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File 138466258658.jpg - (48.83KB , 250x270 , Adventuretimevideogame[1].jpg )
182697 No. 182697
Bought and blasted through Adventure Time: Hey Ice King Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?

Basically Zelda 2 except for the part where it's actually, ya know, fun and also for the end where it turns into Yoshi's Island and then Nightmare in Dreamland for the last two fights, the latter of which in particular had me going "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING". It's also, less fortunately, very short and extremely easy. Easy I can't complain about too much considering the audience, but I got to the final boss with my inventory just filled to the brim with powerups I'd never had to use and made a complete joke of all forms by just dumping them all out. The length however is just ridiculous, I'd be FURIOUS if I bought this thing for 40 bucks at release, maybe less so if bought for an actual child who presumably would take a bit more time to finish it. As it is I spent 20 and still don't know if I really got my money's worth.

That aside though the game is fun, I might actually check out that weird dungeon crawler thing they're putting out, even though I only ever watched 2 seasons of Adventure Time. Probably not at release, but I'm interested all the same.

Also the OST was AWESOME holy crap.
Expand all images
>> No. 182701
Agreed on pretty much all counts. I hope the sequel brings more length.
>> No. 182702
gonna pick it up with Code of Princess on Amazon if I can find a copy for about ten bucks.
>> No. 182718
Man, were people not ribbing all the next gen consoles a few months ago? And now they're excited for them? That just reeks of two-faced opportunism. Unless they're excited to see how badly they do, which is only marginally better or worse, I guess.
>> No. 182720
Early adopters. It's still going to be a year or maybe even two before either the XBONE or the PS4 are viable gaming platforms. The Wii U is finally starting to show signs of life, and even it's still probably got another year or at least half a year before it's really worth buying.
>> No. 182729
File 138474882255.jpg - (30.07KB , 523x667 , 1262823268521.jpg )

But is it worth 16$?
>> No. 182730
>> No. 182846
File 138485740757.png - (1.85MB , 1920x1080 , dcs 2013-11-19 04-00-51-68.png )
So, Full Spectrum Warrior is a weekly deal on steam. That was a pretty fun strategy game. I may have to get it. I loved it on Xbox.

And, I really need to get around to trying Scribblenauts. It looks weird. I like weird.
>> No. 182847
File 138486570640.jpg - (378.13KB , 1920x1080 , 2013-11-18_00002.jpg )
We Touhou now.
>> No. 182865
So what the fuck is Namco High? I'm confused.
>> No. 182866
It is a Namco/ShiftyLook dating sim directed by Andrew Hussie and written by a bunch of people from the webcomics world including Brian Clevinger. It seems to be very silly and all right-thinking individuals want to date the Galaga ship.
>> No. 182867
I also remember it being described as a browser game.
>> No. 182868
File 138489140892.jpg - (210.71KB , 540x1480 , cromartie_namco_high_comic_by_rabidvegeta567-d6mc8.jpg )
>> No. 182871
File 138489326871.jpg?spoiler - (111.58KB , 1000x560 , 138451049774.jpg?spoiler )

Aaaaand to start getting some blood boiling; pic related. It's one of the characters in Namco High.
>> No. 182873

I thought you were trolling.
If only you were.

I actually like Homestuck but that's straight up bullshit.
>> No. 182876
I'm not really seeing the problem here. Didn't Namco approach him for the project? If anything, they're probably the ones who requested the cameo.
>> No. 182877
Does Namco really have a homestuck fantard in a position of power who can approve something like this?

The fanbase really is a cancer.
>> No. 182878
Good one.
>> No. 182880
File 138489740229.png - (231.36KB , 854x489 , avatar.png )
Namco High will be a comedic dating sim you play in your browser. It'll have 15 dateable Namco characters and 3 Homestuck characters. At the get-go, you will be able to play the "date lines" for Albatross, Anti-Bravoman, Galaga, Lolo, Meowkie, and Valkyrie. The rest of the date lines, including the 3 Homestuck ones, will be considered "premium content" being put behind a pay wall (because Namco Bandai needs to make some money back for paying their assembled creative team). At the moment, you can purchase a $15 pre-order that will unlock all premium date lines and net you some digital goodies like wallpaper and the original soundtrack. When the game is officially released, you'll also be able to purchase date lines individually if you only want to date a certain character (Individual pricing not yet disclosed). Release date as of now is "Holiday 2013."

As for the Homestuck stuff, I'm definitely not the biggest fan of Homestuck myself, but come on, they're just characters in a dating sim. You don't have to date them or even interact with them in any way whatsoever. Heck, you don't even have to unlock them. I most likely won't.
>> No. 182882
-_- If you could get over your hate-boner, you might understand why this makes sense:

ShiftyLook is an initiative that Namco has been running lately to try to get people more excited about their old properties by having webcomics run based on those properties. Many of these are being written and drawn by people who have some weight in the webcomics world, like Ryan North, Yuko Ota and Ananth Panagariya, and Scott Kurtz.

Namco High is a game featuring mostly characters from those ShiftyLook webcomics, often with art for that character provided by the same people who do the comics for those properties, and with writers taken from the same pool of people.

Whether you like it or not, Andrew Hussie is pretty much the most successful webcomicker in history. This whole thing is a ploy to tap into more of the webcomics market, and the reasoning behind getting Andrew Hussie to lend his name to the project is inherently obvious.
>> No. 182883
File 138489830595.png - (29.73KB , 300x300 , tumblr_lvde0tQKbW1qf5q4lo1_400.png )
Yep. Its there for humorous purposes. If you don't like having a giggle, than disregard it. the other link is legit.

Premium content, eh? At least they will be squeezing money out of this somehow.
>> No. 182884
Let's not play Need for Speed: Rivalsyoutube thumb

A game that's broken by design.
>> No. 182885
I still have no idea what Homestuck is about other than that it's apparently some 1337 shit starring a bunch of gray skinned people with glowing horns and Kamina glasses. Is it like MLP where the source material is actually alright despite its reputation for awful fans or is it more like Hetalia where the original is terrible schlock aimed at drawing in similarly terrible people?

All I know about the fanbase from personal experience is that most members of the fandoms I do follow that also like it tend to be obnoxious shitlords, and that it has so many vocal SJW that Andrew Huss wrote a whole character specifically to take a swipe at them. Granted you could say that about anything big on Tumblr but seriously so prominent even the creator gets pissed? That's kind of terrifying.
>> No. 182886
Homestuck had promise at one point but Andrew has climbed straight up his own ass in the writing and drags things out even worse than he did the final boss battle of Problem Sleuth.

I used to read it but after a certain point it was indefensible, got out and never looked back.
>> No. 182888
Man, I remember when I was still excited about Homestuck. That was when Hussie was still vehemently insisting that it would end after a year. How long ago is that now? Stopped reading when that timetravel-or-whatever-it-was shit started. With the robot troll. My memory's kinda vague on it, not that the plot was anything but. It had some genuinely cool moments before that, though. Even one or two that involved the trolls.
>> No. 182889
Homestuck is about four friends playing a video game together.

Although keep in mind, that description is about as helpful as saying "Problem Sleuth is about some rival detectives teaming up to fight a mobster."
>> No. 182890
Wow, so you stopped before [S] Cascade? I would think if you're going to get far enough to see the trolls, you would at least want to get as far as Cascade before quitting. It's generally considered one of the finest scenes in the comic.
>> No. 182891
Also I remember some of you guys mentioning on one of the Kickstarter threads that Huss put up a thing where if you pay $10,000 he'll write your OC into the comic? What happened to that? And did anyone actually take him up on that offer?
>> No. 182892
>I would think if you're going to get far enough to see the trolls, you would at least want to get as far as Cascade before quitting.
I quit because I got tired of it. Precisely because of the trolls. How the fuck would I know that there's "totally some interesting flash animation coming up in the future, dude" before I quit? Please tell me your rad future sight secrets.
>> No. 182893
Pretty sure that was originally supposed to be a joke, what with the $100,000 reward being listed as "your character will survive for longer than one page" and the $1,000,000 reward being something like "your OC is now the main character of Homestuck". It kept going on and getting more and more ridiculous.

After two people went for the $10,000 one, Hussie closed all of those options.

The two OCs appeared in one panel, and died in the next. They had no speaking lines.
>> No. 182894
The trolls are pretty much the source of the decay.
The terrible fanbase feeds on the appearance of the trolls, Hussie feeds off the energy of his terrible fanbase, Hussie writes more trolls scenes/creates MORE trolls.
I stopped some time around close to when the new kids and their universe/game started (I really held on for far too long, should have stopped reading sooner), how many new trolls did Hussie create after that? And what if you add all the trolls and AU trolls in the afterlife to that
>> No. 182895
>when the new kids and their universe/game started
I didn't even know that was a thing. Jesus Fucking Christ.
>> No. 182896
Most people archive binge Homestuck rather than having read it from the start. I assumed you were reading after Cascade was already out. I apologize for offending you so gravely.
>> No. 182897
Yeah, I guess there aren't a lot of people around who have been reading since Problem Sleuth in relation to the people who haven't. I didn't think. Sorry for belittling you. You couldn't have known.
>> No. 182898
That makes it sound like it's a "The Next Generation" thing, which it isn't--the "new session" is still part of the completion of the original session, but the details on why that's the case are down to a lot of details that make sense in context but would be boring and probably a bit confusing if I explained them to you outright.
>> No. 182899
It still amounts to Hussie dragging his shit out for as long as possible, and creating a bunch of throwaway characters like his name was Tite Kubo.
>> No. 182900
Eh. This stuff was foreshadowed very early on. And I mean actual foreshadowing, not accidental foreshadowing, which is usually Hussie's stock in trade. One of them was playing a role in the story as early as Jade's first appearance.

They may not have been planned for from the very inception of the story (very little was, after all), but Hussie has confirmed that they had been planned for a very long time, as opposed to his usual fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants method of writing. Now the second set of trolls were unnecessary padding in a lot of ways, other than Meenah and Aranea, but they did provide him the opportunity to absolutely mock the shit out of his fanbase, and for that I salute them.
>> No. 182901
>Implying that the other session kids were not part of the story from the very beginning

Hell, they were hinted at before the Trolls, even. Unbunch your panties.
>> No. 182903
It is awfully reminiscent of the current state of former Big Three shonen manga (with the possible exception of One Piece): the end has been seemingly in sight since forever but the distance between looks insurmountable since literally every character is apparently incapable of accomplishing things.

Which is also why complaining about Homestuck comes off as a bit goofy to me. Who cares enough about Naruto/Bleach/Homestuck to still actively hate it? It's as bad as it's been for years.

As a note, just because a development's been foreshadowed doesn't guarantee that the execution was good. Or that it wasn't an irredeemable idea to begin with.
>> No. 182904
Sometimes you actually come across people who claim that Naruto/Bleach/Homestuck is still good...
>> No. 182906

My expectations for Homestuck were shaped by my experiences with Problem Sleuth; it has not disappointed me yet. Self-consciously drawn-out silly bullshit is Hussie's jam and I am totally down for it.
>> No. 182907
Fully and completely agreed.
>> No. 182908
>As a note, just because a development's been foreshadowed doesn't guarantee that the execution was good. Or that it wasn't an irredeemable idea to begin with.
True, but it does mean calling it "padding" is silly. I am not arguing against people disliking what Homestuck has become--I still enjoy it, but I don't give a fuck whether I am "right" to do so. I am more concerned about using inaccurate descriptions of why you dislike it.

"It took too long and failed to keep up the momentum of the early acts so I just stopped giving a shit" is absolutely fair. Even "It got too dense and keeping track of what all was going on got to be too much of a chore for me to keep wanting to read" is, too. "The alpha session is unnecessary padding" is not.
>> No. 182909
Yeah, but you don't have to care about them either. Because they're the same as they've been for years.
>> No. 182910
I think maybe we should stop filling the /cog/ general thread with homestuck discussion, like lets make a concious effort to stop discussing the series because we have clearly gotten past talking about the Namco game. We have an entire board which is /mspa/ to contain this sort of discussion.
>> No. 182912
Then do you have any new information regarding the Namco game?
>> No. 182914
This is a general thread, we can discuss other gaming things here other than the Namco dating sim.
>> No. 182917
File 138491634783.jpg - (24.30KB , 600x333 , lebroncomparison.jpg )
Oh EA Sports. You're always there to make us laugh.
>> No. 182919
So apparently the new Adventure Time game is pretty lackluster.

People are saying it feels like it should be a free webgame.
And that its not explicitly BAD, but its just so mediocre and underwhelming that its getting shit ratings
>> No. 182926
File 138492348746.png - (66.68KB , 554x439 , 1292254479295.png )
Sadness. I had so middling hopes for that game. Looks like I'm gonna wait till its 20$ used. It can't be helped.
>> No. 182939
File 138494690590.jpg - (467.48KB , 1280x720 , WiiU_screenshot_TV_01290.jpg )
Do you think they'll make a DuckTales 2 Remastered?
>> No. 182941
Wow, I actually never knew there was a DuckTales 2. Or I did and I just keep forgetting every time I learn of it. But I would have to guess no. Remastered is great fun and they did a great job, but I don't think remastering 2 will do just as well for them for the time and money they'll need to spend. Better just to allocate that time to Shantae or something else.
>> No. 182942
File 138495918014.png - (617.14KB , 534x535 , 2525239-box_rshow.png )
So what's the word on this game? I played it a bit at Comic-Con and found that I was able to skip over large sections of the stages with Mordecai's insane jumping.
>> No. 182945
File 138497138480.png - (206.68KB , 256x364 , Ducktales_2_cover.png )
It's one of those titles that fall of the radar because they come out at the very end of the console's life when everyone's moved on.
>> No. 182972
I-I got it when it came out in my country...
It's pretty fun. Way easier than the first game, if I recall. Maybe I should give it some love sometime.
>> No. 182987

Borderlands 2 "Ravenous Wattle Gobbler" Headhunter Add-On Coming on Nov. 26
>> No. 183027

This week its Pinball FX2 and a ton of tables for 6 bucks. Its a really good pinball simulator.
>> No. 183033
Playing Lego Marvel and I dunno, even though flying is faster and you can go everywhere, there's something still pretty fun about webslinging, I love it.
>> No. 183043
Sooo opinion time.

Super Mario 3d World: First impressions are overall good. I've only played as Peach. But she plays nice... biggest problem though is that she doesn't hover NEARLY as long as she did in Mario 2 so I'm disappointed about that.

Tearaway: Pretty nifty! I like the aesthetics. I think this might be one of the few platformers that's meta but not unfunnily jokey about it.
>> No. 183102
Playing more of GTAV, I think that the initial reactions I saw to the main characters perhaps miss the point in certain respects. Spoiler'd below

I don't think Trevor is meant to be representative of the modes of thought of actual players in GTA, though he certainly embodies the mayhem well enough. I feel like Trevor is more Joe Pesci to Michael and Franklin's Robert De Niro and Ray Liotta. Trevor's a fully formed psychopath, the kind of absolute monster that you simply must deal with when you make crime a career. The friendship between Trevor and Michael seems forged by their seeming darkness; Michael is a competent criminal who has to deal with Trevor but he finds himself enjoying certain aspects of Trevors' personality, a certain charm to the madness, especially in a world that, while ultra violent, seems to eschew violence within its' media much as the real world does. The aspect that ties Michael, Trevor and Franklin together seems to be their skill at violence, their ability to be effective in a world routinely portrayed as ineffective. Obviously this doesn't have a bearing on the real world, but I thought several reviewers, particularly the Escapist crowd, were over thinking Trevor a bit too much.
>> No. 183107
I think that's a more accurate way to put it, sure. He's someone who ACTS like the player-controlled version, and his personality is reverse-engineered from that.
>> No. 183115
File 138533606213.jpg - (111.54KB , 640x480 , Remembered Old Buddies.jpg )
>Replace 3DS' SD card with a slightly more respectable 8GB card.
>Start redownloading games from the eShop.
>Some are missing, not a big deal
>Cave Story, for some reason, needs to be bought again for $9.99
>Call up Nintendo to ask why, see if they can just gift it to me instead.
>So have you been downloading them from your download menu or just searching up one by one?
There's a page?
>Yes there is, eshop menu, settings, your downloads.
Wow, thanks, I didn't know that.
>Lemme just look up your histo - oh wow, you have a big library
Thank you.
>cute assistance giggles
>You're very welcome. Seeing as you're in the ambassador program, I could ask and see if we can j-
Wait, whoa whoa whoa, holdong a minute. I'm in the Ambadassador program?
>Yes sir, if you just go to the third page
>Thought I missed the chance for the last two[sic?] years
>Metroid Fusion
>Yoshi's Island
>That third game I can't remember
>Super duper stoked
>Chest hurts from sheer stoked.
>Download that shit.
>> No. 183118
File 138533634459.jpg - (103.62KB , 720x542 , It isn't fair.jpg )
>half-hour after downloading
>Metroid Fusion
>Sector 2, fighting Zazabi
>Right shoulder button busts
>Ten minutes later, the Left shoulder
>> No. 183128
File 13853471557.jpg - (300.87KB , 1280x720 , tumblr_mwn3k5uubs1sb99tyo1_1280_png.jpg )
Wow, now that we have a lit version of him for reference Box Man is MADE of bad touch.
>> No. 183132
File 138535031887.jpg - (685.95KB , 1920x1080 , assassins_creed_4_black_flag_2.jpg )
Is Assassin's Creed 4 fun? I'm really interested in the pirate aspect of it but I've never played an AC game. I dunno whether I should play the other games first or just jump right in.
>> No. 183136
If I understood Yahtzee's review correctly, the assassin stuff just kind of hangs out in the background, with most of the focus on pirating.
>> No. 183138
shame the future stuff to me has gone from interesting side/back story to weirdly immersion killing according to his critique IMO.
>> No. 183145
File 138537842813.jpg - (110.63KB , 879x228 , maddest of the mad.jpg )
>> No. 183164
>Persona 5 was supposed to be on Wii U/3DS
>> No. 183167
Only rumor and assumption.
>> No. 183172
That's a troll post. Sure of it.
>> No. 183182
File 13854703611.jpg - (27.31KB , 560x400 , 3DS-vs-Vita.jpg )
My good ol' DS finally gave out. Now I need a new handheld for the 4+ hour train rides when I visit my parents and I'm kinda torn. The 3DS has a bunch of games I'd like to play, like Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter, Ace Attorney, the new Zelda, etc. (no interest in Mario games or Pokemon, though). BUT the Vita is WAY cheaper in my country. Like, a Vita + 10 games bundle costs €140 and a 3DS XL without any games costs €200. But there aren't quite as many games on Vita that I'd really want (mainly Dragon's Crown and Soul Sacrifice). Though, I also never owned a PSP, so are there some must-haves that might sway me more in that direction?
>> No. 183183
Jeanne D'arc is one of my favorite games and a really good time eater.

If it was me I'd go Vita.
>> No. 183184
The one real advantage the Vita has is that PSN has far more things to get off of it than the Eshop, mostly due to the huge PS1 classics collection and certain PSP titles.

The 3DS is still probably the better purchase though.
>> No. 183205
Eh, both would be good decisions. If you had had a PSP previously, I wouldn't be able to say that about the Vita (really, the only game for Vita that I feel strongly enough about to recommend is Persona 4 Golden), but since you'll be able to download PSP games off of PSN in addition to the Vita games, it should be plenty.

With 3DS you can still play your DS games of course, so that's a benefit, and the 3DS has a much stronger library of games specifically made for it than Vita does so far.

So like I said, either way you should get your money's worth. Just keep in mind that you will not be able to play any disc-based PSP titles on Vita--I think at this point all PSP titles are available on PSN (because of the PSP-go), and of course you can get a bunch of emulated PSX games on PSN as well, but don't buy any UMDs with the Vita or anything.
>> No. 183213
File 138555504648.png - (274.30KB , 482x486 , loli haet noun.png )
>Tumblr taking Social Justice Wario seriously
>I don't even fucking know how to add to this, I'm just inexplainably pissed off.
>> No. 183214
File 138555840279.jpg - (75.92KB , 640x480 , Thanks for the update.jpg )

That's like getting mad at 4chan posting "le happy merchant"
>> No. 183218
File 138556519093.jpg - (570.24KB , 1280x720 , xmas_saintsphoto_720p.jpg )
So how the Saints Saved X-mas is the next bit of DLC.
>> No. 183221
Ready? FIGHT!
>> No. 183222
Honestly, that's hilarious.
>> No. 183228
>Social Justice Wario
What exactly is the deal with it? Funny pun aside seems to be another Reddit thing, except on Tumblr?
>> No. 183229
>that mohawk robot
so did Miller build himself an Aigis because his brown waifus wouldn't put out or what?
>> No. 183234
Just played this.
Torge back story everywhere. Grandma Flexington is a cool Grandma with long ass stories. Torge's middle name is High-Five.
Tributes everywhere.
I really liked this DLC.
It's short, but fills me up with that age old Thanksgiving tradition of blowing up the Turkey with a shotgun because you on a drinking binge just before you started cooking and fuck those assholes who make cookbooks because shotguns are a valid way of tenderizing meats and making salads.
>> No. 183237
Cyborg Shaundi from Christmas Future.
>> No. 183238
Oh, I thought they finally gave SR2 Shaundi a body.
>> No. 183247
Asha and...?
>> No. 183249
Maybe its not really clear as of yet just the future ghost bit. Hair may indicate such.
>> No. 183254
File 138561870848.jpg - (127.47KB , 400x400 , 1353356207458.jpg )
>implying Mitsuru is not the far superior girl

Shame Russian boss from 3 didn't come back since she was my favorite. Also would've made the Miller and Pierce romances extra hilarious on a meta level.
>> No. 183271
File 138567388424.jpg - (6.77KB , 125x110 , 00083231_0002.jpg )
>Downloading Skyrim
>Come back later, because my network is slow as hell
>it's switched to download something else on steam
Well, that's annoying.
>> No. 183272
Any P3 girl who isn't Elizabeth has no claim to being "superior."
>> No. 183273
File 138567721313.jpg - (49.30KB , 446x610 , 1339511736619.jpg )
Tara Platt is olev.
>> No. 183322

Look at this video game. LOOK AT THIS FUCKING VIDEO GAME.

This is a character action game, from a universe where Kamiya stuck to 2D instead of 3D.
>> No. 183332
>Rune Factory Development Studio Closing.

Well Crap. Guess I'll pick up the Fourth game at some point.
>> No. 183334
File 138591713322.gif - (2.55MB , 640x360 , 1359677164191.gif )
>spend a few days away from PC
>come back
>suddenly notice the hand grime that's been accumulating on my mouse
>> No. 183335
Nothing a little rubbing alcohol can't fix.
>> No. 183379
>> No. 183382
Even during the summer when hands are prone to getting sweaty, I seem to have very little problem with hand grime on the part of my mouse my hand actually holds, but the little plastic gliding pads on the bottom are an absolute magnet for dust and such.
>> No. 183383
So, I beat RAGE.
Honestly, not bad at all. The only thing that really sucked was the non ending and the fact that you can't get rid of the Authority. The visuals, the gunplay, racing, references, sound, and music are all pretty great. I wonder why it bombed so hard.
>> No. 183390
I remember lots of complaints that it was incredibly buggy/unoptimized at release, to the point where it took a half second after an object comes on-screen for it to even render.
>> No. 183408
File 138614380082.gif - (1.16MB , 384x198 , like the boss.gif )
>Got Blood Dragon yesterday
>accidentally hit crouch button while sprinting

I'm probably going to be doing this every twenty seconds for the majority of the playthrough.
>> No. 183409

Rage Texture Poppingyoutube thumb
>> No. 183410
Thank you for reminding me that I should replay Bulletstorm some more before GFWL shuts down.
>> No. 183411
oh yea it likely won't be patched out. Dang Shame it couldn't get a sequel too. It was a damn fine play on a Fifth Element styled Universe. Also love unrepentant villains.
>> No. 183412
File 138616074657.jpg - (110.89KB , 990x576 , SimsMedieval_Screenshot_05.jpg )
I got Sims Medieval during the steam sale, its been alot of fun. But now I've completed my frst kingdom and there's the option for "A Brave NEw World" quest to start a new kingdom with one of my heroes.

How does that work exactly? When I do it I just take one of the heroes from this kingdom and transport him to a different ambition and start a new kingdom? I was thinking of using my lvl10 wizard.
Will my original kingdom/save still be around to freeplay but simply missing a wizard and needing a replacement?
>> No. 183413
Will gfwl games just stop working forever?
>> No. 183416
Looks like it was rushed out. Which would help explain the non ending.
Still, not bad now.
>> No. 183418
Very likely; however, Microsoft has not actually confirmed that the service is going away, despite publishers moving their games en massé away from GFWL, usually to Steam.

Valve has said that if their service was to ever die they would release an update that neutered any of their DRM, but I doubt Microsoft would ever consider that (whether or not Valve would ever carry through on such a promise.) I think they'd rather leave people high and dry in the hopes that they would re-purchase the title through whatever the new Windows Game platform is, or on the 360/Xbone.

So keep your ears open for publishers of any GFWL games you have to make announcements for moving the games.
>> No. 183419
All I need to know is if Dark Souls will still work.
>> No. 183420
ehhh..kinda. All the note and world hopping will be borked.
>> No. 183423
There's been rumours going around about it going Steamworks, but nothing concrete yet, so don't get your hopes up. Any game that won't have GFWL patched out when and if the servers go down will stop working, because GFWL is managing and verifying save files.
>> No. 183443
Ohai /cog/ general thread.

Is there ANY sort of walkthrough on the internet for Shadowrun Returns? I got it gifted to me and had a look but I can't find anything at all. Has no one played this game?

Hell I would settle for some advice on how to build my character. I tend towards the fighter style of class in these sort of games is that a good idea? Maybe guns instead of melee? I assume I can acquire other party members who can do stuff like magic or hacking.
>> No. 183445
a good intro build I've heard is just to go street samurai which is likely the closest to a fighter class and yea you can recruit some others to fill your gaps. Spoony did a few retrospectives a while back of shadowrun so that might help understanding the mechanics. http://guides.gamepressure.com/shadowrunreturns/ Walkthrough for the main campaign and some basic info on character building.
>> No. 183451
Wow, that's a really unpleasant surprise. Their Rune Factory numbers looked good, but I guess that doesn't tell all of it.
>> No. 183453
Developer just ran out of money.
>> No. 183454
Heyo Chummers!

SR was great fun, just finished the main story and had a blast, I liked the story resolution in regards to the character interaction.
The only downside is that the game is over now.

I hear there's all these user-created campaigns but would anyone be able to recommend one they consider to be Wiz?
I'm looking for one where I could continue to use the same character as the main campaign, maybe a little side-job somewhere to wind down from all the fate of the realm biz.
>> No. 183471
File 138640552646.png - (504.52KB , 1273x715 , starbound.png )
Enjoying this so far. Some things are better, some are worse, but the more I play the more engaging it gets. My only real complaint is the really dull uniform feeling caves making mining pretty uninteresting. That and finding iron is a bitch.
The final release could be something great if they keep it up.
>> No. 183483
File 138646645590.jpg - (73.72KB , 1018x485 , Ba6xUm9CYAEeGfV[1].jpg )
> Telltale Announces Tales from the Borderlands
>The project will include both existing characters in the Borderlands universe and new ones, some of whom will be "wanna-be Vault Hunters" according to Gearbox head Randy Pitchford.

>Tales from the Borderlands is "very much in the Borderlands world" but contains Telltale's typical gameplay, though it's promised to be "big and bombastic."

While extremely light on details, it presents an interesting premise: Devs like Gearbox or Irrational can focus on making their AAA games every 2-3 years, and between those they can partner with someone like Telltale to tell "interquels", expanding the universe with TellTale's story-heavy-but-action-light visual novel style. These can then wrap back into the main games. It's akin to DLC but switching the format to focus on story far more than gameplay.
>> No. 183485
The main advantage as I see it is this: I hate FPS games, but Borderlands actually sounded like it had interesting characters and an appealing sense of humor to me, so I wanted to experience that. These Telltale games are a way for me to do so without having to play a genre that I detest.
>> No. 183486
Borderlands' art style also fits really well with the style used for Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us.
>> No. 183487
What makes me excited is how in the interview they mentioned how they'll be keeping "how greedy you can be" from the main games. Borderlands 2 actually had a cool, relatively subtle theme about self-centered morality and how a lot of video game PCs are plainly messed up from any outside perspective, and the fact that they're remembering that is relieving.
>> No. 183488
Telltale is really good about being true to the spirit of the source material.
>> No. 183489
File 138647543886.jpg - (91.09KB , 600x347 , vgx_article_logo.jpg )
So I was just recently reminded that this happened some hours ago. Did anyone watch it? Anything of note? Or at least anyone know of a good breakdown I can read?
>> No. 183490
What I got from a friend on twitter is that it was 90% cringeworthy.
>> No. 183492
File 138647722639.png - (1.29MB , 1281x717 , 1386465961981.png )
No Man's Sky.

>> No. 183493
Yeah. That thing's pretty much a joke.
>> No. 183494
It was mostly awful except for everything about Joel McHale. He was a fantastic host in the fact that he clearly did not want to host it and was an ass a lot of the time.


And Telltale announced they are making Borderlands and Game of Thrones games now.

And GTA V won GOTY and no one cares.
>> No. 183496
The most inexplicable part was that they didn't even announce a lot of the winners of the categories. Which is even worse than last year's delivering a couple of them at the carpet.

There was a teaser for the Doublefine Kickstarter game (Broken Age)...I think the only NEW new games are No Man's Sky, Telltale's Borderlands and Game of Thrones spinoffs...well, the latter would have been if it hadn't leaked like a week ago. Nothing revealed much on either of them outside of the names.
>> No. 183497
On a mildly amusing note that title keeps mushing into "Tales of Borderlands", which brings to mind strange images.
>> No. 183501
>See people claim that Borderlands is way to silly for a dark and serious developer
People don't remember Sam & Max at all it seems.
>> No. 183503
File 138648665885.jpg - (486.58KB , 847x800 , tumblr_mlzyk2zNYO1qljelxo1_1280.jpg )
Did I play different games or was Borderlands NOT dark beneath all the psychotic silliness?

These strange images must be brought to life. Because REASONS.
>> No. 183504
Or anything else Telltale did before the Walking Dead, really. That's when they really exploded in popularity, and between that and The Wolf Among Us I can understand how people would get that kind of idea.

What's funny is that before the Walking Dead they did a Jurassic Park title that was fairly ill received, so they might have died off if not for Walking Dead.
>> No. 183507
File 138648890147.jpg - (223.01KB , 1200x600 , tumblr_mr7vn6Si041ruidhco2_1280.jpg )
Oh, I totally agree with you, in fact that's probably my SECOND least favorite type of comment made about the news. Black as night shit happens in those games.

I guess it's just that one of my personal pet peeves is people trying to act like witty know-it-alls/smartasses over something they know less than they think, so ill thought out criticism like that gets to me. Unfortunately with such a weird collaboration it seems that most people are only knowledgeable with one or the other so for my own sake I should probably just swear off video game news comment sections for now...would have been a good idea earlier come to think of it.
>> No. 183508
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>> No. 183513
That brings a good question: do you think Telltale will ever go back to puzzle-focused adventure games now that they've made a name for themselves with the cinematic-type adventure game?
>> No. 183514
I hope not, they were so stagnated before they put out TWD I'd basically written them off entirely as a developer.

This borderlands news is depressing both as a step backwards for them and because Borderlands is a piece of shit.

Oh well, at least that Game of Thrones rumor is apparently true.
>> No. 183515
I don't see why it's a "step backwards", since nothing about the gameplay is known; my question was a tangent for clarification.
>> No. 183518
File 13865314997.png - (176.80KB , 371x439 , crazy rhino head.png )
>because Borderlands is a piece of shit.
Nonsense. It's great.
I'd love to see the player cast get some more characterization.
>> No. 183519
File 13865338055.jpg - (167.93KB , 612x606 , milchetuete.jpg )
Well going by Walking Dead and (what I know of) Fables, I think we can expect at least two recurring characters. (Also, months earlier the voice actor for Handsome Jack said he was still doing work with the character. Since it didn't turn out to be Poker Night 2, I guess it was this.)
>> No. 183520
There's still DLC coming out for Borderlands 2 though too.
>> No. 183521
File 13865396792.png - (544.96KB , 929x945 , naiirvobuttstallion1.png )
I thought further appearances in those would be impeded by being dead; that might be a little naive, but it hasn't been wrong so far.
>> No. 183522
File 138654014495.jpg?spoiler - (29.02KB , 264x300 , HandsomeSorcerer.jpg?spoiler )
There's still voice logs, holograms, and characters inspired by him.
>> No. 183523
Hadsome Jack is definitely the type to have a contingency plan for death or other catastrophic incapacitation. This also brings to mind the question of when the Tales game takes place.
>> No. 183532
Alright, lets see what you got now Bioshock 2, without GFWL you just might be decent.
>> No. 183535
Game Theory: Who is Mega Man's TRUE Villain?youtube thumb

Is it me or is Matt getting more and more full of shit?
>> No. 183537
It doesn't. that answers that.
>> No. 183547
At VGX they were apparently making Wario jokes about transgenders? Or is someone just spreading around the SJW gag? Also Gone Home won Best PC game overall along with Best Indie?
>> No. 183548
VGX Highlightsyoutube thumb

>The user has deleted this video

While I haven't played any Borderlands game, I can understand Rodyle's skepticism, since while I've seen that the gameplay can be fun, the script can be kinda bad at times (specially when they keep spouting "memes" all over).
>> No. 183549
>specially when they keep spouting "memes" all over
That's actually pretty rare. Far less than Guacamelee and I thoroughly enjoyed that game regardless.
It more relies on its own dark silly humor.

Also, love that VGX is promoting the "gamers are immature douchebags" thing. Really helps the industry shine.

I actually prefer the angry pedantic nerd stereotype. Because at least they can connect a synapse.
>> No. 183550
Watching that, I think Joel McHale makes a pretty good host. He treated it like the non-serious embarrassment that SpikeTV makes it to be every year. And wow, people weren't kidding about Geoff Keighley just wanting to strangle him every second.
>> No. 183553
It seemed like he really resented being there.
>> No. 183554
Any one with half a mind who was there would've felt that way.
>> No. 183559
Tales from the Borderlands: A …youtube thumb

So it's probably a prequel unless that's a AI replica of Jack rather than just the real him making that hologram.
>> No. 183568
Snowdrop engine you have my attention.

>> No. 183575
So basically Joel Mchale and Loiter Squad just shat on the entire show for three hours?

Good for them.
>> No. 183578
Loiter Squad shits on everything.

I don't get the fascination with watching people act like idiots.
>> No. 183599

Hey remember when they used to talk about how to make video games better?
>> No. 183600
..wat?? ...wat even...
>> No. 183601
Why would I not remember two weeks ago?
>> No. 183608
I remember their horribly redacted Mexico episode, yes.
>> No. 183609
>> No. 183612
Apparently something terrible is happening with Mighty No.9?
>> No. 183613
Yeh, an episode where they "researched" the state of the vidya industry in Mexico.
In itself, it was okay, but it was horribly worded and almost half-truthed the whole way through.
>> No. 183618
Oh. Yeah. That episode was all about the Latin America gaming industry and the cost issues surrounding it for the consumers and developers.
>> No. 183623
File 138683068291.png - (133.83KB , 298x498 , mrrobaato.png )
Nah, not really. Recently, one of the Comcept employee's girlfriend was made Community Manager. After making a less than good first impression in her introduction post, people dug up a few comments and tweets she made here and there, notably of her comment on the Kickstarter page agreeing with someone in that Beck should be remade into a female to appeal to the female demographic (I still don't kind of understand that idea. I don't think a game having a male protagonist will make it more appealing to me, but I digress) and comments where she says she never really was much of a Mega Man fan and how she got bored watching the Mighty No. 9 livestream. These tweets got deleted which fueled some of the fire, but she has stepped forward in admitting that it's true she never played many Mega Man games. In addition, it seems she's slowly learning how to be better at PR. Slowly.

So in short, no, nothing terrible is happening with Mighty No. 9. Just some people somewhat overacting about nothing.
>> No. 183627
File 138684314954.png - (390.27KB , 1000x3076 , mighty number none.png )
Ban storm has begun. This dude was the first casualty.
>> No. 183633
File 13868571671.jpg - (17.73KB , 225x249 , boos.jpg )
Want some Rye? 'Course you do!
>> No. 183639
Wait...this entire thing was contrived by one dude all because he was bitter over being passed over for a mod position in a video game forum? That's hilarious.
>> No. 183643
that seems all too plausible since mentioning tumbler is such a patellar reflex even though most don't know what the hell they are even talking about. Kinda glad for things like Social Justice Wario that just mock the hell out of the whole thing.
>> No. 183644
"Ironic [racism/sexism/etc]" (repeating the exact phrases but claiming it's "satire") is obvious bullshit, so why should "ironic social justice" (that follows the same procedure) be interpreted as comedy?

Politics is politics. Saying exactly the same thing but changing the label only makes you a liar, not a comedic genius.
>> No. 183657
Hey, you know how SJWs are often criticised for exclusionary behaviour by their using insular codewords and modes of argument only they understand?

This is you. This is what you are doing. Like, right now, this is what you are doing. I have not the slightest goddamned clue what the hell you're talking about.
>> No. 183660

>>183643 mentioned "Social Justice Wario" and claims it is a parody
I questioned that assessment in >>183644

Do you understand now?
>> No. 183711
Just in time for Christmas, GOG.com now has a refund system:
>To help stem customer concern that a given title might not run on their computer, GOG has implemented a new money back guarantee that promises a full refund for any unplayable game. The caveat, of course, is you have to try: the team's support group pledges to do everything in its power to get its catalog's game running on your computer.
The article doesn't say, but this is a 30-day policy.
>Perhaps more notable, is the 14-day return policy it's attaching to any PC game the user hasn't downloaded.
While not as great as returning a regular item, it's far more generous than Steam (pre-purchase only, before the game has been released) or Origin (24 hours after first launching it, or 7 days if not launched at all) and is hopefully part of a larger trend.
>> No. 183742
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>> No. 183756
The fact that it's a serious fucking issue kinda dampens my mirth at this truly uproarious jape.
>> No. 183757
Are people really getting upset because they can't make money off talking over videogames anymore?
If they're just annoyed by videos without monetization being taken down, I can understand, but expecting to make a living off this is kind of ridiculous.
>> No. 183759
And gamers still get upset when people call them "entitled."
>> No. 183767
Anyone who's making a living wage off this kind of thing has to have been in the top 1% of everyone trying this shit, and for some time. That takes several things- including the ability to be genuinely entertaining to a significant number of people, and also inevitably including a mountain of actual WORK (video capture+editing, for example) such that I have zero problem considering it a 'real job'.

Further, what they do is an enormous positive PR boost for the games in question, such that it's a fairly staggering win-win in a majority of cases. It amounts to a supportive ecosystem.

Automated copyright flagging systems that will instantly take down videos and constrain the flagged violator's account, which youtube is FORCED to use due to US federal copyright legislation (which it continues to contest in court), have been causing alot of problems. This is just the newest one.
>> No. 183770
It's way fucking more than just people making a living off "talking over" video games, this shit goes into freedom of speech territory. Corporations are saying that reviews which feature content from their games, used for illustrative purposes in criticising them, ultimately belong to them, and not the reviewer. They're trying to strangle perceived "infringement" (apparently never having heard of fair use), and it also has the tidy side-effect of ensuring anyone who wants to negatively review something will have a harder time making said point.

This isn't about "entitlement", and this is bigger than some dipshit like PewdiePie losing money by not being able to shriek over gameplay footage. This isn't nearly as stupid or trivial as you seem to think.
>> No. 183771
There's a difference between a review, and streaming the entire contents of the game with commentary over it. Mystery Science Theater 3000 had to pay royalties to do that with movies--it's why they only did shitty old movies with worthless licenses that no one would charge for.

People can and have entirely foregone buying a game because they can just watch the Let's Play and get everything they want out of the game that way. This is especially problematic for games with a heavy story component, with players who don't care about the gameplay as much as the story. It legitimately cuts into the business of the game makers, which actually is what copyright laws are there to protect.

These people are making money off of other people's work with only minimal investment of effort on their own parts.
>> No. 183775
I'm aware that such people exist, but far more people are likely to want to go and buy a game after seeing an LP of it than completely skip over it (unless the game is shit, which other things like reviews and word-of-mouth exist to let them know such information). A huge number of my own video game purchases within the past few years were very heavily influenced by watching LPs and thinking "oh wow, I'd like to experience that for myself!" Because unlike movies, video games aren't a passive entertainment experience. Some people might care only about the story, but those people are not the majority. Even if there's legitimate complaint about LPers essentially providing a "free ride" through a given video game, the potential lost revenue caused by people who only want the story is going to be considerably outweighed by the favorable publicity that LPs provide. Even if there's grounds for legal complaint, the companies who would put raise a fuss about it are only shooting themselves in the foot.

LPers aren't my biggest concern though, which is why I largely ignored them in favor of pointing out that reviews, which typically feature only a fraction of a game's full footage, and generally avoid any major plot related spoilers, are being targeted just as heavily as LPs. Unlike the LPs, which are a grey area, reviews utilizing gameplay footage to illustrate their points are completely within the realm of fair use and journalism. To try and exert copyright claims on them is going dangerously out of line.

Again, this isn't just about people making jokes while playing games, this touches on matters with bigger consequences. This kind of carpet bomb approach is ludicrous, self-destructive to YouTube (and the companies it's bowing down to), and potentially dangerous.
>> No. 183784
>videogames are movies

Coming soon in this series of quality opinions: Why Buying Used Games Is Theft and What Game Will Be The Next Victim Of Anti-Fans
>> No. 183804

Yes, he clearly made that overgeneralisation in his post with no concessions whatsoever. Stay mad.
>> No. 183850
Sure, factually incorrect statements like "streaming the entire contents of the game" and the usual unverifiable "lost sales" argument are totally valid and deserving of a fair response.
>> No. 183904
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>> No. 183907
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>> No. 183912
Why are you so interested in rebuying this game you've already beaten for a platform to which it is surely poorly ported?
>> No. 183913
File 138708122776.jpg - (92.80KB , 456x684 , tumblr_ls4c6zA2e11qi0kxjo1_500.jpg )
Because mods? Also I'm primarily a PC user so I will play it vastly more frequently than I typically do?

Plus ten thousands times prettier?

Plus Kojima personally working on NOT having the port be shitty?

lotsa reasons really.
>> No. 183914
Hey there is always a chance this could be another DMC like port that runs on fucking magic. I'm keyed on that hope.
>> No. 183915
File 138708621092.jpg - (68.75KB , 515x604 , DOUSHIO.jpg )
I ain't gonna need a PS3 after all.
At least for this one.
>> No. 183916
File 138710482333.png - (323.42KB , 610x487 , 1376953310371.png )
I don't know about that one, at least for MGR. I probably don't need to tell you this, but it's just some games lend themselves better to modding than others and for a variety of reasons. I just can't see MGR being something worth really modding to great extent. I'm still gonna buy the fuck out it.
>> No. 183917
Mainly cosmetic and minor gameplay changes like sword speed and moveset mixes, couple audio mods for other characters, etc.

DMC runs on failure and disappointment.
>> No. 183918
My own personal tastes likes to keep mechanics default, but a high resolution texture set? Yeah I'd probably look for one.
>> No. 183919
Plus a Grey Fox voice mod is one that will be out really fast and then I figure way further down the line somebody will mod in Snake using a skin on the HF machete to emulate his knife and again a voice mod, I dunno I could be totally wrong but those seem like fun things to do with the game for added replay value.
>> No. 183929
Serious mods for something as complex as MGR would require the devs to release material I simply don't see us getting. Don't expect anything more major than we get for things like Dark Souls, texture and audio mods.
>> No. 183930
Personally all I want is some mod to be released that'll let you use Bladewolf or Sam in Raiden's campaign.
>> No. 183966
I've been waiting for a long time... and was hoping it would hit around Christmas.
... I can finally play it... I feel... nostalgic.
Wonder if there will be any preorder tie-ins or PC exclusive content.
>> No. 184011
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>> No. 184025
This is an odd question, but does it seem normal to love Dragon Age: Origin but have no interest in playing the sequel? I know alot about it and it just doesn't appeal to me after playing the first.
>> No. 184026
Not at all. You're probably better to stay away from it as it seems to be the general consensus in that it's no where near as good as the first and that it's a bit of a disappointment. We probably would've seen another sequel a lot sooner if it wasn't a bummer.
>> No. 184027
The only positive things I've ever seen regarding 2 is Tumblr fangirls overjoyed they can fuck Fenris or Anders. Why that's a good thing given what I've seen of the two I have no idea.
>> No. 184029
File 138737911615.png - (1.59MB , 1000x1000 , op2.png )
I wouldn't exactly call DA2 a sequel (beyond 'it's the same world' there's not really anything to link the two games, neither in story nor style nor even gameplay), but as >>184026 said that's a pretty normal reaction as DA2 is general held up to be a huge disappointment. Personally I had more fun playing DA2, even though Origins is a much better game over-all. You should also bare in mind it's really quite fashionable to shit your pants as hard as possible over the second game but it's not actually as bad as (some) people say, particularly if you consider they had less than a year to make it. I'd say it's worth a play if you pirate it/get it for very cheap, it's not lengthy and not particularly difficult.
>> No. 184031
It might be worth it under those circumstances, but why would you ever waste time on something THAT mediocre when there's so many games that are actually good still left to play?
>> No. 184034
File 138738316621.png - (645.42KB , 800x600 , tumblr_static_fenris_smile3.png )
Fenris is fucking terible, its like he just stepped out of a final fantasy/anime-based fanfic.

Look at this fucker, and his personality is worse.
>> No. 184035

Will this actually be a place for understanding. Or will it just turn to crap due to the indie shitlords and the like that think they are better than others in the room.
>> No. 184036
Lok at the image. She's obviously in it for the homo-dicking. The one thing that's apparently remarkable about the game.
>> No. 184037
If only I could have been with Justice I'd gone for it. Though having Hawk flirt it up with the male Prostitute to everyone's unease is quite fun. But now Saints Row 4 has done it better and with more heart even it they are just bits of shagging.
>> No. 184044
File 138739752095.jpg - (138.19KB , 500x282 , i'm getting real tired of your actual shit.jpg )
Yup, that's it. I literally can't enjoy something that doesn't have at LEAST two instances of hot dick in ass action. You know me, I am mad for cock. Cock cock cock, can't get enough of those succulent queers.
>> No. 184047
File 138740069772.jpg - (72.96KB , 477x288 , tumblr_mvvgtrd48p1qbgb3mo1_500.jpg )
Tooth, look between your legs, you have a vagina, there I hope that explains all this.

Silly bitch how did you not know girls only like things because they are dumb and crave the D.

In all seriousness though I can't really speak to DA 2's quality because it came out just as I was realizing EA is both maladroit and cartoonishly evil.
>> No. 184048
Glad that you at least admit to it. People being honest on the internet isn't something we see terribly often these days.
>> No. 184058
2 seems like such a brilliant premise, it's a crying shame they had to make a rush job out of it.
>> No. 184065
yea the composer told to rush the game size gutted, game was way too into being experimental with a concept they didn't quite grasp.
>> No. 184081
Yeah. Speaking from experience, any time you try something new game-design wise, it takes time to grasp what is & isn't good about the result.

Also, what truly makes great games is POLISH- not in the sense of zero flaws/janky bits, but the end-of-development phase where you take the time to add all these great moments and loving details to the overall production, and make sure the whole experience doesn't have off-key moments.

It's the difference between the first act of Dead Space 3 and the rest of the game. Something full of interesting, cool/clever moments vs. copy-pasted content and lame, ineffective story beats.
>> No. 184083
yea I enjoyed floating around and flying between the shipwrecks, then when I got planetside I just couldn't be bothered to finish. It went from feeling really dead space to..belch. Couldn't be,bothered to finish really specially with the game part crippled by the co-op crap.
>> No. 184085
File 138742750151.jpg - (439.66KB , 1600x1200 , Dead Space 3.jpg )
Goddamn Dead Space 3 is a clusterfuck, at least EA killed it in one disgustingly wretched game rather than a protracted death.

Almost forgot my pic.
>> No. 184091
Am I the only one that likes to play new games on Medium difficulty when I begin (assuming the option)? Especially if they're more-or-less linear. That way I have a slight challenge but can enjoy the game with minimum rage, and then go through it again on a difficulty or two higher (depending on just how challenging I found Medium) for maximum adrenaline.

Also, does anyone else have a compulsion to use every single save slot a game offers? If a game offers more than one slot, every time I save I'll go to the first unused one or the one that was made the longest ago and save there. My friends got annoyed at me when Brawl came out because I would scroll down to the first open slot to save instead of just saving and moving on.

Tales of Symphonia had like 132 slots. Used them all. If you can do a Clear Game save I do it on the very last slot.
>> No. 184093
Any reason for the save thing? I make about three saves per playthrough, saving roughly every hour and overwriting the oldest one. I make more saves in games that are long and have missable stuff, but that's about it.
>> No. 184096
I switched to favoring Hard most of the time around college, I was playing more games by then and my general skill level went up. Still depends on the genre.
>> No. 184098
I used to go for hard, but once I realized that most game devs can't do varying difficulties right and it usually just becomes more tedious instead of actually harder, I switched back to going with normal by default.
>> No. 184101
File 138744874519.jpg - (380.33KB , 1218x1500 , 91yRrXQiS9L__SL1500_.jpg )
Well, there you go. I'm guessing it'll appear for preorder on Steam in a few hours, as well.
>> No. 184102
>>just as I was realizing EA is both maladroit and cartoonishly evil.

EA is a cancer, just look at Mass Effect
>> No. 184106
Sim City is to me the best example to me of EA being shitting their pants on a bus while screaming about taking over the world.
>> No. 184108
Increase the piece VS. Spread the freedom are awesome clashing ideologies.
>> No. 184115
I usually start on the lowest difficulty and step it up with each replay (I'm a fiend for replaying games I enjoyed, I'm not sure why).
>> No. 184120
File 138747778571.jpg - (12.80KB , 236x213 , 1386806735539.jpg )
>> No. 184121


Preorders for Metal Gear Rising just hit steam and it's 33% off (was 30, now 20.)
>> No. 184124
File 138747945193.jpg - (31.97KB , 576x171 , requirements.jpg )
I know this board doesn't have the most hardcore of PC players, so before any of you rush to buy it, please take a momen and look at the requirements. It's VERY heavy on the CPU. So if you expected to easily be able to play it, like you would with a last gen console port like this, that might not actually be the case.
>> No. 184125
File 138747957127.jpg - (54.98KB , 500x750 , tumblr_mxlhfx4wJ11qdqlkxo3_500.jpg )
I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> No. 184127
File 138747976287.jpg - (93.21KB , 500x688 , tumblr_mnsmfpVhwn1rybualo1_500.jpg )
This is very important, thank you for bringing it up.

Thankfully I'm in the clear.
>> No. 184128
>Skip straight to boss mode
>> No. 184129
>> No. 184130

Also at this is like the first time in 10 years MG is coming to PC, nobody thought this was going to happen.
>> No. 184131
File 13874802814.png - (7.52KB , 620x80 , Capture.png )
Wait, what?
>> No. 184133
File 138748055473.png - (42.29KB , 700x700 , 1385944788663.png )

>> No. 184135
Let's be honest though, the real money saver here is not having any friends or a significant other. I can afford so much bullshits and knick knacks even though I'm technically considered below the poverty line, just because I have nothing to spend my money on but me.
>> No. 184140
I just got done buying Holiday gifts guy, speak for yourself.

Also, I played DMC. Wow.

Thank god it killed the series, it's a fucking mercy, I don't think I've seen anything so offensive, well besides everything else Ninja Theory has ever worked on, fucking shit.
>> No. 184141
Yeah, my relatives spend way too much on each other, and not because they're generous.
>> No. 184143
File 138748930128.gif - (2.86MB , 400x300 , 1382748560915.gif )
>Purchases made in Costa Rica are only playable in Costa Rica
>these restrictions
>> No. 184144
The save thing is part OCD, part worry about screwing up. For instance, in games with branching paths or that have consequences for actions, I like having the option to go to a far earlier part to "undo" something I regret.

Not that every game that offers multiple save files has that as a feature, but that doesn't stop me. Also, the possibility for game-breaking bugs late in the game (like saving after event Y but before event Z, then loading that save keeps event Z from happening, so the game can't progress), so having a save file from an earlier time means I don't have to completely restart the game.
>> No. 184145
File 138749281686.jpg - (310.42KB , 796x1200 , tfw.jpg )
>watch driftor's video on slugs in hardcore
>Infinite distance, does at least 32 damage at any range ever
>Hardcore HP is only 30
>Fuck it, try it out because why not
>My first kill is across the map a on Snipehaven
>MFW top of the team 44-14 with a silenced MTS-255 w/ slugs, on the game's biggest map

That was the most fun I've had on Ghosts ever
>> No. 184181
Is there any video game equivalent to Film Critic Hulk? Someone who writes longass essays that you don't necessarily agree with but are well thought out enough to make you think for yourself? (And ideally avoids fallacies like "Other M is better than the Prime series because it's Japanese".)
>> No. 184184
Doh, I just realized Hulk writes video game articles too. You know what I mean, someone who's mostly video games.
>> No. 184272
I'm not really going to buy any Part3 since I only bought the Ultimate Edition since it was on sale and I'm never going to lower myself to play 2 with how it turned out... still I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely curious about how the story in it is going to turn out, the first trailer I saw featured Morrigan and the end of the world Obviously the god child is going to be featured... so its MILF Morrigan?
>> No. 184273
Most likely yes since Cap'n Janeway showed up in 2. And since its the Church and more of "what the hell did Hawk do?" Hope the AC2 Mission System doesn't hurt development of the overall game.
>> No. 184278
>>MILF Morrigan
What is the more noble course of action for one too cowardly to give their life for the greater good

Having consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole aim of procreation with a witch (who's true goals for said child from this dark affair might not be in the best interest of the world), while at the time being in a committed relationship with another comrade-in-arms

Or pushing your friend, who is a virgin and has a strained relationship at best with said witch, to knock her up in your place because you are unwilling to
>> No. 184280

>Not going with the Loghain gambit.

All Hail the Warden King, who then left with his knocked up Witch. I got that Super Douche save all ready and waiting for 3.
>> No. 184281
Doesn't lead into so well into Witchhunt unless someone sticks it in Morrigan does it? Honestly while forcing Loghain to give his life on the battlefield is the sort of pragmatic thing I would normally be in favour of it isn't worth losing Alistair plus if he's the one to sacrifice their life to kill the big bad it just turns him into a martyr who is remembered as a hero, thats the last thing he needs.
>> No. 184282
File 13877043989.jpg - (73.84KB , 600x337 , Far-Cry-3-Blood-Dragon-Electric-Metal-Horns.jpg )
>> No. 184286
James & Mike like to complain about cutscenes in games.

>"Is this what kids do nowadays? Watch video games?"
>"Who fucking cares about the cutscenes, I keep having to skip over these, just take me to the damn game"

It's truly fascinating to see 30-year-old gamers complain about a generational gap like this. I wonder if all others their age don't care for story in games at all.
>> No. 184290
But I fully agree with them. And I'm only 24.
>> No. 184293
I'm 28, and I'll buy a game because of the story now and then. We had cut-scenes back in the days of the NES, too, but you had to press A to scroll through the dialog. Shit you could not skip at all and could go on for 10 minutes even if you're mashing the damn button.

That said, I do find it very annoying when a game doesn't have a way to skip through cut scenes (even on the first playthrough) and repeats short cutscenes often.
>> No. 184294
You are the people holding vidya back.
>> No. 184296
File 138773732917.jpg - (8.90KB , 300x300 , GOOD.jpg )
From being more cinematic instead of pushing the boundaries of gameplay and engaging interactivity?
>> No. 184299
They're not holding videogames back, they're just wearing nostalgia goggles. >>184293 pretty much summed it up already.
>> No. 184300
There's a difference between short dialogues and drawn out cinematic cutscenes which take up half the game.
>> No. 184301
And to be on level. I hate the dialogue typhoons in Golden Sun.
>> No. 184303
I agree with them. It's one thing to have short dialogue scenes, but 10 minute cutscenes that you can't skip are awful. More games should follow the Portal route of "here's all this dialogue you can listen to as you're actually playing the game".

Not to mention I hate the trend that's popping up lately of visual novels being advertised as video games. Dear Esther is not a goddamn game. And neither are any others in the same genre. Don't get me wrong, I love visual novels every now and then, but gameplay should come first
>> No. 184304
Visual novels have always been video games, this isn't some new trend, they've been a part of gaming since the 1980s.
>> No. 184305
True but can and should a VN be considered the same as an FPS or RPG?
>> No. 184307
No, that's why it's a different genre, you fucking idiot.
>> No. 184308
The point is that no one plays visual novels for the gameplay. They are ENTIRELY cutscene, sometimes with only a few chances for user input over the course of the entire "game."

They are only video games in the sense that they are programs with graphics that tell a story. They are not games by any logical definition of the term.

I do not use this as an attack on visual novels--I quite like a few visual novels. But I think of them as less video game and more....well, novels. The story and maybe some of the visuals are the ENTIRE appeal of visual novels. I could easily see someone who hates video games but loves stories enjoying Visual Novels. I could not see that same person enjoying any other "genre" of video game, even incredibly well written games like Portal or some of Telltale's work.
>> No. 184309
As long as you are given the option to skip cutscenes on a repeat playthrough there is no problem
>> No. 184310
>More games should follow the Portal route of "here's all this dialogue you can listen to as you're actually playing the game".

Do you have ANY idea how extremely hard it is to design a game that way?
>> No. 184311
Many VNs are simply an evolution of the same kind of design as old adventure games however. There really isn't much difference between them and something like Walking Dead or Wolf Among Us. Yes the choices are more frequent in those two, but said choice is typically an illusion anyway.

Then again the term "video game" is becoming less and less helpful as the time goes on.
>> No. 184313
The Zork games remind me of those. Actually many of the FMV game of the '90s share a lot with visual novels if you strip out the pizzles.
>> No. 184319
>1.the penis of an animal, especially a bull.
>2.a whip made from a bull's pizzle.

I learned a new word today.
>> No. 184321
pizzle my nizzle
>> No. 184330
File 138785704851.jpg - (210.59KB , 1280x704 , arkhamorigins.jpg )
>Game begins in incredibly narrow confining corridors with no visual flair whatsoever
>Phenomenal graphical glitching throughout the Killer Croc fight
>Everything is just a lot less polished than the previous two games
>Ugh, Black Mask
>Recycling areas and assets from the first two games at the speed of light (did anyone ACTUALLY want to go back to that fucking Steel Mill?)
>The city is COMPLETELY deserted - they couldn't even be bothered to model civilians for you to rescue during Crimes in Progress

What a crying shame-

>Cutie fangirl Barbara Gordon (with...incredibly terrible tech-speak but still)
>The villain is actually the Joker
>It's the story of how the Joker became fixated on Batman
>And about the beginning of Batman and Gordon's relationship
>Both are actually handled really well
>Bane is a reasonably intelligent and well-spoken dude, and it explains why he's a big dumb brute in the first two games
>It turns out that the use of the Arkham name makes perfect sense after all, despite Arkham itself never appearing

It's too bad the best narrative of the three games was attached to easily the most lackluster game. It really shows how much the Arkham games depend on polish, from environmental design to just making sure things like goons being trapped in walls where you can't fight them doesn't happen. But at the same time, I did have a good time with it, and the writing is markedly improved from the first two games (even if I do still object to the game asking me to pay attention to Black Mask, even temporarily).

Also, I think some of the new gadgets they give you were a mistake. The shock gloves break combat challenges hilariously, and the Heavy Reel remote launcher makes most predator sequences trivial, especially once you've upgraded it to have three shots.
>> No. 184331
>X-men and Simpsons arcade game getting delisted from PSN
Goddammit, not again.
>> No. 184332
Oh, also.

>Amanda Waller in the post-credits scene
>But it's skinny new 52 Waller
>But it's the same voice as in DCAU

>> No. 184344
This is a damn good breakdown, largely fits my impressions. Though I had a couple further serious issues with the story (the sheer degree to which not killing only made the villians escalate things, even while everyone else shoots thugs with zero negative consequences, and the continued subpar handling of should-be-badass female chars), neat as some aspects were. (the Harley origin in particular was fairly brilliant)
>> No. 184348
>the sheer degree to which not killing only made the villians escalate things, even while everyone else shoots thugs with zero negative consequences

Yeah, well, that's modern Batman for you. I thought Arkham City actually did a fairly admirable job wrestling with this issue already (City's narrative problems emerged from the incredibly dumb R'as al Ghul nonsense and killing Talia pointlessly, the stuff with the Joker was pretty good), Arkham Origins (as it does in a lot of other ways) is serving as retroactive setup.

>the continued subpar handling of should-be-badass female chars

That I won't disagree with. I was so pumped for Lady Shiva, and then she started spouting a bunch of dumb R'as al Ghul bullshit and my narrative boner deflated instantly.
>> No. 184349
>the sheer degree to which not killing only made the villians escalate things, even while everyone else shoots thugs with zero negative consequences

Yeah, well, that's modern Batman for you. I thought Arkham City actually did a fairly admirable job wrestling with this issue already (City's narrative problems emerged from the incredibly dumb R'as al Ghul nonsense and killing Talia pointlessly, the stuff with the Joker was pretty good), Arkham Origins (as it does in a lot of other ways) is serving as retroactive setup.

>the continued subpar handling of should-be-badass female chars

That I won't disagree with. I was so pumped for Lady Shiva, and then she started spouting a bunch of dumb R'as al Ghul bullshit and my narrative boner deflated instantly.
>> No. 184355
Totally serious here: We have this character earnestly baffled and asking Batman why he saved their life. The story has at least one other moment where someone reiterates the question, and at least two flashbacks to the original time it was asked.

Does that question ever get ANSWERED, by anyone? All I saw was a single comment by Batman of "that's not how I do things," which is essentially "because."
>> No. 184356

It's kind of implicitly answered in that scene right before Batman shocks Bane back to life. It's not a great answer but honestly, there isn't a really good answer to that question. The circle of 'Batman won't kill anybody' and 'progressively more and more murderous Joker' is all but impossible to square.
>> No. 184358
>The circle of 'Batman won't kill anybody' and 'progressively more and more murderous Joker' is all but impossible to square.
It's quite easy to square. Batman is a psychopath. Killing someone JUST THIS ONCE would be for him like an alcoholic having a drink JUST THIS ONCE. He would get addicted and start offing everyone.

Plus, he'd lose his working relationship with the police as he would officially be guilty of murder and it would be undeniable that he is a dangerous vigilante with no accountability for his actions, and therefore a danger to the welfare of society.
>> No. 184359
File 138796944862.jpg - (67.98KB , 400x604 , 85064-98347-joker_super.jpg )
That is so bullshit and you know it.

The Joker is popular so it cuts down on questions about why if Batman kills him he's back.

It's just lazy writing.
>> No. 184361
I've always preferred the explanation that Batman is a crazy person that can't handle losing anyone, even if that someone is the Joker. Since it's not an attempt at showing that Batman's a good person for letting Joker keep on killing.
>> No. 184363
You seem to be entirely unaware how easy it would be to make the exact same argument against you, only instead of pointing out how not killing the Joker is due to his popularity, I would point out that Batman killing him would make him "more of a badass" or some similarly juvenile justification.
>> No. 184365
Don't be stupid, Joker is too heavily established an A-list supervillain for Detective Comics to ever consider killing him off.
>> No. 184399
File 138817918796.png - (1.07MB , 1920x1080 , SangFroid 2013-12-27 13-32-41-95.png )
Holy Shit, Canada is awesome.
>> No. 184432
Sang-Froid Intro Musicyoutube thumb
Sang Froid kicks ass. One of the most refreshing titles I've played in years.
>> No. 184434

Never before have I been so upset at my hard drive for not having a slower access speed.
>> No. 184449
It really is. The visuals, the story, the ambiance, the music, everything just clicked together so well.
>> No. 184458
File 138834933160.jpg - (311.55KB , 715x1000 , vitavsds.jpg )
I made this little thing to make a 100% subjective list of things that matter to me while mulling over which handheld to buy. Already kinda had a hunch, but was still surprised the Vita actually pulled through. It wouldn't have stood a sliver of a chance, if I wasn't a massive weeb, though. Also, the list of upcoming 3DS games is way more vague than the Vita at this point, so that also played a big part in how this thing turned out. Vita has a lot of promising things on the horizon. 3DS has Monster Hunter 4 and nothing else that really grabbed my attention. Really, as said, this is a totally subjective thing I made to visualize my thought process while trying to decide, but I'm just gonna post it here, because it might help someone else who's in the same position or somebody might want to add something that seems like a glaring omission.
>> No. 184459
WOW, Yaiba is GROSS even for Team Ninja.

like absolutely, unapologetically fucking disgusting; like them of all people trying to make a Deadpool without any of his small redeeming factors.
>> No. 184460
And yes, I know about Grant Kirkhope and Inafune.

Still gross.
>> No. 184462
I think an objective list would be far more helpful.
>> No. 184466
This just reminds me I couldn't snag a good deal on a vita. I got an XL for a good price last year and the bundles were even better this year. I'll probably get that PS3/vita bundle whenever it gets out of Europe. (Why is it only in Europe?)
>> No. 184467
If you're trying to go for a "best handheld" kind of argument, yes; >>184458 made the list so s/he could decide which console s/he wanted. They just decided to share it with us.
>> No. 184469
Hey guys can anyone recomend any good videogame podcasts to listen to.

I already tried SuperBestFriendsCast and GiantBombCast, but I dropped GBC because I don't like them.
>> No. 184470
> but I dropped GBC because I don't like them
We don't like your type around here stranger.
>> No. 184484
Oh hey, the terrible "important information hidden in audiologs trend" strikes again. The Last of Us spoilers:>There are two voice recorders in the spare rooms right before the operating room. One is Marlene explaining how she refused to kill Joel 'because he's the only one here who understands the weight of this decision' and that she made a promise to her lover, Ellie's mother, to do the procedure. (I may be wrong on that last part)The second one is the surgeon explaining how Ellie's immunity works and how they can turn it into a mass distribution vaccine. He's overjoyed with how successful the plan looks.
I missed those when I played. Boy that makes Joel being a monster WAAAAAAAY less ambiguous!
>> No. 184486
Sure, but we still don't know what they would've done with the cure or if the procedure would've been successful with the tech they had.
>> No. 184495
Your objection doesn't hold water. Yes, there is still a small chance that Joel's actions will NOT lead to the death of thousands. Hell, let's be generous and say the odds that he's caused thousands of people to die are only 1 in 2. How in the flying fuck is that supposed to make him not a monster?
>> No. 184497
File 138846215123.jpg - (61.34KB , 600x347 , Snake.jpg )
"Welcome to the human race."

He's a Byronic hero; it's what they do, a world built on deception and death isn't worth saving so they'd sooner see it burn to the ground.

He knew himself a villain—but he deem'd
The rest no better than the thing he seem'd;
And scorn'd the best as hypocrites who hid
Those deeds the bolder spirit plainly did.
He knew himself detested, but he knew
The hearts that loath'd him, crouch'd and dreaded too.
Lone, wild, and strange, he stood alike exempt
From all affection and from all contempt
>> No. 184500
Joel is not a hero of any kind, Byronic or otherwise, he is not motivated by some higher ideal or what have you, his goal is singular and selfish: he doesn't want to lose Ellie, regardless of what anyone (including Ellie herself) might think, want, or need. He is a lonely person, not a good one. His monstrosity is a tragic thing, but it's monstrous all the same.
>> No. 184507
File 138847473565.png - (122.94KB , 366x499 , TheLastOfHaircut.png )
Whoa guys, let's not get into this argument again. I see this constantly, "is Joel a monster?" crap. He definitely is, but you can see why and that's what I like about his character. Even antagonists who do brutal things ought to have a reason for them, even if it's only hinted at. Otherwise you get someone doing brutal things just for the sake of it or a "I'm only here to make conflict" type deal. Even the reasons for David's actions can be surmised, at least if you're familiar with basic apocalypse scenarios.

But the big thing I dislike about this debate is that it frequently gives the Fireflies a free pass. If they got a mass produced cure, would they give it out freely or only to those that support their agenda? I thought we'd learn more about them after their highlight in the intro cutscene and first section of the game, but mostly we just come across their corpses. They also don't seem to have significant production capabilties whereas the military zones can still make weapons and vehicles.

I guess I'm hung up on details, but I'd rather do that than argue over morals, whatever those are. I appreciate that the writers made an ambiguous conflict that doesn't fall apart over the course of the narrative, but a lot of people end up treating it as one of those morality exercises, the whole "a runaway trolley is about to kill 5 people but you can save them if you push 1 in front of it" which typically end up as witchhunts when people don't think exactly like one another.

Well, this got a lot longer than I intended so I'll stop there. Hopefully the next game can follow up well enough.
>> No. 184514
File 138849089886.jpg - (322.93KB , 729x1100 , berserk_v19a_017.jpg )
>he is not motivated by some higher ideal or what have you, his goal is singular and selfish

>His monstrosity is a tragic thing, but it's monstrous all the same.

Hey Rodyle, guess what you are describing Joel as?

˙oɹǝɥ ɔᴉuoɹʎq ɐ :ɹǝʍsuɐ ǝɥ┴
>> No. 184519
Except Byronic heroes typically do have some higher ideal they subscribe to. It might not be an ideal we consider "good," but it's an ideal. Lord Byron himself is often considered his own best archetype, and he died fighting for Greek independence.

Joel has nothing of the sort.

>I hope the next game can follow up
I hope they don't do another one, it would greatly undermine that game's ending. Sometimes a story is better off standing alone.
>> No. 184520
That is not necessarily the case as I pointed out with the quote from Corsair Conrad, considered the epitome line of the byronic hero.

As for a sequel there would be nothing wrong with it as the universe is solid and interesting but it should follow an entirely different set of characters in a different location.
>> No. 184521
File 138850480655.jpg - (93.25KB , 754x568 , bloody stream.jpg )
Oh god, what am I doing? I just bought my Vita. It's not even in the mail yet and I'm already looking at maybe ordering custom skins for it. Once you start throwing away your money for self-indulgent tat, it's a goddamn rabbit hole.
>> No. 184526
Top Ten Worst Games of 2013 - ProJaredyoutube thumb
>> No. 184542
>Battle Tendency
Awesome taste broseph.
>> No. 184548
>can't use Gamestop gift cards on their website to get Steam gift cards
What's the fucking point of their website then.
>> No. 184588
File 138865271447.png - (2.30MB , 1920x1080 , AoK HD 2014-01-01 16-23-29-24.png )
Montezuma's a baller.
>> No. 184590
File 138865495032.png - (2.87MB , 2560x1440 , AC4_El_Impoluto.png )
These legendary ships don't fuck around.
>> No. 184596
File 138867703072.jpg - (250.07KB , 1024x576 , 2014-01-02_00001.jpg )
Bought Valdis Story on the Steam sale. On paper I should love this game and it starts off pretty promising with the first two bosses being pretty fun. But everything after that I... I just can't. It's just not fun. The game feels very much like an indie as you can tell it's fine-tuned to perfection by a handful of people who played the same sections over and over again without ever getting outside feedback (oh hey you reached a town where you can upgrade your equipment with materials, that dropped from previous monsters. one short of that one material? woops, you can't go back). And the bosses.... the fucking bosses. The first two were two great brawler bosses that were loads of fun and actually had you make use of the great dodge and skill cancel mechanics, but everything after that is just fucking annoying platforming sections with a shitty gimmick. Not to mention you won't get any reward for defeating a boss if you don't get at least A rank, but the only way to retry a boss is either to die on purpose (and killing yourself takes fucking aaaaaaagesss) or quit out of the game completely and go through the level again. It's just a neverending exercise of frustration and tedium, even though I want to love it so badly.
>> No. 184598
File 138868678246.jpg - (72.99KB , 850x800 , Caim_OA.jpg )
I want to add to this argumant by asking:
Whats wrong with playing as a monster from time to time?
>> No. 184621
File 138878105671.jpg - (53.25KB , 500x353 , tumblr_lyg9stM3BR1qihogho1_500.jpg )
Nothing, It's radical.

In other news, I want to be excited for InFamous Second Son and I know it's apologizing for 2 by ignoring it's ending completely but holy fuck nothing can restore hype after that FUCKING TERRIBLE ending that made Mass effect 3's ending look like a stroke of genius.
>> No. 184630
Are you talking about the "blue good" or the "red evil" ending?
Because in all your years of rage-ing, I have never caught which one...
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