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File 138108292430.jpg - (336.74KB , 1200x600 , What are you playing.jpg )
181359 No. 181359
An old man plays piano. It’s a very sad sounding song. It’s missing some of it’s notes and the meanings lost in the playing. Tired hands forgetting their places more often nowadays. But still he plays. Through will he conquers the ever closing fog of time and plays on. And it only makes the old song sadder. Where is the impetuous youth that would sing it at the top of his lungs with all his might behind it? Now? Just an old man, fumbling with keys.
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>> No. 181374
File 138111285539.png - (313.03KB , 720x214 , a-link-between-worlds-screenshot-comparison.png )
>> No. 181377
OP reminds me that these old IPs need to be retired.
Isn't that what Miyamoto wanted when he resigned to his current position? To let the new generations come in and do their creating?
Now all they do is revive heroes who should be long resting.
>> No. 181379
Except when Nintendo does something new like Wonderful 101 no one buys it.
>> No. 181383
Ironic, isn't it?
>> No. 181384
File 138112356383.png - (19.31KB , 498x706 , gamers galore.png )
Seriously. Nintendo has a shit load of IPs, many of which are actually pretty recent. But seeing as no one buys them, they often decide to take a concept and attach a well known character to it like Kirby Mass Attack or basically every Mario spinoff.
>> No. 181387

This seriously.

The worst part about sequels/remakes is that they can be bad. They can be downright atrocious. They can disrespect the source in all of its forms and fail to even be what they set out to do. But none of that matters: cause the fact companies use the name means it'll spark interest. Even if that interest is angry ranting fans? It's still INTEREST. There's still BUZZ being made for your game/movie/etc. That's what makes them so insidious. People KNOW that remakes and sequels are generally bad. People KNOW that companies do them simply for the marquee value but it doesn't matter. Because it's easier to market an existing property because the buzz and the community creates itself.

Welcome to sad reality.
>> No. 181388

Although I should also maybe preface this by saying that Wonderful 101's lack of success stems from other factors as well!

First of all, it's on the WiiU. Yep. Do I really gotta explain more there?

Second of all it's definitely more of a traditional old school type action game. A genre that's had SOME attention on the Wii (Mad World) but the Wii was marketed by Nintendo as a nice alternative console for the family to play with nifty wii-mote controls. The "casual" stigma hasn't really left Nintendo because of it and thus people who might otherwise totally be interested in W101 got turned off by it being on the WiiU. And those who might've BOUGHT a WiiU cause they liked the Wii probably thought the game was too difficult for them.

I applaud Nintendo for letting Platinum do their thing to hopefully win some points for a crowd of gamers who they've repeatedly shown no interest in helping before but yea. I don't think W101 alone was gonna make them come crawling back.

Not to mention the game got some really shitty advertising. I didn't even know what it was or that it was being made until like a month before its release.
>> No. 181390
You know, I'd say that that the videogame industry has a better good/shit ratio than the movie industry at making sequels. Just look at any TOP GAMES EVER list and you will find that a lot (if not most) of the picks are sequels, whereas the same isn't true with similar lists about films.

OTOH, the movie industry has the advantage at remakes. Yes, most of them are crap, but the few of the that are good actually offer a new experience that not only builds on the original but surpasses it. In vidya remakes, at best you are replaying the same old game with sleeker graphcis and some added bonus content, whoop-dee-fuckin-doo.
>> No. 181399
A Link Between Worlds is non-linear and that gives me a boner.

This thread is about Zelda right?
>> No. 181401
I read the OP and I honestly had no clue what this thread was about.
>> No. 181402
This Grantland article about the promise of change the original Wind Waker release brought to the series and how it was ultimately rejected is brilliant.


I think this is why Wind Waker has such a soft spot in my heart, despite its flaws. In terms of story and visuals, Wind Waker tried to break players' perceptions on what a Zelda game can be. Unfortunately, Twilight Princess went back to the series roots--or, to be more specific--back to Ocarina of Time. Then Skyward Sword just tried to embody everything with nothing unique of its own and as the Grantland article said, "attempted a prequel origin story that answered questions no one was asking (wherever did the Master Sword come from?)."
>> No. 181411
Well, Wind Waker did get two proper proper sequels.
>> No. 181412
File 138118781321.jpg - (7.50KB , 250x250 , Wear your Feels.jpg )
>Not being able to hug Grandma after coming home.
>> No. 181418
File 138119359853.jpg - (1.53MB , 1500x2000 , 1311227703984.jpg )
This guy's article is mostly just retroactive sentiment and a glorification of anything deviating from what he considers the absolute shit that is OoT-Zelda.
>> No. 181419
If I already had a Wii U, I'd get WWHD, but WWHD is not enough to make me buy a Wii U. Link Between Worlds sounds interesting enough that I miiiiiight pre-order, especially with the non-linearity. Sequence-breaking has been a big thing in the Zelda series, though it's usually hampered by the fact that some scenes won't play out until prior dungeons are complete. So now that there is no sequence to break, it will be interesting to see how things play out. Could events change depending on the order you do the dungeons? That would be so awesome, but unlikely.

And we don't know anything about this other World yet, right? They've confirmed it's not the Dark World, but said nothing more.

And I guess I'm in the minority, thinking SS is the best Zelda game. Flying was only slightly less annoying than boating, but I thought everything else was superb.

Let's see how Destiny does. Bungie is a studio that is well known for creating Halo, so if Destiny sells like shit but Halo 5 continues the trend of breaking series records then we know the image holds.
>> No. 181427
He doesn't say a single bad thing about Ocarina of Time (or Majora's Mask).
>> No. 181447
The article completely ignores the portable games and 4SA.
>> No. 181463
File 13812714039.jpg - (115.72KB , 620x372 , zeldalbw.jpg )

Yeah, this is def the Dark World.
>> No. 181474
It's probably named something else.
>> No. 181480
It might have a lot of aesthetics of the Dark World, but IIRC that was destroyed at the end of LttP. Perhaps someone else gained entrance and corrupted the Sacred Realm?
>> No. 181484
Anyway, I'm playing LTTP right now on my phone to keep me occupied on my commute.

Does anyone else find the English odd? Like the translation's just a bit off. It all tends to read more like an old textbook than like dialogue. It's one of the reasons why I could just never get into this game.
>> No. 181487
I don't recall any of the games from the era being particularly poetic. Even most of the Square JRPGs tended to be a little bare bones.
>> No. 181490
Yeah, the older games tended to be more direct. The flourishing words we got in later games was from even heavier emphasis on the story as well as far better translation efforts.
>> No. 181493
Like others are saying, it's just a sad fact about 1990's video games. Even something as quirky and silly as Earthbound had a very "written" feel to the text in it.

There are a couple of reasons for that. First space was at a premium in those days, and in text-heavy games, dialog could actually make up a reasonable portion of it. LttP was only about 1 MB in size, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are games out now that have much more than 1 MB of dialog. So there was a very strong emphasis on economy of language, rather than personality-laden dialogue.

Secondly, a lot of the translators that were working in that time just straight up weren't that great. Even the ones that spoke Japanese pretty well and were given plenty of time and budget to do a good job sometimes just weren't that good at English dialog. Even knowing what, in general, you want to say thanks to working from a foreign language original, you still need to be a decent writer to make good dialog. There were a few people who were good at that sort of thing, and managed to really inject some personality into their translations, like Ted Woosley, but even they had to grapple with the size issue that forced them to use more brevity and beige prose than the situation necessarily called for.

But finally, video games just weren't the crazy lucrative business that they are nowadays. Kids who did play video games would play just about anything you threw at them, so there wasn't a strong need to excel, which meant a lot of people didn't bother.
>> No. 181542
I'd say the weakest part of this article is how it dismisses the role of gameplay and structure in a fairly gameplay-centric series. The ending is the only thing he points out as differentiating it from the others, and to me that seems like it was less as a deliberate choice and more just "Whoops, we ran out of time for art assets, better find an excuse not to render the restored Hyrule." Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword also did seem to do pretty well in terms of story, but just focusing on different things.

TP mostly kind of shoved Zelda to the side, though she didn't seem to in distress so much as just stuck with her hands tied while her kingdom falls around her. A lot of it was characterizing the Bulbin and Twili for some reason, I think trying to pull a redemptive theme with it. There was also the other heroes in the Resistance, the Hero's Spirit, and Link's life back in Ordon all contributing to make Link seem like a fairly ordinary if crucially placed and heroic guy at least as much as in WW.

Skyward Sword also tried to tie side characters into the main story more, with stuff like Groose, and what happened with the fortuneteller. It even had Zelda go on her own side-adventure, though admittedly in addition to being trapped the whole time. Actually, putting this together with Wind Waker, does that mean the Goddess spirit that gave up her immortality to become Zelda was also freed and went back to deity stuff, or did something else happen with her?

So anyway, they didn't go with the same kind of ending, but I don't really see how that was so much of an innovation. Now Tingle's Rosy Rupee Land, that could've shaken things up. If you want games that don't focus on Link's recurring destiny, give some love to a title the focuses on another character, or even other franchises that take inspiration from the series. How many games actually pick up Zelda-like mechanics without leaning so hard on being a homage they might as well be a parody?

It mentions and dismisses them very briefly.

I don't think I played RPGs much back then, and even only played LTTP on Game Boy, mostly because I didn't have an SNES. But what I read in video games didn't tend to bother me too much, I think. Though I also enjoy reading actual old textbooks, so there's that too.
>> No. 181612
File 13815190304.jpg - (42.51KB , 960x540 , BWUZNN9CIAAWVEw.jpg )
>> No. 181618
There's already porn.
>> No. 181621
Surprised it took so long.
>> No. 181622
>The other "World" is called "Lorule"


Oh ho, I just noticed the Hilda's flap has the inverted Triforce, the same symbol found on the sword of Demise. Wonder if this is connecting the two...
>> No. 181623
Wait, I mean:
>> No. 181624

Deku people
>> No. 181625
File 138153227928.png - (10.18KB , 768x682 , DELETEME.png )
>> No. 181626
Clearly you're using Lorule's sword. Also that Inverted Triforce was in Majora's Mask too, in Ikana's Stone Tower I think.
>> No. 181627
Too late the joke is ruined.
>> No. 181628
Also on Demise's Sword.
Polarity is a huge theme in Zelda.
>> No. 181632
Either that, or using the butterfly net is mandatory this time.
>> No. 181635
Also, Hilda says "your Link is superb." So does she have her own Link? Is he a slacker?
>> No. 181637
All she has is Sabrina
>> No. 181638
Maybe some balanced-but-still-evil-somehow person got a wish from the triforce, and asked for a world without Link so as to avoid his meddling?
Also, it seems like there's basically a woman version of Ganon?
>> No. 181639
Her own Link is TV Link.
>> No. 181640
File 138154663133.png - (469.82KB , 706x600 , 706px-Twinrovasisters.png )
I'd say she's more like a Gerudo witch like Kotake and Koume
>> No. 181641
No one gives a fuck about new things anymore. It sucks but that's the way it is.
>> No. 181642
Did you honestly believe that shit?
>> No. 181643
People who complain about the continued success of old IPs are the video game equivalent of people who refuse to listen to music from bands once they get record contracts.
>> No. 181645
It held true for so long... yes.
>> No. 181653
File 138156420232.jpg - (35.14KB , 470x273 , Right there.jpg )
Majora's Mask is actually on the wall in Ravu's shop. If that was all he was referring to though, then I'll be sad.
>> No. 181655
Typical current-age gamer, caring more about aesthetics than mechanics.
>> No. 181657
I liked how they kept that in mind and all tha games that come after LttP's time tine are the ones that don't explicitly feature the Master Sword
>> No. 181658
File 138158011826.png - (51.83KB , 200x182 , 1361853673346.png )
I'm trying to 100% the Oracle games

>All those rings
>> No. 181666

WWHD only took about six months to develop.
>> No. 181668
I found this interesting enough to reply to, but don't want to derail this thread with not-vidya, so here: >>181667
>> No. 181669
Makes sense. A lot of the work was already done.
>> No. 181674

I think she's saying a link, as in your Link's link between worlds.
>> No. 181675
File 138161904992.jpg - (287.72KB , 678x960 , 1384385_377317895734480_314909830_n__large.jpg )
Also, the return of Bunny Link?
>> No. 181678
No, the full text is something like "We need a hero - and your Link is superb." She's talking about Link the character.
>> No. 181679
wait are they REALLY calling the other princess "Hilda"

I thought that was a fan joke holy SHIT that's hilarious
>> No. 181682
Hope they take the joke to the limit for Lulz. I mean Hy and Lo as well as this. Sounds like its going to be a fun game.
>> No. 181683
Im dumb and don't get it. What's so funny about the name?
>> No. 181684
Same phonetic structure, combined with the Hyrule and Lorule pun it's almost cringe worthy but that's kind of why it's so awesome.
>> No. 181685
File 138167672963.jpg - (57.03KB , 590x395 , sabrinas aunts names were zelda and hilda.jpg )
no no no you have it wrong
i mean you don't, what you said is correct, but
>> No. 181686
Hyrule + Lo = Lorule - Hy
Zelda + Hy = Hylda - Lo

Yeah, haha. The joke will be complete if there's a kid called Sabrina that plays some part in the whole thing. And a talking cat.
>> No. 181687
No. You don't understand. You are Sabrina.
>> No. 181688
Well the girl we saw getting sealed in that painting looked liked one of the Seven descendants I'm guessing one of them will be named Sabrina if not the first one we saw.
>> No. 181693
Ganondorf is a Gerudu wizard, and her overall build, hair, jewelry, and makeup all seem more like Ganondorf to me than I'd expect most Gerudu to look. Doesn't seem like Twinrova herself either, since even if there's a familial similarity going on I'd expect her to have her usual elemental theme going on.

From >>181653, it looks like Bunny Link runs a shop, which I guess makes sense as far as alternate versions go: One buys all sorts of equipment, the other sells.
>> No. 181695

Then your fairy companion better be named Salem.

I could see her being the current Gerudo Queen(?) and trying to "restore" Gerudos after they were tarnished with Ganondorf's history. Though the way she's going about it in the trailer doesn't seem like it would be that helpful...

Or Nintendo could always pull the "Secret Apprentice" shtick...
>> No. 181719

Hy & Lo.

Low and High.

>> No. 181720
And we get a shopkeepers named Lowbraugh and Hybrough
>> No. 181724
>And we get a shopkeepers named Lowbraugh and Hybrough

Why are people complaining?
>> No. 181726
No clue, if the game is actually full of Hy and Lo puns then it probably is the most accurate translation that we could have gotten.
>> No. 181733

If this game isn't absolutely crammed full with puns, then it's lost my purchase.
>> No. 181734
File 13818943423.jpg - (53.50KB , 610x610 , rsz_sprs_001_euimgedu_b3a_r_ad-610x610[1].jpg )
>America can sit and spin
>> No. 181735
There's no need to be nasty now.
>> No. 181738
Used to be that Japan got all the super-spiffy themed systems, with America and Europe getting only a few major ones, if any. Now Europe seems to be getting their own handful and America gets spoot. :( Why?


>One of the key differences in Japan is that the hardware is that it’s behind the counter. It’s not out and about. So in that type of construct, you can have a lot of inventory behind the counter. It’s a lot easier to support multiple colors. In our [North American] market, it’s all out there on the shelf. When you visit our retail, if I had to try to have 25 different SKUs out there, Wal-Mart would kill me.

Because GameStop and Toys R Us would absolutely refuse to carry distinct models, I guess. GameStop keeps their shit behind the counter, I think some TRUs do as well.
>> No. 181739
The SKU system fucks me over yet again.
>> No. 181955
File 138274358429.jpg - (321.33KB , 800x600 , BigPoe05_Large.jpg )
This Poe. Fuck this Poe.
>> No. 181961
CGR Undertow - THE LEGEND OF Z…youtube thumb
>> No. 182230
Link to the past gets so astronomically better once you get to the dark world I'm glad I didn't just give up around Tower of Hera I have every other time I've given the game a shot.
>> No. 182263
File 138348776043.jpg - (72.68KB , 700x525 , coffee_link.jpg )
Yeah that's pretty much the trickiest one of the lot. Feels great to capture it, though.
>> No. 182267
I think I kept accidentally eating one of those things and forgetting not to save. Was considerably frustrating.
>> No. 182297
Hyrule: Total War - Mission 05 Playthroughyoutube thumb

A Zelda mod for Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms.

So this is a thing.
>> No. 182304
Nintendo has built an extremely large universe for Zelda, including multiple, connected eras. The property really could expand out into other areas if Nintendo wanted to, from RTS to RPG or even just stories of a different nature set in Hyrule.

So this doesn't surprise me in the least.
>> No. 182306
Pretty sure it's a fan mod
>> No. 182313
It is; I meant that I'm not surprised someone has made a mod to include Hyrule in a non action/adventure game.

Nintendo certainly isn't doing that shit themselves.
>> No. 182314
>Asked whether he would be likely to return to Mario having taken an increasingly hands-off role in the series over the past few instalments, Miyamoto demurred. "Creating a Mario of 3D World's calibre demands enormous energy and there is little chance that I'd be able to take the time necessary to work on the next Mario,"
Maybe now we can get a real Paper Mario sequel...
>> No. 182317
Unless of course he's leaving platformer Mario so he has more time to be even more hands-on the other genres of Mario.
>> No. 182328
File 138363416162.jpg - (441.48KB , 377x4900 , zelda fans2.jpg )
>> No. 182331
File 138363749028.png - (1.08MB , 1003x598 , Zora queen.png )
Hyrule: Total War - Overthrowi…youtube thumb

A being capable of destroying the Triforce is beaten by overwhelming artillery fire. Really, now.

Also, here's the Zora Queen from A Link Between Worlds.
>> No. 182332
Oh hey. I remember doing that.
>> No. 182344
This makes way too much sense.
>> No. 182345
When you put it that way, it's actually surprising how few Zelda spinoffs there are outside of maybe Smash Bros. Like no zelda soccer or pinball or whatever.
>> No. 182349
I think that's because Zelda still takes itself seriously like a DC Movie.
Mario realizes how formulaic it is and revels in it like a Marvel Movie.
>> No. 182366
File 138375042581.png - (2.33MB , 1501x1370 , Freshly-Picked_Tingle's_Rosy_Rupeeland_(Europ.png )
>Taking itself seriously
>> No. 182367
It is a pretty bad analogy, since it implies the opposite of what it's trying to explain.

The Tingle spinoff is one of the only exceptions to this. That and it's apparent sequel (which I only found out by wikipedia).
>> No. 182368
You vastly underestimate artillery fire.
>> No. 182369
For some reason American audiences must take Zelda more seriously, or at least are perceived as doing so, or else I'd expect Rosy Rupeeland would have been released there. There's also been Link's crossbow training, though, and the mini-game in Nintendo Playland, so I think it might be that the possibility of other spin-offs just wasn't considered.
>> No. 182370
>or else I'd expect Rosy Rupeeland would have been released there.
That wasn't so much an anti-silly attitude so much as it was an anti-Tingle.
>> No. 182371
Yeah RR wasn't put out in the US because it's commonly known that the US audience despises Tingle.
>> No. 182374
Have you ever played a Zelda game? Because while Tingle might be the most egregious example of its willingness to indulge in silliness, he is far from the only example. Majora's Mask, the game Tingle originated in and one of the creepiest games in the series, also had a lot of other silly elements (that were also creepy), like cow-stealing aliens and a zora rock band. And Wind Waker and the games based on it took this silliness and ran with it, baking it right into the games' DNA--even absent any obviously silly story elements, the presentation itself is silly, and the animation and Link's reactions are definitely designed to get laughs from the player even in serious situations.
>> No. 182375
This is one of those east/west rifts. We also don't have an entire industry based around Hello Kitty here.

I don't think >>182349 was saying that it didn't or couldn't have lighthearted/comedic moments, but that the overall package was one with an serious tone. Tingle can appear all he wants and aliens can take as many cows as they like, but the moon is still falling, and that's ever-present within the game even while indoors and throwing bomb-chus. Wind Waker is the least serious of the games (though I think it has some of the best serious scenes), but the overarcing story is still fairly serious.

Mario is the opposite; it's lighthearted through-and-through, but it still has some serious moments now and then.
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