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File 13723426799.jpg - (865.73KB , 1920x1080 , 132034166964.jpg )
176971 No. 176971
This is the most superior pyro loadout ever:

Primary: Standard flamethrower (strange or unusual if you like)
Secondary: Reserve shooter
Tertiary: Homewrecker

This pyro is pro-tier at attack or defense, much upgraded from the standard pyro, without adding any weaknesses.
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>> No. 181520
Some of the servers I play on have a mod that allows time-restricted items anytime.
>> No. 181523
Pony Fortress servers allow for it though they are pretty dead right now save for one normal no random crit and a Hero Server.
>> No. 181538
Anyone seem to just lose stuff recently? I loaded up TF2 over the weekend and half of my loadouts were gone or had almost no customization. I think I'm missing a Sniper hat and maybe a Soldier hat (I may have just crafted those together, I don't recall.) Even items that I know I had equipped (like a Strange Jarate) got unequipped.

I noticed that my backpack was 100% full when I found the loadouts missing, and I didn't recall it being full before. Seemed like there were a much larger amount of crates, too...
>> No. 181539
yea I've had my loadouts drop off a couple of times recently.
>> No. 181761
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>> No. 181764
Played yesterday after, like, three or four months and holy christ, plenty of my loadouts messed up.
>> No. 181766
This update http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/October_2,_2013_Patch

>Fixed several bugs that would cause inconsistent behavior when switching between or modifying loadout presets

might have caused that. I had to re-equip a lot of items after that one too.
>> No. 182081
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>> No. 182084
>Hightower Halloween Map.

>> No. 182088
>we're magicians
>with magic books
>>magic spells of unspeakable lethality, nestled in between long passages of copyrighted characters having sex with each other
>slash fiction magic books
>kill skeletons
These tears are tears of joy.

On one of the servers I main, hightower maps can go on for hours; the map time limit doesn't force a stalemate when it hits 0, so either everyone agrees to rtv (never happens) or someone has to win. I got annoyed one night and went Scout with the Holy Mackarel, using nothing but that. Heavy? Fish'd. Sentry? Fish'd. Pyro? Fish'd. I die far more than not, but I find it quite fun and the map has become plr_fishmarket for me.

So now it's a haunted fish market. My pants can barely contain my excitement.
>> No. 182091
I'll be on sepulchritude, if anyone needs me.
>> No. 182104

Guess it's time for my annual TF2 session tomorrow night.
>> No. 182105
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So much butthurt.
So much hilarious butthurt.
>> No. 182106
So apparently every single new item is Halloween/full moon restricted.
God fucking damnit, Valve...
>> No. 182108
Are you surprised?
They said when they started accepting entries that they would be that way. Not to mention Valve tends to be pretty shit about Halloween items.
>> No. 182109
>Valve wants us to buy keys
>To unlock aesthetic items you can wear for a total of less than a month every year
>People are stupid enough to buy and trade for them
>> No. 182118
I don't keep up with every bit of development news, so yeah, the fact that all 100+ new cosmetic items are restricted, regardless of how unfitting it is for many items, is stunning in its stupidity and seeming vendetta against fun.

No one's happy about the restrictions though. I think most people only tolerate it because so many unofficial servers have full moon/Halloween mode engaged all the time.
>> No. 182123
Scream Fortress 2013: Bird Voice linesyoutube thumb
Medic - Second Opinion Voice Linesyoutube thumb
>> No. 182127
do things like Spectral Spectrum still work and are they permanent? If it is does anyone have they'd trade for some ref?
>> No. 182137
The Second Opinion became an instant favorite for me. I used up some leftover points I had in the Warehouse to buy a haunted one without a second thought. Even with the asinine holiday restriction dampening its glory, this is the happiest I've been to get hold of an item in the game since I got my Voodoo Juju.
>> No. 182139
It's not that people tolerate it; it's that people are encouraging it simply by buying keys.
Valve can't even say they're restricted to preserve style or anything like that since that all went out the window the second paints and the second wave of hats where introduced.
>> No. 182141
>Valve can't even say they're restricted to preserve style or anything like that since that all went out the window the second paints and the second wave of hats where introduced.
>Also remember that anything you submit with this tag will be restricted to Halloween and Full Moons. And because it's restricted to Halloween and Full Moons, get creative! The tonal restrictions we normally ask our Workshoppers to observe with TF2 items don't really apply to a holiday where wizards and bomb books regularly attack from glowing skull islands, so if there's anything crazy you've been itching to make, now's the time.

>Does the item interfere with class identification? Even in this new coat, the Medic is still easily recognizable as the Medic. The author has taken care not to remove areas that display team colors and has made sure the geometry complements the base character model underneath.

So it's true that they've stopped caring about maintaining a 60s aesthetic, but they still have restrictions. The classes were created with the idea that each would have a distinct silhouette so they'd be easy to recognize from a distance in order to better plan against whatever class you're about to engage. Hats, outfits, and so forth have to maintain that identification/silhouette, but with Halloween items they remove that restriction so the focus is more on Halloween and less on atmosphere, likely a reason that they place such a restriction on those items.
>> No. 182144
>New neat-o Halloween update, excitement
>Crashes every few minutes

>> No. 182145
Just the usual when it comes to this big updates.
Valve will eventually patch that around this week.
Maybe today!
>> No. 182148
Yeah, the server I was on last night went down two or three times. I hear a lot about clients crashing, too, but I haven't.

Issue seems to be related to some game effect/graphic not being found. When in Helltower, open your console and watch the thing constantly repeat one error. Didn't bother to remember what the error was...
>> No. 182155
got one server group running last years map in a rotation alternative so that people can get the paints.
>> No. 182161
That seems like a very flimsy justification at best, as even the most garish of Halloween items don't excessively alter the overall appearance of each class at a distance.
>> No. 182162
So can you get the new halloween items on drop or are they crate only?
>> No. 182164
Once in a while, you get a gift on hell tower, with one of the new items and one book page.
>> No. 182174
You can get new Halloween costumes from the gift, but it seems most of the time you just get one of those transmutation things (plus one or two spellbook pages). The costumes from the gifts are also untradable, so good luck getting what you want without spending money or dealing with highballers.
>> No. 182177
Well Valve seems to be trying their hardest to make getting things as cash grabby and aggravating as that one Avengers Facebook game I quit last year.
In any case, Happy Halloween guys!
>> No. 182188
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I love that deep commitment.
>> No. 182207
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>I guess when you're always wearing disguises for a living Halloween may be the time to just sit back and be yourself.
>> No. 182227
So I've got a crazy amount of metal and I need to get rid of it.
Anyone have anything they're looking to get rid of in terms of aesthetic items or an expander (since I doubt I have enough metal for a even a cheap-o game)?
>> No. 182356
Tonight I achieved my unknown goal of being dominated by every single person on the opposing team.
Mini sentries on hightower everyone!
>> No. 182373
Y'know, there used to be a time where you could be a magical pink unicorn ironically and not be associated with a show that has a fanbase that has a vocal minority more obnoxious than furries, homestuck, and juggalos.
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