JRPGs.
>> No. 183022
I don't know about the whole game, but everyone seems to think that the Blitzball minigame was amazing and that the "Laughing Scene" was the worst thing ever made. People also seem to be quite fond of both Jecht and Auron.
>> No. 183023
The best praise I ever heard for the game is that's combat system was Rock Solid.
>> No. 183026
Generally positive, and the best of the PS2 generation. It doesn't seem to have as much of a hardcore following as FF9, but I almost never see people who outright dislike it either, certainly not to the extent of FF8.

Really? I heard a lot of people who thought it was kind of tedious and should have been done the way it was in FFX-2 rather than the other way around.
>> No. 183028
Getting kind of meta, but is there a site that focuses on "Beta" material? I mean content that was announced/previewed, but never made it into the game. I know about http://tcrf.net/The_Cutting_Room_Floor, but that's about stuff that was inadvertently left in the released games or found in prototypes. I mean stuff that just was dropped completely, like the Skateboard in Gold/Silver or much of the stuff found in the early Bioshock Infinite Trailer (where you go after someone running for Mayor and fight the Gentlemen to get Murder of Crows.)

There would be some overlap from TCRF with this kind of stuff, but whereas TCRF is about pulling apart the games themselves, the kind of site I'm looking for amasses details from announcements, previews, and game magazines.
>> No. 183038
Playing Bleach: Dark Souls for the DS and I've pretty much beaten everything to death and then some. What are some good/ interesting spirit decks? I'm getting tired of just using superior gems.
>> No. 183239
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To answer your Inca question:
>> No. 183245
Unseen 64?
>> No. 183246
X-Cult has a lot of stuff, but it hasn't been updated in years so some of the links and pictures don't work anymore.
>> No. 183318
Do Kickstarter projects have any obligation to follow up on delivering pledge rewards even if the actual project crashes and burns/gets stuck in indefinite development hell? Or is there an implicit danger than you might as well be donating to charity?
>> No. 183320
There are no guarantees of any kind for kickstarters. It's kinda like gambling, really.
>> No. 183321
Yes, but it's actually like investing.

The thing about Kickstarter is that people think they are buying an item when they back a project. They're not: they're investing in the idea presented in the project. However, unlike regular investing, they get items and a few other perks instead of monetary return, and they only need a few dozen bucks instead of millions. "Crowdfunding" is the right term here, because that's exactly what's happening. (Also, unlike investing, you normally don't have full access to the company and their people, to pick brains and see how people plan to deal with certain pitfalls.)

And, just as with investing, if the company you back fails to deliver or skips town (which is extremely rare on Kickstarter, I think, but it has happened) then you are simply out. Kickstarter has tried to put some policies in place to make this less likely, but it's still a risk you run when you back something.

Of course, unlike regular investors, most backing is less of "does this venture have potential?" and more "holy shit this is cool I'd like two please", so a lot of people become more emotionally invested and are thus more devastated when a project fails.
>> No. 183323
And unlike investing, if the kickstarter fails to deliver, the people behind the kickstarter will likely NEVER gain any further support for their future projects ever again after substantially fucking up the first time. So they have an obligation to deliver based on their reputation alone.
>> No. 183324
The thing with investing in Kickstarter projects, is that a minimal amount of common sense would tell you which game actually is likely to be made. I mean, Inafune doing Not-Megaman? Totally happening. Some sword game that requieres a specialized controller and is being backed by a writer? May sound cool, but the likehood of success is rather low.

Unfortunately, common sense ain't really that common.
>> No. 183327
Thanks for all the insightful answers; I asked because of a comment in the old Arkh Project thread making a crack at how IndieGoGo (which is what they were using) didn't allow for refunds, as if Kickstarter does.
>> No. 183329
What they're talking about is how Indiegogo cashes donations immediately while Kickstarter doesn't until the deadline and only if the original goal was reached (and I'm pretty sure you can cancel it yourself between donation and deadline time).

It has its advantages: the Skullgirls campaign using IndieGogo let them start development back up weeks earlier than if they had to wait until it was over.
>> No. 183402
Does Assassin's Creed actually have a sizable westaboo fanbase or is it just a few high profile fanartists and people (e.g. Kojima).
>> No. 183404
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Oh absolutely. Their so-far series annualization has not just been for nothing. People love those games whether it's the gameplay, the lore, the concept, or even the fashion.
>> No. 183405
Sorry, I guess I should have clarified what I meant by westaboo - is it popular in Japan?
>> No. 183406
Oh okay, now I get it, that's fair. Sorry about that. Last I know of, not a big one, no.
>> No. 183407
Not sure, I know it's got a fairly sizeable fujoshi audience in Japan if Pixiv's anything to go by, but as for the general Japanese audience it's less clear.
>> No. 183502
Is Neogaf a shitty video game board or not? All I know is that it's referenced in Scribblenauts as an injoke.
>> No. 183510
It's a videgame board. Videogame boards that aren't shitty don't exist.
>> No. 183512
For frame of reference, I consider this place above average because it has actual video game talk and most people seem to at least think their opinions out rather than just parrot popular bloggers...usually.
>> No. 183516
It's also really fucking tiny and slow, so if you enjoy some niche game, chances are nobody on this board has played it and you can't discuss it, less even make a thread about it.
>> No. 183517
True, but that's more of the whole site. Where can you go to talk about niche games anyway? (/v/, possibly? I dunno I'm resigned to not having extended conversations about the obscure titles I inexplicably like.)
>> No. 183524
+4 has been pretty open to niche things provided you give some background.
>> No. 183529
Open to niche shit is alright and all, but look at every thread that has ever been made that's not about TF2, Pokemon and similar big hitters. It dies after 2-4 replies. There's simply not enough people. We're like 20 dudes max.
>> No. 183531
That's kinda what it means to be niche? It's a self reinforcing cycle barring a rediscovery or other breakthrough.
>> No. 183579
>Some sword game that requieres a specialized controller and is being backed by a writer?
Sooo late for this but I just realized this wasn't a hypothetical example. Ha.
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