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File 138230072988.jpg - (36.59KB , 500x338 , Giant+Bomb+bombcasts3[1].jpg )
181826 No. 181826
Old Thread autosage etc

Listened to the newest Bombcast. I am now convinced that where the rest of Giant Bomb settles for weekends, Drew has adventures.
Expand all images
>> No. 181827
File 13823017337.jpg - (143.69KB , 1280x720 , greatestlovestoryevertold.jpg )
First for magical moments
>> No. 181828
>> No. 181834
Two Best Friends Play Beyond Two Soulsyoutube thumb
Heh, they did it earlier than we expected.
Wonder if they're gonna do a full playthrough later.
>> No. 181835
way too much stuff where the game just disregards failed input for them not to make fun of it. I really want them to do The Stanley Parable.
>> No. 181857
>New Friendcast
>Friends getting deep into best/worst Disney girls
>Matt: I like the concept of King Triton saying "No dick for you, you'll make do with weird fish parts."
>> No. 181876
I was drinking something during the Mother Teresa bit. My poor monitor.
>> No. 181877
I am surprised by how the Friendcast has quickly matched my love of the Bombcast.
>> No. 181878
Did it become some kind of prestige thing for internet personalities to appear on Retsutalk? Because goddamn.
>> No. 181880
>> No. 181881
well being able to talk to the progenitors of LP is bound to rank somewhere.
>> No. 181882
File 138255700970.jpg - (42.94KB , 640x480 , lex at the bakery.jpg )
This was the best one yet. It was magical.
>> No. 181884
agree, but i wish Liam wasn't such a death weight
>> No. 181887
My one complaint is Pat's continued implication that Casshern Sins is a good thing.
>> No. 181915
Two Best Friends Play The Wolf…youtube thumb

Two Best Friends Play - The Wo…youtube thumb

TellTale dose it again. Pat is replaced with his evil clone: Woolie.
Everyone is hard boiled.
>> No. 181951
Because I need a list for reasons...


Giant Bomb

Two Best Friends


Freelance Astronauts (broken up, but still good)
Tipping 40s (no more full LPs, streams still going)

Yahtzee Croshaw (Zero Punctuation guy) and friend Gabriel


>> No. 181952
JESSIE COX One Moderately Funny Gamer

Creature Hub

PressHeartToContinue (Dodger)
>> No. 181956
And someone should spam Pat with the grim darkest of Nuzlocks so he can get his fix.

Also Clueless Gamer: PC Horror Game Editionyoutube thumb
Dude! Spoilers on A:tdd, no wonder zero fucks was given.
The slow build was a big piece of its greatness.
>> No. 181965
Heavy Rain - Del 3: The English Episodeyoutube thumb
>> No. 181974

Our friend Dr. Prof does LP's too. Check them out.
>> No. 182133
File 138313980397.jpg - (15.51KB , 452x427 , gerstface.jpg )
>You'll need to talk to a girl before you can get it.
>I have to talk to a girl? Hardest part of Dark Souls.
>> No. 182172
In case you haven't heard of it yet.
>> No. 182200
Resident Evil Code Veronica - …youtube thumb

It's an hour long Halloween Resident Evil special.
>> No. 182223
Super Best Friends Play Beyond…youtube thumb
And it begins, the last part of the "Trilogy of Disappointment".
>> No. 182226
>Duo Mode

oh this is going to be fantastic.
>> No. 182236
is the cut up version of >>182223

It seems kinda lazy on their part.
>> No. 182237
Think of it this way, why would you make more footage of something when you can just start playing the game and get new content out faster?
>> No. 182238
I get the feeling they started the LP then decided to cut out a smaller chunk to use for their obligatory Machinima episode.
>> No. 182239
Has anyone done an LP with Two souls where they just let the game play itself?
>> No. 182255
Wait, what were the first two installments?

I wasn't paying attention.
>> No. 182257
I believe he means the last two games by the same creator (Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain).
>> No. 182272
David Cage made Indigo Prophecy?

Huh, I didn't know that. Then again I wasn't watching the LPs of that.
>> No. 182275
Caught about 16 hours of Brad's 25 hour stream. It was actually really nice and mellow and there was not nearly as much cringe-inducing fucking up as I thought. Dude's a trooper. Won't be able to catch much of the main team, since most of it is on the monday for me.
>> No. 182289
You're seriously missing out.
>> No. 182310
File 138357587029.png - (1.51MB , 1277x750 , 1383575590152.png )
>> No. 182320
Super Best Friends Play Sonic Lost Worldyoutube thumb

As I thought, they didn't like it.
>> No. 182329
I'm watching it and I find the game questionable
>> No. 182352
Vinny puts the shock game down his pantsyoutube thumb
>> No. 182390
Super Best Friends Play Shadow…youtube thumb
>> No. 182412

49 hours of pure, unfiltered Giant Bomb. It's 100% ESPORTS.
>> No. 182429
Let's Play Tomb Raider Part 23youtube thumb
>> No. 182432
Best Friends Gettin' Hype For …youtube thumb
Da 90's!
>> No. 182435
Let's Play: MVM Episode 1 - Mann Up!youtube thumb
Let's Play: Skullgirls Episode 1 - Filiayoutube thumb
>> No. 182510
I'm adding this to the list.
>> No. 182511
Yea I watch Wheaton and his tabletop demos from time to time.
>> No. 182513
I can't fucking stand Wheaton. Dude's so far up his own ass.
>> No. 182572
Jeff really needs to just let Vinny host the podcast all the time, he's magical at it.
>> No. 182573
That good ol' Brad Muir and Jeff Green magic also helps quite a bit.
>> No. 182579
yea a bit but it least I know which games I can play with the local game group on campus and not have them give up in frustration.
>> No. 182601
Does anyone know if SA is just going to be paywalled forever. It's been more than a month and I need to know whether or not to take it off my bookmarks.
>> No. 182618
Let's Play Tomb Raider Part 24youtube thumb
>> No. 182648
File 138452230594.jpg - (75.13KB , 576x720 , 996055_697119350301200_1253447381_n.jpg )
I like this picture more than I should.
>> No. 182649

PlagueOfGripes made a let's play. Neat.
Which gives me license post this adorable animation he made by hand.

[Animation Test] Braixen, Peanut Danceyoutube thumb

I'm watching it. Hang in there man.
>> No. 182684
Best Friends approaching Navajo chapter. Hold on to your butts.
>> No. 182685
Let's Play Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Part 1youtube thumb

>> No. 182694
Best Friend Beat 'Em Ups - Dragon's Crownyoutube thumb
I've been waiting so long for this.

>This ain't never gonna happen again!
Aww man.

Oh dear.
Good luck there.
>> No. 182695
Oh wait.
Double negative. I always forget about that.
>> No. 182705
Why is Sonic '06 so fun to pick apart? It's like a rite of passage for Let's Players or something.
>> No. 182796
I think it's because it's such a rare game, in that it's a well-established franchise with such a POOR entry.

Let's Play Tomb Raider Part 25youtube thumb

>> No. 182966
Let's Play Tomb Raider Part 26youtube thumb

Okay you can stop watching the playthrough here because nothing will be better than that shit with the last guard.
>> No. 183025
File 138509391422.gif?spoiler - (0.98MB , 500x260 , 1385090094036.gif?spoiler )
>> No. 183052
>TBF thread at /co/
>Surprisingly decent
>Even PlageofGripes is there

Didn't saw that coming.
>> No. 183053
File 138518866031.jpg - (144.47KB , 400x480 , 1385159742795[1].jpg )
I never go to /co/ but my word, this thread is a treasure trove.
>> No. 183090
Dead now, have this archive: http://archive.foolz.us/co/thread/56279909
>> No. 183176
Let's Play Tomb Raider Part 27youtube thumb
Instead of playing Assassin's Creed 4, watch Dave jump on old wooden ships!
>> No. 183336
File 138592012152.jpg - (102.16KB , 374x500 , amusedauthor.jpg )
Finally had the time to catch up with Retsutalk.
>slowbeef and diabeetus recreating the console wars
>> No. 183339
Jodie's Bizarre Adventure [Sup…youtube thumb
But seriously, is been a while since I had a long laugh at something like this.
>> No. 183340
Best thing to come out of them lame ass game yet!
And note the to be continued.
Hope the was not for show (and given to still on going nature of the lets play, thats most likely) and that someone sends it to David so he can be all like: Le' what the fuck?
>> No. 183355
Super Best Friends Play Beyond…youtube thumb
>talking about AMV Hell and KotoR

I was literally just rewatching that today and I started Kotor a few weeks back. Freaked me out a bit.
>> No. 183357
The Oregon Trail: And We're Of…youtube thumb

Wooo LPing of a classic. How fast will broken legs and dysentery kill them.
>> No. 183364
Max & Benny play Killer Instinct! Part 1youtube thumb
Best use of face cam?
>> No. 183367

Hey let's play more Sonic.
>> No. 183368
The Oregon Trail: And We're De…youtube thumb
Very quickly, is the answer to that.
>> No. 183370
And here we see a brilliant example of the Arin Hanson school of gaming: blatantly ignore vital information the game clearly presents to you, then complain about the game being hard.
>> No. 183372
Speaking of Arin, I don't think I've ever seen a more incompetent playthrough of Wind Waker.
>> No. 183374
Hence why someone sent them a guide
>> No. 183393
Only if its one I want to play.
But yet have...
>> No. 183414
Barbie Dream House Party: Gian…youtube thumb

Jeff screaming about angel dust will never fail to amuse me. Also god they're DYING here, I love Max for getting them to do awful things.
>> No. 183421
Wheel of Fortune: Lose a Turn …youtube thumb

Don't fuck with Vanna White.
>> No. 183422
File 138619329967.jpg - (208.95KB , 682x600 , 1375070972834.jpg )
>> No. 183428
World of Warplanes - Steam Trainyoutube thumb

This one's for you MIG! You plane lover.
>> No. 183429
Oh my God that was the funniest fucking thing
>> No. 183435
File 138622033322.png - (140.83KB , 259x239 , 1256831672771.png )
Holy shit that was good.
>> No. 183437

Vinny is the hero that will save us all

my god
>> No. 183439
Best of Giant Bomb 45 - Bring Ityoutube thumb
>> No. 183463
SA's paywall stays up longer each time it goes back up.
>> No. 183476
Ages ago I used to be into the Achievement Hunter let's plays but lately they've devolved into "you're retarded" "no, YOU'RE retarded" "no, YOU'RE THE MOST RETARDED" and they're all basically caricatures of who they started as.

Anyone have any recommendations about good let's play channels? Two best friends play is a good one, and I check out game grumps every now and then as well
>> No. 183477
My usual Rotation is Jesse Cox (One Moderately Funny Gamer) and Nerd Cubed though the latter hasn't done any full LPs in a while but they both keep their content regular and are a good medium of fun and capable at the games they do play for the most part. Also Dodger (PressHeartToContinue) has a few good LPs and there is Yahtzee whenever he and his pal Gabriel can find the time to do an LP
>> No. 183478
Cryaotic checks out an interesting range of games and does a lot of non-intrusive polish on his vids. http://www.youtube.com/user/ChaoticMonki
>> No. 183480
Oh thank you I've been looking for that one Ib Let's Play forever.
>> No. 183484
Awesome, thanks a bunch
>> No. 183527
Super Best Friends Play Beyond…youtube thumb

Every time you buy a David Cage game, you support this.
>> No. 183528
Those poor bastards, at least it'll be a while before they have to deal with any of this bullshit again.
>> No. 183530
This was a great contrast to Jesse Cox's LP. I don't understand why he likes this or Cage's other games.
>> No. 183536
Is Game Theory considered a Let's Play?
>> No. 183538
I am so completely baffled by that ending. Does anyone know what happens if you DO pick life?
>> No. 183539
You don't get to be Sue Dibny?
>> No. 183540
There are actually eleven endings to this nonsense, all depending on who lives and dies during the story.

>> No. 183541
So, what do you guys think about those rumors of Youtube banning LPs?
>> No. 183542
I don't know what it is about Continue, but it seems like their distinct lack of any cursing and constant spitting of one-liners makes it seem...forced. And scripted.

It may just be that a lack of cursing in an LP throws me off, and not in a good way. Something just doesn't feel right. I know you don't need to curse to be funny, but a Let's Play is a totally different environment than an ordinary comedy video, or stand-up.
>> No. 183543
I would say something like "Wait, what?", but I honestly don't think that could be even possible.
>> No. 183544
wow and you are still only supposed to play it once when most the choices are poorly telegraphed and whatnot. Strange amount of effort to this play only once. I mean replay value and alternate choices that are at least kinda clear but not obvious are the reason I played Fallout 1 and 2 tons of times and finding those bits that I didn't realize I could do before.
>> No. 183551
Gods I fucking hate watching scrups play KI and bitch about how it suck when THEY ARE DOING IT WRONG!
Clash of the Plankton: Killer …youtube thumb
>> No. 183552
I... can't quite understand your logic. They actually do curse on that show, though maybe just not as frequently as others, I guess? But how does something being a "Let's Play" make it preferable to curse to entertain? As for their "one liners"... well, other than their running gags, I can't really recall them saying much at all.
But hey, I guess if you simply don't find their videos funny or entertaining, then that's cool too. Though I must say, there's no solid coherence to your reasoning of why you don't at the moment.
>> No. 183586
File 138674078443.png - (425.52KB , 439x330 , captainfalcon1.png )
The happening is upon us! Let the YouTube cleansing begin!
>> No. 183591
Yes, bombarding free speech is obviously a good thing....
>> No. 183594
>But how does something being a "Let's Play" make it preferable to curse to entertain?

Because I've never met a single gamer in real life that didn't say the word fuck a lot. So when I find a series where they're NOT like that, it weirds me out and it seems so unnatural.
>> No. 183603

It's not bombarding free speech, you just can't make advertising money on those videos without permission.

Like every other form of media ever.
>> No. 183606
Super Metroid: Turn Into a Bal…youtube thumb

Super Metroid: OH GOD THAT STA…youtube thumb

Super Metroid: Bad Guys - PART…youtube thumb

Because I like Super Metroid, that's why.
>> No. 183607
Two Best Friends Play Yakuza 4 (Part Zero)youtube thumb

I guess I need to get around to binging Yakuza 3 before I watch this, but when I played it before good god it took me forever to do anything because SO MUCH SIDE STUFF. Which is not a bad thing as a game but is a very bad thing in terms of catching up on my Matt and Pat.
>> No. 183664
YouTube copyright blitz focuse…youtube thumb

How strong is the link between people watching Let's Plays and purchasing games?
>> No. 183691
Let's make a quick survey!

>Games I didn't plan to buy, but bought because I saw a Let's Play of them:
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution
-Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
-The Binding of Isaac
-Saint's Row: The Third
-Fallout: New Vegas
-Xcom: Enemy Within

>Games I wanted to buy, but didn't, because they looked terrible in a Let's Play:
-Bioshock Infinite
-Dead Island

>Games that genuinely lost a sale to Let's Plays, because I would have liked/bought them, but felt I already got pretty much the full game experience from watching someone else play:
-The Walking Dead
-Dead Space 1-2
-The Last of Us
>> No. 183865
You really should play bioshock infinite though. Fantastic game. Much, much better than the second.
Just don't get any of the DLCs
>> No. 183877
File 138701530483.gif - (1.93MB , 348x233 , Yakuza tiger punch tumblr_mvao5mn8HK1s3t6r6o1_400.gif )
They did not joke about the Tigers.
Fuck yeah!
>> No. 183886
>You really should play bioshock infinite though. Fantastic game.
I very strongly disagree.
>> No. 183889
By all means you're allowed. I found the controls great, the gameplay fun and the environments beautiful
Though I'm a casualfag and couldn't give two shits about the main complaints for the game re: the ending
>> No. 183891
My main complaints about bioshock infinite were mostly about the gameplay being boring as fuck and completely disconnected from the story.
>> No. 183900
As much I don't care for the story as a whole, my complaints are more focused on the gameplay. But I don't want to start a pointless argument so we can just agree to disagree.
>> No. 183902
Let's Drown Out... Quake 2youtube thumb

Yahtzee and..friend gab while playing Quake 2
>> No. 183920
File 138711629813.png - (341.33KB , 471x361 , 1329476039530.png )
Ski Jumping Pairsyoutube thumb

>> No. 183941
Out of curiosity, which LPer did you watch for Bioshock?
>> No. 183990
I want this guy commentating on all sports.
>> No. 183999
>A helicopter has just entered the battlefield
>False alarm, they're out of here
And my sides went with them.

Thank you, Tiki, I needed to laugh until I choked on my own throat. Wow.
>> No. 184012
No problem, his videos are great.

Winback Gameplay and Commentaryyoutube thumb
>> No. 184040
reading a telltale walking dead thread over in reg /co/. Preparing ones backside for the path Best Friends will likely take.
>> No. 184041
File 138738995859.jpg - (129.63KB , 1278x720 , thedarkestsoul.jpg )
Jeff Green playing Dark Souls:
A whole lot of Green, not a lot of Dark Souls.
>> No. 184043
So this is what Mat and Patt said Plague was doing on the podcast.

Huge Quest!youtube thumb
>> No. 184068
Miss Jamball plays Dark Souls: "YOU ARE HUGE. THAT MEANS YOU HAVE HUGE GUTS."

I've never seen someone tackle Dark Souls like this. She named her character "Mad Cunt the Destroyer" and she is LIVING UP TO THE NAME. http://www.twitch.tv/miss_jamball/c/3371813 is a good sample.

Yesterday's stream had her running into Havel again (happens around 50 minutes in?) and oh my GOD.
>> No. 184095
I was catching up on the Two Souls LP, when I found out part 13 was removed a couple days ago on the grounds of containing content from Arab Reach Media.

So are they completely making that up and is there anywhere I can get a mirror?
>> No. 184099
>> No. 184160
File 138750434541.png - (6.98KB , 68x181 , 124978108469.png )
>Yakuza 4, Best Friends 3
>THAT phone call with Hana
>> No. 184168
>> No. 184170
File 138750940277.jpg - (28.77KB , 610x300 , Yakuza-4-Screens_09-24-09.jpg )
Shun Akiyama, the player character is a scum bag, like way more than people remember when initially playing the game.

In the scene Rodyle is referring to he laughs off his associates fears that she might be raped because he considers her too ugly for anyone to consider raping.
>> No. 184171
There are multiple player characters in the game isn't there?
>> No. 184172
Yes, but he's the first.
>> No. 184183
Wow. Guess I'll check it out to see how the boys handle it.
>> No. 184186
>> No. 184197
File 138756017047.jpg - (50.21KB , 473x320 , oh god.jpg )
Oh man. Good thing I have no life to plan for.
>> No. 184244
Jeff Windjammer is so boring to watch stop making it take up slots in everything.
>> No. 184263
Basically they go "WOW WHAT A SCUMBAG"
>> No. 184267
File 138766391514.jpg - (37.16KB , 640x360 , mv_jeff_20131220_800_mp4_snapshot_01_35_00_[2013_1.jpg )
This was a great Jar Time. Last few minutes were heavy as fuck.
>> No. 184298
>Last few minutes were heavy as fuck.
Is it Ryanchat? I don't think I can handle Ryanchat.
>> No. 184326
KILL RUSSELL CROWE! Ryse: Son …youtube thumb
>> No. 184327

Silent Hill Shattered Memories…youtube thumb

Welp, this aught to be a short run.
>> No. 184333
Best Friends Play I Have No Mo…youtube thumb
>> No. 184336
>> No. 184367
>Giant Bomb Day 3
>Best New Thing Category is taken by Thing That Isn't New At All

Last of Us was a good thing. There was nothing new about it. Old story, old gameplay style, typical presentation. It's all EXECUTED really well, but it beating out shit like Papers Please or Gunpoint is insane.
>> No. 184368
File 138804137962.jpg - (135.01KB , 703x960 , 1535636_720739634605838_1836805819_n.jpg )
Oh you guys. :3
>> No. 184369
Also, christmas games?
Super Best Friends Play Christmas Games!youtube thumb
>> No. 184454
The psychotic politicking of the Giant Bomb debates was amazing. Highlights include:

-Jeff somehow conning everyone into putting Proteus on the best looking game list
-Alex declaring Brad to have gone mad when he starts talking up DOTA as the actual GOTY
-"Gunpoint, rope a dope"
-Jeff responding to Patrick's betrayal of everything Japanese America stands for with "why are you giving up the DREAM"
-Vinny voting Ride to Hell as the worst game of the year because he doesn't even want RIPD to win an award for worst game "I want that game to not exist anymore"
-Jeff managing to sneak Divekick on the actual Top 10
-Vinny's horror at the idea of a Game of the Generation podcast (I hope Jeff was not kidding because I can imagine this just starting with 30 minutes of the sound of knives sharpening)

It was good.
>> No. 184472
Two Best Friends Play Walking Dead Season 2youtube thumb

Prepare for the legend of the greatest badass in all of zombie killing, coming soon.
>> No. 184477
File 138840769633.jpg - (114.35KB , 845x946 , badass_clementine_by_flare_chaser-d6yrorf_png.jpg )
The Beach Boys - Problem Child [HQ]youtube thumb

>> No. 184478
Oh the cringing has already begun! Clemcore hardest of all Hardcore. Oh the talk around the best friends table will be of Clem owning Garbage most assuredly.
>> No. 184485
I really wanna argue for Elle but holy shit Clem is the most beastly juice drinking child this side of the undead playground.

AC/DC Problem Child (with lyrics)youtube thumb
>> No. 184487
File 138843216474.jpg - (232.34KB , 850x1417 , saejin_oh_crossover.jpg )
I want Clementine and Ellie to go on zombie-busting adventures together.
>> No. 184488
As Lee looks down with pride, between bouts of hurling boats at Kenny.
>> No. 184491
I am fucking baffled at Game Grumps being even slightly unsettled by Shattered Memories, one of the lamest games ever made.
>> No. 184492
probably just playing it up for kicks.
>> No. 184493
Oh for sure, it's Game Grumps, but even so.
>> No. 184501
The I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream game seems interesting so far, I had no idea it was so different from the story. What a strange thing.
>> No. 184509
Yea I love they are actually talking about the game and the story. Harlin is an interesting fella.
>> No. 184515
Let's Plague: I Have No Mouth …youtube thumb
>> No. 184528

>Best Friendscast episode 21
>That entire Gone Home section
>> No. 184531
one of the better discussions I've heard on it.
>> No. 184532
Let's Drown Out... Blue Stingeryoutube thumb

Let's Drown Out... Just Cause 2youtube thumb

More Yahtzee and friend Gabriel Drowning out games.
>> No. 184544
File 138854226565.png - (413.84KB , 578x868 , 1346114844499.png )

This is why they are THE BEST.
>> No. 184551
>> No. 184602
>> No. 184612
Two Best Sisters Play - PKMN Snapyoutube thumb

This is some lovingly rendered nonsense.
>> No. 184614
>> No. 184619
File 13887767516.jpg - (38.17KB , 420x420 , tumblr_mpb2ntB1AV1r4vyabo1_500.jpg )
>People thinking Gorrister is a good guy in the I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream TBFP part 4 video

I know Youtube comments are regularly gross but thinking Gorrister is a good guy is shockingly disgusting even for Youtube.
>> No. 184649
Wait till Nimdok comes up to the plate, that's gonna be fun.
>> No. 184654

Guys it's Sonic time.
>> No. 184655

HEy prof I've been watching your let's plays of Tomb Raider since after new year and I've been enjoying them a lot.

Your friends are funny and I can really only hope your play more of it with them.

You guys should totally play Last of Us next, since theat's a little similar to TR.

I would suggest you guys Playing either MGS3 or Revengeance, but

A) I don't know your video recording setup so I wouldn't you playing MGR on an inferior platform.
B)Konami is being dicks when it comes to their own content.

But really your next play you should be those three(I'm also tempted to ask if you can play DMC4, but I don't know your skill levels yet to tell if you can pull cuhrazy moves...)
>> No. 184659
Let's Ramble With Rae: Long Li…youtube thumb

I'm really enjoying your Sonic LP, just as I enjoyed your Mario party 8 one.
>> No. 184660
Ohhh Princess Maker Nostalgia
>> No. 184664
The next playthrough we're doing will be Bioshock Infinite, actually! That's coming soon, we already have footage recorded. I just need to chop it up. It was actually recorded a while ago, I just wanted to clear up all of the Tomb Raider footage before I started uploading a new playthrough. Next time I can get the group together, we're most likely going to do a Mario Party 4 game as well. There's more Sonic coming too and while I'd like to do a Rising playthrough, I don't actually own the game yet. It's a pain that Konami is being so hard on their content because I DID want to run through Zone of the Enders.

As for Devil May Cry, I WOULD like to find the HD collection and do all three games, but that's just talking right now. As it stands, Sonic and Infinite are coming soon and the next game is most likely Mario Party 4. Stay tuned!
>> No. 184673
AMERICAN LEGO!!! - Lego Marvel…youtube thumb
It's so fun to piss off Woolie, it seems.
>> No. 184678
File 138901469899.jpg - (28.06KB , 480x272 , 20131109213236_0_bmp[1].jpg )
Thanks to Caphi's SRW's Z2-1 LP, I've been having a magical time the last few days.
>> No. 184679
That game would be the only reason of getting a psp for me.
Also, do you have a link for those?
>> No. 184680

PSP emulation is supposed to be pretty much functional at this point, but I don't really see the point in bothering since it's in Japanese, unless of course you speak Japanese.
>> No. 184683
Don't worry, I actually beat the first alpha game back in 2000, and I don't know jack about japanese.
And I played the first Z game but my savefiles never stopped getting corrupted (pirated games I guess).
And I never finished MX, which I'll do. Eventually.
>> No. 184688
Well I mean, no doubt, but what's the point if you don't know what's going on? Most of the fun is seeing what weird ways this crossover bullshit affects the series included.
>> No. 184691
Simple Simon Special - Bill Bailey Part 1youtube thumb
So this was just recommended to me... HOLY FUCK! WAT?
>> No. 184735
Super Drake Tracker 2000 EX was submitted to the IGF after getting an arty French makeover in order to appeal to the jerks who nominated Bientot L’ete for the Nuovo Award and not The Stanley Parable.
>> No. 184737
full story
>> No. 184750
Let's Drown Out... Final Fightyoutube thumb

Good stuff and some life lessons.
>> No. 184787
Something Awful forums have finally lifted the paywall!
The agony is over for another couple of weeks!
>> No. 184790
Oh, look at you, with your starry-eyed optimism. <3
>> No. 184812
With the paywall down, I STRONGLY suggest ya'll read that SRW Z-2 LP I linked, that game rules.
>> No. 184814
File 138950386255.png - (925.61KB , 1223x869 , p3y39[1].png )

>> No. 184822

Brand new playthrough begins!
>> No. 184823
>This game makes the bold statement...that racism is bad!
>> No. 184843
2 Best Friends Play: Lucas Kan…youtube thumb
>> No. 184848
>> No. 184876

I have no idea why the audio is so iffy... Sorry about that!
>> No. 184887
Friendcast Mailbag! Week #1youtube thumb
It's mail time!

>> No. 184897
>> No. 184937
Hey Doc. Professor, I'd like to you to play Mario RPG and Dead Rising sometime in the future.
>> No. 185021
File 139050155254.png - (18.12KB , 108x180 , gorrister.png )
I don't know if anyone has been watching the new TBFP I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream playthrough, but this Gorrister guy they've started to play as looks really awesome. He isn't an asshole like Benny, Ted, or that dumb slut Ellen. I can't wait to see more of this manly likable guy in future videos.
>> No. 185022
File 139050407964.png - (88.39KB , 250x309 , tumblr_m9w0f28ia51qbd2euo3_250.png )
Posts like this are why you're the king.
>> No. 185029
>calling a rape victim a dumb slut
Stay classy bro.
>> No. 185031
File 139051398051.jpg - (128.92KB , 600x811 , 2588660-scoopslunkin.jpg )
Spelunkin' With Scoops: 01/06/2014youtube thumb
Spelunkin' With Scoops: 01/07/2014youtube thumb
Spelunkin' With Scoops: 01/08/2014youtube thumb
Spelunkin' With Scoops: 01/09/2014youtube thumb
Spelunkin' With Scoops: 01/10/2014youtube thumb
Spelunkin' With Scoops: 01/13/2014youtube thumb
Spelunkin' With Scoops: 01/01/2014youtube thumb
Spelunkin' With Scoops: 01/15/2014youtube thumb
http://youtube.com/watch?v=8KGeMg9E4rwyoutube thumb
http://youtube.com/watch?v=XoGNv7HGXXoyoutube thumb
http://youtube.com/watch?v=gl5wvkxeCd8youtube thumb
http://youtube.com/watch?v=K9bkXthj_q4youtube thumb
I didn't think I'd be enjoying this series as much as I did, but I'm glad that I am. Sure there are times when Patrick does some dumb stuff, makes mistakes, but he really gets better over time; shows a lot of improvement and gets some pretty good advice from Max Temkin and friends. Heck, just from watching this series everyday I was able to beat my first game of Spelunky a couple of days ago (but that probably says more about my less-than-good Spelunky-playing ability).
>> No. 185032
Sonic Adventure: Descent into Madness! Part 1youtube thumb

Taking it slow and making Sonic fans salty.
>> No. 185033
Let's Play Bioshock Infinite Part 4youtube thumb

>> No. 185044
Good thing there are no games coming out or Brad's Demon's Souls addiction will be the thing to finally truly break him. (Didn't even watch it, yet, but there's another one already!? Whaaat?)
>> No. 185047
I saw it live. In this, Brad learns the valuable lesson of "trust only messages on the ground, not known liar and scoundrel Vinny 'Hit the Sword' Caravella."

I wanted to die most of this stream.
>> No. 185048
>I wanted to die most of this stream.
Seems like a regular episode of Breaking Brad to me. And yet we keep coming back.
>> No. 185049
>I wanted to die most of this stream.
Seems like a regular episode of Breaking Brad to me. And yet we keep coming back.
>> No. 185050
Let's Play Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Part 4youtube thumb

Weird for some reason it's not letting people pick anything above 360p.
>> No. 185051
Well it definitely wasn't as painful as watching him play Rust on UPF. I think I was more annoyed by this one than usual in light of him doing actually quite well in 1-1 until Vinny led him into dragons and me being more familiar with the game than I am with his usual fare.

I may have also been annoyed because I had no idea fists counted as blunt weapons. Watching him punch those skeletons was ridiculous.
>> No. 185052
Let's Ramble With Rae: Long Li…youtube thumb

That abrupt end was on purpose?
>> No. 185053
I thought uproarious laughter to immediate panic was funny.
>> No. 185055
Latest Unprofessional Friday made me realize just how badly they need a Ryan on camera while Vinny is on controls. It also made me realize how much I missed Vinny on controls.
>> No. 185067
>mfw that's how I feel about PewDePie or TobyGames

god I hate Toby. Just something about him makes me want to dislike him
>> No. 185070
Friendcast Mailbag 2!youtube thumb

Oh, I thought it was just youtube fucking up the video.
>> No. 185087
Let's Play Bioshock Infinite Part 5youtube thumb

SORRY THE SOUND IS SO MESSED UP. A few more parts like this and then it'll all sound better!
>> No. 185089
I was just about to comment on that. The shouting can be more than jarring at times.
>> No. 185127
Let's Marathon Tales of Xillia Part 1youtube thumb

>> No. 185139
SAY Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!
>> No. 185143
Wait, that's Nurse?
>> No. 185156
Let's Play Bioshock Infinite Part 6youtube thumb

Again, sorry about the audio quality. I tried to fix it, but it's just the way the audio recorded. Part 8 is the last one with messed up audio.
>> No. 185159
Sonic Unleashed - Spindash Quicklooksyoutube thumb

That ending. Though they do have to admit that the game even gave them a big pop-up that said "Something's going on in Mazuri!"
>> No. 185167
yeah thats what my voice is like ahaha its so weird to hear it
>> No. 185171

Full LP by the Freelance Astronauts coming soon!
>> No. 185172
That they actually reference the Astronauts is not what I expected when I posted this.
>> No. 185186
Does yours sound the same to you as it does when you hear it from another source? Mine is at least three octaves higher than what it sounds like to me.
>> No. 185187
Everyone sounds deeper to themselves than they actually sound. The vibration of your skull adds a lof of bass to your voice.
>> No. 185189
File 139116541879.png - (469.97KB , 849x397 , welp.png )
Maaaan, they were doing great until I saw this
>> No. 185192
I can accept this in light of Vlambeerios and Totall Biscuits (Extra Dry!)
>> No. 185193
I totally understand you.
My voice also feels to weird to hear as well, specially now that I'm with a podcast...

Same here.
>> No. 185202
Okay its been one of my bashful points in going into getting a mic and doing stuff again.
>> No. 185204
File 139119639682.gif - (324.18KB , 250x141 , threwitoutthewindow.gif )
On the bright side, you can easily grab every single one of those boxes and toss them where no one will ever see them again.
>> No. 185216
File 139126961566.gif - (1.54MB , 400x286 , 2566169-0168380769-alpac[1].gif )
That was a fucking fantastic UPF.
>> No. 185221
File 139127624275.jpg - (52.91KB , 640x360 , mc_upf_013114_whi_800_mp4_snapshot_01_12_00_[2014_.jpg )
Seeing that one dude's shitty games made me wonder. Seems like the only way to enjoy shitty games is to watch others play them. You don't actually want to play a shitty game the way you wanna watch a shitty movie. So it doesn't seem to be possible for a videogame equivalent of something like Troma to thrive. You just gotta hope for some hobbyist to make a weird-ass shitty game, put it out there AND someone find it and play it.
>> No. 185251
BENNY A SELLOUT?! Killer Insti…youtube thumb
Oh Max, you silly.
And good on Double Helix for having the ball to not give classic Saberwolf pants by default.
Now we can all injoy his furry pride~
Also WEEK OF! SPINAL - Part 1 Killer Instinctyoutube thumb
>> No. 185280
Night Trap: Watch Out Behind Y…youtube thumb

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Live action Sega CD games.
i was kinda hoping that people would forget this happened till I stared doing lets plays. Then again I say a lot of stuff, but have no way of doing them. There's one game I found that I would like to do a Let's Play. Oh well.
>> No. 185286
Let's Play Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Part 5youtube thumb
More Sonic! Next time, we get more Tales.
>> No. 185294
File 139151316683.gif - (1.63MB , 314x163 , 1370338074676.gif )
>it's gonna be a Vinny podcast again
>> No. 185295
>Crazy long Vinny/Drew/Patrick/Brad/Dave/Will Smith podcast
This is all I wanted from life.
>> No. 185296
TotalBiscuit is the Prettiest …youtube thumb
TotalBiscuit is the Prettiest …youtube thumb

Heh another Princess play.
>> No. 185304
File 13915447335.jpg - (94.21KB , 640x480 , charfith.jpg )
>dem thumbnails
Genna always sounds like a teenage girl, so it's really surprising whenever I see a picture of her and see that she clearly isn't, even though it clearly shouldn't.
>> No. 185308
I want to check bombcast, but I don't know where to begin.
Any suggestions?
Also, maiiiilbag!
Friendcast Mailbag 3!youtube thumb

I'm enjoying this one as well.
Let's Ramble With Rae: Long Li…youtube thumb
>> No. 185318
Was listening to Friendcast and Woolie said "hey man, Sega and Yogscast, you never know!"


>> No. 185319
Let's Marathon Tales of Xillia Part 2youtube thumb

oh hey look more Xillia from me and Doc. i wanted to beat him to this post ahahaha
>> No. 185321
File 139167871253.gif - (1.82MB , 200x172 , 1365098364340.gif )
20 seconds into the latest Bombcast and I can already tell this is going to be the greatest thing ever.
>> No. 185322

Someone turned Vinny into a video game
>> No. 185348
I love that when Jeff's out of town it's like the parents are away and everyone throws a party. Podcast was amazing, haven't watch the Puppy Stream but apparently this exchange happens:
>Danny: I was doing a stream of Haotoful Boyfriend
>Rory: You were playing how to fool boyfriend?
>> No. 185370
File 139186649667.gif - (953.11KB , 330x300 , 1390056743617.gif )
>watch Giant Bomb video
>can't hear shit
>video is over
>forget to crank the volume way down again
>start up something else
>I can no longer hear. My ears, they are dead.
>> No. 185371
So I finally finished every TBFP LP to date and I've been kinda starved for more.

I'm even considering watching GG in between updates, I know they're not as funny but does anyone have any highlights of their stuff?
>> No. 185372
Endurance Run: Persona 4 - Part 01youtube thumb
Here's one of the best LPs ever created. It should last you for quite some time.
>> No. 185373
Have to say, Gabriel has really surprised me. When he first started out doing these with Yahtzee, he came across as kind of a tool... but he's really shown himself to be a very intelligent man, and an excellent foil for Yahtzee's sardonic wit.
>> No. 185374
Have to say, Gabriel has really surprised me. When he first started out doing these with Yahtzee, he came across as kind of a tool... but he's really shown himself to be a very intelligent man, and an excellent foil for Yahtzee's sardonic wit.
>> No. 185386
Already seen it.
>> No. 185402
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance…youtube thumb

Saltier than the seven seas.
>> No. 185403
Let's Play And Also Drown Out Space Quest 3youtube thumb
Let's Drown Out... Minecraftyoutube thumb
Let's Drown Out... WWF No Mercyyoutube thumb

More Drowning Out.
>> No. 185417
Let's Play Bioshock Infinite Part 7youtube thumb
Led Zeppelin
>> No. 185423
File 139206934015.jpg - (125.28KB , 688x387 , screen-2 (1).jpg )
And the paywall is back up.
>> No. 185431
Back up? Ah hell, I didn't even know it was down!

I really need to pay attention to this stuff...
>> No. 185442
Let's Play Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Part 6youtube thumb
Multiplayer is a trainwreck
>> No. 185448
Friendcast Mailbag #4youtube thumb
Now that's a lot of stuff there.
>> No. 185449
Oh, /v/.
>> No. 185454
File 139222303610.png - (337.40KB , 442x574 , 1392161138552.png )
>the sound quality in the latest Friendcast as they scream their microphone to shit
>> No. 185458
Ahaha they sent Liam fucking Gacha Gacha of all things, that's amazing.
>> No. 185459
Well I sure spoke too soon in terms of how weird that mailbag got.
>> No. 185476
Let's Marathon Tales of Xillia Part 3youtube thumb

>> No. 185487
>latest Bombcast
>"I was busy mowing yards to get money for a Playstation"
Oh man, Brad got his Playstation the same way I did. I don't know why that was so weird to hear to me.
>> No. 185488
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z: Gi…youtube thumb

Professor Caravella presents Dragonball 101.
>> No. 185489
File 13923037901.png - (37.32KB , 617x572 , ryan goku.png )
>> No. 185537
The Lion King - Game Grumpsyoutube thumb

Nothing says Valentine's Day like a super-hard Disney game.
>> No. 185554
Dave Lang. Making awful things amazing one Patrick feature at a time.
>> No. 185578
Punch-Out!!: Need a Hug? - PAR…youtube thumb

Danny finally learned how to duck and he didn't even realize it.
>> No. 185606
Let's Marathon Tales of Xillia Part 4youtube thumb
Guys Ivar is terrible don't be fans of Ivar.
>> No. 185610
Strider Week - Strider Arcade!youtube thumb
>> No. 185636
Let's Play Bioshock Infinite Part 8youtube thumb
Part 8

Let's Play Bioshock Infinite Part 9youtube thumb
>> No. 185637
>Pat and Woolie referring to Yuna as a strong character
I... what?

At least they're amongst the 20 people on the face of the planet that remember that FF7, and Cloud in particular, is not the same thing as Advent Children.
>> No. 185650
They may have ment FF10-2 Yuna.
>> No. 185651
They did not, they have mentioned numerous times how much they hate FF10-2.

Yuna was a strong character, not in the sense physical strength but of dignity and quite intellect and resolve.
>> No. 185660
File 139284853359.jpg - (1.18MB , 2658x1494 , 005.jpg )
Giant Bomb Unprofessional Frid…youtube thumb
Man, these local multiplayer games are looking way more appealing than any major title coming out lately.
>> No. 185667
Most likely they just meant that Yuna has strong character in comparison to anyone from FF13.

Relativity and all.
>> No. 185669
That would make more sense.
>> No. 185678
File 139290846684.jpg - (213.12KB , 1168x431 , greatnessatanycost.jpg )
Greatness awaits
>> No. 185682
Punch-Out!!: Soda Pop - PART 8 - Game Grumpsyoutube thumb

Danny has yet to grasp that the direction you dodge in matters in this game.
>> No. 185690
Let's Marathon Tales of Xillia Part 5youtube thumb
Doc and Nurse's super fun time adventures yeah~
>> No. 185702
WTF Research : TB &amp; Genna …youtube thumb
WTF Research : TB &amp; Genna …youtube thumb

My new favorite LP series stuff.
>> No. 185727
Friendcast Mailbag #5!youtube thumb
Also, Strider week was a huge success!
>> No. 185728
File 139322243477.jpg - (42.19KB , 1280x720 , jontron nuts.jpg )
Home Alone Games - JonTronyoutube thumb

Time to nut up, /cog/.
>> No. 185735
Let's Play Bioshock Infinite Part 10youtube thumb
>> No. 185742
Super Best Friends Play Pokemo…youtube thumb
>> No. 185750


Two, two shitty games! Ah-ah-ah-ah.
>> No. 185758
Let's Marathon Tales of Xillia Part 6youtube thumb
>> No. 185762
File 13934463663.jpg - (56.03KB , 500x477 , 1336513763645.jpg )
>latest bombcast
>Jeff and Brad about to rip each others throats out over that Plants vs Zombies shooter
>> No. 185807
Let's Play Bioshock Infinite Part 11youtube thumb
>> No. 185870
Let's Ramble With Rae: Long Li…youtube thumb
Hopefully we'll see more of them in the future.
>> No. 185946
Let's Ramble With Rae: Soul Reaver 2, Part1youtube thumb
>> No. 185956
File 139414525874.png - (845.10KB , 956x540 , Risingboyshorts.png )
Friendcast Mailbag 6-B!youtube thumb

I'm so glad they do the mailbag because I can't think of anything funnier than this.
>> No. 185959
>Those last few gifts
Jesus Christ. Some people have a lot of disposable income.

Sure wish I did cause I would totally send them stuff like that.
>> No. 185975
Dadcast is the best pseudo-GB content
>> No. 185981
That was quite possibly the most unprofessional friday in Giant Bomb history.
>> No. 185982
Goddamn, Liam's on fire in this one.
>> No. 186000
Let's Play Metroid Prime Part 1youtube thumb
>> No. 186017
Let's Marathon Tales of Xillia Part 7youtube thumb
This mountain is bullshit there are moths EVERYWHERE
>> No. 186046
File 139463236064.jpg - (46.32KB , 600x450 , 1286749768263.jpg )
Something Awful is open for free public again. Time to lurk the Let's Play section and use up bandwidth.

Just thought people here might want to know.
>> No. 186048
Unsubscribed from pretty much all Youtube channels I'm following to avoid Dark Souls 2 spoilers, since I'm mustard disgrace and all. These are going to be 2 very long months.
>> No. 186059
Oh jesus christ, I have so much shit to catch up on...
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