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File 137871516687.jpg - (79.40KB , 1024x564 , 56936[1].jpg )
180114 No. 180114
The exclusive beta to Battlefield 4 begins early October, while the open beta releases a while after.

Weapon customization:

Extra Levolution information and some gameplay:

Battlefield 4 Premium will give you an extra 5 expansion packs for 50 bucks, on top of the game itself. The first two are releasing soon, and are maps that couldn't be fit on the disk. They include China Rising and Second Assault. China Rising brings back some fan favorite Battlefield 2 maps, while Second Assault brings in some favorite 3 maps. The other packs include Naval Strike, an almost all-water and air combat; Dragons Teeth, which will include urban and city-based combat; and Final Stand, which is unknown at the moment.

Battlefield 3's Premium offered a lot later on, but it seems like they realized that they can really get people into the game by offering it for most people for the standard game price, and then just give the game without the expansions at reduced costs. This should hopefully fix the issue with finding servers that actually support multiple different packs, instead of one or two.

Here are some lists of the known weapons in-game, the first link contains images of most of the weapons.
Expand all images
>> No. 180329
File 137900517759.png - (713.61KB , 806x806 , Battlefield-4-System-Hardware-Requirements[1].png )
And for any of those who aren't getting it on the consoles like any sane person, here is what you'll need to properly play the game.

Luckily, my BF3 setup still works for 4.
>> No. 180362
Pretty similar to BF3's requirements. They are only asking for more memory, and moved from a GTX 560 to a 660.
>> No. 180374
From different gameplay elements and recordings that I've watched on various systems, I've come to a conclusion that the maps are MUCH larger than BF3 maps, especially in height and amount of items in the maps. The game also has near-BF3 specs for minimum, but playing BF4 on max will be a LOT more intensive on your hardware for obvious reasons. It seems like a bigger split between minimum and maximum between the two games.
>> No. 180375
I don't know, the GTX 560 they had on "recommended" was enough to push BF3 with high settings and 1080p at an acceptable 40-45 FPS. A GTX 570 could run the game with ultra settings and 1080p at 45-50 FPS.

Escaling their recommedation of a GTX 660, a 670 most likely will do fine with ultra settings, which means my GTX 760 is up for the task.
>> No. 181259
The beta is great, they fixed and made so many things better.
Problem for me, I have Vista, I cannot use the newest drivers. I'm stuck with fucking 12.11 max, and I need 13.10 to run this right. Same with my audio drivers anymore. No one supports Vista 64 anymore, and now I'm hurting because of it.

I even run the game on Ultra better than I do on Low because of optimizing issues or something to do with my driver.

I suggest everyone that can to try it out, its amazing. I'll be moping over here in the corner because I can't play it too long without getting kicked from driver issues or having lag.
>> No. 181273
File 138085282345.jpg - (70.40KB , 500x628 , ishiggy.jpg )
> I have Vista
>> No. 181292
It came with the computer, and I cannot afford Windows 7 or 8. Tis a curse.
>> No. 181309
So, uhm... why don't you pirate it?
>> No. 181312
Because dealing with that shit is really fucking annoying.
>> No. 181346
Yeah, until I have a safe way of upgrading, I wont get to play the beta well. Fuck, its so badly optimized for me that playing on a mix of Ultra and medium runs better than running it on Low.
>> No. 181375
>when I knife people they're dead in like .25 seconds
>when people knife me I have like 3 whole seconds to respond

>> No. 182186
The first of a few stability patches are out. The game is fun, and I, for one, enjoy the campaign. I wonder if they'll bring back the actual missions and acolyte system. I really hate the battlepacks "You will never get what you want" system. I want to be able to fucking WORK towards a specific item that I want.
>> No. 182475
>Server crashes fixed
>Client crashes fixed
>Punkbuster finally got off their asses and fixed the banning issue
>Game runs even better than before and I can play on a mix between medium and high
>> No. 182698
After watching some gameplay from Shibby and the 3 Gordos Bastardos review, I've been feel tempted to get Battlefield 4 (and give a bit of my trust to origin) after I update my pc, since my current machine could probably implode at the moment.
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