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176980 No. 176980
>> No. 176990
I'm okay with Sony buying them, as long as they don't cancel 3DS games.
>> No. 176992
maybe not in production but any future stuff like maybe a port of Persona 4 to 3DS would be dead. No matter who buys someone is going to get fucked on games.
>> No. 176994
It would kinda make sense for Square to buy them, if they weren't in big financial troubles themselves. It seems a lot of Japanese game companies are really struggling these days.
>> No. 177007
Pls no.

Square's RPG output has been terribad for the last few years.
>> No. 177009
Their non-FF stuff is hit-or-miss.
>> No. 177010
How many years are we talking? Because they've only put out like three or four RPGs in the last five years as far as I can remember. One of which was Dragon Quest IX, which was pretty keen.
>> No. 177011
So long as they keep the Atlus infrastructure largely intact it really shouldn't matter who the parent company is.
>> No. 177012
And massive over-budgeting isn't helping.
>> No. 177014
Was it really ATLUS's fault or the people that own them? They seemed to be running fairly stable and adequately.
>> No. 177018
Atlus itself is doing fine, but the parent company isn't.
>> No. 178944
In case you didn't hear yet.
>> No. 178952
This...could be good.
>> No. 179005
It'll most likely be bad. Sega has a habit of shutting down for not meeting expectations and they have a bad localization trackrecord. I would rather some company that has nothing to do with video games and will let atlus breath acquire them then sega.
>> No. 179006
> I would rather some company that has nothing to do with video games and will let atlus breath acquire them
I would fucking love to see Lowe's Home Improvement buy a video game dev.
>> No. 179010
As a European I would be over the moon to finally see some Atlus games over here. Sega likes Europe. I like Sega.
>> No. 179011
>Allegedly bids reached the neighborhood of about ¥20 billion (roughly £132 million, or $203 million), but it's unclear if this highest bid emanated from Sega or elsewhere.
>When pressed for comment, Atlus told me it had nothing to say at this time. I'm still following up with Sega, but expect a similar reply.

So what makes them think Sega even made a bid, if nobody is commenting?
>> No. 179013
>According to a report by Japan Bloomberg (via DualShockers), about 20 companies bid on Atlus, including Sega.
Reading is tech.
>> No. 180674
SEGA Acquires Atlus

>> No. 180690
Also the president of Atlus Japan said everything's going to continue as is, before we start doomsaying here. Not pointing fingers at you guys, but a few of the sites I lurk went mad when they heard the news.

We can go into full panic mode when and IF Sega starts to fuck up Atlus, which I don't think is likely.

Time to unclench our assholes. We made it. Now we begin the wait for the two fives: Persona V and Etrian Odyssey V.
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