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181135 No. 181135
So 1.2 goes out at Midnighit tonight
Whos excited?

Theres just so many things to look forward to
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>> No. 181138
I thought they abandoned it.
>> No. 181145
They did. For a while. Then they said they'd be adding more stuff, and months later, it finally came true. In fact 1.2 should be live by now. I don't know if they'll be adding anything else after this any time soon though.

I'll probably check out some of the new stuff eventually, but unless they do something to make the game less bullshittingly frustrating, I'm not in any rush.
>> No. 181154

And heres a (incomplete) changelog
>> No. 181155
>Music box/chest duping no longer works
Well, it was expected, but that's gonna suck a lot of fun out of the game and turn the endgame into an unbearable grind. Because you go through platinums faster than potions at that point.
>> No. 181197
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I'm having a blast. Everything is new. Only an hour in and I already made a ton of progress and discovered so much new shit. Right next to my spawn was a small cave with a chest that had 250 rope in it. That shit is so fucking useful.
The new music is fucking amazing. Especially the ice underground. Also found a glitch where you could warp through several layers of tiles if you walk just right off a half-tile. If I can find shit like this, I imagine there's still much more severe stuff overlooked in QA that people are gonna break to shit in the next few days.
>> No. 181298
The Waterbolt WRECKS the Brain of Cthulhu.
I was lucky to snag one right in the top room of the dungeon...

And it and a Starfury are crazy good at lighting up cave on your map.
>> No. 181442
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Oh boy....
>> No. 181443
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>> No. 181444
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I am become bees.
>> No. 181465
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Making your own giant tree uses so much goddamn wood. I could just abandon building a super-intricate base before going into hardmode, but my autism compels me to keep going.
>> No. 181467
So has the update fixed the abysmal NPC intelligence? 'Cause if they did, that might have me reinstalling the game a lot sooner.
>> No. 181470
NPCs are still retarded and you still need to build your base in a way that keeps them out of harm's way. That said, once you have an NPC in your base and s/he dies, s/he's gonna get replaced the next morning, so it's not that bad.
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