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179891 No. 179891
Because the hype is taking over multiple boards and I can see people getting annoyed soon.


As of right now we're -very- close to stretch goal three.
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>> No. 183710
"I'm not racist, I have a black friend!"
>> No. 183712
The hyperbole generated by that "title" alone is a headline grabber.
>> No. 183713

If she was a man, nobody would have bothered hunting through his twitter for signs of wrongdoing and so never found the supposed 'social justice warrioring'.
>> No. 183715
What is with the little rascals level of anger towards women that seems to lurk around nowadays anyway? Are people actually becoming less tolerant?
>> No. 183717
She was called out on the nepotism, ignorance of the franchise, and her being the community's representative despite all that and the SJW stuff.

>provide examples
>examples provided
>okay, list some more examples and make them "good"

You are a prick, you know that?
>> No. 183718
It's likely because people resort to claiming legitimate issues can't be brought up because the person involved is a woman, or that people wouldn't have taken offense if the person was a man.
This hypersensitivity on both sides is a fucking cancer that destroys any goodwill people might have towards a project.
>> No. 183719
She is not the head of the art team.
If she is a designer for the game (which she probably is), her designs will have to be reviewed by the whole staff which does consist of industry veterans, Megaman fans, and people who are taking the games core concept seriously. She is unlikely to change the game in any negative way when she has so many passionate people looking over her. She is there to help make the game. An extra skilled hand. She hasn't actually done anything wrong besides react very poorly to the anxiety of the community.
>> No. 183720

How many times do you have to hear that contacts are everything in the gaming industry before it actually fucking clicks? Do you need it stapled to your forehead?

>ignorance of the franchise

Megaman is not a super-deep franchise full of detailed lore and complicated storylines. Blue robot fights evil scientist, gets powers from bosses. Done and done. Her job does not require knowing the series in and out and she's playing the games anyway.

>SJW stuff

You're going to have to explain to me why fighting for equality is a bad trait to have.
>> No. 183721

>You're going to have to explain to me why fighting for equality is a bad trait to have.

People who whine about SJWs don't really give a shit about the actual fight for equality. >>183699 kinda hit the nail on the head about this sort of shit: it comes down to a bunch of manchildren whining about how the Evil Social Justice Warriyahs have come to take away Everything Cool About Gaming and replace it with Feelings And Hormones And Hugging And FUCKING COOTIES, MAN. It's a form of tribalism, only their tribe has a few million assholes running about.

In reality, these privileged assholes see women moving into Their (supposed) Territory and starting to make Feminist Propaganda (i.e. games with women in lead roles that don't play to the usual male-oriented appeal), so they do this whole rigamarole about ZOMG FEMINISTS WANT TO TAKE GAMES FROM US and WHERE'S THE SAFE ZONE FOR MEN and WHY CAN'T WE STARE AT LARA CROFT'S BOOBS ANY MORE YOU CUNTS without realizing how this makes them sound entitled, sexist, misogynistic, and...well, pretty much like assholes.

They see games as one of the last "dominions" which women haven't "conquered" and "infected" with feminism (the actual "we want equality for both genders" feminism and not the capital-F "WE WANT YOUR BALLS AND YOUR MONEY AND YOUR WORLD" Feminism). They even believe this despite the fact that the vast majority of lawmakers, corporate CEOs, and general Head Assholes In Charge are men. They see a world where women's rights have become "more important" than men's rights, and they hate it. They don't want to have to think about women's healthcare and changing their behavior to "make women comfortable" and all that "feminazi bullshit", so they lash out -- only they disguise their lashing out as "protecting men's rights" or by using a veil of excuses ("this isn't about her being a woman, this is about her doing a bad job") to explain why they're harassing a woman in a situation where they'd never harass a man for doing the exact same thing.

It's not that they necessarily don't want women working on games -- they just don't want them doing "the important stuff" (i.e. the writing, the directing, and the designing). Note how nobody seems to have any issue with the woman doing the music for M#9, but the moment this woman got her Community Manager role, a massive witch-hunt ensued to find "dirt" on her to discredit her.
>> No. 183723
I fully understand that many SJW are blodthirsty extremist assholes. But that has nothing to do with her actual job. She has no position or power to change the game to fit her agenda. Even descreetly.

Like I said, she has to go through heavy review, and even if she wants to shoehorn in a SJ character, it would be cut, toned, and reworked to fit with the actual concepts of the game by the leads. Hell, her work could even be flat out rejected.

I have no fears or worries about this at all. She's clearly a talented enough artist. If she can be used to help the game under the actual directors direction, so be it.
>> No. 183724
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At least we still have Shantae to look forward to.
>> No. 183725
Reading this thread really makes me sympathize with the people who beat up nerds in high school.
>> No. 183727
>> No. 183728
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Your poor upbringing and lack of affluence.
>> No. 183729
I think its kinda an issue that some have done some damage to simple and innocemt things under the name of "social justice" and are proud of it and that has caused people to sour on those that actually have heart for something. Its a concern that I have going forward with my work.
>> No. 183730
I'm curious. What are people actually afraid will happen?
>> No. 183731
They are afraid that they will get cooties, and they might be forced at gunpoint to store potpourri in their man caves.
>> No. 183732
Insulting either side won't get us anywhere.

I legitimately want to know what the actual concerns are for the end result.
>> No. 183733

Dumbasses think that suddenly the main character will be a butch female who will tell everyone who plays that they will never get laid. All the female characters will have body hair and not date boys because they "just see them as friends." The controls will change because "games with girl protags aren't fun," so you'll just press A to force your feminist views down the poor male player's ear holes. They only get louder if you close the system. You cannot shut off the game and they keep screeching their oppressive lady opinions into your poor, delicate head, hypnotizing the player. You are now a slave to the female master race. You dare not even think of women for they are too powerful for your mind to comprehend.
>> No. 183736
Kinda makes me glad that the current Lara Croft continues to fly under the radar aside from the inital abuse angle.
>> No. 183737
Hey, can we not talk about the SJW stuff here? Besides, it's obvious that she has no creative control over the plot/gameplay/overall outcome of the game. Cool your jets and get hype for this fun game, okay? Chill.
>> No. 183738
Numba 9 is getting a game cameo soon, someone make a new thread with that headline.
>> No. 183739
One of the main fears is that good input from the community will be ignored/not passed along to the devs if it doesn't go along with any personal agenda Dina might have. The people in charge of the fan site are already ignoring any valid complaints (the ones that don't at all mention SJW shit) and are posting in topics made by those defending her.
Others don't believe she shouldn't be involved with the art because it doesn't mesh well (read: is ugly) with previous Mega Man designs or with Mighty No. 9.
>> No. 183740
This. While I understand why having an SJW in charge is a bad thing, and all my run-ins with fucking morons on the internet and real life have made me wary of people who consider themselves involved in the "social justice" scene, none of what she does seems remotely as bad as the haters are bitching about. She's not one of those folks who decries the whole industry as wretched scum because they had the nerve to dare feature a protagonist at all who isn't a queer female POC (then maybe makes masturbatory posts on her blog about wanting to bone super whitebread Avengershits in between). Instead I'm seeing stuff like "gee, most game heroes are men, it sure would be nice if girls could play as someone who was actually like them once in a while". Basic equality stuff, doesn't reach the level of even Anita "I'm going to use way outdated examples as proof of modern gamers' misogyny" Sarkeesian.

Wow. So horrible. Apparently gamers are such whiny babbies these days that even wanting to play as a girl is the worst thing ever and an example of how eeeevil feminists are out to destroy the industry.
>> No. 183741
Off-mod but I have not played a megamens but I am def buying this. It looks tight as FUCK. I guess I'll play a megamens too idk.
>> No. 183743
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She's not just a designer, she's supposed to be a connection between the fanbase (community) and the developers; said community was assured that it would be well represented and involved in the design process. A single incompetent in the middle of the chain, a faulty connection has the potential to cause the entire production to fail in that aspect.

And feminists are pretty scary folk.
>> No. 183744
Because all feminists are a monolith with those same extremist viewpoints. Yep, totally. There's no room for dissent at all, and it's absolutely impossible for a feminist to just want a little bit more representation in games without also being a language policer.
>> No. 183745
Your points a little moot given the post edits, the censorship, and the bans happening in the Mighty No. 9 forum.
>> No. 183746
You are harassing someone. Even if she weren't on the team, they would be justified in cleaning that up. It's not censorship.

Maybe some legitimate issues are being lost in the sweep. But you know what? That's one of the problems with harassing people. It makes legitimate complaints get lumped in with the harassment and completely ignored. If you people were capable of making arguments WITHOUT acting like spoiled brats when you do it, then your complaints might get heard--but you have thrown in your lot with people who have zero credibility, and you are now subject to Guilt By Association.

You want your complaints taken seriously? Stop making them part of a crusade. Stop making them part of someone else's drama. Stop treating it like a goddamned culture war. And most of all, stop targetting individuals and harassing them about it. You lose all credibility when you make things personal--and hell, you're lucky that it's too much trouble to track you all down, because the strategies you employ to assassinate people's character this way meet every goddamned criteria it needs to to count as conspiracy to commit stalking and assault.

If you have a specific complaint about something wrong with the game, you should mention it. But when you try to bring this sort of retarded Tumblr bullshit into it, you have willingly forfeited your right to be taken seriously. Your opinion is meaningless, and your concerns are meaningless, because you have demonstrated yourself to be a reactionary douchebag.
>> No. 183747
She also removed her tweets that had been open to the public recently and tried to sweep the whole matter under the rug. And she'll be speaking for the fans apparently.
>> No. 183749
>> No. 183750
That's a legitimate concern, but I seriously doubt she's the only means of communication between the fanbase and the devs. Especially if it's that important to the development of the game.

But really, the impact of the fanbase will be marginal at most regardless. I was part of the FFXIV forums after 1.0 flopped and you know what impact we had? A few polls with loaded questions, and the opportunity to change the dye system to pure aesthetic instead of having the colors change the stats. That's pretty much it. The devs did everything else regardless of our concerns. Now I'm not saying this will be the same case, but if people didn't trust the team enough to make the game right, they shouldn't have paid them in the first place.

I can see her stepping down from the customer relation position due to the stupid drama surrounding this, but that's it.
>> No. 183752
You don't seem to be understanding this: your side has ZERO CREDIBILITY. It doesn't matter what arguments you make because arguments rely on credibility to be taken seriously, and you have none. You could show me PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE of this woman kicking puppies, and I would still assume she was in the right if she said so simply because she has more credibility than you do.

You need to learn not to shoot yourself in the foot in arguments like these by behaving like spoiled children. Until you do, your arguments will never be taken as anything but a bunch of whiny bitches bullying a private citizen over some inane bullshit, except by like-minded whiny bullies.
>> No. 183753
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Trashing all of Comcept's good will because people don't like a forum mod is honestly sort of hilarious. It's all the terrible things people have been saying about the Mega Man fandom and more.

Has there actually been anything announced on the game since the Kickstarter ended anyway? Seems like it's still the exact same thing as then.
>> No. 183754
Yeah, they actually just had an email out to backers about some of their progress, and plan to do about three a month about them--in dates ending in 9.

Latest news is they're doing one last vote to determine which of the designs for Call will be the final one.
>> No. 183755
Did they narrow it down any further than what they were showing during the kickstarter campaign yet?
>> No. 183758
Yeah, I think they pared it down to about two or three choices last round, and now they're about to pick the final from those. But they haven't put up the list yet.
>> No. 183760
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Now that post was just brimming with privilege. A community manager, who ignores the questions of the community she represents has more credibility than the members of that group, who apparently don't have any credibility themselves. Sure they helped fund the endeavor, they have outright evidence of her double speak and qualities that could be detrimental to the project, but according to you, they have zero credibility. The backers of the game, those whose input that Inafune aims to incorporate into the product, have no credibility, again, according to you.

That has to be the most asinine thing you've ever written, it probably sounded all just and eloquent in your head, but how are you even measuring credibility? By how much of a little sycophant you are?
>> No. 183761
Not community members in general. Just the Tumblr Crusaders like you.
>> No. 183762
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If you were any less self-aware, you'd be failing mirror tests. Holy shit why would you even want to share a post of the community being such dicks like it's some sort of trophy for the cause

I do recall that from the e-mails. I didn't remember any new content or changed content besides the Call polls though. It'll be nice to check in once in a while and see some new shit, but I figure I wouldn't want to know the whole game beforehand.
>> No. 183763
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So anyone that doesn't agree with you has no credibility?

The dicks are the mods who won't answer questions, edit and censor those questions, and then ban whoever asks them. As well as the kneejerk SJWs that conveniently ignore the points of nepotism, unfamiliarity and dishonesty against Dina. Transparency, that's what the people you're vilifying want as well as comprehensive representation.
>> No. 183764
Does he seriously think there's such thing as proper PR training? Next to game testing, its the lowest ranked position in the industry. There is no real training, they just throw you in with a set of rules and say "good luck".
>> No. 183768
No. You lack credibility because you have no solid ground for your argument.

It doesn't matter if its a guy or a gal, people are upset that its someone unfamiliar with the series and came up with an idea for a pointless change not in line with the original intent. I get that. However, there are some things to keep in mind:

1. She is not in a position of any real power. I've already explained this, but the art leads will be basically controlling her skill to fit the needs of the project. Not the other way around.
2. Being a community manager means nothing more than keeping people up to date. Providing answers to questions by relaying them to the developers and responding with a translations for the community. No effect on the game at all. That's for the leads to direct, not her, not the fans outside of a few polls decided by the leads.
3. The reactions from both sides "She's a pathological liar! Not to be trusted!" " You don't like her because she's a girl!" are childish and paranoid. They do nothing but make this molehill even more Everest like.
>> No. 183776
The new argument against this woman is IF I CAN'T ENJOY THIS GAME, THAN NO ONE WILL. It's the only reason why they keep fighting a lost cause. They made personal attacks to her, and by taking the low road they got banned. It's not fucking rocket science to anyone who isn't a tiny dicked purist nerd.


Shit, its almost like this entire artificial fight was set up by Capcom to destroy the game. People can't just enjoy video games anymore, all they apparently need is to keep their pillow fort up and hate something.
>> No. 183777
I'm done sticking up for Mega Man fans after tonight. This crap is disgraceful.
>> No. 183811

There is you fucking moron. Hell two universities near me offer something like it.
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