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181567 No. 181567

I love reading stuff like this. Leaked betas, objects left in the game that go unused, previews that have different details than the final game, so forth. Even though I'm not the one discovering it, it feels as though I'm doing a combination of discovering pirate treasure and CIA classified files, especially when someone finds something that just goes off the rails, like Arwings being in Ocarina of Time.

Anyone else got good sites for info like this? In particular, this site focuses on stuff left over in a game or leaked betas, not on details discussed for games that were changed in the final product. For instance, in Bioshock Infinite they originally said you'd have to switch out Vigors like you do weapons, and that the skyrails would be used to move throughout the game, where the final product used them as fast-travel to certain points or just in a limited area.
>> No. 181568
...Shit. I had some Sonic Adventure beta shots, for instance Sonic and Tails flying the Tornado and fighting a dragon robot in mid-air, but now I can't seem to find them.
>> No. 181570

For some reason, I'm fascinated by the early development of Donkey Kong 64.
>> No. 181574
Unreleased Crusader Game footageyoutube thumb
Someone was actually making a Crusader game for PSP but it was scrapped

One of the reasons I miss old magazines I've got pics of generations of DNF footage in that stuff.
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