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File 137286740936.jpg - (72.39KB , 1500x1200 , The-Bureau-XCOM-Declassified-logo[1].jpg )
177251 No. 177251

Okay so, after years of false starts, rebuilds, and getting screamed at every time it appeared, the Xcom shooter has finally crawled for, squealing and covered in fluids, from 2k's gaping pit.

It... looks okay I think.
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>> No. 177263
File 137287280244.jpg - (219.82KB , 591x591 , Hidden_and_Dangerous-Front.jpg )
It actually looks pretty good for what it is. Kinda reminds me of Hidden & Dangerous.
>> No. 177267
>Your companions have permadeath, you can't exp grind new ones up because the plot moves forward, and you can in fact soft fail the game.
Okay I might be on board now.
>> No. 177268
oh how somewhat Elite Force of you game.
>> No. 177269
Also they really should have kept X-Com out of the title all together.
>> No. 177270
Don't worry guys. We'll get our expansion for the REAL XCOM at the next PAX.
>> No. 177271
This actually looks kind of cool, they've gone out of their way to try to fix it.
>> No. 177275
yea it looks like they took some tips from X-Com Prime in redesigning the tactical interface.
>> No. 177278
A company listening to customer feedback has been so rare in the last few years, but it really seems things are changing for the better. And changing fast. It's kinda crazy honestly.
>> No. 177284
Well some loon bellowing across a show floor can have an effect sometimes.
>> No. 177306
Like Mass Effect if the gameplay was good? Sold!
>> No. 177309
yea its the direction combat should have been refined to instead of Modern Wardog.
>> No. 177318
I quit the first Mass Effect fairly early on because using your teammates tactically was so much harder than soloing everything with a pistol (even if the PC is a support class!). That definitely doesn't seem to be the case here.
>> No. 178260
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified …youtube thumb
Well, this looks pretty good, actually.
>> No. 178586
Well, well, what have we here?:http://www.pcgamesn.com/xcom-enemy-within-appears-be-thing
>> No. 178597
Honestly quite excited for this. I wish they had made it a little bit more procedural, like the original/EO, and let your character be your character ala Mass Effect, but I still want to actually play this game and name my dudes after my friends and get them all killed.
>> No. 179366
XCOM: Enemy Within teaser traileryoutube thumb
Nothing new, but at least there's a release date.
>> No. 179370

>> No. 179372
Pretty interesting read. Puts things into perspective.
>> No. 179373
File 137710329696.jpg - (1.21MB , 1920x1080 , XCOM_EW_Screen_007[1].jpg )
XCOM: Enemy Within Revealed: F…youtube thumb

So there's this.
Main new features are big ol' mech suits and soldiers with spliced-in alien genes. But there's a whole bunch of other interesting stuff. They're making the soldiers' voice files from all the localized versions of the game available in the customization menu, for example. There's gonna be some new items and enemies, they're doing some balance work to make those perk decisions less obvious, stuff like that. There's an interesting second wave option that makes cover bonus dependent on the angle between the line of cover and the line of fire.

I was pretty much sold at "mech with flamethrower", though.
>> No. 179386
Kind of disappointed you can't carry over your old save. Gene spliced soldiers, psychics, SHIVs and mechs. FUCK YOU XENOS!

Am I alone in wanting like kind of a freeplay difficultly? Get the fuck off my back Council, I don't feel right deploying without the best weapons and armor I can get my hands off.
>> No. 179388
>they're doing some balance work to make those perk decisions less obvious

I really hope one part of that is just making Squad Sight inherent on all snipers. It's so good that nobody in their right mind will ever pick pretty much anything over it.

(It would also help with the problem of Squaddie Snipers being worse than useless, so you never use them once you have a Squadsight Sniper, and then you're fucked if your leveled sniper bites it for whatever reason)
>> No. 179390
A leveled up veteran sniper is usually a beast with all that shit. That high ground perk with grapple armor with the two shots every turn kick ass. Flying enemies are a bitch when they jump you.

Apparently we have to choose to master gene therapy or mechs or a little of both due to limited resources. What are you all going with?
>> No. 179393

Yeah I would honestly not be opposed to a sniper nerf, they're too good.
>> No. 179394
Woah there. Let's not get crazy. If anything the other classes need a bit of a buff. Especially Support. God I love suppression fire with the Heavy.
>> No. 179396
I'm considering pre-ordering this on Steam because HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THESE PRE-ORDER BONUSES


only 19 hours to go...
>> No. 179400

If any class really needs a buff it's Assault. The whole class is premised on doing something (charging forward into unknown territory to get a clear shot) that should only be done out of desperation and has a good chance to wipe you by popping extra groups of enemies. Support is fine, smoke grenades are boss, extra medkit uses are amazing, and they can do rifle suppression.

Seriously though Snipers are just too good. So many late-game encounters turn into a game of 'lure the alien into sniper fire'. It actually kind of takes away from training up the rest of your forces because those pricks hog all the kills.
>> No. 179403
>I really hope one part of that is just making Squad Sight inherent on all snipers.
Not happening. What they're doing is making squad sight shots unable to crit unless they're headshots, and reducing the snap shot accuracy reduction to 10 points.
Which is a step in the right direction if you ask me, but probably still not enough.
There's some stuff for the other classes that could be interesting. The assault perk opposite lightning reflexes, for example, will now give you a free shot if you move within 4 tiles of the enemy. So you can move, shoot, retreat.

Oh, and the support major ability that gave them two item slots? That's now a foundry project that applies to all your soldiers.
>> No. 179404
>charging forward into unknown territory to get a clear shot
Eh. They're perfectly capable of charging into known territory and tearing the big baddie a new asshole at close range.
Plus they're nice if you need to break enemy overwatch.
>> No. 179411

Even territory you've been to before is dangerous to move through, because unpopped groups of enemies move around the map.

You're right that Lightning Reflexes is a great skill with a lot of utility, but that's pretty much it for them.
>> No. 179412
With the best tech Assault soldiers are tanks. I always have two at least to watch each other's backs. My Heavies and Support follow behind while my Sniper plays cleanup mostly.

Squad Sight isn't that great when you consider you have to put your squadmates out in the middle of the shit.

SHIVs need a buff of something, mind control resistance aside, they don't have a lot of uses after a while. Maybe they can carry ammo? Huddling next to it counts as reloading?
>> No. 179416
Lightning Reflexes, Rapid Fire and Close Combat Specialist are worth their weight in gold.

3 medkits & revive capability are a much-appreciated edge, but Sprinter and Smoke Grenade grant a much-needed degree of tactical freedom.

A heavy's rocket(s) make them a "get out of jail free" card, and bullet swarm has ridiculous utility.

On top of all this, there's the simple fact that XCOM, when played on a challenging difficulty, is designed so that players must go to war with the army they have, not the army they wish for. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Except maybe letting all the classes use all the primary weapons.
>> No. 179435
Played the first hour or so of the bureau. Combat is interesting, though a few times I was caught out because at higher difficulties enemies are just massive bullet sponges. Squadmates sometimes make interesting choices when it comes to when or where to move.

not had much else to do yet, I think the lab and whatnot unlocks later.
>> No. 179436
Played the first hour or so of the bureau. Combat is interesting, though a few times I was caught out because at higher difficulties enemies are just massive bullet sponges. Squadmates sometimes make interesting choices when it comes to when or where to move.

not had much else to do yet, I think the lab and whatnot unlocks later.
>> No. 179437

1) I don't think there is a lab.
2) The AI is terrible at following directions, and even worse at making sound tactical choices on their own.
3) Bullet sponge is putting it mildly, even burning through all your ammo with perfectly timed headshots, flanking maneuvers, and burning through your squadmates abilities and health is not enough to make it soundly through some encounters.
4) The game needs a God damn patch.
>> No. 179438
No lab? No research? No alien autopsies?

>> No. 179478

And to think, for a brief moment, this game had actually manage to dispel the bile, at least for me, and make itself seem intriguing.
>> No. 179483
I got it at a reduced price with the entire X-com collection for free as an addition so I don't feel too upset if its only slightly entertaining I guess. I mainly bought it so I could finally own all the main X-com games.
>> No. 179485

2K has a reasonable track record for patches. If they patch up some of the AI's more serious faults (removing themselves from wherever they are, being completely incapable of using ANY special abilities on their own, getting themselves killed by switching cover when you never told them to, etc), and the ridiculous aimbot on the enemy (pop out of cover. For two seconds. I dare you. You know that neat swap cover feature they showed you in the tutorial mission? I dare you to use it in an actual combat scenario. I dare you.) it will at least be a fun cover shooter with neat abilities and neat RPG elements, that allows you to dress all of your agents in pink and green.
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