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File 137724019536.png - (15.04KB , 400x400 , sopa-thumb1.png )
179432 No. 179432
The Government is at it again with this SOPA crap.
SOPA Has Returned, Time to Kil…youtube thumb
>> No. 179433
I'll be happy when our government is replaced...by people who won't understand the world in 30 years.
>> No. 179439
Why do they keep pulling this bullshit?
>> No. 179442
Well that's the idea behind having multiple opportunities to replace all our politicians every decade.
>> No. 179444
Honestly if Congress had some better limitations on how long they get to stay in office, I can't help but things would be a lot better.

As it is now, it's very much an "old boys club" where if you haven't been sitting in your elected position for quite a long time, you're never going to get anything done. Then of course there's legal bribes in the form of corporate lobbying.
>> No. 179447
You may need to know this.
>> No. 179448
shame people don't see or aren't educated enough to understand that they shouldn't have terms that last decades regardless of who they are. Term limits for congress and Senate with 1 term each. And slash those pay and benefits back to the bone. You wanna job get a real one.
>> No. 179450
Damn them all to hell.
>> No. 179458
Why do they do these things?
>> No. 179459
And then you replace the officials who try this and bring in new ones

who do the exact same thing when the pressure starts coming in and the money starts flowing into their causes
>> No. 179460
I'm liking Egypt and their Military acting as Sheriff. "Mayor" is corrupt then he gets his door kicked in and thrown out into the slammer. And these idiots should have the same done to them. Maybe that would make the stop propping up a dying industry known as Hollywood and continuing the incestuous relationship they have with such. Course this is actually a way to quash and criminalize Free Speech and really has fuck all to do with Piracy in the long run.
>> No. 179461
That's all fine and dandy until the military starts acting like a politician all its own.

I imagine you have to go through congress to get congress term limits revised. Good luck with that.
>> No. 179462
And that's how you know the system is broken.
>> No. 179463
This is not video games.
>> No. 179466
It has a great deal to do with them. Have you been living under iraq?
>> No. 179467
The US system, like many, is built on maintaining the status quo. The people have to well and truly desire change in order to have it implemented. Best to adopt a hedonistic lifestyle and play vidya all day.
>> No. 179470
It was only a matter of time before some idiot said this. No, you git, being a hedonist like that is just a fancy name for taking it up the ass and lubing for it. People won't get worked up about it if folks don't make noise. So either don't be so supine or go back to your basement, adults are talking.
>> No. 179473
So...why /cog/?
>> No. 179474
Its a Youtube/streaming sites killer. Sad as it is the Video Game community was one of the most vocal about this last time (everyone should be vocal about something that is basically censorship)
>> No. 179476
Ha, so why with all the Stop Sopa, Occupy protests, Justice for Trayvon, and other shit, nothing changes?
>> No. 179477
When I first say the thread title, I thought "what, again?" This and DRM, to be board topical, strike me as outdated methods of trying to control something. However, unless the perpetrators all drop dead at the same time or more modern policy makers really step up, I can't imagine they won't eventually win through sheer attrition based on how much clout they have.
>> No. 179481
>> No. 179482
They may be strong but no reason to just give up, the internet is pretty strong too if they fight tooth and nail and even if the corrupt politicians eventually win at least you did SOMETHING.
>> No. 179484
>internet is pretty strong too

the exact reason they keep pursuing this kinda stuff. They wish to chain it to the ground.
>> No. 179649
>> No. 180238
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