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File 137059227226.gif - (54.83KB , 500x389 , 1370589779450.gif )
175368 No. 175368
Anyone picking up Animal Crossing this week?
Expand all images
>> No. 175369
>> No. 175370
>> No. 175371
>> No. 175378
I don't know.
>> No. 175379
I want to.
>> No. 175380
How can it be a Facebook game if the series was made before it, and is much deeper overall?
>> No. 175383
>> No. 175384
File 137061003862.gif - (179.72KB , 337x253 , inja.gif )
>> No. 175386
I'm sorry, I don't get it. Please don't be scornful, I'm having a rough week.
>> No. 175389
don't worry about it.
>> No. 175392
File 137062052735.jpg - (133.84KB , 500x333 , 1615455436468.jpg )
>Isabelle as crying Statue of Liberty
>> No. 175393
And soon Whitney 34 shall flow like a river... ok probably not.
>> No. 175408
I support any and all /v/ related Kelly imitators.
>> No. 175417
File 13706442892.png - (232.27KB , 1012x583 , 135383172427.png )
I second this motion.
>> No. 175425

That stuff is already out, though.
>> No. 175439
It wasn't funny anyway. Just pointedly accurate.
>> No. 175440
If Facebook games where this good, I'd be playing them all the time.
>> No. 175446
The continued existence of this franchise baffles me. Animal Crossing barely qualifies as a game. With something like Minecraft there is at least the creative aspect, but the entirety of Animal Crossing appears to be nothing but tedious grinding. Am I missing something here?

No bump for negative opinions.
>> No. 175456
There's a creative aspect to Animal Crossing, too. You're building up a little city full of people, and there's a lot of customization you can do with the buildings and things.

But the Minecraft comparison is fairly apt, in that it's not so much a game as it is a toy. Admittedly, Minecraft DOES have some goals that make it more game-like than Animal Crossing, but I don't think most people play Minecraft with any really strong desire to beat the Ender Dragon and stop playing afterward.

Animal Crossing is just in that same genre as Harvest Moon.
>> No. 175458
Eh, I also find Minecraft tedious "grinding" in a sense, even with cheat mode or mods. It's like, I want to make a thing, but it's bothersome having to mine the blocks to do so, and if I take shortcuts, it doesn't feel as worthwhile? A different but similar feel is illicited from the Harvest Moon "genre" or whatever it is. I guess I'd be better off grabbing some paper and pencils, except there's grinding in that too.
>> No. 175460
Well no one expects you to like every genre of video game. I find shooters, sports games, and racing games, MMOs and sandbox games completely lacking in anything resembling fun. My method for dealing with those sorts of games is to not give a shit about them.
>> No. 175466
I dislike the comparison between Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing. I've played both and aside from the feel of taking part in a simulated rural community I don't think they share a great deal. Seems like many players feel that in HM you're free to just dick around without an obvious goal in sight, but that really isn't always true. You often have to maintain some level of quality on your farm or else the game will call you a screw-up and take it away. Or after a certain amount of in-game time it asks if you want to keep going, and I assume some people say No. Those are both true game overs. Meanwhile you can literally leave your AC town alone for a decade and nothing bad really comes of it. There's only so many different personalities the villagers can have so it doesn't matter if they move away, and weeds...well, it sucks pulling them, but sometimes there's a shortcut for getting rid of them all at once. Go ahead and chop down all the trees, you can grow each one back in about 4 days. You'll always have another chance to catch that fish or buy that model of the Able Sister's shop or receive that fountain idol. But I think the most important difference is that Harvest Moon playthroughs can end. Activating all the right events in Wonderful Life eventually takes you into old age, and then death.
>> No. 175467
AWL is pretty much the only Harvest Moon like that since the original, though. I think there might've been a PSP version with a serious endgame, too, but all the others just keep going once you get to the event that triggers the credits. And most Harvest Moon players would consider the credits sequence event to be fairly low on their list of priorities--about like how Disgaea players don't even really consider the game to have begun until you've beaten the end boss.
>> No. 175468
If you actually played AWL through to the endgame, you yourself are probably near death.
>> No. 175469
>> No. 175489
I've never played Animal Crossing. Only briefly watched other people play previous iterations. Debating getting this one.
>> No. 175516
It's sort of like Farmville meets The Sims Social.
>> No. 175590
File 137090878213.jpg - (101.45KB , 500x708 , dat.jpg )

>I've never played Animal Crossing.
Same here. It has been catching my attention for quite a time, but really, the only way I would be -definitely- interested is if they add a waifu system, that certainly would make everything more interesting.
>> No. 175591

Why not just play Harvest Moon or Rune Factory?
>> No. 175592

Because I already did, and I'm looking for... new frontiers...
>> No. 175597
because they arnt cute animals
>> No. 175818
Ugh. I hate microtransactions. I can barely afford a base game and console.

Glad there isn't any "waifu" system either, I avoid anything with a dating aspect to it. Besides, all the characters are, well, animals. If I want a virtual love interest, they have to be human.
>> No. 175823
See, this is why you shouldn't believe things Moe says when he's in full Troll Mode--there are similarities in the gameplay to those two, but this is not a Social Game in the same sense they are. It's not driven by microtransactions. It does encourage sharing and trading with friends, though.
>> No. 175826
>this is why you shouldn't believe things Moe says when he's in full Troll Mode
But he's always in full troll mode. It's best just to never take him seriously.
>> No. 175831
Moe is a cool dude so long as you are talking to him on Steam instead of on the board itself.
>> No. 175834
So why does he act vividly obnoxious here?
>> No. 175876
I'm so fenced; I wanted to get this game, but I also want to save money for other games later. I even put on my clothes to go out and buy it before deciding not to. The indecision is killing me.

This is generally true.
I'm the hero this board needs, though not the hero it deserves.
>> No. 175877
File 137102774919.png - (260.87KB , 424x493 , hehehe.png )
Get it. Or else.
>> No. 175880
File 137103271820.png - (301.01KB , 500x667 , A1m8Ox6[1].png )
>> No. 175890
I'm decided to get it asap, even if this means not getting the fancy Muramasa pack for vita or the nice Project X Zone booklet when I get it.

Also, JUNK-sama provided me with a guide for newcomers.
>> No. 175896
Ok could you guys explain Animal Crossing to me? I never really got it. It seems like all you do is menial chores and tasks to get money you then use to buy items that you hoard because everything is part of some collectible set.
>> No. 175898
Have there been any Pokémon items in the games? I remember the Diamond/Pearl Underground had a sort of Animal Crossing-like lounge where you could put a couch and some giant Pokémon plushies.
>> No. 175904
I kind of don't like it... It feels like every gameplay improvement they made was met with something else that is going to take getting used to... And I still really don't like the 3DS thumbstick, why can't I use the D-pad for anything in any game? What is it there for?

Might raffle off my copy or something in the future, but I think I'm going back to Wild World if I want to play Animal Crossing any time soon...
>> No. 175924
>why can't I use the D-pad for anything in any game? What is it there for?
swapping out equipment without having to go to the menu. Makes catching fast rare bugs and shooting down balloons less cumbersome.
>> No. 175968
I only ever played the first one on game cube but you made money first to buy off your house. I guess it appeals in the same way as tamagotchis , you take care of things, make sure everything is in order and time flies.
>> No. 175969
I only ever played the first one on game cube but you made money first to buy off your house. I guess it appeals in the same way as tamagotchis , you take care of things, make sure everything is in order and time flies.
>> No. 175976
You also use it to control the camera indoors
>> No. 175979
All right, just jumped into the bandwagon, and I'm enjoying it.
>> No. 175980
Ok so pretty much it's a game where you collect things and do chores so you can get more money to collect more things.

As much as I want to feel included and be a part of a bigger community and all that and experience the hype; I just don't think this is a game for me. Thanks for breaking it down though. Hope you guys are having fun!
>> No. 175985

I need (non-pear) fruits you assholes.
>> No. 175989
I have some peaches, and maybe cherries in the near future.
>> No. 175997
Oh, right!
My friendcode: 4484-8121-1011
>> No. 176190
File 137136401960.jpg - (32.78KB , 400x240 , SWAGTASTIC ROOM.jpg )
>> No. 176196
Mines 1375-7190-9192
>> No. 176197
>> No. 176336
Meanwhile, Moses tell us why this game is fun times.
Geek & Sundry Application …youtube thumb
>> No. 176781
File 137196008481.jpg - (32.71KB , 400x240 , fXWRgbr.jpg )
I just need shoes that aren't red now
>> No. 176846
Broke down and got New Leaf. I am getting the Facebook game feel, but considering this series predates even MySpace, let alone Facebook, I'll let it slide.

I think if they did a spin-off in the art style of Kirby's Epic Yarn/the Yoshi one they're doing in the same art style, I could die of cute. Seriously.

ALPACAS. That is all. I like how the blue one has an Elvis bouffant.

Isabelle is the cutest.

Tom Nook is way nicer than fans make him out to be. His cousins/kids/whatever are fucking adorable, too.

I like how fluffy the wolves are.

I wish they'd done the New Leaf art style with Villager in SSB4. I like the taller style better.
>> No. 177176
Walmart and Amazon got in a strange little price matching war for it so New Leaf is a little over twenty bucks give or take your local taxes and local pickup on the Walmart website.
>> No. 177177
And finally, got a weather report on my bulletin board, telling me rains are going to be over. At last!
Now to wait for Phineas and all those delicious medals (I think I have two or three at least).

Too bad that's never gonna applyon any Walmart outside the US.
>> No. 177186
File 137273241664.png - (6.57KB , 328x366 , moogle.png )
>Tripping during my day off.
>Katrina is nowhere to be found.
>> No. 177197
File 137274495025.jpg - (54.78KB , 362x960 , 998988_10151566532754633_916698746_n.jpg )
>Each time you want to visit someone else town...
Every. Single. FUCKING. TIME.
>> No. 177231
File 137282547035.jpg - (22.83KB , 400x240 , kTV6o2b.jpg )
>> No. 177233
>The tissue
>> No. 177290
:0youtube thumb
Meanwhile, in a Beyonce concert, Pendleton Ward does the unthinkable...

>> No. 177320
File 137296671425.jpg - (23.00KB , 400x240 , BOWc1heCUAA2Xv8.jpg )
>> No. 177337
File 137299653266.jpg - (25.34KB , 400x240 , BOYXLB9CYAAXeaT.jpg )
Wow, Apollo stays up all night for no reason just like I do!
>> No. 177350
Apollo seems to be kinda cool.
He's right now camping at my town, though I haven't convinced him to move.
>> No. 177351
Don't go in my BASEMENTyoutube thumb
>> No. 177357
Animal Crossing New Leaf: Matt…youtube thumb
>> No. 177358
>Pendleton Ward
>> No. 177360
That just makes this a thousand times funnier:

He's really cool in the anime. And hey, yesterday was his birthday, he's entitled to stay up.
>> No. 177361
Cool Pizzayoutube thumb

oh that shirt. So envious.
>> No. 177461
>> No. 177474
Apollo is gonna more soon!
Too bad each time one of the neighbors gant to go I screw it and they decide to stay, not that I don't like them, but sometimes I need that extra space on the town.
But I wish I could find a way to get rid of Monty.

I wish I could visit her town.
>> No. 177828
File 137376927815.jpg - (26.51KB , 400x240 , BOvxHIeCYAAUDby.jpg )
My Dream Address is 4500-2201-8720
>> No. 177882
Damn, I need to get my museum expansion ASAP.
I was so focused to get 20k for the HHA that I've been delaying that too much.
>> No. 177885
File 137389668317.png - (280.10KB , 650x1033 , comic309.png )
Every. Single. Time.
>> No. 177900
File 137393023598.jpg - (38.10KB , 400x240 , BPP1OFsCUAAeJIc.jpg )
>> No. 177901
AwkwardZombie is pretty great. One of the few video-game webcomics that manages to still make me laugh every time, if not the only one.
>> No. 177904
Oh yeah, finally got my second floor, now I can have my top cellar arcade place.

Feel temped to make that my new flag.
Currently, the Aperture Science logo holds on as my flag while I look for something better.
>> No. 177911
File 137394764882.jpg - (41.93KB , 575x240 , BPP0f6uCcAAbCl4.jpg )
It's the poster for my Mario Exhibit.
>> No. 177965
File 137408196677.jpg - (32.34KB , 400x240 , HNI_0054.jpg )
>Ignore it for a month.
>Start playing again.
>Instant addict.

Is it just me, or is money WAY easier to come by than in WW? Or maybe it's just that I know what I'm doing now...
>> No. 177972
>> No. 177975
I have a Blue Falcon, a kart, a baloon table, two varia shoes, a blue pikmin hat, a Mario mustache, a fire barrier, a trio of bananas and a fortune paper #24 I can give away.

I would like to check your town.
>> No. 177981
File 13741130518.png - (319.94KB , 375x500 , Why can't I hold all this why.png )
Does Animal Crossing Promote O…youtube thumb
>> No. 177991
god i hate that guy, ever since that video where he got tf2 trading completely he's just pisses me off
>> No. 178062
The Bug-Off is tomorrow!
And here are some tips to get the best stuff from Nat.
>> No. 178133
File 137437465979.jpg - (31.18KB , 400x240 , HNI_0002_JPG.jpg )
And once again, I am the King of the Bugs!
>> No. 178137
>catch two bugs 52 and 56 respectively.

>Forget to check for more till after six.

>Easy Victory.
>> No. 178142
One imagines getting the silver and bronze trophies to be very difficult.
>> No. 178149
I think I'll attempt that next month.

Fuck you Yahtzee I'm making up my own games.

Course just my luck I get something like a high luster and I get 80.
>> No. 178168
I have a Beardo as well.
He's not that bad, but he's quite extra special at times.

Also, I have a sick neighbor, adn I feel so bard for her.
I'll post a pic of her later.
>> No. 178172
Animal Crossing New Leaf - Problem Solveryoutube thumb
>> No. 178190
File 137457529543.jpg - (137.78KB , 500x623 , booker.jpg )
>> No. 178192
First neighbor moved out. Bit sad because she was one of the nicest in the area and I liked her paranoid ranting.
>> No. 178222
File 137469957373.jpg - (87.51KB , 600x671 , b33f9d3ba9db198609e36cef6576180c.jpg )
>> No. 178226
File 137470623611.jpg - (440.00KB , 500x500 , K009_proposal.jpg )
Sooo if I were to get just one Animal Crossing game in my current life, would this be it? Which one is the least grindy? Do thing happen in real time?
>> No. 178238
And now I want someone to edit Naylor's Dixie comic...
>> No. 178240
>Which one is the least grindy?
This is like asking which Call of Duty game is the least shootey.
>> No. 178246
New Leaf is the most grind friendly in that its easier to get the stuff. Also random map generation for the town and over 300 neighbors that could move into the area.
>> No. 178313
File 137488669331.png - (525.35KB , 800x480 , 1374883539960.png )
Trying to grind hardcore before Sunday.
>> No. 178323
File 13749088018.jpg - (59.64KB , 438x600 , watamote-volume-cover-1.jpg )
That uniform seems familiar...
>> No. 178324
File 137491231931.png - (453.03KB , 500x500 , neighbors.png )
Reminded me of the Lutece's suits for a minute.
>> No. 178325

That's probably because it's called "Mokocchi's Uniform".
>> No. 178335
I immediately thought of the Luteces, too. Been out of the loop on anime and manga for a long time, that might be why.
>> No. 178588
File 137538769810.png - (210.93KB , 500x602 , comic311.png )
Pretty accurate.
>> No. 178592
anyone got good turnip prices today?
>> No. 178599
I wish I had.
My prices always suck.
The highest one was 125 bells.
A friend of mine got lucky enough to get like 625 like two weeks ago.
>> No. 178642
File 137552724623.gif - (85.14KB , 480x405 , 1373903636142.gif )
So totally hip
>> No. 178647
Satellite High - The Bus Is La…youtube thumb

Somehow made me think of this.

It synches perfectly to the .gif.
>> No. 178655
Is ti me or there has been a huge change in prices for some bugs and fishes?

>> No. 178741
File 137579596878.jpg - (26.12KB , 400x240 , BQ8zHI3CQAAAZ0h.jpg )
>> No. 178754
If you ever wanted to go on a swedish pride paride in a game nows your chance!
>> No. 178811
File 137589750235.gif - (232.45KB , 400x499 , tumblr_mr2h81C9Gz1s86x9xo1_400.gif )
>> No. 178828
It's glorious...!

How can you get that one?
>> No. 178831
If your town is perfect for 15 days in a row.
>> No. 179401
File 137714839333.png - (186.70KB , 650x807 , comic315_zps1082ecd0.png )
>> No. 179616
File 137771177112.png - (362.10KB , 650x1620 , comic316.png )
And oddly enough, no one on her forums complained about that.
Probably someone emailed her about it.
>> No. 179618
It's a common fear.
>> No. 179655
File 137774337869.jpg - (784.68KB , 1278x1920 , coral.jpg )
>> No. 179710
File 137792725854.jpg - (26.59KB , 400x240 , HNI_0085_JPG.jpg )
Today was Hazel's birthday, and that meant fun times!
>> No. 179711
File 137792780140.jpg - (25.97KB , 400x240 , HNI_0084_JPG.jpg )
Fun times indeed.
>> No. 181075
File 138051223378.png - (191.76KB , 650x847 , comic318_zpsea475586.png )
>> No. 181083
File 138052023495.png - (127.53KB , 650x561 , comic320_zps077a0416.png )
>> No. 181185
File 138065330533.jpg - (406.93KB , 600x3606 , a989a262aaee0a98ae69cebdecdff8c4.jpg )
>> No. 181187
File 138065361618.jpg - (78.03KB , 600x757 , 4f3ffadd245265628cd6ddfb45c6513d-parks-recreation-.jpg )
>> No. 181188
File 138065393668.jpg - (541.66KB , 800x683 , 51d50768d3742.jpg )
>> No. 181190
File 138065631768.jpg - (24.58KB , 400x240 , BVfTlVuCYAA0TQa.jpg )
Oh Apollo, you are my favourite forever.
>> No. 181191
File 138065637339.jpg - (86.83KB , 720x480 , TV2013092520351600.jpg )
You're even chill when I haven't been around in a while.
>> No. 181192
File 138065645579.jpg - (86.75KB , 720x480 , TV2013092520340800.jpg )
Some villagers didn't take that as well as he did.
>> No. 181220
File 138068248645.jpg - (35.11KB , 400x240 , HNI_0062_JPG.jpg )
Dream Suite get!
It’s number is 5500-2923-8795

Happy birthday!
>> No. 181740
File 13819178724.png - (215.01KB , 650x834 , comic323_zpscc992f55.png )
If only the campground did just turn into the 10th house like that.
>> No. 181741
>The Campground public project is really a cruel joke -- you're more than likely to have a full town when someone comes to visit, and it makes it all the more anguish-inducing when it's someone you'd way prefer over whichever dumb idiot you've been pushing into pitfalls for two months.
Goddammit, that's pretty much me. Fucking Beardo.
>> No. 183868
File 138699825547.jpg - (30.72KB , 400x240 , HNI_0092_JPG.jpg )
>> No. 184315
Time for old school:

>> No. 184346
File 138793502017.jpg - (31.43KB , 400x240 , HNI_0015_JPG.jpg )
Merry Christmas!
>> No. 184360
File 138796949928.jpg - (27.01KB , 400x240 , BcUvQxfCIAAN7Gq.jpg )
I hope you got what you wanted
>> No. 184944
File 139020012476.jpg - (243.73KB , 750x353 , test_recycle.jpg )
Funny thing, I found this article on http://about.me/ericfarrow
Which I found mentioned by one of the people I met via street pass.
>> No. 185147
File 139102772346.jpg - (334.57KB , 650x794 , The D is silent.jpg )
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